Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I believe neither. I think the DT was left w/o a defense, and they convinced ICA that this was her best bet. Let's face it folks, ICA doesn't have much solid ground from which to launch a legit defense. That doesn't make her guilty, but it does show intent to deceive.

oldsalt, I 100% agree bro. What other option did they really have? If I take a step outside of my own feelings, if I were a Defense attorney, I think the accidental drowning was the only logical direction to go in. Now that I know that they had a pool, I am suprised they waited until the beggining of the trial to use this tactic. However, I think the false accusations (in my opinion) against her father was a very big mistake in regards to Males on the Jury. It sounds like a desperate attempt for sympathy. ~BH

I didn't like GA or Cindy prior to the start of the trial, don't like them any more now. GA thrown under the bus gained ICA nothing. IMHO, she is the only one that can keep her neck out of the noose, and even that is questionable at this point, due to her lying.

oldsalt, Sorry bro. Trying to eat dinner and get back to respond. Do you think it was an accident by Ethanol, or intentional? ~BH
oldsalt, I 100% agree bro. What other option did they really have? If I take a step outside of my own feelings, if I were a Defense attorney, I think the accidental drowning was the only logical direction to go in. Now that I know that they had a pool, I am suprised they waited until the beggining of the trial to use this tactic. However, I think the false accusations (in my opinion) against her father was a very big mistake in regards to Males on the Jury. It sounds like a desperate attempt for sympathy. ~BH

I didn't like GA or Cindy prior to the start of the trial, don't like them any more now. GA thrown under the bus gained ICA nothing. IMHO, she is the only one that can keep her neck out of the noose, and even that is questionable at this point, due to her lying.

oldsalt, Sorry bro. Trying to eat dinner and get back to respond. Do you think it was an accident by Ethanol, or intentional? ~BH

Not sure. In the Cindy Sommer trial, I was sure early on that Todd had abused Ephedrine sups to the point of heart issues, and that Cindy was just a slut. Probably pretty close to the actual truth, in that one. Here, I'm not sure. I can certainly see ICA eliminating her child so she can lead the lifestyle she wants to, or it being mistake. Either way, ICA has to come clean.
I didn't like GA or Cindy prior to the start of the trial, don't like them any more now. GA thrown under the bus gained ICA nothing. IMHO, she is the only one that can keep her neck out of the noose, and even that is questionable at this point, due to her lying.

oldsalt, Sorry bro. Trying to eat dinner and get back to respond. Do you think it was an accident by Ethanol, or intentional? ~BH

Not sure. In the Cindy Sommer trial, I was sure early on that Todd had abused Ephedrine sups to the point of heart issues, and that Cindy was just a slut. Probably pretty close to the actual truth, in that one. Here, I'm not sure. I can certainly see ICA eliminating her child so she can lead the lifestyle she wants to, or it being mistake. Either way, ICA has to come clean.

So here all along you and I were on the same page brother. It's amazing how misunderstandings can happen on the internet. It happens frequently online. Ok so oldsalt? When you refer to Casey Anthony as ICA, Do you mean Inmate Casey Anthony? Does that have to do with her Mother and daughter's initials being close to the same? ~BH
Where is the YodSTER? Come on buddy, let's break this all down. I gotta hot date waiting for me in another Galaxy at the Mos Eisley cantina. I am serious bro. Ok then, I can't wait all night.

Just because you're too fucking ignorant to follow a thread, that's not my fault. I guess I have to post it again for you?

Let me help your weak mind out a little Yoda. Go back 3 or 4 pages and try real hard to figure it out. Here are the facts for your dumb ass.....

I answered your question to show what evidence I thought makes her look guilty. However, You're too fucking braindead to locate it because your too busy foaming out your mouth while looking for your Yoda figures lost light saber which is most likely behind your bed along with all your gay porn. You got one thing correct though. Yes, I attacked you after you drew first blood.

That's the way the world works Jr. You better learn to like it, or you will live a miserable life if and when you ever do move out of your parents house. No wonder your girl left you, you're an insecure little wormboy. You like? ~BH

Your first post since I came to this thread was insults and cursing. You wanted this and baited for it, so you got it. If you can't take it, then let's get back on topic and next time, show respect and either answer the fucking question or post a different without attacking one. Save the drama for your momma. If you can't do neither, than pick a different topic, website, or log off and shut the fuck up. It really is simple.

