Casey Anthony

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I enjoy reading texaswriter and daydreamer both. When there are no abbreviations.

Meanwhile, this case is just crazy. And so are the anthony people.
the duck tape with the heart sticker on it only the mother had they found in her house.she was always sticking her in the trunk with duck tape on her mouth so she could go party.and the poor lil girl suffacated becaues she stayed out to long the night she died.thats what i think happened.then let her rot in her trunk.she needs to rot in hell once she's found out of murdering her daughter.she was nothing but a party girl and could care less about the girl...

And you have a video tape of this I presume, right?

Oh, you don't? Then how prey-tell do you know this?
You say "speculation"?
I see.

It's scary to know someone can be put to death based on speculation.

I bet you thought JFK was killed by a lone gunman too, right? (as did I).
Alas, 50 years later, what we 'speculated' has been scientifically proven, false!!!!
But who cares. Let's just kill Casey because the speculation really feels right. That's one less mouth to feed in prison, right?
Another thing I found odd during yesterday's testimony was when Lazzaro was describing what happened when Casey's mother, Cindy, arrived at his apartment and then again later with the police. The police returned twice after that, the first time to retrieve Casey's cell phone, and the second time (presumably with a warrant) to search Lazzaro's apartment. But they didn't find anything. Then later that same evening, Lee Anthony arrived at the Lazzaro apartment to retrieve Casey's laptop. Why on earth didn't the cops take it? And why was it so all-fired important to Lee that he had to personally go and get it (obtaining "directions" to the apartment from the police).
The cops probably had no idea it was there, or that it was hers, and Lee went to get it in the hopes of finding info on where the kid was at. He did turn it over to the police.

If so, then it would be considered tainted evidence and nothing on the computer could be used in court. Lee also could have wiped clean any material that might have implicated him in any coverup (or anything else).
Means, motive and opportunity; what do we know?

Means: possible drowning or possible aspyxiation with duct tape

Motive: not yet established (?)

Opportunity: George and Casee

As inconceivable as it is to believe that a mother drove around for four days with her daughter in the trunk and that possibly the grandfather knew and all the other wild lies and seemingly sociopathic behaviours - can beyond a reasonable doubt be established?

Myself, I am simply overwhemed by the crazy making of it all.

I watch quite a bit of the Investigative Discovery Channel's reenactments of bizarre and often unsolvable crimes. Sometimes years go by before key pieces of evidence and the truth emerge.
And one more thing, people, you sit here and discuss how George acts all guilty of something, and Cindy acts all weird about some shit, but damn, do you know what they really feel???
How they feel inside???
Do you know what they are going thru??
No, none of us do!
But I can tell you this, and I have 9 grandchildren---9 of them, ranging in ages from 12 years down to 2 years, and if one of them came up "missing" and Mommy (my daughter or daughter-in-law) tells me she hasn't seen the child in over 30 days and she just now tells me, you can bet your home, your car, your fucking job, whatever you have-that I will be fucking going crazy looking for that child, wondering what happened to the child and wondering why the hell Mommy didn't come and say something sooner.
And I would be a basket case because I would be sickened to wonder what that baby girl's last days were like!!
I would not act should a grandparent act after thay have learned their only grandchild was dead?? Is there a proper etiquette for stuff like this?? Who the hell is the expert on that one??

I appreciate your stance, opinion and passion however, I'm not understanding something.

You're saying if your grandchild was missing for 31 days you'd go crazy, right?Why did Cindy wait for the 11th hour (or the 31st day) to start her search then? Because her lying daughter kept her at bay and then admitted her granddaughter was kidnapped?

Does a grandmother (such as you, I and Cindy) need a REASON why, all of a sudden, after almost 3 consecutive years of seeing a child, to HEAR there's a chink in the chain?
Why didn't Cindy start going crazy after the first few days?

We can't insert Cindy's 'denial' defense at random or when it's convenient Nor can we insert Casey "honesty" deficiency whenever it suits us either.

Facts are: Casey is a liar. Cindy and George could not have possibly realized that all of a sudden in the summer of 2008. Impossible.

