Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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The defense locked themselves into this lame drowning scenerio. Why would a retired policeman, finding his granddaughter drowned, decide to hide it and become involved in such a cover up. This woman has lied about everything from day one, and then bragged about being such a convincing liar. She is still do it and trashing her parents. She is pulling out all stops in an attempt to stay off death row.
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This entire family are either liars or deniers. Take your pick.

And now that trial began, I am on board with the whole defenses theory. The ONLY thing I can't figure out is why hold back for 3 years?

C'mon guys....George looks, acts, talks, reacts, stalls, eludes, avoids like a very GUILTY person. And now that he's on the stand?.....he is ducking and dodging and playing games with Baez's questions. He acts like a 12 year old. He's very immature (especially by his editorialized answers) and quick tempered. You can just tell that is his REAL demeanor and the death of Caylee only exasperated it...not...caused it.

Baez is asking him WHY he didn't report Caylee missing while he reported the gas cans? Why not? Wouldn't you? Or at least have the cops check up on the situation.

He said himself she has NEVER spent more than 24 hours away from home. And okay.....let's not even go there, what about trying to track down the 'gas thief' himself (like in Casey) because again, he himself admitted she had a history of taking gas. So why not call her FIRST?...then, the police?
Something ain't right.

And the duct tape! Interesting.
If he said both cans were empty why place the duct tape on it? There's no gas in it to cause a stink!?

Also (staying with that one day) George says he was asking Casey for a 'wedge' (so he can rotate the tires that weekend) and THAT and that ALONE was why he was following his daughter to the garage.
He's eluding that Casey was acting nervous and was trying to get to the trunk first but how about, she was afraid simply because he was about to find out who had the 'stolen' GAS CANS and not, a body!!!
Plus, why is there no more mention to this 'wedge' thing? What?.....did he no longer need it or want it after all? Did he ever even ask Casey for it?

I don't know, it sounds ridiculous.

And the car? That ran out of gas the second time? Why not just fill it up? Why did she tell Tony that her father was going to take care of it?

I have a feeling that WAS the plan. After digging up the body in the yard......George placed the baby in the trunk and had the car impounded or...someone was to find it and 'get the reward'.

Cindy knew none of this. that's why she was so emotional. Not George though. He never ever acted like he was in shock. Why?

The baby was buried in the backyard and that was Casey's and George's secret. She threaten to tell about his years of molestation (which I totally believe) and he threaten to tell the authorities she was an unfit neglectful mother.

Again, it's a sick sick family.

I cannot see Casey killing the baby. No way. She may be a psychopath and liar but not a killer. She could've easily have given the baby to her parents (if this was about her freedom) or............find a boat and dump Caylee's body out in the ocean instead of her own neighborhood.

Kronk is in this somehow. It's very suspicious. The whole, seeing the body, then a bag ...then a skull is too weird to ignore too. There is probably a tie between Kronk and Anthony's.

George is GUILTY as hell.
I am tellin' you ........... and his punishment will be living with this the rest of his life which....will probably cause him an early demise.

(and don't think for once he did not have an affair with that woman because I do believe he did. All of this is why he tried to kill himself I bet!)
About the chloroform research on the computer? I bet they'll say she searched that out because she had moments of wanting to kill her father because she saw signs that he was looking at Caylee the way he looked at her when she was younger.

He is a creep. I think George and Cindy have a loveless marriage and are together because they like the image they present to the world.
It's a delusional dysfunctional family!

I do believe George 'touched' Casey her entire life. I think when Casey was pregnant he was afraid he might've been the father.
This scenarios is the only one that totally fits in to why she acts the way she does.
She is a liar, a theif and a victim. Not a killer. Totally different manifestations and mannerisms.

If nothing else, Casey was a kind, thoughtful, loving person. No one has ever said anything differently. People don't decide one day to just SNAP....without any indication or incidents of doing so especially now that we've had 3 years of going over her life. It makes no sense.
Why would Caylee all of a sudden to become a burden? If anything she was almost ready to go to pre-school.

Casey will not be found guilty. Too many variables muddling up the waters.

And this WAS a horrible accident. Casey will not be put to death over this. In fact, she may even be acquitted.
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This entire family are either liars or deniers. Take your pick.

And now that trial began, I am on board with the whole defenses theory. The ONLY thing I can't figure out is why hold back for 3 years?