Now, back on topic. Was any DNA found on the duct tape that belonged to anyone else but the girl?

We have already moved along without your dumb ass.

Get this straight motherfucker. You don't give me orders. Whatever I said I never directed at you until you attacked me first. It's all there for anyone with a brain to go back and read. Just like my response to you answering your question of what evidence that I thought made her look guilty. Yet, you blow garbage about how I didn't respond. It's all there, just go back a few pages. Can you admit that you were wrong? Otherwise, Eat a dick bro.

Now you're running your mouth about my mother? Let me tell you something, I advise you to shut your fucking mouth or you're gonna get in over your head. Hey, I am all for meeting someone half way and calling a truce, but you need to learn the way the World works. ~BH

Over my head? Truce? I don't fear little punk on a message board. Now, you trying to bullshit you way and back out? I don't fuckin' think so. Hell you were running your cocksucker on other posters before my first post on this thread. Hell, I was responding to FCOllie and you jumped overit, when asked, all you could do is spew out a pile a shit. You've ran your mouth on another user in this thread, like Maggie and you have never, since my first post back on page 74, never have you posted a link or reason as to what piece of evidence lead you to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she was guilty and you have done nothing but act like a bitch until just recently with oldsalt.

Get this straight, I never talked about your Mother, I was talking about you, you little bitch. I served in the Marine Corp. for 12 years and I take my country and it's constitution very seriously. Believe me, I've faced allot worse than some medley mouthed little bastard over the internet. Looking back, you said you threw it out there that you was going to do it on my every post. I'm here to tell you to bring it on. Like I said before, you wanted it, You got it!

You misunderstand about giving you orders. This is only a message board. Do whatever floats your boat, but you act like a bitch with me, I'm gonna treat you like a bitch. Now, if you want to make a truce, then I'll apologize if I took something the wrong way, I was confused exactly who you was speaking to at the end me or oldsalt. but you need to learn, I don't take threats lightly and If you call me out, I'm simply not going to just drop it and go away. If you don't get what I said, or think it dumb, then ignore it and move on, but don't think for one second that I'm gonna put up with your bullshit. I'm not going to get ran over by people, like some others on this message board that's going to put up with childish disrespect, blatant name calling and that cyber-bulling bullshit. Hell, I've kicked the shit out of real life bullies, so you with your keyboard doesn't impress me on bit. That's how the world works, pal.

I apologize to everyone on this website and in this thread. This was really unnecessary, and added absolutely nothing to the conversation. That, I'm as much as responsible for as BH. And for that, I'm truly sorry.
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Your first post since I came to this thread was insults and cursing. You wanted this and baited for it, so you got it. If you can't take it, then let's get back on topic and next time, show respect and either answer the fucking question or post a different without attacking one. Save the drama for your momma. If you can't do neither, than pick a different topic, website, or log off and shut the fuck up. It really is simple.

Now, back on topic. Was any DNA found on the duct tape that belonged to anyone else but the girl?

We have already moved along without your dumb ass.

Get this straight motherfucker. You don't give me orders. Whatever I said I never directed at you until you attacked me first. It's all there for anyone with a brain to go back and read. Just like my response to you answering your question of what evidence that I thought made her look guilty. Yet, you blow garbage about how I didn't respond. It's all there, just go back a few pages. Can you admit that you were wrong? Otherwise, Eat a dick bro.

Now you're running your mouth about my mother? Let me tell you something, I advise you to shut your fucking mouth or you're gonna get in over your head. Hey, I am all for meeting someone half way and calling a truce, but you need to learn the way the World works. ~BH

Over my head? Truce? I don't fear little punk on a message board. Now, you trying to bullshit you way and back out? I don't fuckin' think so. Hell you were running your cocksucker on other posters before my first post on this thread. Hell, I was responding to FCOllie and you jumped overit, when asked, all you could do is spew out a pile a shit. You've ran your mouth on another user in this thread, like Maggie and you have never, since my first post back on page 74, never have you posted a link or reason as to what piece of evidence lead you to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she was guilty and you have done nothing but act like a bitch until just recently with oldsalt.

