Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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Profile of the Sociopath

Pathological Lying
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle

I do love cherry-picking. :lol: So she was all that her entire life? Each one of those traits can be exhibited by a "normal" person over a lifetime, based on separate circumstances. A sociopath/psychopath shows marked traits from a young age. We even have some really nutty people who post on this board, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them "sociopaths."

Are you even paying attention to the trial? She had exhibited those behaviors for at least the last three years as pointed out by the defense

Well, since you claim to have been so fucking adroit at following the case, then post some links to that effect (not from The Enquirer, please).
:confused: Comment doesn't fit what I said. "Holier-than-thou" how???

Yes it does.

Fact won't get in the way of your trashing those who feel she is guilty, but a smear on her part has you thinking the worst in George Anthony as well as now rumor mongering yourself.

How does "I'm wondering if" translate to "trashing" to you, genius?

Really??? You wonder if a grandfather molested his granddaughter is not trashing a man?
Says who? Right now its he said/she said. George can't really prove he was not complicit either. Don't forget the burden of proof is on the prosecution, not the defense.

No one is forgetting that. The red herring "Do you still abuse your daughter" is well played I guess. He's got nothing else.

The basis of the defense is a claim of his abuse and how that allowed him to further manipulate and create the trail of lies she told - all the while tossing her under the bus thinking her accusations of abuse would not be believed due to all the lies she told.....twisted and only a fool will buy into it which is what they are counting on. That plus everyone else is corrupt and dishonest ....poor poor casey

JB is careful not accuse him of the murder - only abuse. Regarding Nancy Grace, how does her being right make her detractors hypocritical ? She is a loud mouthed bully with a stage. I won't watch her since she started saying "tot mom", I think thats offensive and makes her a douche bag.

In the back of my mind, I'm wondering if George was abusing Caylee too and that's why he attempted suicide. But maybe I watch too much TV. :lol:

I haven't been watching a whole lot but can they tell through the autopsy whether she was being sexually abused?
I do love cherry-picking. :lol: So she was all that her entire life? Each one of those traits can be exhibited by a "normal" person over a lifetime, based on separate circumstances. A sociopath/psychopath shows marked traits from a young age. We even have some really nutty people who post on this board, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them "sociopaths."

Are you even paying attention to the trial? She had exhibited those behaviors for at least the last three years as pointed out by the defense

Well, since you claim to have been so fucking adroit at following the case, then post some links to that effect (not from The Enquirer, please).

Better yet, until there is any evidence you are even following the trial I'll just ignore you.:eusa_shhh:
I hope she gets life in prison even though I am for the death penalty. Why an exception in this case? She is a child murderer. She get thrown in prison, some really bad ass broads are gonna go ranger on that bitch...which means she will have to be in confinement to save her sorry ass from the other women. That's a very very very long time to be alone. Completely.
So that's what I want for her. To live with her own sorry ass self. Forever. Until she draws her last breath and heads to hell where she belongs.

Have we thrown the whole 'due process' thing out now then? Cuz, I've always been told that people are innocent until proven guilty. Personally, I lean towards that system.

Yeah, she's innocent until proven guilty, technically.. :lol:

I'm just worried we'll never find out what actually happened with all of this deception and game playing by the defense. He's kind of good though, he's aggressive and objecting to every other word.

Interesting case, I really hope we get some clarity.

Yesterday, some of the boys who were living in her boyfriend's apartment were testifying that she was a good mother, never spanked or yelled. The child always had a backpack with snacks and stuff to play with when she went there, etc..

They also testified that 4 days after she went missing, the mother was in a hot body contest.

We have a process for assessing the facts and establishing guilt or innocence. We call it 'due process'.

I personally find all this bullshit in the media - what she allegedly did, and who said what to whom - just taints the jury pool. My own opinion on this shit is that, until the facts are established in court, the media should not discuss, publish or speculate.

I will not hang anyone until they are found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That's the American way.... or at least, it was... until we had trial by media.
Yes it does.

Fact won't get in the way of your trashing those who feel she is guilty, but a smear on her part has you thinking the worst in George Anthony as well as now rumor mongering yourself.

How does "I'm wondering if" translate to "trashing" to you, genius?

Really??? You wonder if a grandfather molested his granddaughter is not trashing a man?

I'm sure I'm not the first to "wonder." His testimony today was hesitant at best, as though he definitely has something to hide. Besides, what I "wonder" won't get introduced in the courtroom, so why are you worried?

Unfortunately, they probably won't be able to raise the questions about his suicide attempt nor his frame of mind when he was openly alcoholic either. George left suicide notes saying [paraphrasing]"I can't bear to live without Caylee!!" But apparently he was fine with his daughter facing the death penalty. Go figure.
I had to sit thru a synopsis of the case on Cnn after having switched over becasue fox was tragedy whoring this all over the place (with mr. DB Geraldo doing the pay by idea of a living hell btw.)