C'mon guys....George looks, acts, talks, reacts, stalls, eludes, avoids like a very GUILTY person. And now that he's on the stand?.....he is ducking and dodging and playing games with Baez's questions. He acts like a 12 year old. He's very immature (especially by his editorialized answers) and quick tempered. You can just tell that is his REAL demeanor and the death of Caylee only exasperated it...not...caused it.

Baez is asking him WHY he didn't report Caylee missing while he reported the gas cans? Why not? Wouldn't you? Or at least have the cops check up on the situation.

He said himself she has NEVER spent more than 24 hours away from home. And okay.....let's not even go there, what about trying to track down the 'gas thief' himself (like in Casey) because again, he himself admitted she had a history of taking gas. So why not call her FIRST?...then, the police?
Something ain't right.

And the duct tape! Interesting.
If he said both cans were empty why place the duct tape on it? There's no gas in it to cause a stink!?

Also (staying with that one day) George says he was asking Casey for a 'wedge' (so he can rotate the tires that weekend) and THAT and that ALONE was why he was following his daughter to the garage.
He's eluding that Casey was acting nervous and was trying to get to the trunk first but how about, she was afraid simply because he was about to find out who had the 'stolen' GAS CANS and not, a body!!!
Plus, why is there no more mention to this 'wedge' thing? What?.....did he no longer need it or want it after all? Did he ever even ask Casey for it?

I don't know, it sounds ridiculous.

And the car? That ran out of gas the second time? Why not just fill it up? Why did she tell Tony that her father was going to take care of it?

I have a feeling that WAS the plan. After digging up the body in the yard......George placed the baby in the trunk and had the car impounded or...someone was to find it and 'get the reward'.

Cindy knew none of this. that's why she was so emotional. Not George though. He never ever acted like he was in shock. Why?

The baby was buried in the backyard and that was Casey's and George's secret. She threaten to tell about his years of molestation (which I totally believe) and he threaten to tell the authorities she was an unfit neglectful mother.

Again, it's a sick sick family.

I cannot see Casey killing the baby. No way. She may be a psychopath and liar but not a killer. She could've easily have given the baby to her parents (if this was about her freedom) or............find a boat and dump Caylee's body out in the ocean instead of her own neighborhood.

Kronk is in this somehow. It's very suspicious. The whole, seeing the body, then a bag ...then a skull is too weird to ignore too. There is probably a tie between Kronk and Anthony's.

George is GUILTY as hell.
I am tellin' you ........... and his punishment will be living with this the rest of his life which....will probably cause him an early demise.

(and don't think for once he did not have an affair with that woman because I do believe he did. All of this is why he tried to kill himself I bet!)

For fuck's sake, are you for real??
I'm looking around for a fucking camera, thinking someone planted you here, to totally mess with our minds :lol:. There is no way I see it that way. OMG, I hope you don't have any plans on being any kind of attorney or anything in the legal field, cause your logic sucks.
About the chloroform research on the computer? I bet they'll say she searched that out because she had moments of wanting to kill her father because she saw signs that he was looking at Caylee the way he looked at her when she was younger.

He is a creep. I think George and Cindy have a loveless marriage and are together because they like the image they present to the world.
It's a delusional dysfunctional family!

I do believe George 'touched' Casey her entire life. I think when Casey was pregnant he was afraid he might've been the father.
This scenarios is the only one that totally fits in to why she acts the way she does.
She is a liar, a theif and a victim. Not a killer. Totally different manifestations and mannerisms.

If nothing else, Casey was a kind, thoughtful, loving person. No one has ever said anything differently. People don't decide one day to just SNAP....without any indication or incidents of doing so especially now that we've had 3 years of going over her life. It makes no sense.
Why would Caylee all of a sudden to become a burden? If anything she was almost ready to go to pre-school.

Casey will not be found guilty. Too many variables muddling up the waters.

And this WAS a horrible accident. Casey will not be put to death over this. In fact, she may even be acquitted.

You act as if you know her. How thoughtful could she be, out dancing the nights away, partying, while her baby was missing for over 30 days??????? Just how thoughtful of a MOM was she then?? She was really thinking of little Caylee then too, am I right??
About the chloroform research on the computer? I bet they'll say she searched that out because she had moments of wanting to kill her father because she saw signs that he was looking at Caylee the way he looked at her when she was younger.

He is a creep. I think George and Cindy have a loveless marriage and are together because they like the image they present to the world.
It's a delusional dysfunctional family!