Get this straight, I never talked about your Mother, I was talking about you, you little bitch. I served in the Marine Corp. for 12 years and I take my country and it's constitution very seriously. Believe me, I've faced allot worse than some medley mouthed little bastard over the internet. Looking back, you said you threw it out there that you was going to do it on my every post. I'm here to tell you to bring it on. Like I said before, you wanted it, You got it!

You misunderstand about giving you orders. This is only a message board. Do whatever floats your boat, but you act like a bitch with me, I'm gonna treat you like a bitch. Now, if you want to make a truce, then I'll apologize if I took something the wrong way, I was confused exactly who you was speaking to at the end me or oldsalt. but you need to learn, I don't take threats lightly and If you call me out, I'm simply not going to just drop it and go away. If you don't get what I said, or think it dumb, then ignore it and move on, but don't think for one second that I'm gonna put up with your bullshit. I'm not going to get ran over by people, like some others on this message board that's going to put up with childish disrespect, blatant name calling and that cyber-bulling bullshit. Hell, I've kicked the shit out of real life bullies, so you with your keyboard doesn't impress me on bit. That's how the world works, pal.

I apologize to everyone on this website and in this thread. This was really unnecessary, and added absolutely nothing to the conversation. That, I'm as much as responsible for as BH. And for that, I'm truly sorry.

While I respect the end of your response, even though it took you an hour to respond while logged in here, You still don't learn do yuh? So now you supposedly were in the service? Exactly where were you stationed? Where were you deployed or where did you depart? What division or ship, or who did you serve with? Let us all know, because usually when one talks about their service, it turns out to be 100% bullshit. Well let me tell you something buddy, I did serve my country. Those who know me here already know that. So did my brother in the 1st Gulf War and my grandfather in World War 2.

fact still is that you drew first blood and started this all bro. What? So now you're on a crusade to save Maggie and whatever bottomfeeder that I insulted? Hey friend, if you think that you're gonna be a hero here, then more power to yuh. Good luck with that pipe dream guy. I am just the beggining of your headache here if that's the case. I don't give a rats ass what you think about what I post to others here. You should worry about your own problems. Something tells me that they are gonna only get bigger as time goes on, and it will be entertaining to watch others break you down like I easily did tonight.

You're sorry to everyone here? LMAO! Nobody gives a damn guy. You act like our disagreement was the number one thread of the night, Get over yourself. Why can't you just leave well alone? No, you had to push it. Well now you're gonna pay Daniel Son! :lol:

Nah seriously though, Mr. Myagi isn't gonna save you. You decided to defend a bottomfeeding maggot that killed her daughter. Let's not get side tracked here because at the end of the day that is the issue. Which is, is she guilty or not? If folks here have the opinion that she is guilty, too bad crybaby. Those of us who do are not on the Jury, so what is your problem then? You can't control peoples opinions, even though you might think that you can. There are a thousands out there like me who think that she is GUILTY! Don't like it, too fucking bad Jr.

You know what honor is Yoda, Do yuh really know what that is? Did they teach you about that in your make believe boot camp? Well, Just look at how oldsalt and I's exchange worked out. It's called meeting other humanbeings half way. Instead of being an asshole, you suck your half of the mess up and then you make friends. However, You decided to spend over an hour stressing yourself out while you typed this half ass response to me. It's clear that oldsalt is a reasonable man. You might want to pay attention to that. ;)

So With that being said, even though you started this war between us, I am still man enough to say that I will take my half of the blame. Other than that, What a waste of energy tonight. I guess we will all see where this goes tomorrow bro. Have a good one though anyways.

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Ok already!!! Tempers flared. This is a hot topic. Either ya believe the chick is innocent or guilty. Does it matter any more? I think most of us believe she is guilty in some way. Note I said SOME WAY. It remains to be seen what she says once on the stand IF she goes on the stand.
I gave up long ago trying to keep this thread on track. Y'all wanna battle each other, go ahead. Myself, I plan to take a step back and remember a little girl that is dead and everyone is just trying to make sense of WHY she is dead and who is responsible for the breath to leave her body forever.
Capice? That's my plan. You guys decide what is yours.
btw..I apologize for losing my own temper. I can only imagine what's going to happen in the jury room after the prosecution and defense rests and leaves it to them.
We have already moved along without your dumb ass.