Facts are: Casey and Caylee continuously lived almost 3 years (except for perhaps 24 hours period) under that roof.

Facts are: By June.....let's say 24th (for argument sake) this baby, who has lived under that roof, is missing for a week by now, so.....why isn't Cindy "going crazy" looking for her?Are we to believe CIndy picks and chooses Casey's lies at will? Does she not have the ability to discern bullshit from delusion from common sense at all?
And if not (which looks apparent) then, you can't paint her into this 'normal grandmother" role then.

There is something very wrong here folks. The hard wiring within this family short-circuited a long time ago.

And according to Cindy's actions or acting, Caylee (despite holding her ashes) was STILL looking for her in the Spring of 2010. Just like she was still looking for Zanny in March 2011 (6 weeks ago)

Yeah, that's normal (eye roll)

To answer the above in red..."I" would be crazy if I was being told Caylee was with so&so, or Caylee was over there (when she wasn't)....because that is what Casey did, she kept telling her parents, and everybody- boyfriends even testified, Casey told them Caylee was with the nanny. But I would definitely go more nutso if I found out after so many days of my daughter telling me 'Caylee is here or there' and then find out it was all a lie, yeah, the crazy mode would kick in. The crazy mode would have kicked in on DAY ONE if the little bitch Casey would have admitted the baby was missing.

And to answer the blue, Cindy had no reason to "go crazy" because her crazy daughter had told her that Caylee was with the nanny, or with one of her boyfriends, etc. She kept lying to them about Caylee, telling them the little girl was with other people. So Cindy believed her granddaughter was where Casey said she was. Then after so much time, and I believe this came in the records as well, Cindy demanded to Casey, bring Caylee to me, let me see her-then it was at that point, that Casey admitted she had no clue where the little girl was.
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the duck tape with the heart sticker on it only the mother had they found in her house.she was always sticking her in the trunk with duck tape on her mouth so she could go party.and the poor lil girl suffacated becaues she stayed out to long the night she died.thats what i think happened.then let her rot in her trunk.she needs to rot in hell once she's found out of murdering her daughter.she was nothing but a party girl and could care less about the girl...

And you have a video tape of this I presume, right?

Oh, you don't? Then how prey-tell do you know this?
You say "speculation"?
I see.

It's scary to know someone can be put to death based on speculation.

I bet you thought JFK was killed by a lone gunman too, right? (as did I).
Alas, 50 years later, what we 'speculated' has been scientifically proven, false!!!!
But who cares. Let's just kill Casey because the speculation really feels right. That's one less mouth to feed in prison, right?

hey stupid ass get off this thread if you dont know the facts!!!.people who do and have been following it knows. and by the way it was in the news and if you dont follow it then shut the hell up..
the duck tape with the heart sticker on it only the mother had they found in her house.she was always sticking her in the trunk with duck tape on her mouth so she could go party.and the poor lil girl suffacated becaues she stayed out to long the night she died.thats what i think happened.then let her rot in her trunk.she needs to rot in hell once she's found out of murdering her daughter.she was nothing but a party girl and could care less about the girl...

And you have a video tape of this I presume, right?

Oh, you don't? Then how prey-tell do you know this?
You say "speculation"?
I see.

It's scary to know someone can be put to death based on speculation.

I bet you thought JFK was killed by a lone gunman too, right? (as did I).
Alas, 50 years later, what we 'speculated' has been scientifically proven, false!!!!
But who cares. Let's just kill Casey because the speculation really feels right. That's one less mouth to feed in prison, right?

Not really. On average, if someone is sentenced to death, they sit on death row for about 20 years going thru appeals and such. Some die of natural causes before the are even put to death. So, death penalty doesn't mean your ass is going to the gas chamber tomorrow.
It seems both the prosecution and the defense, through their drowning theory, have proven that Casey Anthony is a habitual liar. But she appears to be more than that. It appears that she is a psychopath, which led to the death of a beautiful little girl. I honestly think that it was probably an accident. I theorize that Casey wanted to go out on the night and decided to use chloroform on the little girl. Unfortunately, she overdosed her and she died. But instead of admitting to a horrible error, Casey continued to lie. Rather than involuntary man slaughter, which she may have been given in the accident, she is on trial for her life. What a sad, sad story.

