Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Simple question:

Who killed, accidentally or deliberately, Caylee?
That's all I want to know.

Sigh. Okay, I know some of y'all are gonna stab me in the eye . . . but I'm gonna say it anyway.

Caylee killed Caylee . . . by climbing into the pool . . . alone.

What is the motive for the cover up? Is it simply that Casee had been living a life of lying and manipulation and denial that hiding the body was the natural next step? I can see that as a possibility.

The duct tape over the mouth and nose was to prevent the pool water from escaping? Thats learned knowledge, I wouldn't know to do that. So then I look to George.

Establishing that Casee had a long history of lying and imaginary friends assists the defense in that it would be difficult to say Casee went into lying/cover up mode post Caylee's dissappearance. Caylee gone missing was not the genesis of her mother's behaviours.
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Assuming (operative word) that both George and Casey both found Caylee dead in the pool, why is the burden more on Casey to have revived her than older wiser grandfather?
And how do we know that wasn't tried?
Or how do we know how long she was in the pool for?

Who knows. Maybe George knocked Caylee w/chloroform so he could have sexual encounters w/his daughter and subsequently, Caylee woke up earlier than planned and took her drugged up self to the pool and drown.
Maybe George was expecting Caylee to be asleep the whole time.
My point is, no one knows how long she might've been in the pool. She could've been in there for 20 minutes. Again my point: No mouth to mouth needed.

We simply do not know.

All we know right now, on May 30th is, this is one FUCKED up family.
Gotcha. So...I had a bad life. So I'm gonna go wrap tape around my 2 year olds mouth after she's dead and party. Um hm. Noted.

Wow Grace, you're just not getting this are you?

No one hopefully on the jury is ASSUMING Casey wrapped duct tape around Caylee's mouth.
That's PRE-TRIAL hearsay.

The State didn't even say that. They probably will in closing argument but they can't say it NOW without evidence to back it up.

They're in court. Not a local pub. They have to back their words up.

No offense but I am glad they didn't pick you to judge this trial.


In opening arguments, prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick said that the mother, Casey Anthony, 25, used duct tape to cover the mouth and nose of Caylee Marie, in the summer of 2008.
The duct tape found with the remains of Caylee was placed there by her mother with the intention of ending her child's life, Burdick said. Caylee's body was wrapped in a Winnie the Pooh blanket, placed in several plastic bags, and tossed into the swampy woods "like a piece of trash," Burdick said in her opening statement.
"Caylee's death allowed Casey Anthony to live a good life. At least for those 31 days (in which Caylee was missing)," Burdick said. CLICK
Establishing that Casee had a long history of lying and imaginary friends assists the defense in that it would be difficult to say Casee went into lying/cover up mode post Caylee's dissappearance. Caylee gone missing was not the genesis of her mother's behaviours.

Bu...bu....but......George has a long series of lies and Cindy has a long standing of denial.

Are we all watching the same trial? I am beginning to wonder.
Sigh. Okay, I know some of y'all are gonna stab me in the eye . . . but I'm gonna say it anyway.

Caylee killed Caylee . . . by climbing into the pool . . . alone.

If that be the case, then Casey is GUILTY because she was there, she had to of found her daughter, and instead of calling for help, she removes her from the pool and she hides the body (????)
Alrightyyy then!

But, that wasn't the question. The question was who killed Caylee? Whether or not I believe that Casey found the body or George found the body doesn't relate to the question asked. :eusa_shhh:

But somebody must pay for this child's death. And since the child is already gone, and you're saying she did herself in, we need to focus on the bitches and bastards that found her and did nothing.
Noooooooooo... Casey is not necessarily guilty. Neither did George Anthony try to rescusitate Caylee! Nor did Cindy take down the ladder. I heard her admit it on live TV--FOX News, to be exact. There's plenty of blame to go around here. But it was simply an awful tragedy...made worse by 3 stupid adults.
Gotcha. So...I had a bad life. So I'm gonna go wrap tape around my 2 year olds mouth after she's dead and party. Um hm. Noted.

Wow Grace, you're just not getting this are you?

No one hopefully on the jury is ASSUMING Casey wrapped duct tape around Caylee's mouth.
That's PRE-TRIAL hearsay.

The State didn't even say that. They probably will in closing argument but they can't say it NOW without evidence to back it up.

They're in court. Not a local pub. They have to back their words up.

No offense but I am glad they didn't pick you to judge this trial.

