Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

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    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

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I try not to judge her, even though she appears guilty. Let her have her day in court.

Very nice, and a great statement.
I have said I think she is guilty, but I do agree, let her get it to the jury, it will be up to them to decide.
And if they find her not quilty?

This trial so far is a farce. The defense is trying her father, not her.
And if they find her not quilty?

This trial so far is a farce. The defense is trying her father, not her.

I haven't been able to watch all of it, or all that I've wanted to.
I stay so busy, I can only catch a small tidbit here and there and I'm on the go again *sigh*
Today after their lunch break, I saw that one guy on the stand, the one who smelled the decomposition odor.
But some of the other times I catch a glimpse, they are trying George it would seem. I don't buy into the molestation thing.
And if they find her not quilty?

This trial so far is a farce. The defense is trying her father, not her.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Desperate times for the bottomfeeding defense attorney that needs to pretend that they are earning their pay. Isn't it disgusting how these Lawyers will be the only ones who financially capitalize off of this little girls death? It's enough to make any good person puke. ~BH
And if they find her not quilty?

This trial so far is a farce. The defense is trying her father, not her.

I haven't been able to watch all of it, or all that I've wanted to.
I stay so busy, I can only catch a small tidbit here and there and I'm on the go again *sigh*
Today after their lunch break, I saw that one guy on the stand, the one who smelled the decomposition odor.
But some of the other times I catch a glimpse, they are trying George it would seem. I don't buy into the molestation thing.

I don't think reasonable people will. Baez is hoping his lying clients lies will be believed when the lie is in her favor :lol: The timeline works against him. If she is so under his control, how could she have fooled him for so long?
So? Who put the body in the trunk is the question.

I dunno..maybe you did!

lol...Baez failed to put the car in George's possession in the 30 days. Win for the prosecution.

It only occurred to me yesterday that it's possible casey drove around for a while with the Caylee until she smelled too bad.

That's where my thoughts were too. It had to have been bad to put up with the smell, for whomever was the driver.
And if George didn't have possession of the car in the 30 days, oh boy, who does that leave?? :lol:
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I dunno..maybe you did!

lol...Baez failed to put the car in George's possession in the 30 days. Win for the prosecution.

It only occurred to me yesterday that it's possible casey drove around for a while with the Caylee until she smelled too bad.

That's where my thoughts were too. It had to have been bad to put up with the smell, for whomever was the driver.
And if Geogre didn't have possession of the car in the 30 days, oh boy, who does that leave?? :lol:
I loved the prosecutors "hypothetical" re-direct. ZING!
did the judge just say "...the next logical question is why didn't she kill her parents?" i am not sure i heard correctly.

That was hilarious. The prosecutor (and no, Dabbie, I'm not going to attempt to keep all the names straight) had tried to admit as evidence transcripts of text messages attempting to prove once and for all that Casey wanted to move out. (After 22 years of parental control, like who wouldn't?). At which time the Judge implied using that logic, "Then why didn't she just kill her parents--why the baby"?? An embarrassing moment for the prosecutor, and a delicious moment for the defense. Because...yes, why not?

Ok, what's this?? am I Dabbie now??
Since when are you alllowed to change our user names for us?? :lol:
Ok, I can play too....I shall call you, MaggieMaggot.

I've been called worse, sweetheart. Is it okay if I call you "sweetheart" with tongue in cheek? You can't change a user name if you are copying that person's post into yours. That part's a no-brainer.
I dunno..maybe you did!

lol...Baez failed to put the car in George's possession in the 30 days. Win for the prosecution.

It only occurred to me yesterday that it's possible casey drove around for a while with the Caylee until she smelled too bad.

That's where my thoughts were too. It had to have been bad to put up with the smell, for whomever was the driver.
And if George didn't have possession of the car in the 30 days, oh boy, who does that leave?? :lol:

And we know he didn't have possession of the car how? By his say-so? The body could have been decomposing elsewhere and PUT in the trunk at some point.

Once again, all of this is circumstantial evidence; there is zero proof of responsibility for any of these actions. Yet.
That was hilarious. The prosecutor (and no, Dabbie, I'm not going to attempt to keep all the names straight) had tried to admit as evidence transcripts of text messages attempting to prove once and for all that Casey wanted to move out. (After 22 years of parental control, like who wouldn't?). At which time the Judge implied using that logic, "Then why didn't she just kill her parents--why the baby"?? An embarrassing moment for the prosecutor, and a delicious moment for the defense. Because...yes, why not?

