Casey Anthony

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From the moment Cindy Anthony screamed into the phone "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car!"- it became more and more aware to everyone who got close to the car, was involved with the car, anyone who dealt with the car, that there was a strange odor coming from that white car that Casey was driving.
Cindy smelled it, George smelled it, the tow truck driver smelled it, the guy on the stand today, the people who tested for decomposition, they have all said- the smell was apparent. It wasn't garbage. It wasn't rotting pizza. It wasn't a dead animal, they all stated, it smelled like a dead body.
The time Casey stated she didn't know where her baby girl was, her baby girl was dead in the trunk of her car (well, for part of the time, till the body got removed and buried elsewhere).
Forensics don't lie. The forensics have shown that there was decomposition in that car trunk and the DNA matched that of either Casey or Caylee Anthony, and since Casey obviously isn't dead, the death odor and liqiuid has to belong to the little one.
Yeah, she's innocent until proven guilty, technically.. :lol:

I'm just worried we'll never find out what actually happened with all of this deception and game playing by the defense. He's kind of good though, he's aggressive and objecting to every other word.

Interesting case, I really hope we get some clarity.

Yesterday, some of the boys who were living in her boyfriend's apartment were testifying that she was a good mother, never spanked or yelled. The child always had a backpack with snacks and stuff to play with when she went there, etc..

They also testified that 4 days after she went missing, the mother was in a hot body contest.

Why is it considered "game playing" by the defense and not the prosecution? The "hot body" participation was explained yesterday. But that still doesn't make her a killer, and it certainly doesn't make her a psycho that would kill her child, put duct tape over her mouth and throw her off the side of a snake-infested road. (I'm eager to hear that part too. How come it took so long to find the body? Out of nowhere, six months later, voila! She's right there less than a mile from the Anderson's back yard. Hello? Nobody finds that weird?)

Who the hell are the Anderson's??
Damn, if you people want to sit here and type your opinions on whether Casey Anthony is guilty or not, don't you think the rest of us would feel like you know your shit a little better, if you managed to get the names straight of the people involved?!!???!
I am ASSUMING instead of Anderson, you meant Anthony??
Was it you a few posts before who got the name wrong, calling her Carley........(??) :confused:

YES!!! Mz. Perfect. Excuse me all to hell, asshole.
This entire family are either liars or deniers. Take your pick.

And now that trial began, I am on board with the whole defenses theory. The ONLY thing I can't figure out is why hold back for 3 years?

C'mon guys....George looks, acts, talks, reacts, stalls, eludes, avoids like a very GUILTY person. And now that he's on the stand?.....he is ducking and dodging and playing games with Baez's questions. He acts like a 12 year old. He's very immature (especially by his editorialized answers) and quick tempered. You can just tell that is his REAL demeanor and the death of Caylee only exasperated it...not...caused it.

Baez is asking him WHY he didn't report Caylee missing while he reported the gas cans? Why not? Wouldn't you? Or at least have the cops check up on the situation.

He said himself she has NEVER spent more than 24 hours away from home. And okay.....let's not even go there, what about trying to track down the 'gas thief' himself (like in Casey) because again, he himself admitted she had a history of taking gas. So why not call her FIRST?...then, the police?
Something ain't right.

And the duct tape! Interesting.
If he said both cans were empty why place the duct tape on it? There's no gas in it to cause a stink!?

Also (staying with that one day) George says he was asking Casey for a 'wedge' (so he can rotate the tires that weekend) and THAT and that ALONE was why he was following his daughter to the garage.
He's eluding that Casey was acting nervous and was trying to get to the trunk first but how about, she was afraid simply because he was about to find out who had the 'stolen' GAS CANS and not, a body!!!
Plus, why is there no more mention to this 'wedge' thing? What?.....did he no longer need it or want it after all? Did he ever even ask Casey for it?

I don't know, it sounds ridiculous.

And the car? That ran out of gas the second time? Why not just fill it up? Why did she tell Tony that her father was going to take care of it?

I have a feeling that WAS the plan. After digging up the body in the yard......George placed the baby in the trunk and had the car impounded or...someone was to find it and 'get the reward'.

Cindy knew none of this. that's why she was so emotional. Not George though. He never ever acted like he was in shock. Why?