Somebody wrapped duct tape over Caylee's mouth, and then placed a red heart sticker on top of that. And according to the autopsy reports, which are available online, this duct tape was placed on Caylee when she was either 'still fresh or still alive' (that is according to the autopsy). Some of the duct tape was so stuck to the baby's hair, it didn't 'rot' off, like her skin and other things did.
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Noooooooooo... Casey is not necessarily guilty. Neither did George Anthony try to rescusitate Caylee! Nor did Cindy take down the ladder. I heard her admit it on live TV--FOX News, to be exact. There's plenty of blame to go around here. But it was simply an awful tragedy...made worse by 3 stupid adults.

Fox?? Lmao = Faux.
They are a joke dude.
Shame, shame, SHAME on Judge Perry!!!!! If convicted, can Casey get a new trial--because of the judge's refusal to let her defense team have its say???
Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful. (ALMOST as pathetic as the way CNN/HLN is spinning this one.)
Gotcha. So...I had a bad life. So I'm gonna go wrap tape around my 2 year olds mouth after she's dead and party. Um hm. Noted.

Wow Grace, you're just not getting this are you?

No one hopefully on the jury is ASSUMING Casey wrapped duct tape around Caylee's mouth.
That's PRE-TRIAL hearsay.

The State didn't even say that. They probably will in closing argument but they can't say it NOW without evidence to back it up.

They're in court. Not a local pub. They have to back their words up.

No offense but I am glad they didn't pick you to judge this trial.


In opening arguments, prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick said that the mother, Casey Anthony, 25, used duct tape to cover the mouth and nose of Caylee Marie, in the summer of 2008.
The duct tape found with the remains of Caylee was placed there by her mother with the intention of ending her child's life, Burdick said. Caylee's body was wrapped in a Winnie the Pooh blanket, placed in several plastic bags, and tossed into the swampy woods "like a piece of trash," Burdick said in her opening statement.
"Caylee's death allowed Casey Anthony to live a good life. At least for those 31 days (in which Caylee was missing)," Burdick said. CLICK

You're right. I forgot. I forgot probably because it's just a theory.
But you are correct.
Establishing that Casee had a long history of lying and imaginary friends assists the defense in that it would be difficult to say Casee went into lying/cover up mode post Caylee's dissappearance. Caylee gone missing was not the genesis of her mother's behaviours.

Bu...bu....but......George has a long series of lies and Cindy has a long standing of denial.

Are we all watching the same trial? I am beginning to wonder.

Not following your point here.
But somebody must pay for this child's death. And since the child is already gone, and you're saying she did herself in, we need to focus on the bitches and bastards that found her and did nothing.

Not all deaths take on a responsibility. Accidents happen. But people always want to sue someone for negligence though. A slip and fall. A botched surgery etc.

Why not sue the pool ladder company then? (Assuming she did drown).

What needs to be done is punish this whole clan for covering up her 'accidental' death.
They ALL belong in prison.

I like Writer's theory as to why there was a need for a cover-up to begin with though.

What if an autopsy (that would've been mandated) shown sexual signs on Caylee?
Perhaps George was one step ahead of Casey (seeing he was a detective) and knew no one can ever examine Caylee's body until it's either decomposed or better yet, out of sight (like in a kidnapping)

It's just a theory.

George is a snake. His infidelities proves that much not to mention his lies to his wife about monies missing from their bank account (in an 'email scam'????)
Establishing that Casee had a long history of lying and imaginary friends assists the defense in that it would be difficult to say Casee went into lying/cover up mode post Caylee's dissappearance. Caylee gone missing was not the genesis of her mother's behaviours.

Bu...bu....but......George has a long series of lies and Cindy has a long standing of denial.

Are we all watching the same trial? I am beginning to wonder.

Not following your point here.

I didn't take the right 'quote' out of your text. I'll need to go back and correct it.

I am new to this forum so bear (bare?) with me.
Shame, shame, SHAME on Judge Perry!!!!! If convicted, can Casey get a new trial--because of the judge's refusal to let her defense team have its say???
Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful. (ALMOST as pathetic as the way CNN/HLN is spinning this one.)

Oh I agree about CNN (as I said earlier about them saying Cindy is 'eloquent' and 'look at George with his Bible on his can't help but feel his pain' etc)

Fuck George with his Bible on his lap. What good is pointing that out if someone is Jewish or Muslim or Atheist listening to this????

I despise mainstream media (I only had on CNN while the Internet broadcast was on a break).

And I also think Baez is being very careful to keep his cool with Perry because he knows if he pisses off the Judge.... the Judge has the final say.

But there were parts where I couldn't believe the Judge was objecting. Like Casey's high school days. He objected based on relevance? It's very relevant as the Defense finally got that in.