Apparently she is going to play every card there is and make a few up, her dad fondled her, her uncle pete fondled her, her pet Chihuahua fondled her, if it will net her enough sympathy anything goes.......... if she doesn't she can fry....and there it is. *shrugs*

is she guilty? *shrugs*, seems like it. someone put that tape over that kids mouth, period. But was it her?
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I'm sure I'm not the first to "wonder." His testimony today was hesitant at best, as though he definitely has something to hide. Besides, what I "wonder" won't get introduced in the courtroom, so why are you worried?

Unfortunately, they probably won't be able to raise the questions about his suicide attempt nor his frame of mind when he was openly alcoholic either. George left suicide notes saying [paraphrasing]"I can't bear to live without Caylee!!" But apparently he was fine with his daughter facing the death penalty. Go figure.

Do I follow you correctly? You think those of us who feel she is guilty at this stage don't realize how stupid that is , but you wanting to believe he is a molester makes you super duper smart?
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She is a sociopath.

You keep saying that, but Casey does not fit the profile of a "sociopath." She may have mental problems, but until this incident, she has had no history of demonstrating clinical symptoms of being psychotic.

Sociopath - The Sociopathic Personality

I think we're going to find out a whole lot more about this dysfunctional family in general, such as why Casey started lying and stealing all of a sudden months before the child died? Why couldn't she feel she could have just asked her father for money (or gasoline)?
Because her father was becoming suspicious about whether or not she was actually working. He'd already caught her stealing gas from cans in the shed. That is why he locked it.......This woman is a habitual liar. She faked employment for almost two years....Hence, she even stole a friends credit card and went on a huge shopping spree, And paid some bills, which she admitted too.
How does "I'm wondering if" translate to "trashing" to you, genius?

Really??? You wonder if a grandfather molested his granddaughter is not trashing a man?

I'm sure I'm not the first to "wonder." His testimony today was hesitant at best, as though he definitely has something to hide. Besides, what I "wonder" won't get introduced in the courtroom, so why are you worried?

Unfortunately, they probably won't be able to raise the questions about his suicide attempt nor his frame of mind when he was openly alcoholic either. George left suicide notes saying [paraphrasing]"I can't bear to live without Caylee!!" But apparently he was fine with his daughter facing the death penalty. Go figure.
Yeah, this is a guy who was blidsided with being called a molester. This is a guy who's daughter told him repeatedly during jail house visits that she loved him. This is a guy who during those visits was doing all he could to get her to give up information about where Cailey was. This is a guy who spent a hell of a lot of money travelling to new york and puerto rico following up on leads of possible sightings of Cailey. This is a guy who camped out in the parking lot of a store to wait for it's opening to view surveillance tape after a reporetd possible sighting.
She went out clubbing after her child went missing. She never mentioned she was missing to some people, and she didn't report it right away.
If my son went missing everyone would know, and I sure as hell wouldn't be clubbing.
Have we thrown the whole 'due process' thing out now then? Cuz, I've always been told that people are innocent until proven guilty. Personally, I lean towards that system.

Yeah, she's innocent until proven guilty, technically.. :lol:

I'm just worried we'll never find out what actually happened with all of this deception and game playing by the defense. He's kind of good though, he's aggressive and objecting to every other word.

Interesting case, I really hope we get some clarity.

Yesterday, some of the boys who were living in her boyfriend's apartment were testifying that she was a good mother, never spanked or yelled. The child always had a backpack with snacks and stuff to play with when she went there, etc..

They also testified that 4 days after she went missing, the mother was in a hot body contest.

Why is it considered "game playing" by the defense and not the prosecution? The "hot body" participation was explained yesterday. But that still doesn't make her a killer, and it certainly doesn't make her a psycho that would kill her child, put duct tape over her mouth and throw her off the side of a snake-infested road. (I'm eager to hear that part too. How come it took so long to find the body? Out of nowhere, six months later, voila! She's right there less than a mile from the Anderson's back yard. Hello? Nobody finds that weird?)

Who the hell are the Anderson's??
Damn, if you people want to sit here and type your opinions on whether Casey Anthony is guilty or not, don't you think the rest of us would feel like you know your shit a little better, if you managed to get the names straight of the people involved?!!???!
I am ASSUMING instead of Anderson, you meant Anthony??
Was it you a few posts before who got the name wrong, calling her Carley........(??) :confused:
How does "I'm wondering if" translate to "trashing" to you, genius?

Really??? You wonder if a grandfather molested his granddaughter is not trashing a man?