The baby was buried in the backyard and that was Casey's and George's secret. She threaten to tell about his years of molestation (which I totally believe) and he threaten to tell the authorities she was an unfit neglectful mother.

Again, it's a sick sick family.

I cannot see Casey killing the baby. No way. She may be a psychopath and liar but not a killer. She could've easily have given the baby to her parents (if this was about her freedom) or............find a boat and dump Caylee's body out in the ocean instead of her own neighborhood.

Kronk is in this somehow. It's very suspicious. The whole, seeing the body, then a bag ...then a skull is too weird to ignore too. There is probably a tie between Kronk and Anthony's.

George is GUILTY as hell.
I am tellin' you ........... and his punishment will be living with this the rest of his life which....will probably cause him an early demise.

(and don't think for once he did not have an affair with that woman because I do believe he did. All of this is why he tried to kill himself I bet!)


An added note on the gas cans: After she and Lazarro filled the tank from the two gas cans, if Caylee's body was in the trunk, why wouldn't she have put the empty cans in the back seat? Why open the trunk at all?

I think the whole 31-day chain of events was a series of plans and plans disrupted, a series of covering up the cover up. For some reason, Casey was afraid to notify the authorities of her daughter's drowning. She had been tightly controlled by both parents her entire life. The parents wanted to also control Caylee.

All these little questions will linger in the minds of the jury, and don't forget that the defense has yet to present its case.
About the chloroform research on the computer? I bet they'll say she searched that out because she had moments of wanting to kill her father because she saw signs that he was looking at Caylee the way he looked at her when she was younger.

He is a creep. I think George and Cindy have a loveless marriage and are together because they like the image they present to the world.
It's a delusional dysfunctional family!

I do believe George 'touched' Casey her entire life. I think when Casey was pregnant he was afraid he might've been the father.
This scenarios is the only one that totally fits in to why she acts the way she does.
She is a liar, a theif and a victim. Not a killer. Totally different manifestations and mannerisms.

If nothing else, Casey was a kind, thoughtful, loving person. No one has ever said anything differently. People don't decide one day to just SNAP....without any indication or incidents of doing so especially now that we've had 3 years of going over her life. It makes no sense.
Why would Caylee all of a sudden to become a burden? If anything she was almost ready to go to pre-school.

Casey will not be found guilty. Too many variables muddling up the waters.

And this WAS a horrible accident. Casey will not be put to death over this. In fact, she may even be acquitted.

I think she looked up chloroform out of curiosity because her boyfriend posted that photo captioned "Kill her with chloroform" or something like that on his My Space page.
This entire family are either liars or deniers. Take your pick.

And now that trial began, I am on board with the whole defenses theory. The ONLY thing I can't figure out is why hold back for 3 years?

C'mon guys....George looks, acts, talks, reacts, stalls, eludes, avoids like a very GUILTY person. And now that he's on the stand?.....he is ducking and dodging and playing games with Baez's questions. He acts like a 12 year old. He's very immature (especially by his editorialized answers) and quick tempered. You can just tell that is his REAL demeanor and the death of Caylee only exasperated it...not...caused it.

Baez is asking him WHY he didn't report Caylee missing while he reported the gas cans? Why not? Wouldn't you? Or at least have the cops check up on the situation.

He said himself she has NEVER spent more than 24 hours away from home. And okay.....let's not even go there, what about trying to track down the 'gas thief' himself (like in Casey) because again, he himself admitted she had a history of taking gas. So why not call her FIRST?...then, the police?
Something ain't right.

And the duct tape! Interesting.
If he said both cans were empty why place the duct tape on it? There's no gas in it to cause a stink!?

Also (staying with that one day) George says he was asking Casey for a 'wedge' (so he can rotate the tires that weekend) and THAT and that ALONE was why he was following his daughter to the garage.
He's eluding that Casey was acting nervous and was trying to get to the trunk first but how about, she was afraid simply because he was about to find out who had the 'stolen' GAS CANS and not, a body!!!
Plus, why is there no more mention to this 'wedge' thing? What?.....did he no longer need it or want it after all? Did he ever even ask Casey for it?

I don't know, it sounds ridiculous.

And the car? That ran out of gas the second time? Why not just fill it up? Why did she tell Tony that her father was going to take care of it?

I have a feeling that WAS the plan. After digging up the body in the yard......George placed the baby in the trunk and had the car impounded or...someone was to find it and 'get the reward'.