In a weird way I want to believe it was an accident, then the tape wrapped around her head keeps bringing it back to murder. How do you wrap your babies head, mouth and nose in tape and later plan to remove it?

I theorize there was an argument btwn Cindy and casey that fathers day. Cindy won't tell because that gives motive and casey won't for the same reason. Those parents are in an awful position
Hopefully the jury is also paying as close attention. There already is more than enough material for reasonable doubt, in my humble opinion. And once again, the defense team hasn't even begun.

I just can't wrap my head around a lot of the facts in this case. All the key players seem to contradict each other. Sadly, I don't believe we will ever know the truth of what really happened. I have a lot of opinions and thoughts on this case, and since this is my first post here, I would like to start with the DT's OS. The accusations against George Anthony.

Since the day I heard that two dogs hit on scents in the backyard, I've always thought Caylee Anthony died in that pool. That body was in the backyard. There's no way around that fact. The question is the how she died and why the need for a cover up?
We have testimony from George and Cindy Anthony that places the three -- Caylee, Casey and George in the house on June 16th 2008. The question is whose version of events do you believe? Did Caylee and Casey leave as George testified? Or did Little Caylee make her way to the pool as the DT's OS alledges? And if so -- why the NEED for a cover up story vs calling 911?

Is GA a sexual predator? Is he guilty of sexually abusing his daughter? We will never know the truth in that. But, I can tell you with certainity that there is no playbook that dictates correct behavior for a victim of a sexual abuse.

An inlaw of mine, at age 14, testified against her step father for sexually abusing her and her younger sister. Her testimony sent the pervert to prison. Her mother waited on him to be released. Now they spend nearly every major holiday at her dinner table, along with her two small sons, as one big happy family. With this behavior I ask myself WTF? As I, myself, being a victim of sexual abuse, dance on the grave of the pervert whom molested me . . . at every opportunity I get. As I said, there is NO playbook for appropriate behavior of a victim of sexual abuse.

So, did GA sexually abuse Casey Anthony? We will probably never know the truth. But, if he did -- chances are he was abusing Caylee Anthony also. Sexual predators rely on opporunity. And they rarely stop at one victim.

Cindy Anthony testified yesterday about the three sliding glass doors. She testified the kitchen door was almost ALWAYS locked, and to the fact that she freely came and went in and out the door in her master bedroom because it would be more convienent then using the living room door if she needed something out of her bedroom while enjoying her backyard. Is it possible that Caylee slipped out of an open sliding door? Yes.
She also testified that she put the ladder down the evening of June 15th 2008. And that they did so always because Caylee was capable of climbing the ladder on her own. Eventually we will hear testimony from coworker Deborah Polisano, that Cindy told her "someone" was swimming in her pool. That they had broken into her GATE and left the LADDER up at the swimming pool. I'm assuming that Cindy, would at finding this scenario have naturally asked GA -- "Hey, did you use the pool today?" and that apparently his answer was "No." Why else would she make the statement that "someone" was using her pool? So is it possible that Caylee went into the pool on her own because the ladder had been left up? Yes.

Okay, back to the DT's OS of George being involved. The need for a huge cover up vs calling 911. Why on earth would one NOT call 911 upon finding a child in the family swimming pool? There is only one logical reason I can come up with. Is it possible that GA couldn't afford for an autopsy to be done on Caylee? An autopsy would most certainly reveal certain types of sexual abuse. The question is would he have been able to brow beat/conjole/terrify Casey into going along with a cover up? History proves it's not unusual for abusers to have control -- emotional/mental control over their victims.

The DT says follow the duct tape.

I find myself thinking George, moreso than Casey, would be the one to KNOW the importance of the nose and mouth needing to be taped to keep pool water from escaping, if indeed there was a need to hide the fact of an accidental drowning. And it makes sense to me that a monster capable of sexual abuse would also try to humanize their victim by putting a heart shaped sticker upon her mouth. Will we hear testimony that chlorine in concentrated doses makes chloroform? (And speaking of chloroform -- did Casey perhaps search that term after seeing the picture posted on then BF slimeball Ricardo's MySpace?)
Is GA the monster the DT says he is? Or is he an innocent man?

