Casey Anthony

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It seems both the prosecution and the defense, through their drowning theory, have proven that Casey Anthony is a habitual liar. But she appears to be more than that. It appears that she is a psychopath, which led to the death of a beautiful little girl. I honestly think that it was probably an accident. I theorize that Casey wanted to go out on the night and decided to use chloroform on the little girl. Unfortunately, she overdosed her and she died. But instead of admitting to a horrible error, Casey continued to lie. Rather than involuntary man slaughter, which she may have been given in the accident, she is on trial for her life. What a sad, sad story.

For sure, a few posts back, I said the very same. I do believe the little girl's death was an accident.
But things could have went so much more smoothly, for everyone, if the Mother had only come forward.
I'm holding off on that for now........I want to see the duct tape and body evidence.....If there really is a heart sticker placed on that tape, i'm thinking murder......I'm thinking she placed that sticker on the duct tape in order to make that lil' girl think they were playing some kind of game.......From what i've heard up to this point, the same set of stickers matching the sticker on the tape, were found in that lil' girls room.
It seems both the prosecution and the defense, through their drowning theory, have proven that Casey Anthony is a habitual liar. But she appears to be more than that. It appears that she is a psychopath, which led to the death of a beautiful little girl. I honestly think that it was probably an accident. I theorize that Casey wanted to go out on the night and decided to use chloroform on the little girl. Unfortunately, she overdosed her and she died. But instead of admitting to a horrible error, Casey continued to lie. Rather than involuntary man slaughter, which she may have been given in the accident, she is on trial for her life. What a sad, sad story.

For sure, a few posts back, I said the very same. I do believe the little girl's death was an accident.
But things could have went so much more smoothly, for everyone, if the Mother had only come forward.
I'm holding off on that for now........I want to see the duct tape and body evidence.....If there really is a heart sticker placed on that tape, i'm thinking murder......I'm thinking she placed that sticker on the duct tape in order to make that lil' girl think they were playing some kind of game.......From what i've heard up to this point, the same set of stickers matching the sticker on the tape, were found in that lil' girls room.

Yes I heard the duct tape used on little Caylee was a match for the duct tape found in the Anthony home AND the heart sticker found on Caylee's little dead body, was also a match to heart stickers found in the Anthony home.
When I first heard about the heart sticker placed over the little girls' mouth, I was thinking it was definitely someone who loved her, who knew she was dead and who was disposing of the body, and the heart sticker was a way of saying I love you but I'm sorry for what I did.
But, that's just my lone might could mean so many different things.
The Duct tape is puzzling. If she did die accidently, due to an overdose, why the tape around the mouth? Did the child ride around in that trunk until her head began to part from her torso, so she had to use the tape? I don't know. I am very interested in hearing the Prosecution theory on that. I can understand the heart sticker, but why the tape if it was an accident.

Any ideas on that?
The Duct tape is puzzling. If she did die accidently, due to an overdose, why the tape around the mouth? Did the child ride around in that trunk until her head began to part from her torso, so she had to use the tape? I don't know. I am very interested in hearing the Prosecution theory on that. I can understand the heart sticker, but why the tape if it was an accident.

Any ideas on that?
I'm thinking, and the autopsy seems to confirm, that she murdered the kid by placiing the duct tape over the mouth and nose.......My theory, is that the kid was struggling for whatever reason, and she used the heart sticker to make it seem like some kind of game.

Either that, or she placced the duct tape on the kid after she overdosed her on chloroform, before she dumped the body to make it look like some sicko killed her.

One thing though. I thought the grandmother was a lil' nuts, until I saw her testimony this morning (Yes, they had half day testimony today) but, that lady obviously truly loved that child. The pure emotion coming from her was real. When they were showing the childs play things out in the backyard, that poor lady was ready to lose it.......I can truly see now why her emotions have come out in the past.
Florida is a death penalty State.

But because she is young white and kind of pretty.