Ok, what's this?? am I Dabbie now??
Since when are you alllowed to change our user names for us?? :lol:
Ok, I can play too....I shall call you, MaggieMaggot.

I've been called worse, sweetheart. Is it okay if I call you "sweetheart" with tongue in cheek? You can't change a user name if you are copying that person's post into yours. That part's a no-brainer.

No shit Ms. Maggot. I was being sarcastic to you, I'm sure you are used to it by now, hell with the way you talk to people, it's a wonder anyone thinks you even have a brain.
I'm nobody's sweetheart tho for the record, so you can take the tongue :up_yours:
From the moment Cindy Anthony screamed into the phone "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car!"- it became more and more aware to everyone who got close to the car, was involved with the car, anyone who dealt with the car, that there was a strange odor coming from that white car that Casey was driving.
Cindy smelled it, George smelled it, the tow truck driver smelled it, the guy on the stand today, the people who tested for decomposition, they have all said- the smell was apparent. It wasn't garbage. It wasn't rotting pizza. It wasn't a dead animal, they all stated, it smelled like a dead body.
The time Casey stated she didn't know where her baby girl was, her baby girl was dead in the trunk of her car (well, for part of the time, till the body got removed and buried elsewhere).
Forensics don't lie. The forensics have shown that there was decomposition in that car trunk and the DNA matched that of either Casey or Caylee Anthony, and since Casey obviously isn't dead, the death odor and liqiuid has to belong to the little one.

So? Who put the body in the trunk is the question.

Still defending the scum of the earth I see eh Maggie? You must have bumped your head really, really hard a long time ago. ~BH

Actually, I just realized why EVERYONE except a very few people (from both left and right, politically) are totally convinced of her guilt: Guess which cable news has been covering this story the most up until this trial? Why Fox, of course, which has concluded for over two years that Casey is guilty. That said, now that the murder trial is here, that evil left-wing media is just as bad. "Analysts" are almost giddy over the possibility of Casey's conviction, once again, based solely on unproven testimony and circumstantial evidence, while totally ignoring (so far) any other possibilities.

Is Casey the scum of the earth? Hardly. Not a single person has said she was anything but a loving, doting mother. Does she have serious mental issues? I'd say yes, but how much can be attributed to controlling parents? We don't know that, yet, except to read between the lines.

How many young people today are fucked up because of the actions or inactions of their parents? I have a niece who had everything given to her on a silver platter, never had to work nor otherwise earn a damned thing, including a new car every time she crashed the one she was driving, trips to Europe and the Galapagos Islands to go "bug hunting," and other lavish extremes. She's now schizophrenic, has disowned her parents, realizing the damage they did to her psyche, but can't make it on her own outside a mental facility. And she's only 26. That's not a comparison to Casey Anthony, just an example of the emotional damage parents can inflict on their children without even realizing it.

Back to the Casey Anthony matter, just so everyone can confirm (or not) their own prejudgments, here's an excellent reference giving details of the entire timeline, plus audio/video imbeds for each event, just to keep you honest.

Timeline of Events: Casey Anthony: Caylee Anthony
And if they find her not quilty?

This trial so far is a farce. The defense is trying her father, not her.

The defense can't "try" her father on any issue except what the prosecution has already brought forth. But they have every right to question his credibility. The defense has not yet had its day in court, but I doubt Casey herself will testify.
Ok, what's this?? am I Dabbie now??
Since when are you alllowed to change our user names for us?? :lol:
Ok, I can play too....I shall call you, MaggieMaggot.

I've been called worse, sweetheart. Is it okay if I call you "sweetheart" with tongue in cheek? You can't change a user name if you are copying that person's post into yours. That part's a no-brainer.

