Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

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    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

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  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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Not really. On average, if someone is sentenced to death, they sit on death row for about 20 years going thru appeals and such. Some die of natural causes before the are even put to death. So, death penalty doesn't mean your ass is going to the gas chamber tomorrow.

Yes. In some states the appeal of a death penalty verdict is automatic and required. There is even a specially trained public defender who is hired. However, in some states, the convict may waive the appeal.

Death penalty cases get some very strange results. And often. I recall one such case in TN in which the person had exhausted all of his appeals. Then he went psychotic. The plan was to medicate him so he could 'appreciate his punishment.' The defender didn't agree with this, so back to court. In the end, the courts held that it is most appropriate to medicate the convict who faces the death penalty so he can appreciate his punishment.

I think in this case there will be some surprises. There is, in fact, a reasonable explanation for the mother being so nonchalant after the disappearance. Most won't buy it, but some will. Sex abuse victims often have what is called dissociative episodes. It is entirely possible she was in a dissociative state and in fact had no recollections regarding her daughter. If she has had a psych work up, and I have no doubt she has, this or some psychotic illness will be offered as a defense.

Dissociative disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dissociative Disorders

Like I said, this case will have an O. Henry ending. It just isn't as cut and dried as many people want to make it. And I suspect that all involved on both sides are walking around nauseated 24/7.

I don't buy Casey was molested, never will. I don't see it and I don't believe it. She is saying that NOW, to try and save her ass- to hell with everyone else.
She would throw her own Mother under a moving train to party with a guy, I have no doubt, she is just like a sociopath, she only thinks of herself.
Yes. In some states the appeal of a death penalty verdict is automatic and required. There is even a specially trained public defender who is hired. However, in some states, the convict may waive the appeal.

Death penalty cases get some very strange results. And often. I recall one such case in TN in which the person had exhausted all of his appeals. Then he went psychotic. The plan was to medicate him so he could 'appreciate his punishment.' The defender didn't agree with this, so back to court. In the end, the courts held that it is most appropriate to medicate the convict who faces the death penalty so he can appreciate his punishment.

I think in this case there will be some surprises. There is, in fact, a reasonable explanation for the mother being so nonchalant after the disappearance. Most won't buy it, but some will. Sex abuse victims often have what is called dissociative episodes. It is entirely possible she was in a dissociative state and in fact had no recollections regarding her daughter. If she has had a psych work up, and I have no doubt she has, this or some psychotic illness will be offered as a defense.

Dissociative disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dissociative Disorders

Like I said, this case will have an O. Henry ending. It just isn't as cut and dried as many people want to make it. And I suspect that all involved on both sides are walking around nauseated 24/7.

I don't buy Casey was molested, never will. I don't see it and I don't believe it. She is saying that NOW, to try and save her ass- to hell with everyone else.
She would throw her own Mother under a moving train to party with a guy, I have no doubt, she is just like a sociopath, she only thinks of herself.

Promiscuity and sociopathy are two characteristics of those who have been sexually abused.
I thought the dogs hit on at least 2 spots in the Anthony's backyard in the beginning. One time was near the little playhouse that was there. If they hit twice, that would have to mean she was moved at some point??
Hell I dunno. But if the child drowned, why not simply pick up the phone and call 911??
Jesus H, that would seem like what any normal parent would do, panic or not, maybe there was a chance the child could have still survived...and if not, how was Casey to know this??
If she drowned, and Casey had of dialed 911, it would be a more simple manslaughter or accidental death look, she is facing the DP.

When there has been a death at home like a drowning or natural causes like cancer or respiratory failure, the best thing to do is call for an ambulance. Families of such people have at times been VERY traumatized by the police.

NO shit, ya think??
Most people would call for help, whether it be police/ambulance/Hospice/doctor, so if this happened here, with Casey, why didn't she call for some help??
She wanted to save her ass I'm assuming. Notice I said assuming, I don't know anything for sure in this case, hell--who does!
And I'm not sure how to comprehand why you have this case mentioned with those who suffer with cancer or respiratory failure, I don't get that??????
I lost my Mother to cancer, and cancer has nothing to so with this Anthony case.

They were just examples of times calling an ambulance would be appropriate. If someone came into my house with a gun and killed someone, I would also call the police.