Get this straight motherfucker. You don't give me orders. Whatever I said I never directed at you until you attacked me first. It's all there for anyone with a brain to go back and read. Just like my response to you answering your question of what evidence that I thought made her look guilty. Yet, you blow garbage about how I didn't respond. It's all there, just go back a few pages. Can you admit that you were wrong? Otherwise, Eat a dick bro.

Now you're running your mouth about my mother? Let me tell you something, I advise you to shut your fucking mouth or you're gonna get in over your head. Hey, I am all for meeting someone half way and calling a truce, but you need to learn the way the World works. ~BH

Over my head? Truce? I don't fear little punk on a message board. Now, you trying to bullshit you way and back out? I don't fuckin' think so. Hell you were running your cocksucker on other posters before my first post on this thread. Hell, I was responding to FCOllie and you jumped overit, when asked, all you could do is spew out a pile a shit. You've ran your mouth on another user in this thread, like Maggie and you have never, since my first post back on page 74, never have you posted a link or reason as to what piece of evidence lead you to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she was guilty and you have done nothing but act like a bitch until just recently with oldsalt.

Get this straight, I never talked about your Mother, I was talking about you, you little bitch. I served in the Marine Corp. for 12 years and I take my country and it's constitution very seriously. Believe me, I've faced allot worse than some medley mouthed little bastard over the internet. Looking back, you said you threw it out there that you was going to do it on my every post. I'm here to tell you to bring it on. Like I said before, you wanted it, You got it!

You misunderstand about giving you orders. This is only a message board. Do whatever floats your boat, but you act like a bitch with me, I'm gonna treat you like a bitch. Now, if you want to make a truce, then I'll apologize if I took something the wrong way, I was confused exactly who you was speaking to at the end me or oldsalt. but you need to learn, I don't take threats lightly and If you call me out, I'm simply not going to just drop it and go away. If you don't get what I said, or think it dumb, then ignore it and move on, but don't think for one second that I'm gonna put up with your bullshit. I'm not going to get ran over by people, like some others on this message board that's going to put up with childish disrespect, blatant name calling and that cyber-bulling bullshit. Hell, I've kicked the shit out of real life bullies, so you with your keyboard doesn't impress me on bit. That's how the world works, pal.

I apologize to everyone on this website and in this thread. This was really unnecessary, and added absolutely nothing to the conversation. That, I'm as much as responsible for as BH. And for that, I'm truly sorry.

While I respect the end of your response, even though it took you an hour to respond while logged in here, You still don't learn do yuh? So now you supposedly were in the service? Exactly where were you stationed? Where were you deployed or where did you depart? What division or ship, or who did you serve with? Let us all know, because usually when one talks about their service, it turns out to be 100% bullshit. Well let me tell you something buddy, I did serve my country. Those who know me here already know that. So did my brother in the 1st Gulf War and my grandfather in World War 2.

fact still is that you drew first blood and started this all bro. What? So now you're on a crusade to save Maggie and whatever bottomfeeder that I insulted? Hey friend, if you think that you're gonna be a hero here, then more power to yuh. Good luck with that pipe dream guy. I am just the beggining of your headache here if that's the case. I don't give a rats ass what you think about what I post to others here. You should worry about your own problems. Something tells me that they are gonna only get bigger as time goes on, and it will be entertaining to watch others break you down like I easily did tonight.

You're sorry to everyone here? LMAO! Nobody gives a damn guy. You act like our disagreement was the number one thread of the night, Get over yourself. Why can't you just leave well alone? No, you had to push it. Well now you're gonna pay Daniel Son! :lol:

Nah seriously though, Mr. Myagi isn't gonna save you. You decided to defend a bottomfeeding maggot that killed her daughter. Let's not get side tracked here because at the end of the day that is the issue. Which is, is she guilty or not? If folks here have the opinion that she is guilty, too bad crybaby. Those of us who do are not on the Jury, so what is your problem then? You can't control peoples opinions, even though you might think that you can. There are a thousands out there like me who think that she is GUILTY! Don't like it, too fucking bad Jr.

