Casey Anthony

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I am trying not to make this a focus, that is I am not really following this all, but I just saw a clip of a courtroom scene they showed a pic pf the caylees crib to her mom and the they panned to casey crying fitfully , woefully being patted on the back, etc etc etc…

Now, as a father, I don’t know about anyone else, but if my kids were out of my sight for 3 hours at that age, I’d be in a low panic, a day? Full on manhunt mode.

30 days? THIRTY days? Where was the tears and outrage then? This stinks, she knows who did it and why and agreed or did it herself, theres no third explanation.

Who knows if they’ll ever prove it, either way. I doubt it, but shes complicit.

The only reasonable, rational and so far: offered up explanation for no one in panic-mode looking for Caylee for 31 days is: Everyone KNEW Caylee was dead.

It makes logical sense. Because like you said, there is no other explanation why no one reacted, acted or panicked like a 'normal' family would.

We will find out the 'ways' of this family and their exact 'psyche' once this trial get's going. This was only the first week.
There are months to come yet.

Bottom line at this juncture is: Many of us don't disagree that there was a huge cover-up underway starting in June involving people, other than Casey.
DayDreamer brought up some excellent points.

George Anthony, being a former LE officer -- KNEW he should have called the police the very minute he smelled the smell he claims he did. He shouldn't even have opened that trunk until LE was on the scene.
His actions make about as much since as Cindy Anthony, a Ped Nurse -- NOT knowing her 105 lb daughter was nearly 8 months pregnant.

Something is very wrong in this case. Very Wong indeed.

BTW -- this gave me my first belly laugh of the day:

"If you think all of this is rational behavior (regardless if Casey killed Caylee or not) then you are all dumb-down brainwashed media washing zombies."
Oh, one more thing.

Okay again, let's all agree Casey is a pathological liar. Check. We all concur.
She also made LE look like they were on an episode of the KeyStone Cops with that wild run-around Casey put them on. Do we agree? I think we do.

So.......................why would LE all of a sudden start believing Casey? They wouldn't, right? I mean, they learned to take what she says with a grain of salt.

However, someone, somewhere for some unknown reason felt it necessary to run a paternity test on both her brother and her father!!!!
What kind of family has the FBI even CONSIDER incest?????????
They are certainly not just taking Casey's word on this.

There is more to this story and to this family than you realize or even, giving consideration for.

Oh and by the way, Casey told Jesse Grund back in 2005 of incestuous goings-on LONG before she and Baez conjured up a 'bogus' defense.


There had to be more than Casey's word for the FBI to get a Court Order for the DNA Paternity testing of brother Lee after his refusal to take one. I think Jesse Grund's interviews with the LE carried a lot of weight in this scenario. Could it be Casey gave them a statement about the abuse while in jail AFTER Jesse Grund brought it up in an interview?

And the 64,000 $ Question. Will we see a court ordered DNA Paternity test done on George Anthony in the near future?
It's very frustrating to try to make sense of long posts with abbreviations. Many of us don't do text messaging. Now I have to go back and read again because ever since the LE DT crap, I got lost.
Texas Writer, you write incredibly well. Not only because I agree with you but because your words just flow. There's an ease and almost an enjoyment reading your posts. Thank you

I have so much to say I just don't know where to start.
I guess I must preface this by saying, I don't make it a habit to side with a murderer. If I felt Casey had the ability, the motive, the means, the wherewithal, the hatred and unmitigated gall to do this to her daughter, I would've drove up to Orlando and held a picket sign too!

The fact is, I don't see any of those traits in her. Not a one. Sure, a good author to a great novel can tweak clues and insinuate motives but this is a real girl/woman, whom we've had the privy into observing her family.
And I tell you, once you take in all that the Anthony's have put out, a rational person is left scratching their head.

In all fairness to a fellow human Being, you MUST start from scratch. You MUST forget all that you've heard because all that we've heard is via mainstream media and tabloids. We can't start given them any weight because frankly, they don't deserve it. They're out for ratings/readers/viewers, not the truth.

I know it's hard to forget all we've heard for nearly 3 years but at least try to go into this with a fresh unbiased mindset. If you can.

Realizing George and Cindy aren't the ones on trial (not now anyway) you can't ignore them in this 'story'. They play pivotal roles whether directly concerning what happened that day or at minimum, why Casey is the way she is.

George has been caught lying about many things that probably won't come up during this trial. But if you do your own research, you'll be enlightened.
He lied to his wife about the where abouts of tens of thousands of dollars that were no longer in their bank account (no wonder they have separate accounts now).
He's lied about his employment in 2008 that, he never had.
He's lied (as far as I'm concerned) about having an affair while looking for his 'alive' granddaughter in which he started a fund for and kept the monies.