Cindy knew none of this. that's why she was so emotional. Not George though. He never ever acted like he was in shock. Why?

The baby was buried in the backyard and that was Casey's and George's secret. She threaten to tell about his years of molestation (which I totally believe) and he threaten to tell the authorities she was an unfit neglectful mother.

Again, it's a sick sick family.

I cannot see Casey killing the baby. No way. She may be a psychopath and liar but not a killer. She could've easily have given the baby to her parents (if this was about her freedom) or............find a boat and dump Caylee's body out in the ocean instead of her own neighborhood.

Kronk is in this somehow. It's very suspicious. The whole, seeing the body, then a bag ...then a skull is too weird to ignore too. There is probably a tie between Kronk and Anthony's.

George is GUILTY as hell.
I am tellin' you ........... and his punishment will be living with this the rest of his life which....will probably cause him an early demise.

(and don't think for once he did not have an affair with that woman because I do believe he did. All of this is why he tried to kill himself I bet!)

For fuck's sake, are you for real??
I'm looking around for a fucking camera, thinking someone planted you here, to totally mess with our minds :lol:. There is no way I see it that way. OMG, I hope you don't have any plans on being any kind of attorney or anything in the legal field, cause your logic sucks.

So what are your credentials?
About the chloroform research on the computer? I bet they'll say she searched that out because she had moments of wanting to kill her father because she saw signs that he was looking at Caylee the way he looked at her when she was younger.

He is a creep. I think George and Cindy have a loveless marriage and are together because they like the image they present to the world.
It's a delusional dysfunctional family!

I do believe George 'touched' Casey her entire life. I think when Casey was pregnant he was afraid he might've been the father.
This scenarios is the only one that totally fits in to why she acts the way she does.
She is a liar, a theif and a victim. Not a killer. Totally different manifestations and mannerisms.

If nothing else, Casey was a kind, thoughtful, loving person. No one has ever said anything differently. People don't decide one day to just SNAP....without any indication or incidents of doing so especially now that we've had 3 years of going over her life. It makes no sense.
Why would Caylee all of a sudden to become a burden? If anything she was almost ready to go to pre-school.

Casey will not be found guilty. Too many variables muddling up the waters.

And this WAS a horrible accident. Casey will not be put to death over this. In fact, she may even be acquitted.

You act as if you know her. How thoughtful could she be, out dancing the nights away, partying, while her baby was missing for over 30 days??????? Just how thoughtful of a MOM was she then?? She was really thinking of little Caylee then too, am I right??

Yesterday, the prosecution paraded onto the witness stand a half dozen old boyfriends in an attempt to prove that Casey was a party girl not worried about her missing daughter. The defense then asked of those same witnesses what kind of mother Casey was and how she interacted with her daughter. Not a single one said that Casey had ever been anything other than a kind person, and extremely loving toward her daughter.

Do you just skip the parts you don't like because they don't conform to your prejudgment?
did the judge just say "...the next logical question is why didn't she kill her parents?" i am not sure i heard correctly.

That was hilarious. The prosecutor (and no, Dabbie, I'm not going to attempt to keep all the names straight) had tried to admit as evidence transcripts of text messages attempting to prove once and for all that Casey wanted to move out. (After 22 years of parental control, like who wouldn't?). At which time the Judge implied using that logic, "Then why didn't she just kill her parents--why the baby"?? An embarrassing moment for the prosecutor, and a delicious moment for the defense. Because...yes, why not?
From the moment Cindy Anthony screamed into the phone "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car!"- it became more and more aware to everyone who got close to the car, was involved with the car, anyone who dealt with the car, that there was a strange odor coming from that white car that Casey was driving.
Cindy smelled it, George smelled it, the tow truck driver smelled it, the guy on the stand today, the people who tested for decomposition, they have all said- the smell was apparent. It wasn't garbage. It wasn't rotting pizza. It wasn't a dead animal, they all stated, it smelled like a dead body.
The time Casey stated she didn't know where her baby girl was, her baby girl was dead in the trunk of her car (well, for part of the time, till the body got removed and buried elsewhere).
Forensics don't lie. The forensics have shown that there was decomposition in that car trunk and the DNA matched that of either Casey or Caylee Anthony, and since Casey obviously isn't dead, the death odor and liqiuid has to belong to the little one.

