Casey Anthony

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I thought the dogs hit on at least 2 spots in the Anthony's backyard in the beginning. One time was near the little playhouse that was there. If they hit twice, that would have to mean she was moved at some point??
Hell I dunno. But if the child drowned, why not simply pick up the phone and call 911??
Jesus H, that would seem like what any normal parent would do, panic or not, maybe there was a chance the child could have still survived...and if not, how was Casey to know this??
If she drowned, and Casey had of dialed 911, it would be a more simple manslaughter or accidental death look, she is facing the DP.

Those are questions I've been asking all along. Glad to see you are considering other scenarios.
One thing that has yet to be asked, and it will be, is why a concrete slab around the pool was installed on July 4th. Cindy testified only that it was done so the "dogs could relieve themselves." What, they couldn't use the grass as always? And why that particular date?

:doubt: Wouldn't it be more interesting to know when and why they dug it up?

You're two years behind the ball :cuckoo:
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The fact I go back to over and over and over is that Caylee's dead body, at sometime, was in the family backyard.


Now, I guess one could argue that Casey was so extremely smart and savvy that she could kill her child somewhere else -- perhaps the theory of her drugging her in the trunk and then returning from a night on the town to find her dead -- wait a day or so and then borrow a shovel to bury her in the backyard, all to find out she couldn't dig a hole for whatever reason -- put her back in the trunk of the car, possibly leaving her in the trunk and then finally disposing of her body a few blocks up the road. This scenario would mean Casey would have had to open the trunk a mininum of FIVE times, with touching the remains at least the same amount of times. All of this movement and actions without leaving one shred of forensic evidence that ties her to the crime or the body. Not one of Casey's hairs. None of her DNA. In all that movement, not one fingerprint. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

So knowing these facts, I have to believe that Caylee's death occured in the family backyard. The dogs didn't hit on anything inside the family home. That means the dead body was never inside the house. George has testified repeatedly that he walked Casey and Caylee out of the house and into the car on June 16th 2008 -- and watched them drive off, never to see Caylee alive again.

Something doesn't add up. The dogs hit on spots in the family backyard.

There were no signs of trauma to Caylee's body. Death by drowning makes sense to me.

Two questions.

Is there anywhere else -- anywhere -- that a cadaver dog(s) had a hit on Caylee's body?

Has there ever been any mention of any drugs being found in Caylee's remains?

the duck tape with the heart sticker on it only the mother had they found in her house.she was always sticking her in the trunk with duck tape on her mouth so she could go party.and the poor lil girl suffacated becaues she stayed out to long the night she died.thats what i think happened.then let her rot in her trunk.she needs to rot in hell once she's found out of murdering her daughter.she was nothing but a party girl and could care less about the girl...

Whaaaat??? Sigh... I suppose in addition to all the mishmash of "facts" to contend with, there's gonna be a certain amount of gossipy theories that emerge as "truth." Pathetic.
the duck tape with the heart sticker on it only the mother had they found in her house.she was always sticking her in the trunk with duck tape on her mouth so she could go party.and the poor lil girl suffacated becaues she stayed out to long the night she died.thats what i think happened.then let her rot in her trunk.she needs to rot in hell once she's found out of murdering her daughter.she was nothing but a party girl and could care less about the girl...

And you have a video tape of this I presume, right?

Oh, you don't? Then how prey-tell do you know this?
You say "speculation"?
I see.

It's scary to know someone can be put to death based on speculation.

I bet you thought JFK was killed by a lone gunman too, right? (as did I).
Alas, 50 years later, what we 'speculated' has been scientifically proven, false!!!!
But who cares. Let's just kill Casey because the speculation really feels right. That's one less mouth to feed in prison, right?

That's been my bone of contention all along. The media (entertainment channels and MSM are equally to blame) have had Casey guilty as charged since this case became sensationalized, and of course with virtually NO media outlet putting forth the same arguments we are, she will remain guilty to the public at large.