How could Cindy, a nurse -- not know her daughter was nearly eight months pregnant? I don't buy it. And apparently the FBI thought there was something odd in this family too regarding Casey's pregnancy. Enough to court order a DNA paternity test on brother Lee, after his REFUSAL to take one on his own. Is it possible we will hear of a similar test inre of George Anthony?

One thing for certain, there were a lot of things wrong with this family. Long before the death of little innocent Caylee Anthony forced them under the microscope.
And although they might not be correct in the facts surrounding the death of Caylee Anthony, the DT is correct in saying this is a family of secrets. They have all been caught in numerous lies and half truths.

Is it possible the Anthony's might turn out to be a living, breathing Flowers in the Attic family? Yes. It happens everyday.
And the defense attorney was really pushing Gorge about why, if he knew in his heart of hearts she was dead, why didn't he call the police. George told us he said a little prayer walking back to the trunk that it wasn't Casey or Caylee in there.

She has a very aggressive attorney and he is truly working on a George did it theory.

It's gotta be rough.

But it doesn't add up. The claim is George wanted Simon (the tow yard employee) to open the trunk with him to have a witness. But according to the defense George would know there was no body in the trunk due to his being the manupulator of the cover up. As Maggot...:lol:...tried to play at earlier the car has been established to have been in casey's possession the entire time up the to abandoning it. No one can place George near the car. To jump to that conclusion is wishful thinking

That theory alone is full of holes. Only those who desperately want him to be complicit so she can be sorta innocent are going to fall for that goofy logic
Casey Anthony's "partying" days could be compartametalization.

I do find George's letters to Casey a tad desperate. He repeatedly states how he needs to see her and hug her and tell her he loves her. Most intriguing is page 26 where he states how sorry he is for so much in his life and that it is over, but hers (Casey's) is just beginning.

Wow. Just wow. At one point they apparently had a discussion about "...the media getting ahold of it..." Ahold of what? George tells Casey not to worry about that.
The jury hasn't seen anything yet, what till the prosecution brings in photos of little Caylee's remains and the photos of the heart sticker over the duct tape.
The red heart sticker is proof, somebody who loved her, placed it there.
She stole because Daddy & Mommie had always paid for everything before. It was the first time in her life she had been away from home. She had also used the gas cans on other occasions, yet this time, "Dad" decides to call the cops.
Not quite. She stole becuase she didn't have money due to the fact that even though she was fully supported by her parents she lied for years about having a job.

She stole the gas cans due to the fact that she was lying to her parents about being out of town. She couldn't exactly ask for gas - again- if she was not in town now could she? He reported a break in because thats what happened. Only when she snuck back into the house thinking he would be at work did he confront her and she gave him the cans and lied about having told Cindy she took them. Use your head, if she told her mom as was the usual routing, why break in?
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The jury hasn't seen anything yet, what till the prosecution brings in photos of little Caylee's remains and the photos of the heart sticker over the duct tape.
The red heart sticker is proof, somebody who loved her, placed it there.

Sad isn't it? Loved her and killed her without a second thought :(
Unlike most of you, I have been left with gaping holes and a plethora of questions for 3 years now.

Let's say Casey DID do this:
1) Why would she just let a dead body sit in HER car (that is traceable), bake in the Florida Sun, parked on a main thoroughfare?

2) Why would she finally resolve to bury her dead baby girl's body 1500 feet from her own home?

She may be a liar but she isn't dumb UNLESS we are to believe she wanted to get caught.

Some of you are forgetting a lot of 'small' details.

Cindy 'slipped' up and said on the news that Caylee was not in the woods. This was in September.
Say what?????????? Why would Cindy even THINK Caylee was in the woods??????

George told the impound man that the car was at Amscot for 3 days?
Say what?????????????? How would George even KNOW it was sitting at Amscot for 3 days??????

There is no way in hell they are going to convict Casey based on the Anthony's erratic and suspicious behavior.