And Cindy. Well, where the HELL does one begin with her?
I guess it's easier working backwards.
She claims she just recently stopped looking for Zanny in the middle of March 2011???
I don't even have the words for that except to say, this lady needs constant medical supervision while living in reality or......she just reads/mimics whatever her attorney's puts in front of her. Either one. Take your pick because they both add up to a very disingenuous person. Whether on purpose or due to a mutant chromosome anomaly.

I think I'm done for now with Cindy. She just sucks the energy from me because I see SO many things wrong with her in all of this.
She may not have that deliberate intent like George has to deceive people but then..... we're only left to assume her reality quotient is dangerously off the chart and the People of Florida should file a class action and have her Baker Acted and off our streets. Because who knows, she may accidentally run over our small child and think it was just her belching.
First to Texas Writer--- tl/ a term that stands for Too Long/Don't Read *ha*
Seriously, if it takes an hour to read, I won't read it...but I read yours, you appear to a smart individual. :)

Second, and it may come as a surprise to y'all, but I'm not for the death penalty. In some major major cases where I know for sure somebody is guilty of a truly hideous murder, I may be for it, but as far as being a strong supporter of it, no way. And I have said I think Casey is guilty of this crime, and I still do. But I also have admitted there are many weird things that have taken place.
That being said, I hope she doesn't get the death penalty, but I do hope they find her guilty. After all, it is her on trial, not her Dad, not her Mom, not her brother. It's her on that seat alone. So whatever the jury decides, it's going on her. And I hope they give her LIFE in prison. She will suffer that way too. No freedom, no partying, no dancing, and no more children for her to give birth to, we can hope!
Sure, she may have cable Tv, eat some foods, have money put on her account, but she will not be free. She is a young girl, and being trapped in a cold damp cell with concrete walls and other female prisoners that probably hate your fucking guts, isn't going to be a guilty, with life, will make my day :)
And one more thing, people, you sit here and discuss how George acts all guilty of something, and Cindy acts all weird about some shit, but damn, do you know what they really feel???
How they feel inside???
Do you know what they are going thru??
No, none of us do!
But I can tell you this, and I have 9 grandchildren---9 of them, ranging in ages from 12 years down to 2 years, and if one of them came up "missing" and Mommy (my daughter or daughter-in-law) tells me she hasn't seen the child in over 30 days and she just now tells me, you can bet your home, your car, your fucking job, whatever you have-that I will be fucking going crazy looking for that child, wondering what happened to the child and wondering why the hell Mommy didn't come and say something sooner.
And I would be a basket case because I would be sickened to wonder what that baby girl's last days were like!!
I would not act should a grandparent act after thay have learned their only grandchild was dead?? Is there a proper etiquette for stuff like this?? Who the hell is the expert on that one??
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It seems both the prosecution and the defense, through their drowning theory, have proven that Casey Anthony is a habitual liar. But she appears to be more than that. It appears that she is a psychopath, which led to the death of a beautiful little girl. I honestly think that it was probably an accident. I theorize that Casey wanted to go out on the night and decided to use chloroform on the little girl. Unfortunately, she overdosed her and she died. But instead of admitting to a horrible error, Casey continued to lie. Rather than involuntary man slaughter, which she may have been given in the accident, she is on trial for her life. What a sad, sad story.

yes she is guilty and hope they dont let her go like they did with oj simmson.
The fact I go back to over and over and over is that Caylee's dead body, at sometime, was in the family backyard.


Now, I guess one could argue that Casey was so extremely smart and savvy that she could kill her child somewhere else -- perhaps the theory of her drugging her in the trunk and then returning from a night on the town to find her dead -- wait a day or so and then borrow a shovel to bury her in the backyard, all to find out she couldn't dig a hole for whatever reason -- put her back in the trunk of the car, possibly leaving her in the trunk and then finally disposing of her body a few blocks up the road. This scenario would mean Casey would have had to open the trunk a mininum of FIVE times, with touching the remains at least the same amount of times. All of this movement and actions without leaving one shred of forensic evidence that ties her to the crime or the body. Not one of Casey's hairs. None of her DNA. In all that movement, not one fingerprint. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

So knowing these facts, I have to believe that Caylee's death occured in the family backyard. The dogs didn't hit on anything inside the family home. That means the dead body was never inside the house. George has testified repeatedly that he walked Casey and Caylee out of the house and into the car on June 16th 2008 -- and watched them drive off, never to see Caylee alive again.

Something doesn't add up. The dogs hit on spots in the family backyard.

There were no signs of trauma to Caylee's body. Death by drowning makes sense to me.