As an aside, I thought O.J. was guilty, but I also knew that he would get off on reasonable doubt solely because of the glove that didn't fit his hand, which was the prosecution's best evidence. There's so much reasonable doubt in this case as to make a normal person's head spin. Everyone hated my O.J. opinion, too. Just saying.
Lee Anthony's first LE interview:

Interesting because here is what he has to say about the whole gas can fiasco:

LA: Exactly. Uhm, so Casey you know, they re...emerged with her, with the, with the
gas cans. But uh, when ! heard about the gas can story from uhm, my father
was that he said that someone had, because we have these little padlocks on our
sheds in the back. Uhm, typically we don't even keep them locked. Uhm,
someone had broken into the shed, taken the gas cans out, and uhm, he was
pretty sure that it was Casey. And then it was able, we were able later to find out
that it absolutely was. Tony said that Casey did indeed get the gas cans. He
didn't know that she had stole them (laughs)."

Lots of good court documents at this site:

Ummm . . . it says I have to post 15 times BEFORE I can post an URL. What the fuck, I say?

Okay -- y'all can find this and LOTS of good court documents at humble opinion forum dot net.
And you have a video tape of this I presume, right?

Oh, you don't? Then how prey-tell do you know this?
You say "speculation"?
I see.

It's scary to know someone can be put to death based on speculation.

I bet you thought JFK was killed by a lone gunman too, right? (as did I).
Alas, 50 years later, what we 'speculated' has been scientifically proven, false!!!!
But who cares. Let's just kill Casey because the speculation really feels right. That's one less mouth to feed in prison, right?

hey stupid ass get off this thread if you dont know the facts!!!.people who do and have been following it knows. and by the way it was in the news and if you dont follow it then shut the hell up..

Just provide a link to your "information" and we'll all be happy. Too much to ask?
And the defense attorney was really pushing Gorge about why, if he knew in his heart of hearts she was dead, why didn't he call the police. George told us he said a little prayer walking back to the trunk that it wasn't Casey or Caylee in there.

She has a very aggressive attorney and he is truly working on a George did it theory.

It's gotta be rough.

But it doesn't add up. The claim is George wanted Simon (the tow yard employee) to open the trunk with him to have a witness. But according to the defense George would know there was no body in the trunk due to his being the manupulator of the cover up. As Maggot...:lol:...tried to play at earlier the car has been established to have been in casey's possession the entire time up the to abandoning it. No one can place George near the car. To jump to that conclusion is wishful thinking

That theory alone is full of holes. Only those who desperately want him to be complicit so she can be sorta innocent are going to fall for that goofy logic

He was "near" the car the day Casey returned to the house to pick up some clothes. Casey opened the trunk, and also returned the gas cans. George Anthony testified to that fact.

Timeline of Events: Casey Anthony: Caylee Anthony
June 24 –
George Anthony calls the Orange County Sheriff's Office and reports that someone broke into his storage shed and stole 2 gas cans with about $50.00 worth of gas in them.

Later that day Casey allegedly shows up alone at her parent's house to pick up some clothes. When her father looks in the trunk of her car he allegedly finds the missing gas cans.

If a dead Caylee had been in the trunk, that was a week after the alleged murder, and the smell from decomp would have been evident then.
She stole because Daddy & Mommie had always paid for everything before. It was the first time in her life she had been away from home. She had also used the gas cans on other occasions, yet this time, "Dad" decides to call the cops.
Not quite. She stole becuase she didn't have money due to the fact that even though she was fully supported by her parents she lied for years about having a job.

She stole the gas cans due to the fact that she was lying to her parents about being out of town. She couldn't exactly ask for gas - again- if she was not in town now could she? He reported a break in because thats what happened. Only when she snuck back into the house thinking he would be at work did he confront her and she gave him the cans and lied about having told Cindy she took them. Use your head, if she told her mom as was the usual routing, why break in?

George Anthony's own testimony on Thursday (or Friday) was that he heard the garage door open, and then Casey came through the garage door to the entryway and into the livingroom. She did not SNEAK BACK INTO THE HOUSE.

Pay attention. Also, leave your fucking political hatred of me out of this, would ya?
One thing that has yet to be asked, and it will be, is why a concrete slab around the pool was installed on July 4th. Cindy testified only that it was done so the "dogs could relieve themselves." What, they couldn't use the grass as always? And why that particular date?