You know what honor is Yoda, Do yuh really know what that is? Did they teach you about that in your make believe boot camp? Well, Just look at how oldsalt and I's exchange worked out. It's called meeting other humanbeings half way. Instead of being an asshole, you suck your half of the mess up and then you make friends. However, You decided to spend over an hour stressing yourself out while you typed this half ass response to me. It's clear that oldsalt is a reasonable man. You might want to pay attention to that. ;)

So With that being said, even though you started this war between us, I am still man enough to say that I will take my half of the blame. Other than that, What a waste of energy tonight. I guess we will all see where this goes tomorrow bro. Have a good one though anyways.


Camp Lajeune. In return, I'll thank you and your family for your service, but you know acting like a worthless piece as you've been would only get you a blanket party. Don't flatter yourself, I do have a life outside this computer. BTW, how was that hot date? you weren't out long, did your right hand get tired? Look, were going nowhere here any one can look back and what a lying worthless piece you are. Deny what you want. Claim victory that you are a worthless sack of shit. The only thing you have broken is your own heart, because I'm still here and I'll be here tomorrow, telling you to bring it!

Honor is about having great respect and having the courage to stand and fight for what makes this country the greatest in the world. You sir, are a joke. You have displayed that you don't even know what that word means because you lack respect. That's why I apologized to everyone else, it about respect. Truth is, I don't know any of the other mentioned users here anymore than I know you. I'm no savior, but I enjoy seeing trash like you trying to squirm his way out of what he said when faced with it. And honestly, it was the best thing on the thread for me tonight. I came here to learn about an interesting trial and I got to see a sorry sack like you squirm. :lol: And for that, I thank you, sir.
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Over my head? Truce? I don't fear little punk on a message board. Now, you trying to bullshit you way and back out? I don't fuckin' think so. Hell you were running your cocksucker on other posters before my first post on this thread. Hell, I was responding to FCOllie and you jumped overit, when asked, all you could do is spew out a pile a shit. You've ran your mouth on another user in this thread, like Maggie and you have never, since my first post back on page 74, never have you posted a link or reason as to what piece of evidence lead you to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she was guilty and you have done nothing but act like a bitch until just recently with oldsalt.

Get this straight, I never talked about your Mother, I was talking about you, you little bitch. I served in the Marine Corp. for 12 years and I take my country and it's constitution very seriously. Believe me, I've faced allot worse than some medley mouthed little bastard over the internet. Looking back, you said you threw it out there that you was going to do it on my every post. I'm here to tell you to bring it on. Like I said before, you wanted it, You got it!

You misunderstand about giving you orders. This is only a message board. Do whatever floats your boat, but you act like a bitch with me, I'm gonna treat you like a bitch. Now, if you want to make a truce, then I'll apologize if I took something the wrong way, I was confused exactly who you was speaking to at the end me or oldsalt. but you need to learn, I don't take threats lightly and If you call me out, I'm simply not going to just drop it and go away. If you don't get what I said, or think it dumb, then ignore it and move on, but don't think for one second that I'm gonna put up with your bullshit. I'm not going to get ran over by people, like some others on this message board that's going to put up with childish disrespect, blatant name calling and that cyber-bulling bullshit. Hell, I've kicked the shit out of real life bullies, so you with your keyboard doesn't impress me on bit. That's how the world works, pal.

I apologize to everyone on this website and in this thread. This was really unnecessary, and added absolutely nothing to the conversation. That, I'm as much as responsible for as BH. And for that, I'm truly sorry.

While I respect the end of your response, even though it took you an hour to respond while logged in here, You still don't learn do yuh? So now you supposedly were in the service? Exactly where were you stationed? Where were you deployed or where did you depart? What division or ship, or who did you serve with? Let us all know, because usually when one talks about their service, it turns out to be 100% bullshit. Well let me tell you something buddy, I did serve my country. Those who know me here already know that. So did my brother in the 1st Gulf War and my grandfather in World War 2.

fact still is that you drew first blood and started this all bro. What? So now you're on a crusade to save Maggie and whatever bottomfeeder that I insulted? Hey friend, if you think that you're gonna be a hero here, then more power to yuh. Good luck with that pipe dream guy. I am just the beggining of your headache here if that's the case. I don't give a rats ass what you think about what I post to others here. You should worry about your own problems. Something tells me that they are gonna only get bigger as time goes on, and it will be entertaining to watch others break you down like I easily did tonight.