I do believe George 'touched' Casey her entire life. I think when Casey was pregnant he was afraid he might've been the father.
This scenarios is the only one that totally fits in to why she acts the way she does.
She is a liar, a theif and a victim. Not a killer. Totally different manifestations and mannerisms.

If nothing else, Casey was a kind, thoughtful, loving person. No one has ever said anything differently. People don't decide one day to just SNAP....without any indication or incidents of doing so especially now that we've had 3 years of going over her life. It makes no sense.
Why would Caylee all of a sudden to become a burden? If anything she was almost ready to go to pre-school.

Casey will not be found guilty. Too many variables muddling up the waters.

And this WAS a horrible accident. Casey will not be put to death over this. In fact, she may even be acquitted.

You act as if you know her. How thoughtful could she be, out dancing the nights away, partying, while her baby was missing for over 30 days??????? Just how thoughtful of a MOM was she then?? She was really thinking of little Caylee then too, am I right??
Why was she out partying after Baez's claimed death date?

Why was she acting like nothing happened in the month after her child supposedly drowned on Baez's claimed death date?

The defenses whole theory is a bunch o' bullshit.......But, they're locked into it now. No going back.......... C-YA Casey, ya' crazy wench!

Thing is, we haven't even gotten into the meat and potato's of the prosecutions case.......Once that body is shown. Once the pictures of the duct tape covering her nose and mouth are shown, she's friggin' toast......That's when the jury should sit back and go, "how could you be out partying after doing that to your child.....even if she did drown, how could you wrap her face like that, stuff her in a bag, and discard her like a piece o' trash?"
Have we thrown the whole 'due process' thing out now then? Cuz, I've always been told that people are innocent until proven guilty. Personally, I lean towards that system.

Yeah, she's innocent until proven guilty, technically.. :lol:

I'm just worried we'll never find out what actually happened with all of this deception and game playing by the defense. He's kind of good though, he's aggressive and objecting to every other word.

Interesting case, I really hope we get some clarity.

Yesterday, some of the boys who were living in her boyfriend's apartment were testifying that she was a good mother, never spanked or yelled. The child always had a backpack with snacks and stuff to play with when she went there, etc..

They also testified that 4 days after she went missing, the mother was in a hot body contest.

We have a process for assessing the facts and establishing guilt or innocence. We call it 'due process'.

I personally find all this bullshit in the media - what she allegedly did, and who said what to whom - just taints the jury pool. My own opinion on this shit is that, until the facts are established in court, the media should not discuss, publish or speculate.

I will not hang anyone until they are found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That's the American way.... or at least, it was... until we had trial by media.

The jury is sequestered and the judge is really careful about them. The reason he was so hard on the bi polar woman is because he thought she was trying to taint the jury. He's made a few comments about the lawyers attempting to "play" to the jury.

What they had heard previously may or may not come out here but I would bet they are taking this particular task very seriously. For Caylee. I would have that mindset.
I'm sure I'm not the first to "wonder." His testimony today was hesitant at best, as though he definitely has something to hide. Besides, what I "wonder" won't get introduced in the courtroom, so why are you worried?

Unfortunately, they probably won't be able to raise the questions about his suicide attempt nor his frame of mind when he was openly alcoholic either. George left suicide notes saying [paraphrasing]"I can't bear to live without Caylee!!" But apparently he was fine with his daughter facing the death penalty. Go figure.

The judge didn't want him sitting in the courtroom anyway so he was told that if he shows any emotion, he's out. There was already a bi polar woman who started yelling at Casey. The judge told her she was going to jail for contemp. Not sure if she really went but she was crying and saying she'd never do it again..
That woman got 3 days in county jail for contempt.

Thanks. Rightfully so even though she is mentally ill. She said she was there visiting her bf in jail? Pitiful.
Who is on trial here??? George or that nutwackjob Casey???

Lets hope the jury has enough smarts not to be conned by this. It's pandering to the stupid in dumb people. Clearly it works on some folks :eusa_whistle:
This entire family are either liars or deniers. Take your pick.

And now that trial began, I am on board with the whole defenses theory. The ONLY thing I can't figure out is why hold back for 3 years?

C'mon guys....George looks, acts, talks, reacts, stalls, eludes, avoids like a very GUILTY person. And now that he's on the stand?.....he is ducking and dodging and playing games with Baez's questions. He acts like a 12 year old. He's very immature (especially by his editorialized answers) and quick tempered. You can just tell that is his REAL demeanor and the death of Caylee only exasperated it...not...caused it.