Condolences regarding your mother.
In case clarification is ever needed, let me just go on record as saying -- I am not a Liberal . . . nor a Republican . . . not a Democrat . . . nor an Independent. I've always voted for the politician that I think is lying to me the least.

I am however survivor of crime. My only brother was murdered and his killer now sits in prison on a conviction of First Degree Murder.

I always thought it was hilarious that posters feel the need to announce this kind of thing. You've been here like 5 minutes..

Has something I posted hit a nerve with you? I'm even more intrigued as to why would you feel the need to address it? Is it too slow of a day and there's not enough board drama for you?

I would answer your statement, but if you're really interested maybe you should read the first 21 pages of this thread. In that maybe you will find the answer you seem to be needing.

And in closing, my usual response to a poster like you would be step the fuck off, however since it's a holiday, I 'll simply say after you pull that stick out of your ass, try to have a nice day. :lol:
Y'all need to calm down. This case is fascinating and sickening as well.
Maybe we all should chew some gum.

(wink wink)
In case clarification is ever needed, let me just go on record as saying -- I am not a Liberal . . . nor a Republican . . . not a Democrat . . . nor an Independent. I've always voted for the politician that I think is lying to me the least.

I am however survivor of crime. My only brother was murdered and his killer now sits in prison on a conviction of First Degree Murder.

I always thought it was hilarious that posters feel the need to announce this kind of thing. You've been here like 5 minutes..

Has something I posted hit a nerve with you? I'm even more intrigued as to why would you feel the need to address it? Is it too slow of a day and there's not enough board drama for you?

I would answer your statement, but if you're really interested maybe you should read the first 21 pages of this thread. In that maybe you will find the answer you seem to be needing.

And in closing, my usual response to a poster like you would be step the fuck off, however since it's a holiday, I 'll simply say after you pull that stick out of your ass, try to have a nice day. :lol:

Shine her on. This thread is not about politics. Its about a child's murder and trying to figure out who did it. Some will try to make it all partisan. Ignore it. And them.
I don't buy Casey was molested, never will. I don't see it and I don't believe it. She is saying that NOW, to try and save her ass- to hell with everyone else.
She would throw her own Mother under a moving train to party with a guy, I have no doubt, she is just like a sociopath, she only thinks of herself.

Promiscuity and sociopathy are two characteristics of those who have been sexually abused.

And your point is??
Those 2 things can't save a person's ass.
Promiscuity and sociopathy can be characteristics of MANY different things........they come up with just about every damn mental illness known to man.
There are excuses. People try to come up with shit like that every day, excuses, to get out of the jam they are in. Promiscuity and other words, they like to fuck around and are selfish.
I always thought it was hilarious that posters feel the need to announce this kind of thing. You've been here like 5 minutes..

Has something I posted hit a nerve with you? I'm even more intrigued as to why would you feel the need to address it? Is it too slow of a day and there's not enough board drama for you?

I would answer your statement, but if you're really interested maybe you should read the first 21 pages of this thread. In that maybe you will find the answer you seem to be needing.

And in closing, my usual response to a poster like you would be step the fuck off, however since it's a holiday, I 'll simply say after you pull that stick out of your ass, try to have a nice day. :lol:

Shine her on. This thread is not about politics. Its about a child's murder and trying to figure out who did it. Some will try to make it all partisan. Ignore it. And them.

I am somewhat amazed that a case like this hits the national media. In the not too distant past, you never heard about cases like this. They were strictly fodder for the local Bridge clubs.

Case in point: Perry March of Nashville. I am fairly certain that this grizzly case never went national. If it did, people sure forget fast because I've never run into anyone other than people in Nashville and a few ex pats residing in Ajijic, the fancy pants place in Mexico to which he fled, who have heard of him.
Promiscuity and sociopathy are two characteristics of those who have been sexually abused.

And your point is??
Those 2 things can't save a person's ass.
Promiscuity and sociopathy can be characteristics of MANY different things........they come up with just about every damn mental illness known to man.
There are excuses. People try to come up with shit like that every day, excuses, to get out of the jam they are in. Promiscuity and other words, they like to fuck around and are selfish.