I doubt she will be sentenced to death.

the media has to hate this story. I mean, a cute white girl....but she killed a cute white baby, so you cant feel sorry for her.

What a quandary they are in.
The Duct tape is puzzling. If she did die accidently, due to an overdose, why the tape around the mouth? Did the child ride around in that trunk until her head began to part from her torso, so she had to use the tape? I don't know. I am very interested in hearing the Prosecution theory on that. I can understand the heart sticker, but why the tape if it was an accident.

Any ideas on that?
I'm thinking, and the autopsy seems to confirm, that she murdered the kid by placiing the duct tape over the mouth and nose.......My theory, is that the kid was struggling for whatever reason, and she used the heart sticker to make it seem like some kind of game.

Either that, or she placced the duct tape on the kid after she overdosed her on chloroform, before she dumped the body to make it look like some sicko killed her.

One thing though. I thought the grandmother was a lil' nuts, until I saw her testimony this morning (Yes, they had half day testimony today) but, that lady obviously truly loved that child. The pure emotion coming from her was real. When they were showing the childs play things out in the backyard, that poor lady was ready to lose it.......I can truly see now why her emotions have come out in the past.

I totally agree about the Grandmother. Can you imagine what George and his wife have been through? Their whole world has been shattered. They were lied to when they were looking for probably the most precious thing in their world, their graddaughter. And not lied to just once, but over and over and over. I can imagine them being defensive and, at times, volatile.

But I cannot imagine the pain within their hearts. It is no surprise George tried to kill himself. This is so very sad....
The Duct tape is puzzling. If she did die accidently, due to an overdose, why the tape around the mouth? Did the child ride around in that trunk until her head began to part from her torso, so she had to use the tape? I don't know. I am very interested in hearing the Prosecution theory on that. I can understand the heart sticker, but why the tape if it was an accident.

Any ideas on that?
I'm thinking, and the autopsy seems to confirm, that she murdered the kid by placiing the duct tape over the mouth and nose.......My theory, is that the kid was struggling for whatever reason, and she used the heart sticker to make it seem like some kind of game.

Either that, or she placced the duct tape on the kid after she overdosed her on chloroform, before she dumped the body to make it look like some sicko killed her.

One thing though. I thought the grandmother was a lil' nuts, until I saw her testimony this morning (Yes, they had half day testimony today) but, that lady obviously truly loved that child. The pure emotion coming from her was real. When they were showing the childs play things out in the backyard, that poor lady was ready to lose it.......I can truly see now why her emotions have come out in the past.

I totally agree about the Grandmother. Can you imagine what George and his wife have been through? Their whole world has been shattered. They were lied to when they were looking for probably the most precious thing in their world, their graddaughter. And not lied to just once, but over and over and over. I can imagine them being defensive and, at times, volatile.

But I cannot imagine the pain within their hearts. It is no surprise George tried to kill himself. This is so very sad....

And the defense attorney was really pushing Gorge about why, if he knew in his heart of hearts she was dead, why didn't he call the police. George told us he said a little prayer walking back to the trunk that it wasn't Casey or Caylee in there.

She has a very aggressive attorney and he is truly working on a George did it theory.

It's gotta be rough.
The Duct tape is puzzling. If she did die accidently, due to an overdose, why the tape around the mouth? Did the child ride around in that trunk until her head began to part from her torso, so she had to use the tape? I don't know. I am very interested in hearing the Prosecution theory on that. I can understand the heart sticker, but why the tape if it was an accident.

Any ideas on that?
I'm thinking, and the autopsy seems to confirm, that she murdered the kid by placiing the duct tape over the mouth and nose.......My theory, is that the kid was struggling for whatever reason, and she used the heart sticker to make it seem like some kind of game.

Either that, or she placced the duct tape on the kid after she overdosed her on chloroform, before she dumped the body to make it look like some sicko killed her.