Baez is asking him WHY he didn't report Caylee missing while he reported the gas cans? Why not? Wouldn't you? Or at least have the cops check up on the situation.

He said himself she has NEVER spent more than 24 hours away from home. And okay.....let's not even go there, what about trying to track down the 'gas thief' himself (like in Casey) because again, he himself admitted she had a history of taking gas. So why not call her FIRST?...then, the police?
Something ain't right.

And the duct tape! Interesting.
If he said both cans were empty why place the duct tape on it? There's no gas in it to cause a stink!?

Also (staying with that one day) George says he was asking Casey for a 'wedge' (so he can rotate the tires that weekend) and THAT and that ALONE was why he was following his daughter to the garage.
He's eluding that Casey was acting nervous and was trying to get to the trunk first but how about, she was afraid simply because he was about to find out who had the 'stolen' GAS CANS and not, a body!!!
Plus, why is there no more mention to this 'wedge' thing? What?.....did he no longer need it or want it after all? Did he ever even ask Casey for it?

I don't know, it sounds ridiculous.

And the car? That ran out of gas the second time? Why not just fill it up? Why did she tell Tony that her father was going to take care of it?

I have a feeling that WAS the plan. After digging up the body in the yard......George placed the baby in the trunk and had the car impounded or...someone was to find it and 'get the reward'.

Cindy knew none of this. that's why she was so emotional. Not George though. He never ever acted like he was in shock. Why?

The baby was buried in the backyard and that was Casey's and George's secret. She threaten to tell about his years of molestation (which I totally believe) and he threaten to tell the authorities she was an unfit neglectful mother.

Again, it's a sick sick family.

I cannot see Casey killing the baby. No way. She may be a psychopath and liar but not a killer. She could've easily have given the baby to her parents (if this was about her freedom) or............find a boat and dump Caylee's body out in the ocean instead of her own neighborhood.

Kronk is in this somehow. It's very suspicious. The whole, seeing the body, then a bag ...then a skull is too weird to ignore too. There is probably a tie between Kronk and Anthony's.

George is GUILTY as hell.
I am tellin' you ........... and his punishment will be living with this the rest of his life which....will probably cause him an early demise.

(and don't think for once he did not have an affair with that woman because I do believe he did. All of this is why he tried to kill himself I bet!)

you're just kidding around, right?
You act as if you know her. How thoughtful could she be, out dancing the nights away, partying, while her baby was missing for over 30 days??????? Just how thoughtful of a MOM was she then?? She was really thinking of little Caylee then too, am I right??

Not to mention lying about her job for two years, driving around in a car she was not given permission to use, carrying on with witn another guy when her bf is out of town, weird lies about her pregnancy, claiming Ciindy was going to hand over the house to live in the house with Amy, stole checks from that friend, lying about a nanny etc....

Oh yeah, she was a real sweet heart.
That testimony from the tow yard employee this morning was pretty damn compelling.........30 years in the Tow business, being around several cars through the years where body's have decomposed inside, and saying her car had that smell does not do her good.

That's a smell like no other. I know from personal experience in the ARMY, it's a smell you will never forget. Animals decomposing don't smell like a human body, so if they try to float that she ran over something and it decomposed under the car, they are full o' shit.
how long does the decomposing smell stay once the body has been removed?
Quite a while.........Particulary when the car has been closed up. That smell will seep into the cloth in the interior, The carpeting. Into the air filters in the heat and air sytem.......And if there's any bodily fluids leaked anywhere, it can stay for a very long time.

One thing is for sure, that smell is nothing like rotting food or garbage......Rotting food or garbage would be like Febreez compared to the smell of human death.........Seriously, it's that bad.
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how long does the decomposing smell stay once the body has been removed?
Quite a while.........Particulary when the car has been closed up. That smell will seep into the cloth in the interior, The carpeting. Into the air filters in the heat and air sytem.......And if there's any bodily fluids leaked anywhere, it can stay for a very long time.

One thing is for sure, that smell is nothing like rotting food or garbage......Rotting food or garbage would be like Febreez compared to the smell of human death.........Seriously, it's that bad.
I don't get JB game. Is he saying the George put the body in the trunk, had casey abandon it and lie about her where-a-bouts, got rid of body and needed the tow guy as a witness to what?

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