Actually a person doesn't even have to be mentally ill to have these. The single criterion for a behavior to be classified an illness is that is causes problems in social and occupational functioning. I've seen MANY people, and no doubt there are MANY on here who have found sociopathy and promiscuity work to get them exactly what they want in their work and social life.

But all that aside, your argument fails. Fever occurs in many many illnesses. That alone does not invalidate fever as a symptom of a particular disease.
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And your point is??
Those 2 things can't save a person's ass.
Promiscuity and sociopathy can be characteristics of MANY different things........they come up with just about every damn mental illness known to man.
There are excuses. People try to come up with shit like that every day, excuses, to get out of the jam they are in. Promiscuity and other words, they like to fuck around and are selfish.

Actually a person doesn't even have to be mentally ill to have these. The single criterion for a behavior to be classified an illness is that is causes problems in social and occupational functioning. I've seen MANY people, and no doubt there are MANY on here who have found sociopathy and promiscuity work to get them exactly what they want in their work and social life.

But all that aside, your argument fails. Fever occurs in many many illnesses. That alone does not invalidate fever as a symptom of a particular disease.

That could be called Manipulation too.
And btw, I live in Tennessee, I have heard of the Perry March case. Not much, but I have heard some talk of it.
Actually a person doesn't even have to be mentally ill to have these. The single criterion for a behavior to be classified an illness is that is causes problems in social and occupational functioning. I've seen MANY people, and no doubt there are MANY on here who have found sociopathy and promiscuity work to get them exactly what they want in their work and social life.

But all that aside, your argument fails. Fever occurs in many many illnesses. That alone does not invalidate fever as a symptom of a particular disease.

That could be called Manipulation too.
And btw, I live in Tennessee, I have heard of the Perry March case. Not much, but I have heard some talk of it.

Semantics doesn't change the facts. Any person can have any symptom in the DSMIV - TR even psychosis and it is not considered and illness unless it interferes with social or occupational functioning.
And you have a video tape of this I presume, right?

Oh, you don't? Then how prey-tell do you know this?
You say "speculation"?
I see.

It's scary to know someone can be put to death based on speculation.

I bet you thought JFK was killed by a lone gunman too, right? (as did I).
Alas, 50 years later, what we 'speculated' has been scientifically proven, false!!!!
But who cares. Let's just kill Casey because the speculation really feels right. That's one less mouth to feed in prison, right?

hey stupid ass get off this thread if you dont know the facts!!!.people who do and have been following it knows. and by the way it was in the news and if you dont follow it then shut the hell up..

I certainly hope you weren't directing that prepubescent-like post to me, were you?
"Stupid ass"? What are you?......twelve years old?

Facts? Show me the "facts" that Caylee was chloroformed by Casey with the sole purpose of knocking her out so her mother could go out partying. Show me, please. Or show me one witness. Because I'm afraid your opinion isn't good enough.

Here's the thing, this is NOT a slam dunk case. And unlike OJ Simpson, this is a death-penalty case. So you better back your hunches with FACTS. Hunches won't cut it.

The problem is/was, there is very little known about George and Cindy. In order to attempt to figure out why a person acts the way they do, one must start with the foundation. I am sure Baez has done his homework and although they cannot bring up certain personal things about their lives, he can certainly bring up 'FACTS" that will help substantiates Casey's bizarre behavior.

And so far, in only 2-3 hours of opening statement, all my unanswered questions (who, what, where and why) were at least touched upon.

I still need more. But if I were to rule right now?......she would go free for I'd rule this an accidental death. And because the Mother didn't report it, I would charge her with that offense but would factor in her time spent in the slammer then, call it even and send her on her way.

I would however at that point, charge Cindy, George and Lee with obstruction and either imprison and/or fine (heavily) all of them.
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I don't buy Casey was molested, never will. I don't see it and I don't believe it. She is saying that NOW, to try and save her ass- to hell with everyone else.
She would throw her own Mother under a moving train to party with a guy, I have no doubt, she is just like a sociopath, she only thinks of herself.

That's fine you don't believe it. It's still a free country (unless Patriot Act part IV was introduced while I was showering earlier but.....) here's what a lot of you are doing:

You are judging a person based on her behavior. Period. You see all these photos, and videos, and hear the tapes etc over and over again but very few are questioning WHY she acts this way.