I'm sure I'm not the first to "wonder." His testimony today was hesitant at best, as though he definitely has something to hide. Besides, what I "wonder" won't get introduced in the courtroom, so why are you worried?

Unfortunately, they probably won't be able to raise the questions about his suicide attempt nor his frame of mind when he was openly alcoholic either. George left suicide notes saying [paraphrasing]"I can't bear to live without Caylee!!" But apparently he was fine with his daughter facing the death penalty. Go figure.

The judge didn't want him sitting in the courtroom anyway so he was told that if he shows any emotion, he's out. There was already a bi polar woman who started yelling at Casey. The judge told her she was going to jail for contemp. Not sure if she really went but she was crying and saying she'd never do it again..
Really??? You wonder if a grandfather molested his granddaughter is not trashing a man?

I'm sure I'm not the first to "wonder." His testimony today was hesitant at best, as though he definitely has something to hide. Besides, what I "wonder" won't get introduced in the courtroom, so why are you worried?

Unfortunately, they probably won't be able to raise the questions about his suicide attempt nor his frame of mind when he was openly alcoholic either. George left suicide notes saying [paraphrasing]"I can't bear to live without Caylee!!" But apparently he was fine with his daughter facing the death penalty. Go figure.

The judge didn't want him sitting in the courtroom anyway so he was told that if he shows any emotion, he's out. There was already a bi polar woman who started yelling at Casey. The judge told her she was going to jail for contemp. Not sure if she really went but she was crying and saying she'd never do it again..
That woman got 3 days in county jail for contempt.
Really??? You wonder if a grandfather molested his granddaughter is not trashing a man?

I'm sure I'm not the first to "wonder." His testimony today was hesitant at best, as though he definitely has something to hide. Besides, what I "wonder" won't get introduced in the courtroom, so why are you worried?

Unfortunately, they probably won't be able to raise the questions about his suicide attempt nor his frame of mind when he was openly alcoholic either. George left suicide notes saying [paraphrasing]"I can't bear to live without Caylee!!" But apparently he was fine with his daughter facing the death penalty. Go figure.

The judge didn't want him sitting in the courtroom anyway so he was told that if he shows any emotion, he's out. There was already a bi polar woman who started yelling at Casey. The judge told her she was going to jail for contemp. Not sure if she really went but she was crying and saying she'd never do it again..

The DEFENSE didn't want him in there but the judge overruled it and said both gparents could stay IF they made no faces, showed any emotion whatsoever.
The man sat there quietly, stoic, while his daughter threw him under the bus as a child molester. I think he realized then and there that his daughter is a sociopath.
Well, I think what will definitely be shown, is that poor George Anthony was stuck between a sort of nutty wife and a pathologically lying, irresponsible, narcisstic, Possible sociopathic party animal of a daughter.

If I were him, when this is all over, I would divorce, move to a resort island in the Caribean, and chill out for the rest o' my days.
I'm sure I'm not the first to "wonder." His testimony today was hesitant at best, as though he definitely has something to hide. Besides, what I "wonder" won't get introduced in the courtroom, so why are you worried?

Unfortunately, they probably won't be able to raise the questions about his suicide attempt nor his frame of mind when he was openly alcoholic either. George left suicide notes saying [paraphrasing]"I can't bear to live without Caylee!!" But apparently he was fine with his daughter facing the death penalty. Go figure.

The judge didn't want him sitting in the courtroom anyway so he was told that if he shows any emotion, he's out. There was already a bi polar woman who started yelling at Casey. The judge told her she was going to jail for contemp. Not sure if she really went but she was crying and saying she'd never do it again..

The DEFENSE didn't want him in there but the judge overruled it and said both gparents could stay IF they made no faces, showed any emotion whatsoever.
The man sat there quietly, stoic, while his daughter threw him under the bus as a child molester. I think he realized then and there that his daughter is a sociopath.

That is exactly how I heard it too. They wanted to be in the courtroom, the defense did not want them there, but the judge said yes, as long as they sit quietly, no facial expressions, etc.
This molestation thingie- why did Casey not mention this before?? If she did, I certainly didn't hear much about it. And IF she was molested, how is that going to explain the whys of what Casey did. When I see George Anthony face the media, I see a Grandfather who is hurting, terribly. He lost his Granddaughter and he might possibly could lose his daughter, I don't see him as a molester. Cindy Anthony looks like she could be a wicked bitch, but that's another story. I'm guessing George is about the only one who is really feeling the pain, cause Casey sure as hell doesn't appear to be missing her baby.
Well, I think what will definitely be shown, is that poor George Anthony was stuck between a sort of nutty wife and a pathologically lying, irresponsible, narcisstic, Possible sociopathic party animal of a daughter.

If I were him, when this is all over, I would divorce, move to a resort island in the Caribean, and chill out for the rest o' my days.

This ^

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