Two questions.

Is there anywhere else -- anywhere -- that a cadaver dog(s) had a hit on Caylee's body?

Has there ever been any mention of any drugs being found in Caylee's remains?
I think it has to have been accidental because of their testimony. She's a lazy asshole who stole from everyone but she seems to have loved the kid.

She stole because Daddy & Mommie had always paid for everything before. It was the first time in her life she had been away from home. She had also used the gas cans on other occasions, yet this time, "Dad" decides to call the cops.
He called the police because the lock was broken off.......The boyfriend testified that he was the one who broke it with a tire iron from his Jeep.......I would have called the cops also if I found the lock broken....He had no idea at the time who broke the lock.

I don't recall during George's testimony on the storage shed/gas can issue whether or not he called the police back to inform them the cans had been removed by his daughter, so they could end their investigation.

Timeline of Events: Casey Anthony: Caylee Anthony
June 24 – Casey's ex-fiancé calls her in the afternoon to tell her he has resigned from the Orlando Police Department. He later tells deputies that he heard Casey reprimand Caylee for climbing on a table. He also claims he heard the young girl's voice in the background. *Update* - Casey's ex-fiancé now claims he is not certain if he heard Caylee.

George Anthony calls the Orange County Sheriff's Office and reports that someone broke into his storage shed and stole 2 gas cans with about $50.00 worth of gas in them.

Read the Burglary Report

Later that day Casey allegedly shows up alone at her parent's house to pick up some clothes. When her father looks in the trunk of her car he allegedly finds the missing gas cans.

Also, Casey had a key to the house and everything else; why not the storage shed? When was a lock put on it?
I thought the dogs hit on at least 2 spots in the Anthony's backyard in the beginning. One time was near the little playhouse that was there. If they hit twice, that would have to mean she was moved at some point??
Hell I dunno. But if the child drowned, why not simply pick up the phone and call 911??
Jesus H, that would seem like what any normal parent would do, panic or not, maybe there was a chance the child could have still survived...and if not, how was Casey to know this??
If she drowned, and Casey had of dialed 911, it would be a more simple manslaughter or accidental death look, she is facing the DP.
The fact I go back to over and over and over is that Caylee's dead body, at sometime, was in the family backyard.


Now, I guess one could argue that Casey was so extremely smart and savvy that she could kill her child somewhere else -- perhaps the theory of her drugging her in the trunk and then returning from a night on the town to find her dead -- wait a day or so and then borrow a shovel to bury her in the backyard, all to find out she couldn't dig a hole for whatever reason -- put her back in the trunk of the car, possibly leaving her in the trunk and then finally disposing of her body a few blocks up the road. This scenario would mean Casey would have had to open the trunk a mininum of FIVE times, with touching the remains at least the same amount of times. All of this movement and actions without leaving one shred of forensic evidence that ties her to the crime or the body. Not one of Casey's hairs. None of her DNA. In all that movement, not one fingerprint. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

So knowing these facts, I have to believe that Caylee's death occured in the family backyard. The dogs didn't hit on anything inside the family home. That means the dead body was never inside the house. George has testified repeatedly that he walked Casey and Caylee out of the house and into the car on June 16th 2008 -- and watched them drive off, never to see Caylee alive again.

Something doesn't add up. The dogs hit on spots in the family backyard.

There were no signs of trauma to Caylee's body. Death by drowning makes sense to me.

Two questions.

Is there anywhere else -- anywhere -- that a cadaver dog(s) had a hit on Caylee's body?

Has there ever been any mention of any drugs being found in Caylee's remains?

the duck tape with the heart sticker on it only the mother had they found in her house.she was always sticking her in the trunk with duck tape on her mouth so she could go party.and the poor lil girl suffacated becaues she stayed out to long the night she died.thats what i think happened.then let her rot in her trunk.she needs to rot in hell once she's found out of murdering her daughter.she was nothing but a party girl and could care less about the girl...
And one more thing, people, you sit here and discuss how George acts all guilty of something, and Cindy acts all weird about some shit, but damn, do you know what they really feel???
How they feel inside???
Do you know what they are going thru??
No, none of us do!
But I can tell you this, and I have 9 grandchildren---9 of them, ranging in ages from 12 years down to 2 years, and if one of them came up "missing" and Mommy (my daughter or daughter-in-law) tells me she hasn't seen the child in over 30 days and she just now tells me, you can bet your home, your car, your fucking job, whatever you have-that I will be fucking going crazy looking for that child, wondering what happened to the child and wondering why the hell Mommy didn't come and say something sooner.
And I would be a basket case because I would be sickened to wonder what that baby girl's last days were like!!
I would not act should a grandparent act after thay have learned their only grandchild was dead?? Is there a proper etiquette for stuff like this?? Who the hell is the expert on that one??