Remember also, The Anthony's own attorney QUIT on them as did their spokesman. All within the same week. The spokesman said he didn't like what he learned nor how the Anthony's were behaving.

George has a real bad anger problem. There's a reason he's no longer a detective.
Which brings up THIS point:
What ex-detective tosses out evidence???? (garbage bag in Casey's car)
What's ex-detective doesn't report "decomposition" in his missing daughter's car???
What ex-detective simply drives the car home, rolls down the windows and goes off to work and doesn't phone the police?

If you think all of this is rational behavior (regardless if Casey killed Caylee or not) then you are all dumb-down brainwashed media washing zombies.

Try to erase what you've heard on mainstream media.
The news sensationalizes everything for...ratings! Not for the truth!!! Just remember that.
And the fact that Nancy Grace and the Geraldo Rivera's are reporting/leaning on one side is enough cause to consider that it's bias reporting at best.

In closing I will say, there is NO proof, other than circumstantial evidence suggesting Caylee was killed by Casey.

Casey displayed very disturbing behaviors.
As does her own parents.
This family is very dysfunctional and Casey unfortunately is a bi-product of crazy whacked out parents.


I've never served on a real jury, but participated in a mock jury twice. (That's when the prosecution or defense hires people to review the case based on known facts at the time in order to get a "feel" for how their presentation would go over with a real jury.) There is more than enough testimony produced already by the prosecution to raise enumerable questions regarding the testimony already given by George and Cindy Anthony. One thing that has yet to be asked, and it will be, is why a concrete slab around the pool was installed on July 4th. Cindy testified only that it was done so the "dogs could relieve themselves." What, they couldn't use the grass as always? And why that particular date?
Texas Writer, altho your post was one of those I label tl/dr---it was interesting.
But can you give your opinions as to why Casey was partying...dancing the night away....entering hot bod contests...when she knew her daughter was missing or already dead??

Can you please explain to me what tl/dr stands for?

I'm not too keen on labels.

And I have no clue as to why Casey was doing the things she did. Just like I have no clue why Cindy Anthony was still looking for Zanny the Invisible Nanny until six weeks ago. Nor do I have a clue why a meter reader would make several 911 calls over a 4 or 5 month period inre of a suspicious bag of "something".

Is it possible Casey did have a complete psychotic break from reality? Even while continuing her daily activities like a normal person (ie eating, bathing vs sitting around drooling in a trance). I suppose so.

Is it possible Cindy continued to buy into all of the proven lies of her daughter until six weeks ago? Although there was solid proof from LE that there never was a nanny? I suppose so.

Is it possible that meter reader Roy Kronk was just truly a armchair detective and had the tenacity of a bulldog when it came to his discovery? I suppose so. But I think testimony coming up is going to be a "Hmmm . . ." moment for the jury.

We'll never know what truly happened to Caylee Marie Anthony. It would take someone directly involved to crack under pressure. AND even if Casey did so . . . who would believe a new "truth" after all of her lies?

I, myself, believe Caylee died in the pool. It's the reasoning for the big cover up that baffles me.

There was some suggestion early on that "Zanny" was code for Xanax, an anti-depressant. Casey's use of such a drug, or overuse, could also explain a lot.
Oh, one more thing.

Okay again, let's all agree Casey is a pathological liar. Check. We all concur.
She also made LE look like they were on an episode of the KeyStone Cops with that wild run-around Casey put them on. Do we agree? I think we do.

So.......................why would LE all of a sudden start believing Casey? They wouldn't, right? I mean, they learned to take what she says with a grain of salt.

However, someone, somewhere for some unknown reason felt it necessary to run a paternity test on both her brother and her father!!!!
What kind of family has the FBI even CONSIDER incest?????????
They are certainly not just taking Casey's word on this.

There is more to this story and to this family than you realize or even, giving consideration for.

Oh and by the way, Casey told Jesse Grund back in 2005 of incestuous goings-on LONG before she and Baez conjured up a 'bogus' defense.