One thing though. I thought the grandmother was a lil' nuts, until I saw her testimony this morning (Yes, they had half day testimony today) but, that lady obviously truly loved that child. The pure emotion coming from her was real. When they were showing the childs play things out in the backyard, that poor lady was ready to lose it.......I can truly see now why her emotions have come out in the past.

The hosts were saying today that the parade of friends are done and forensics is next. Once we get into that a lot more will be revealed for the jury. I'm kind of worried about Cindy's testimony because she is going to get so emotional.

I recorded the session from Saturday, I didn't know she testified so I'm taking the time to sift through it all to find it.
Cindy's testimony was great. Casey was really pissed when her mom walked out without looking at her. I found this body language blog that's pretty good:

Dr. Lillian Glass Body Language Blog

This was a good blog- and I agree with the last few posts, these poor Grandparents have been thru hell. They lost their only grandchild and may now lose their daughter. The thoughts that must be whirling in their heads. I, as a grandparent, I would want to grab my child by the neck and shake the piss out of her and ask her where is that baby??
I know they are hurting.
I had doubts about Cindy in the past, but she is really showing credibility now. I just can't see either of these Grandparents hurting this little way.
The Duct tape is puzzling. If she did die accidently, due to an overdose, why the tape around the mouth? Did the child ride around in that trunk until her head began to part from her torso, so she had to use the tape? I don't know. I am very interested in hearing the Prosecution theory on that. I can understand the heart sticker, but why the tape if it was an accident.

Any ideas on that?

I wondered that too, because they were saying she drugged her slightly to make her sleep, so she could go party. So where does the duct tape come in??
The only thought I had, was after the child was discovered dead, the killer panicked and decided to make it look like a different type of killing, like maybe she had been kidnapped and someone used duct tape to silence her.
I don't believe they ever have come up with a cause of death tho (am I right??) because the body was so badly decomposed. The said they could tell there were no cut marks or stab wounds on her body/bones, but they couldn't tell if she had been strangled or suffocated.
I am trying not to make this a focus, that is I am not really following this all, but I just saw a clip of a courtroom scene they showed a pic pf the caylees crib to her mom and the they panned to casey crying fitfully , woefully being patted on the back, etc etc etc…

Now, as a father, I don’t know about anyone else, but if my kids were out of my sight for 3 hours at that age, I’d be in a low panic, a day? Full on manhunt mode.

30 days? THIRTY days? Where was the tears and outrage then? This stinks, she knows who did it and why and agreed or did it herself, theres no third explanation.

Who knows if they’ll ever prove it, either way. I doubt it, but shes complicit.

I agree she knows who did it, and she also knew Caylee was dead all during that time. The $64 million question is why did she cover it up? If it was an accident, she would have been "rid of the child who as in her way of partying" (as alleged by the prosecution and the armchair critics) and that would be it. An accident. There's no way in hell that woman could have intentionally killed her own child, especially in a mother-child relationship that has been proven over and over again to be profoundly tender and loving.
It seems both the prosecution and the defense, through their drowning theory, have proven that Casey Anthony is a habitual liar. But she appears to be more than that. It appears that she is a psychopath, which led to the death of a beautiful little girl. I honestly think that it was probably an accident. I theorize that Casey wanted to go out on the night and decided to use chloroform on the little girl. Unfortunately, she overdosed her and she died. But instead of admitting to a horrible error, Casey continued to lie. Rather than involuntary man slaughter, which she may have been given in the accident, she is on trial for her life. What a sad, sad story.

Yup. Sounds like a movie script all right. But this ain't the movies, and Casey has not been proven to be a psychopath, nor that she used chloroform. What we DO know is that she lived with her parents her entire life, who coddled and babied her right up through and including after the birth of her child, then they coddled and babied BOTH Casey and Caylee.