CNN and HLN carried this story for 3 years as if they were rivaling the National Enquirer. Their 'news' station has definitely turned into an Entertainment channel.
People like that. Because most people are dumb. Just give them McDonalds and a TV and they're in hog heaven.
Gotcha. So...I had a bad life. So I'm gonna go wrap tape around my 2 year olds mouth after she's dead and party. Um hm. Noted.

Wow Grace, you're just not getting this are you?

No one hopefully on the jury is ASSUMING Casey wrapped duct tape around Caylee's mouth.
That's PRE-TRIAL hearsay.

The State didn't even say that. They probably will in closing argument but they can't say it NOW without evidence to back it up.

They're in court. Not a local pub. They have to back their words up.

No offense but I am glad they didn't pick you to judge this trial.


In opening arguments, prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick said that the mother, Casey Anthony, 25, used duct tape to cover the mouth and nose of Caylee Marie, in the summer of 2008.
The duct tape found with the remains of Caylee was placed there by her mother with the intention of ending her child's life, Burdick said. Caylee's body was wrapped in a Winnie the Pooh blanket, placed in several plastic bags, and tossed into the swampy woods "like a piece of trash," Burdick said in her opening statement.
"Caylee's death allowed Casey Anthony to live a good life. At least for those 31 days (in which Caylee was missing)," Burdick said. CLICK

Oh. Daydreamer is still foaming at the mouth I see. And tossing insults. *eye roll*.
I think I will just shine her on from now on since she's taking this so personally. Oh, and I'm glad she isn't on the jury. No further comment from me to her and I'm returning her olive branch. Damn thing has thorns on it.
Somebody wrapped duct tape over Caylee's mouth, and then placed a red heart sticker on top of that. And according to the autopsy reports, which are available online, this duct tape was placed on Caylee when she was either 'still fresh or still alive' (that is according to the autopsy). Some of the duct tape was so stuck to the baby's hair, it didn't 'rot' off, like her skin and other things did.

But for all we know it might've been George when he attempted to stage this as an abduction after he told Casey, he'd take care of things.
I realize we can speculate all we want but just remember:

George, Cindy and Lee refused to take lie detector tests.

Lee refused the paternity test.

I can almost see why they would not want the lie detector test (a part from them being liars but, maybe due to a false/positive reading) but why the DNA test? You can't have a false/positive on that one.
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Oh. Daydreamer is still foaming at the mouth I see. And tossing insults. *eye roll*.
I think I will just shine her on from now on since she's taking this so personally. Oh, and I'm glad she isn't on the jury. No further comment from me to her and I'm returning her olive branch. Damn thing has thorns on it.

Allow me to quantify my statement.

I am assuming (hoping)....all of you are approaching this trial devoid the rumors heard over the last 3 years.

I forgot (until recently reminded by another poster) that the State did mention the duct tape on Caylee.

So when you said the duct tape over her mouth as a 'cause' of death, I was taken back thinking you were pulling that up from the news.

I still think many of you are tainted, not surprisingly and not said maliciously either. I thought Casey was guilty as hell too. But I was able to separate speculation and suspicion at the start of this trial.

I happen to be the minority. I know. I usually am (thank gawd) But because I was the real minority in the OJ case too (and correct, as far as a conviction) I feel I am able to apply the same approach here.
So far.
I might change my mind at the end. But right now, based on what the State and Defense claim, I am on the Defenses side. Despite their ineptness.

And it's difficult (or let me say, disappointing) to see so many people have already made up their mind even before last Tuesday started. Because if anyone with any logic takes the time to break this 'murder' down, they'd walk away saying, something ain't right here. It makes no fluid sense. There are too many gaping holes in the story.
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Simple question:

Who killed, accidentally or deliberately, Caylee?
That's all I want to know.

Sigh. Okay, I know some of y'all are gonna stab me in the eye . . . but I'm gonna say it anyway.

Caylee killed Caylee . . . by climbing into the pool . . . alone.

Casey killed Caylee. It was an accident. However, instead of fessing up to the accident and coming forward with the fact that she overdosed her daughter, Casey turned to her best friend since she learned to talk. She turned to a lie. That is how she has live her entire life. Now that lie has turned into a multitude of lies, even to the point of calling her own father a sexual abuser. Casey is a liar and a muderer.
I realize we can speculate all we want but just remember:

George, Cindy and Lee refused to take lie detector tests.

Lee refused the paternity test.

I can almost see why they would not want the lie detector test (a part from them being liars but, maybe due to a false/positive reading) but why the DNA test? You can't have a false/positive on that one.

But he did take it, and it proved he was not the Father. Maybe he just wanted to be left the hell alone and resented the fact he was being looked at as a suspect or possibly being the Daddy of his sister's child.

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