:doubt: Wouldn't it be more interesting to know when and why they dug it up?

You're two years behind the ball :cuckoo:

I was quoting (paraphrasing) precisely what Cindy Anthony testified to on Saturday. They laid concrete because they didn't want the grass anymore. On July 4, 2008. Next?
I thought the dogs hit on at least 2 spots in the Anthony's backyard in the beginning. One time was near the little playhouse that was there. If they hit twice, that would have to mean she was moved at some point??
Hell I dunno. But if the child drowned, why not simply pick up the phone and call 911??
Jesus H, that would seem like what any normal parent would do, panic or not, maybe there was a chance the child could have still survived...and if not, how was Casey to know this??
If she drowned, and Casey had of dialed 911, it would be a more simple manslaughter or accidental death look, she is facing the DP.

Those are questions I've been asking all along. Glad to see you are considering other scenarios.

I have always wondered about a great many things. The one thing I am standing firm on tho, is Casey is guilty. If she didn't delibertaly toss Caylee into the trunk and let her die, or even let her drown and try to hide the fact- she knew, she is the Mommy, and she knew exactly what happened to Caylee. She knows now.
George Anthony's own testimony on Thursday (or Friday) was that he heard the garage door open, and then Casey came through the garage door to the entryway and into the livingroom. She did not SNEAK BACK INTO THE HOUSE.

Pay attention. Also, leave your fucking political hatred of me out of this, would ya?

She thought he was not home, that he would be at work. She was unaware he had an interview that day and would be home. She claimed to be out of town, remember.

Political hatred of you?? Drama much :eek: you're dishonest so I treat you accordingly. That you are a liberal just makes sense in the whole scheme of things.
One thing that has yet to be asked, and it will be, is why a concrete slab around the pool was installed on July 4th. Cindy testified only that it was done so the "dogs could relieve themselves." What, they couldn't use the grass as always? And why that particular date?

:doubt: Wouldn't it be more interesting to know when and why they dug it up?

You're two years behind the ball :cuckoo:

I was quoting (paraphrasing) precisely what Cindy Anthony testified to on Saturday. They laid concrete because they didn't want the grass anymore. On July 4, 2008. Next?
In case you missed the point - again....SO WHAT? They did yard work eee-gads!
In case clarification is ever needed, let me just go on record as saying -- I am not a Liberal . . . nor a Republican . . . not a Democrat . . . nor an Independent. I've always voted for the politician that I think is lying to me the least.

I am however survivor of crime. My only brother was murdered and his killer now sits in prison on a conviction of First Degree Murder.
And you have a video tape of this I presume, right?

Oh, you don't? Then how prey-tell do you know this?
You say "speculation"?
I see.

It's scary to know someone can be put to death based on speculation.

I bet you thought JFK was killed by a lone gunman too, right? (as did I).
Alas, 50 years later, what we 'speculated' has been scientifically proven, false!!!!
But who cares. Let's just kill Casey because the speculation really feels right. That's one less mouth to feed in prison, right?

Not really. On average, if someone is sentenced to death, they sit on death row for about 20 years going thru appeals and such. Some die of natural causes before the are even put to death. So, death penalty doesn't mean your ass is going to the gas chamber tomorrow.

Yes. In some states the appeal of a death penalty verdict is automatic and required. There is even a specially trained public defender who is hired. However, in some states, the convict may waive the appeal.

Death penalty cases get some very strange results. And often. I recall one such case in TN in which the person had exhausted all of his appeals. Then he went psychotic. The plan was to medicate him so he could 'appreciate his punishment.' The defender didn't agree with this, so back to court. In the end, the courts held that it is most appropriate to medicate the convict who faces the death penalty so he can appreciate his punishment.

I think in this case there will be some surprises. There is, in fact, a reasonable explanation for the mother being so nonchalant after the disappearance. Most won't buy it, but some will. Sex abuse victims often have what is called dissociative episodes. It is entirely possible she was in a dissociative state and in fact had no recollections regarding her daughter. If she has had a psych work up, and I have no doubt she has, this or some psychotic illness will be offered as a defense.