In testimony by Cindy Anthony yesterday, she said that they had added more Winnie The Pooh decorations to Casey's bedroom, which had had that decor since she was sixteen. SIXTEEN??????!!!!
No shit Ms. Maggot. I was being sarcastic to you, I'm sure you are used to it by now, hell with the way you talk to people, it's a wonder anyone thinks you even have a brain.
I'm nobody's sweetheart tho for the record, so you can take the tongue :up_yours:

Look, when someone who has been a member of this board less than a month starts in with this kind of comment (although it wasn't even in response to me), somebody needs to set your ass straight that you don't OWN this board just because you THINK you're right about something. I never, ever start off by giving anyone a lashing. When I do, it is always in response to something like this, where you ask for it:

Dabs said:
For fuck's sake, are you for real??
I'm looking around for a fucking camera, thinking someone planted you here, to totally mess with our minds . There is no way I see it that way. OMG, I hope you don't have any plans on being any kind of attorney or anything in the legal field, cause your logic sucks.

I never said I owned the board, and I don't believe I have acted as tho I do.
When I made the post you are referring to-yes it was not made at you- I was stating a fact, and I am a blunt honest person, tell it like I would tell it to your face.
The person who wrote this long lengthy post out about what she thinks happened, it was a joke!
I can't see how anyone in their right mind could believe the story she concocted, and thus is why I made the comment about the camera being somewhere.
I don't give a shit if you liked the comment or not, cause I don't give a shit if you like me or not. Are you the owner of the board??
And btw, guess who is not a watcher of FOX news--me! So your facts were again wrong there.
But anyway, Ms. Maggot, if you still feel like you have the gusto, lash out some more, I can take it! :asshole:

Says you. The person, like me, is entitled to an opinion. Why just like YOU!
Imagine that...
It seems both the prosecution and the defense, through their drowning theory, have proven that Casey Anthony is a habitual liar. But she appears to be more than that. It appears that she is a psychopath, which led to the death of a beautiful little girl. I honestly think that it was probably an accident. I theorize that Casey wanted to go out on the night and decided to use chloroform on the little girl. Unfortunately, she overdosed her and she died. But instead of admitting to a horrible error, Casey continued to lie. Rather than involuntary man slaughter, which she may have been given in the accident, she is on trial for her life. What a sad, sad story.

I think it has to have been accidental because of their testimony. She's a lazy asshole who stole from everyone but she seems to have loved the kid.

She stole because Daddy & Mommie had always paid for everything before. It was the first time in her life she had been away from home. She had also used the gas cans on other occasions, yet this time, "Dad" decides to call the cops.
It seems both the prosecution and the defense, through their drowning theory, have proven that Casey Anthony is a habitual liar. But she appears to be more than that. It appears that she is a psychopath, which led to the death of a beautiful little girl. I honestly think that it was probably an accident. I theorize that Casey wanted to go out on the night and decided to use chloroform on the little girl. Unfortunately, she overdosed her and she died. But instead of admitting to a horrible error, Casey continued to lie. Rather than involuntary man slaughter, which she may have been given in the accident, she is on trial for her life. What a sad, sad story.

For sure, a few posts back, I said the very same. I do believe the little girl's death was an accident.
But things could have went so much more smoothly, for everyone, if the Mother had only come forward.

No-one else but the Anthony's has refused to take a lie-detector test. Why didn't Cindy George and Lee give a Polygraph?
For sure, a few posts back, I said the very same. I do believe the little girl's death was an accident.
But things could have went so much more smoothly, for everyone, if the Mother had only come forward.
I'm holding off on that for now........I want to see the duct tape and body evidence.....If there really is a heart sticker placed on that tape, i'm thinking murder......I'm thinking she placed that sticker on the duct tape in order to make that lil' girl think they were playing some kind of game.......From what i've heard up to this point, the same set of stickers matching the sticker on the tape, were found in that lil' girls room.