So? Who put the body in the trunk is the question.
Why is it considered "game playing" by the defense and not the prosecution? The "hot body" participation was explained yesterday. But that still doesn't make her a killer, and it certainly doesn't make her a psycho that would kill her child, put duct tape over her mouth and throw her off the side of a snake-infested road. (I'm eager to hear that part too. How come it took so long to find the body? Out of nowhere, six months later, voila! She's right there less than a mile from the Anderson's back yard. Hello? Nobody finds that weird?)

Who the hell are the Anderson's??
Damn, if you people want to sit here and type your opinions on whether Casey Anthony is guilty or not, don't you think the rest of us would feel like you know your shit a little better, if you managed to get the names straight of the people involved?!!???!
I am ASSUMING instead of Anderson, you meant Anthony??
Was it you a few posts before who got the name wrong, calling her Carley........(??) :confused:

YES!!! Mz. Perfect. Excuse me all to hell, asshole.

I'm pretty sure old maggoty pizza's don't smell like a dead body. Any retired cops here? Morgue people? Even veterans..they all know what a body smells like.
This entire family are either liars or deniers. Take your pick.

And now that trial began, I am on board with the whole defenses theory. The ONLY thing I can't figure out is why hold back for 3 years?

C'mon guys....George looks, acts, talks, reacts, stalls, eludes, avoids like a very GUILTY person. And now that he's on the stand?.....he is ducking and dodging and playing games with Baez's questions. He acts like a 12 year old. He's very immature (especially by his editorialized answers) and quick tempered. You can just tell that is his REAL demeanor and the death of Caylee only exasperated it...not...caused it.

Baez is asking him WHY he didn't report Caylee missing while he reported the gas cans? Why not? Wouldn't you? Or at least have the cops check up on the situation.

He said himself she has NEVER spent more than 24 hours away from home. And okay.....let's not even go there, what about trying to track down the 'gas thief' himself (like in Casey) because again, he himself admitted she had a history of taking gas. So why not call her FIRST?...then, the police?
Something ain't right.

And the duct tape! Interesting.
If he said both cans were empty why place the duct tape on it? There's no gas in it to cause a stink!?

Also (staying with that one day) George says he was asking Casey for a 'wedge' (so he can rotate the tires that weekend) and THAT and that ALONE was why he was following his daughter to the garage.
He's eluding that Casey was acting nervous and was trying to get to the trunk first but how about, she was afraid simply because he was about to find out who had the 'stolen' GAS CANS and not, a body!!!
Plus, why is there no more mention to this 'wedge' thing? What?.....did he no longer need it or want it after all? Did he ever even ask Casey for it?

I don't know, it sounds ridiculous.

And the car? That ran out of gas the second time? Why not just fill it up? Why did she tell Tony that her father was going to take care of it?

I have a feeling that WAS the plan. After digging up the body in the yard......George placed the baby in the trunk and had the car impounded or...someone was to find it and 'get the reward'.

Cindy knew none of this. that's why she was so emotional. Not George though. He never ever acted like he was in shock. Why?

The baby was buried in the backyard and that was Casey's and George's secret. She threaten to tell about his years of molestation (which I totally believe) and he threaten to tell the authorities she was an unfit neglectful mother.

Again, it's a sick sick family.

I cannot see Casey killing the baby. No way. She may be a psychopath and liar but not a killer. She could've easily have given the baby to her parents (if this was about her freedom) or............find a boat and dump Caylee's body out in the ocean instead of her own neighborhood.

Kronk is in this somehow. It's very suspicious. The whole, seeing the body, then a bag ...then a skull is too weird to ignore too. There is probably a tie between Kronk and Anthony's.

George is GUILTY as hell.
I am tellin' you ........... and his punishment will be living with this the rest of his life which....will probably cause him an early demise.

(and don't think for once he did not have an affair with that woman because I do believe he did. All of this is why he tried to kill himself I bet!)


An added note on the gas cans: After she and Lazarro filled the tank from the two gas cans, if Caylee's body was in the trunk, why wouldn't she have put the empty cans in the back seat? Why open the trunk at all?

I think the whole 31-day chain of events was a series of plans and plans disrupted, a series of covering up the cover up. For some reason, Casey was afraid to notify the authorities of her daughter's drowning. She had been tightly controlled by both parents her entire life. The parents wanted to also control Caylee.