No shit Ms. Maggot. I was being sarcastic to you, I'm sure you are used to it by now, hell with the way you talk to people, it's a wonder anyone thinks you even have a brain.
I'm nobody's sweetheart tho for the record, so you can take the tongue :up_yours:

Look, when someone who has been a member of this board less than a month starts in with this kind of comment (although it wasn't even in response to me), somebody needs to set your ass straight that you don't OWN this board just because you THINK you're right about something. I never, ever start off by giving anyone a lashing. When I do, it is always in response to something like this, where you ask for it:

Dabs said:
For fuck's sake, are you for real??
I'm looking around for a fucking camera, thinking someone planted you here, to totally mess with our minds . There is no way I see it that way. OMG, I hope you don't have any plans on being any kind of attorney or anything in the legal field, cause your logic sucks.
I am trying not to make this a focus, that is I am not really following this all, but I just saw a clip of a courtroom scene they showed a pic pf the caylees crib to her mom and the they panned to casey crying fitfully , woefully being patted on the back, etc etc etc…

Now, as a father, I don’t know about anyone else, but if my kids were out of my sight for 3 hours at that age, I’d be in a low panic, a day? Full on manhunt mode.

30 days? THIRTY days? Where was the tears and outrage then? This stinks, she knows who did it and why and agreed or did it herself, theres no third explanation.

Who knows if they’ll ever prove it, either way. I doubt it, but shes complicit.
It seems both the prosecution and the defense, through their drowning theory, have proven that Casey Anthony is a habitual liar. But she appears to be more than that. It appears that she is a psychopath, which led to the death of a beautiful little girl. I honestly think that it was probably an accident. I theorize that Casey wanted to go out on the night and decided to use chloroform on the little girl. Unfortunately, she overdosed her and she died. But instead of admitting to a horrible error, Casey continued to lie. Rather than involuntary man slaughter, which she may have been given in the accident, she is on trial for her life. What a sad, sad story.
I've been called worse, sweetheart. Is it okay if I call you "sweetheart" with tongue in cheek? You can't change a user name if you are copying that person's post into yours. That part's a no-brainer.

No shit Ms. Maggot. I was being sarcastic to you, I'm sure you are used to it by now, hell with the way you talk to people, it's a wonder anyone thinks you even have a brain.
I'm nobody's sweetheart tho for the record, so you can take the tongue :up_yours:

Look, when someone who has been a member of this board less than a month starts in with this kind of comment (although it wasn't even in response to me), somebody needs to set your ass straight that you don't OWN this board just because you THINK you're right about something. I never, ever start off by giving anyone a lashing. When I do, it is always in response to something like this, where you ask for it:

Dabs said:
For fuck's sake, are you for real??
I'm looking around for a fucking camera, thinking someone planted you here, to totally mess with our minds . There is no way I see it that way. OMG, I hope you don't have any plans on being any kind of attorney or anything in the legal field, cause your logic sucks.

I never said I owned the board, and I don't believe I have acted as tho I do.
When I made the post you are referring to-yes it was not made at you- I was stating a fact, and I am a blunt honest person, tell it like I would tell it to your face.
The person who wrote this long lengthy post out about what she thinks happened, it was a joke!
I can't see how anyone in their right mind could believe the story she concocted, and thus is why I made the comment about the camera being somewhere.
I don't give a shit if you liked the comment or not, cause I don't give a shit if you like me or not. Are you the owner of the board??
And btw, guess who is not a watcher of FOX news--me! So your facts were again wrong there.
But anyway, Ms. Maggot, if you still feel like you have the gusto, lash out some more, I can take it! :asshole:
It seems both the prosecution and the defense, through their drowning theory, have proven that Casey Anthony is a habitual liar. But she appears to be more than that. It appears that she is a psychopath, which led to the death of a beautiful little girl. I honestly think that it was probably an accident. I theorize that Casey wanted to go out on the night and decided to use chloroform on the little girl. Unfortunately, she overdosed her and she died. But instead of admitting to a horrible error, Casey continued to lie. Rather than involuntary man slaughter, which she may have been given in the accident, she is on trial for her life. What a sad, sad story.

I think it has to have been accidental because of their testimony. She's a lazy asshole who stole from everyone but she seems to have loved the kid.
It seems both the prosecution and the defense, through their drowning theory, have proven that Casey Anthony is a habitual liar. But she appears to be more than that. It appears that she is a psychopath, which led to the death of a beautiful little girl. I honestly think that it was probably an accident. I theorize that Casey wanted to go out on the night and decided to use chloroform on the little girl. Unfortunately, she overdosed her and she died. But instead of admitting to a horrible error, Casey continued to lie. Rather than involuntary man slaughter, which she may have been given in the accident, she is on trial for her life. What a sad, sad story.

For sure, a few posts back, I said the very same. I do believe the little girl's death was an accident.
But things could have went so much more smoothly, for everyone, if the Mother had only come forward.

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