Yes I heard the duct tape used on little Caylee was a match for the duct tape found in the Anthony home AND the heart sticker found on Caylee's little dead body, was also a match to heart stickers found in the Anthony home.
When I first heard about the heart sticker placed over the little girls' mouth, I was thinking it was definitely someone who loved her, who knew she was dead and who was disposing of the body, and the heart sticker was a way of saying I love you but I'm sorry for what I did.
But, that's just my lone might could mean so many different things.

So I guess nobody else living in the Anthony house had access to those stickers, and nobody else played with Caylee using stickers.
The Duct tape is puzzling. If she did die accidently, due to an overdose, why the tape around the mouth? Did the child ride around in that trunk until her head began to part from her torso, so she had to use the tape? I don't know. I am very interested in hearing the Prosecution theory on that. I can understand the heart sticker, but why the tape if it was an accident.

Any ideas on that?
I'm thinking, and the autopsy seems to confirm, that she murdered the kid by placiing the duct tape over the mouth and nose.......My theory, is that the kid was struggling for whatever reason, and she used the heart sticker to make it seem like some kind of game.

Either that, or she placced the duct tape on the kid after she overdosed her on chloroform, before she dumped the body to make it look like some sicko killed her.

One thing though. I thought the grandmother was a lil' nuts, until I saw her testimony this morning (Yes, they had half day testimony today) but, that lady obviously truly loved that child. The pure emotion coming from her was real. When they were showing the childs play things out in the backyard, that poor lady was ready to lose it.......I can truly see now why her emotions have come out in the past.

I also think that Cindy Anthony is a credible person, so far. George, not so much. They all loved the child, no doubt about it. But I'm still going to presume it was an accident, and that the heart sticker was the last sorrowful act of whomever was responsible. The duct tape was there just to keep it in place.
The Duct tape is puzzling. If she did die accidently, due to an overdose, why the tape around the mouth? Did the child ride around in that trunk until her head began to part from her torso, so she had to use the tape? I don't know. I am very interested in hearing the Prosecution theory on that. I can understand the heart sticker, but why the tape if it was an accident.

Any ideas on that?
I'm thinking, and the autopsy seems to confirm, that she murdered the kid by placiing the duct tape over the mouth and nose.......My theory, is that the kid was struggling for whatever reason, and she used the heart sticker to make it seem like some kind of game.

Either that, or she placced the duct tape on the kid after she overdosed her on chloroform, before she dumped the body to make it look like some sicko killed her.

One thing though. I thought the grandmother was a lil' nuts, until I saw her testimony this morning (Yes, they had half day testimony today) but, that lady obviously truly loved that child. The pure emotion coming from her was real. When they were showing the childs play things out in the backyard, that poor lady was ready to lose it.......I can truly see now why her emotions have come out in the past.

I totally agree about the Grandmother. Can you imagine what George and his wife have been through? Their whole world has been shattered. They were lied to when they were looking for probably the most precious thing in their world, their graddaughter. And not lied to just once, but over and over and over. I can imagine them being defensive and, at times, volatile.

But I cannot imagine the pain within their hearts. It is no surprise George tried to kill himself. This is so very sad....

Sorry, but a sane and sober person would not have attempted suicide in the middle of such a quandary, leaving both his wife and his daughter to deal with the dreadful events that would follow. But a person might consider suicide if he had been responsible for the child's death in the first place, knowing that when the truth came out he would lose both his wife and his own child as well. Just my opinion, folks. Everyone is so quick to say Casey is a psycho; well her father is no shining example of a well-adjusted person either.
Another thing I found odd during yesterday's testimony was when Lazzaro was describing what happened when Casey's mother, Cindy, arrived at his apartment and then again later with the police. The police returned twice after that, the first time to retrieve Casey's cell phone, and the second time (presumably with a warrant) to search Lazzaro's apartment. But they didn't find anything. Then later that same evening, Lee Anthony arrived at the Lazzaro apartment to retrieve Casey's laptop. Why on earth didn't the cops take it? And why was it so all-fired important to Lee that he had to personally go and get it (obtaining "directions" to the apartment from the police).

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