All these little questions will linger in the minds of the jury, and don't forget that the defense has yet to present its case.

Maybe she's a smoker.. Why carry that body around in the trunk? Oh I know, she didn't have any money for gas to take the body somewhere remote.
I know he would be in contempt of court of worse, but I would love to see George Anthony take the podium that Baez stands behind and stick up the lawyer's ars. It would be delightful!
did the judge just say "...the next logical question is why didn't she kill her parents?" i am not sure i heard correctly.

That was hilarious. The prosecutor (and no, Dabbie, I'm not going to attempt to keep all the names straight) had tried to admit as evidence transcripts of text messages attempting to prove once and for all that Casey wanted to move out. (After 22 years of parental control, like who wouldn't?). At which time the Judge implied using that logic, "Then why didn't she just kill her parents--why the baby"?? An embarrassing moment for the prosecutor, and a delicious moment for the defense. Because...yes, why not?

Ok, what's this?? am I Dabbie now??
Since when are you alllowed to change our user names for us?? :lol:
Ok, I can play too....I shall call you, MaggieMaggot.
Why is it considered "game playing" by the defense and not the prosecution? The "hot body" participation was explained yesterday. But that still doesn't make her a killer, and it certainly doesn't make her a psycho that would kill her child, put duct tape over her mouth and throw her off the side of a snake-infested road. (I'm eager to hear that part too. How come it took so long to find the body? Out of nowhere, six months later, voila! She's right there less than a mile from the Anderson's back yard. Hello? Nobody finds that weird?)

Who the hell are the Anderson's??
Damn, if you people want to sit here and type your opinions on whether Casey Anthony is guilty or not, don't you think the rest of us would feel like you know your shit a little better, if you managed to get the names straight of the people involved?!!???!
I am ASSUMING instead of Anderson, you meant Anthony??
Was it you a few posts before who got the name wrong, calling her Carley........(??) :confused:

YES!!! Mz. Perfect. Excuse me all to hell, asshole.

I'd rather be an ass hole- than a whole ass.
I'm pretty sure old maggoty pizza's don't smell like a dead body. Any retired cops here? Morgue people? Even veterans..they all know what a body smells like.

I certainly don't know what a dead body smells like, and I've been outside the Body Farm.
From the moment Cindy Anthony screamed into the phone "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car!"- it became more and more aware to everyone who got close to the car, was involved with the car, anyone who dealt with the car, that there was a strange odor coming from that white car that Casey was driving.
Cindy smelled it, George smelled it, the tow truck driver smelled it, the guy on the stand today, the people who tested for decomposition, they have all said- the smell was apparent. It wasn't garbage. It wasn't rotting pizza. It wasn't a dead animal, they all stated, it smelled like a dead body.
The time Casey stated she didn't know where her baby girl was, her baby girl was dead in the trunk of her car (well, for part of the time, till the body got removed and buried elsewhere).
Forensics don't lie. The forensics have shown that there was decomposition in that car trunk and the DNA matched that of either Casey or Caylee Anthony, and since Casey obviously isn't dead, the death odor and liqiuid has to belong to the little one.

So? Who put the body in the trunk is the question.

Still defending the scum of the earth I see eh Maggie? You must have bumped your head really, really hard a long time ago. ~BH
From the moment Cindy Anthony screamed into the phone "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car!"- it became more and more aware to everyone who got close to the car, was involved with the car, anyone who dealt with the car, that there was a strange odor coming from that white car that Casey was driving.
Cindy smelled it, George smelled it, the tow truck driver smelled it, the guy on the stand today, the people who tested for decomposition, they have all said- the smell was apparent. It wasn't garbage. It wasn't rotting pizza. It wasn't a dead animal, they all stated, it smelled like a dead body.
The time Casey stated she didn't know where her baby girl was, her baby girl was dead in the trunk of her car (well, for part of the time, till the body got removed and buried elsewhere).
Forensics don't lie. The forensics have shown that there was decomposition in that car trunk and the DNA matched that of either Casey or Caylee Anthony, and since Casey obviously isn't dead, the death odor and liqiuid has to belong to the little one.

So? Who put the body in the trunk is the question.

I dunno..maybe you did!

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