Now whether taking that additional leap is too deep for some of you to plunge, that leap NEEDS to be done in order to understand this entire paradigm.

You can't fault someone for murder based on their outward (albeit: blatant and bizarre) behavior. Stealing, partying, lying and cheating does NOT add up to murder. What it does add up to is a very very troubled person. But WHY is she troubled? She didn't wake up on June 16th and just become troubled.

I care and want to take the time to try to figure out WHY she acted the way she did/does.
Much like when my alarm clock (let's say) doesn't work. I am the type who will take it apart to figure out why it doesn't work and try to fix the problem.
Not because I'm cheap but because I am curious.
I want to know why and how things tick (no pun intended) So although it is much easier to toss out that clock and just purchase a new one, I am too inquisitive not to at least try to know. And in this throw away society o' ours, I am probably a dying breed.
Most people want quick answers. Quick this. Quick that. No time to do anything anymore let alone, 'think' !. We leave that up to others (media/tabloids) to do that for us.

I will presume her innocent until I, me, TwoPhish hears/sees something to persuade me otherwise.
I wish more would do the same.
Well. Ok then, Twophish/daydreamer. Then Manson should be released too. Right?

Whoops. That's my other name on another forum.

Not sure if I can insert it but it's called Issues .

Ah, I just tried and I am getting an error message saying I need to post 15 times in order to include an URL. Oh well. But yeah, TwoPhish is my other handle.
Well. Ok then, Twophish/daydreamer. Then Manson should be released too. Right?

If you're referring to Charles Manson....funny you should mention that. The man NEVER killed anyone. Never.
I am not saying he's someone I'd want to live next door to but a lot of people don't realize he's in prison due to his (evil?) power.

But let's not segue to0 much off topic here. One basket case (casey) is enough to handle right now.
That's fine you don't believe it. It's still a free country (unless Patriot Act part IV was introduced while I was showering earlier but.....) here's what a lot of you are doing:

You are judging a person based on her behavior. Period. You see all these photos, and videos, and hear the tapes etc over and over again but very few are questioning WHY she acts this way.

Now whether taking that additional leap is too deep for some of you to plunge, that leap NEEDS to be done in order to understand this entire paradigm.

You can't fault someone for murder based on their outward (albeit: blatant and bizarre) behavior. Stealing, partying, lying and cheating does NOT add up to murder. What it does add up to is a very very troubled person. But WHY is she troubled? She didn't wake up on June 16th and just become troubled.

I care and want to take the time to try to figure out WHY she acted the way she did/does.
Much like when my alarm clock (let's say) doesn't work. I am the type who will take it apart to figure out why it doesn't work and try to fix the problem.
Not because I'm cheap but because I am curious.
I want to know why and how things tick (no pun intended) So although it is much easier to toss out that clock and just purchase a new one, I am too inquisitive not to at least try to know. And in this throw away society o' ours, I am probably a dying breed.
Most people want quick answers. Quick this. Quick that. No time to do anything anymore let alone, 'think' !. We leave that up to others (media/tabloids) to do that for us.

I will presume her innocent until I, me, TwoPhish hears/sees something to persuade me otherwise.
I wish more would do the same.

You are correct in what I've outlined in red. My main questions and arguments have been with her behavior because if she isn't guilty of something, why act the way she does/did??
Nobody here can tell me, that a normal Mother would party that way, when her child is missing!
I don't care what mental illness people say she may have, if your child is missing, you would show some sort of worry, concern, would think anyway!
Her actions, for whatever fucking reason, make her guilty of something.
She knows damnit, she knows exactly what happened to that baby. Whether she did it alone, or had help, or her parents are involved, Casey Anthony knows!
Well. Ok then, Twophish/daydreamer. Then Manson should be released too. Right?

If you're referring to Charles Manson....funny you should mention that. The man NEVER killed anyone. Never.
I am not saying he's someone I'd want to live next door to but a lot of people don't realize he's in prison due to his (evil?) power.

But let's not segue to0 much off topic here. One basket case (casey) is enough to handle right now.

You mentioning that, makes me glad I don't live near you, you'd probably invite him over for a BBQ if he were released.

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