She also has continually refused to reveal the name of Caylee's father. There already is DNA, because her boyfriend (can't remember his name) was told he was the father, and I think I remember that he got his own DNA test done proving he wasn't.
I'm thinking, and the autopsy seems to confirm, that she murdered the kid by placiing the duct tape over the mouth and nose.......My theory, is that the kid was struggling for whatever reason, and she used the heart sticker to make it seem like some kind of game.

Either that, or she placced the duct tape on the kid after she overdosed her on chloroform, before she dumped the body to make it look like some sicko killed her.

One thing though. I thought the grandmother was a lil' nuts, until I saw her testimony this morning (Yes, they had half day testimony today) but, that lady obviously truly loved that child. The pure emotion coming from her was real. When they were showing the childs play things out in the backyard, that poor lady was ready to lose it.......I can truly see now why her emotions have come out in the past.

I also think that Cindy Anthony is a credible person, so far. George, not so much. They all loved the child, no doubt about it. But I'm still going to presume it was an accident, and that the heart sticker was the last sorrowful act of whomever was responsible. The duct tape was there just to keep it in place.

She's very genuine, George continues to be pissed that the defense is trying to turn everything on him. Until he can get passed this anger, he will keep making mistakes. I, in no way, think he was sexually abusing her.

They are her death sentence if you think about it and they have had plenty of time to think about how it may have gone down. At this point, they know she killed the one thing in their lives that made perfect sense, little Caylee. She's their daughter but at this point, they can't possibly give a shit about her.

Well if Casey just murdered the child that everyone on their planet says was adored and loved by her, then the prosecution is going to have to prove complete insanity, because right now, it makes absolutely zero sense that she would. Casey would have had to turn into some type of monster overnight.
I am trying not to make this a focus, that is I am not really following this all, but I just saw a clip of a courtroom scene they showed a pic pf the caylees crib to her mom and the they panned to casey crying fitfully , woefully being patted on the back, etc etc etc…

Now, as a father, I don’t know about anyone else, but if my kids were out of my sight for 3 hours at that age, I’d be in a low panic, a day? Full on manhunt mode.

30 days? THIRTY days? Where was the tears and outrage then? This stinks, she knows who did it and why and agreed or did it herself, theres no third explanation.

Who knows if they’ll ever prove it, either way. I doubt it, but shes complicit.

The only reasonable, rational and so far: offered up explanation for no one in panic-mode looking for Caylee for 31 days is: Everyone KNEW Caylee was dead.

It makes logical sense. Because like you said, there is no other explanation why no one reacted, acted or panicked like a 'normal' family would.

We will find out the 'ways' of this family and their exact 'psyche' once this trial get's going. This was only the first week.
There are months to come yet.

Bottom line at this juncture is: Many of us don't disagree that there was a huge cover-up underway starting in June involving people, other than Casey.

And to answer the blue, Cindy had no reason to "go crazy" because her crazy daughter had told her that Caylee was with the nanny, or with one of her boyfriends, etc. She kept lying to them about Caylee, telling them the little girl was with other people. So Cindy believed her granddaughter was where Casey said she was. Then after so much time, and I believe this came in the records as well, Cindy demanded to Casey, bring Caylee to me, let me see her-then it was at that point, that Casey admitted she had no clue where the little girl was.[/COLOR]

That's part of my point. Why did Cindy all of a sudden decide to start believing her lying daughter (in those 31 days) especially when to the average person, looked like she was being given nothing but a run-around? How was that enough to sustain a worried 'normal' grandmother?

I don't think Cindy knew within those first 31 days. I'll grant her that. But I think, by July 16th, the 'confession' was made (that Caylee drown) and a ginormous cover-up ensued.

Cindy just played dumb (via hiding behind this confused, worried and grieving grandmother act) while George played dumb, frustrated and detached .

And Lee?....well, he totally creeped me out during Caylee's memorial saying C-M-A????
Sorry, I saw nothing but a royal ACT on his part. (kissing those bracelets?) Really?

But like one of the last posters mentioned, the fact that he went back to retrieve the laptop, I think is relevant.

I tell you, Danielle Steele couldn't come up with better twists, turns, insinuations, implications, coincidences, truth and lies if she had to!!!!

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