I appreciate your stance, opinion and passion however, I'm not understanding something.

You're saying if your grandchild was missing for 31 days you'd go crazy, right?
Why did Cindy wait for the 11th hour (or the 31st day) to start her search then? Because her lying daughter kept her at bay and then admitted her granddaughter was kidnapped?

Does a grandmother (such as you, I and Cindy) need an audible REASON---- why, all of a sudden, after almost 3 consecutive years of seeing a child----there's something wrong from someone else? Can she not problem solve on her own????
I would be curious to see Cindy's cell phone records and see how many times she tried calling Casey. (and how come no one called Casey back in that flurry of calls she made on the 16th????)

Back to Cindy though..........................
Why didn't Cindy start going crazy after the first few days?

We can't insert Cindy's 'denial' defense at random or when it's convenient Nor can we insert Casey "honesty" deficiency whenever it suits us either.

Facts are: Casey is a liar. Cindy and George could not have possibly realized that all of a sudden in the summer of 2008. Impossible.

Facts are: Casey and Caylee continuously lived almost 3 years (except for perhaps 24 hours period) under that roof.

Facts are: By June.....let's say 24th (for argument sake) this baby, who has lived under that roof, is missing for a week by now, so.....why isn't Cindy "going crazy" looking for her?

Are we to believe CIndy picks and chooses Casey's lies at will? Does she not have the ability to discern bullshit from delusion from common sense at all?
And if not (which looks apparent) then, you can't paint her into this 'normal grandmother" role then.

There is something very wrong here folks. The hard wiring within this family short-circuited a long time ago.

And according to Cindy's actions or acting, Caylee (despite holding her ashes) was STILL looking for her in the Spring of 2010. Just like she was still looking for Zanny in March 2011 (6 weeks ago)

Yeah, that's normal (eye roll)
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She stole because Daddy & Mommie had always paid for everything before. It was the first time in her life she had been away from home. She had also used the gas cans on other occasions, yet this time, "Dad" decides to call the cops.
He called the police because the lock was broken off.......The boyfriend testified that he was the one who broke it with a tire iron from his Jeep.......I would have called the cops also if I found the lock broken....He had no idea at the time who broke the lock.

I don't recall during George's testimony on the storage shed/gas can issue whether or not he called the police back to inform them the cans had been removed by his daughter, so they could end their investigation.

Timeline of Events: Casey Anthony: Caylee Anthony
June 24 – Casey's ex-fiancé calls her in the afternoon to tell her he has resigned from the Orlando Police Department. He later tells deputies that he heard Casey reprimand Caylee for climbing on a table. He also claims he heard the young girl's voice in the background. *Update* - Casey's ex-fiancé now claims he is not certain if he heard Caylee.

George Anthony calls the Orange County Sheriff's Office and reports that someone broke into his storage shed and stole 2 gas cans with about $50.00 worth of gas in them.

Read the Burglary Report

Later that day Casey allegedly shows up alone at her parent's house to pick up some clothes. When her father looks in the trunk of her car he allegedly finds the missing gas cans.

Also, Casey had a key to the house and everything else; why not the storage shed? When was a lock put on it?

Actually, I believe I read somewhere that the lock was actually put on the storage shed for Caylee's benefit. They didn't want her wandering inside and getting hurt on the tools, or playing with gas or possibly locking/lodging herself in somehow....makes sense.
I totally agree about the Grandmother. Can you imagine what George and his wife have been through? Their whole world has been shattered. They were lied to when they were looking for probably the most precious thing in their world, their graddaughter. And not lied to just once, but over and over and over. I can imagine them being defensive and, at times, volatile.

But I cannot imagine the pain within their hearts. It is no surprise George tried to kill himself. This is so very sad....

Sorry, but a sane and sober person would not have attempted suicide in the middle of such a quandary, leaving both his wife and his daughter to deal with the dreadful events that would follow. But a person might consider suicide if he had been responsible for the child's death in the first place, knowing that when the truth came out he would lose both his wife and his own child as well. Just my opinion, folks. Everyone is so quick to say Casey is a psycho; well her father is no shining example of a well-adjusted person either.
Sorry, but I can clearly see why someone would want to commit suicide......His grandaughter was dead, and the realization that his daughter did it was probably setting in.....It could most definitely drive a person over the edge.

Not to mention the fact, they had pretty much drained all their finances in the search....I feel he probably felt his life was over anyway......And, this is all on top of the fact that his marriage was in shambles.

Is that public knowledge? I thought they "had each other's back."

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