Like I said, this case will have an O. Henry ending. It just isn't as cut and dried as many people want to make it. And I suspect that all involved on both sides are walking around nauseated 24/7.
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In case clarification is ever needed, let me just go on record as saying -- I am not a Liberal . . . nor a Republican . . . not a Democrat . . . nor an Independent. I've always voted for the politician that I think is lying to me the least.

I am however survivor of crime. My only brother was murdered and his killer now sits in prison on a conviction of First Degree Murder.

I always thought it was hilarious that posters feel the need to announce this kind of thing. You've been here like 5 minutes..
I thought the dogs hit on at least 2 spots in the Anthony's backyard in the beginning. One time was near the little playhouse that was there. If they hit twice, that would have to mean she was moved at some point??
Hell I dunno. But if the child drowned, why not simply pick up the phone and call 911??
Jesus H, that would seem like what any normal parent would do, panic or not, maybe there was a chance the child could have still survived...and if not, how was Casey to know this??
If she drowned, and Casey had of dialed 911, it would be a more simple manslaughter or accidental death look, she is facing the DP.

When there has been a death at home like a drowning or natural causes like cancer or respiratory failure, the best thing to do is call for an ambulance. Families of such people have at times been VERY traumatized by the police.
In cases like this, and the little girl with cancer who was killed, I just don't get why they can't find a burial spot a bit father away than their own back yard, or just down the road.

The most creative one I've ever heard was when some bad ass killers dug down next to a grave in a cemetery, then tunneled under it and put the body beneath the casket that was already there.
And the defense attorney was really pushing Gorge about why, if he knew in his heart of hearts she was dead, why didn't he call the police. George told us he said a little prayer walking back to the trunk that it wasn't Casey or Caylee in there.

She has a very aggressive attorney and he is truly working on a George did it theory.

It's gotta be rough.

But it doesn't add up. The claim is George wanted Simon (the tow yard employee) to open the trunk with him to have a witness. But according to the defense George would know there was no body in the trunk due to his being the manupulator of the cover up. As Maggot...:lol:...tried to play at earlier the car has been established to have been in casey's possession the entire time up the to abandoning it. No one can place George near the car. To jump to that conclusion is wishful thinking

That theory alone is full of holes. Only those who desperately want him to be complicit so she can be sorta innocent are going to fall for that goofy logic

He was "near" the car the day Casey returned to the house to pick up some clothes. Casey opened the trunk, and also returned the gas cans. George Anthony testified to that fact.

Timeline of Events: Casey Anthony: Caylee Anthony
June 24 –
George Anthony calls the Orange County Sheriff's Office and reports that someone broke into his storage shed and stole 2 gas cans with about $50.00 worth of gas in them.

Later that day Casey allegedly shows up alone at her parent's house to pick up some clothes. When her father looks in the trunk of her car he allegedly finds the missing gas cans.

If a dead Caylee had been in the trunk, that was a week after the alleged murder, and the smell from decomp would have been evident then.

Especially in June in Florida.
I thought the dogs hit on at least 2 spots in the Anthony's backyard in the beginning. One time was near the little playhouse that was there. If they hit twice, that would have to mean she was moved at some point??
Hell I dunno. But if the child drowned, why not simply pick up the phone and call 911??
Jesus H, that would seem like what any normal parent would do, panic or not, maybe there was a chance the child could have still survived...and if not, how was Casey to know this??
If she drowned, and Casey had of dialed 911, it would be a more simple manslaughter or accidental death look, she is facing the DP.

When there has been a death at home like a drowning or natural causes like cancer or respiratory failure, the best thing to do is call for an ambulance. Families of such people have at times been VERY traumatized by the police.

NO shit, ya think??
Most people would call for help, whether it be police/ambulance/Hospice/doctor, so if this happened here, with Casey, why didn't she call for some help??
She wanted to save her ass I'm assuming. Notice I said assuming, I don't know anything for sure in this case, hell--who does!
And I'm not sure how to comprehand why you have this case mentioned with those who suffer with cancer or respiratory failure, I don't get that??????
I lost my Mother to cancer, and cancer has nothing to so with this Anthony case.
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