You're sorry to everyone here? LMAO! Nobody gives a damn guy. You act like our disagreement was the number one thread of the night, Get over yourself. Why can't you just leave well alone? No, you had to push it. Well now you're gonna pay Daniel Son! :lol:

Nah seriously though, Mr. Myagi isn't gonna save you. You decided to defend a bottomfeeding maggot that killed her daughter. Let's not get side tracked here because at the end of the day that is the issue. Which is, is she guilty or not? If folks here have the opinion that she is guilty, too bad crybaby. Those of us who do are not on the Jury, so what is your problem then? You can't control peoples opinions, even though you might think that you can. There are a thousands out there like me who think that she is GUILTY! Don't like it, too fucking bad Jr.

You know what honor is Yoda, Do yuh really know what that is? Did they teach you about that in your make believe boot camp? Well, Just look at how oldsalt and I's exchange worked out. It's called meeting other humanbeings half way. Instead of being an asshole, you suck your half of the mess up and then you make friends. However, You decided to spend over an hour stressing yourself out while you typed this half ass response to me. It's clear that oldsalt is a reasonable man. You might want to pay attention to that. ;)

So With that being said, even though you started this war between us, I am still man enough to say that I will take my half of the blame. Other than that, What a waste of energy tonight. I guess we will all see where this goes tomorrow bro. Have a good one though anyways.


Camp Lajeune. In return, I'll thank you and your family for your service, but you know acting like a worthless piece you've been would only get you a blanket party. Don't flatter yourself, I do have a life outside this computer. BTW, how was that hot date? you weren't out long, did your right hand get tired? Look, were going nowhere here any one can look back and what a lying worthless piece you are. Deny what you want. Claim victory that you are a worthless sack of shit. The only thing you have broken is your own heart, because I'm still here and I'll be here tomorrow, telling you to bring it!

So now you're a Marine? LMAO! Though I admire your message board stamina, you are pathetic bro. Go to bed Jr. Tomorrow is another day.

While I respect the end of your response, even though it took you an hour to respond while logged in here, You still don't learn do yuh? So now you supposedly were in the service? Exactly where were you stationed? Where were you deployed or where did you depart? What division or ship, or who did you serve with? Let us all know, because usually when one talks about their service, it turns out to be 100% bullshit. Well let me tell you something buddy, I did serve my country. Those who know me here already know that. So did my brother in the 1st Gulf War and my grandfather in World War 2.

fact still is that you drew first blood and started this all bro. What? So now you're on a crusade to save Maggie and whatever bottomfeeder that I insulted? Hey friend, if you think that you're gonna be a hero here, then more power to yuh. Good luck with that pipe dream guy. I am just the beggining of your headache here if that's the case. I don't give a rats ass what you think about what I post to others here. You should worry about your own problems. Something tells me that they are gonna only get bigger as time goes on, and it will be entertaining to watch others break you down like I easily did tonight.

You're sorry to everyone here? LMAO! Nobody gives a damn guy. You act like our disagreement was the number one thread of the night, Get over yourself. Why can't you just leave well alone? No, you had to push it. Well now you're gonna pay Daniel Son! :lol:

Nah seriously though, Mr. Myagi isn't gonna save you. You decided to defend a bottomfeeding maggot that killed her daughter. Let's not get side tracked here because at the end of the day that is the issue. Which is, is she guilty or not? If folks here have the opinion that she is guilty, too bad crybaby. Those of us who do are not on the Jury, so what is your problem then? You can't control peoples opinions, even though you might think that you can. There are a thousands out there like me who think that she is GUILTY! Don't like it, too fucking bad Jr.

You know what honor is Yoda, Do yuh really know what that is? Did they teach you about that in your make believe boot camp? Well, Just look at how oldsalt and I's exchange worked out. It's called meeting other humanbeings half way. Instead of being an asshole, you suck your half of the mess up and then you make friends. However, You decided to spend over an hour stressing yourself out while you typed this half ass response to me. It's clear that oldsalt is a reasonable man. You might want to pay attention to that. ;)

So With that being said, even though you started this war between us, I am still man enough to say that I will take my half of the blame. Other than that, What a waste of energy tonight. I guess we will all see where this goes tomorrow bro. Have a good one though anyways.


Camp Lajeune. In return, I'll thank you and your family for your service, but you know acting like a worthless piece you've been would only get you a blanket party. Don't flatter yourself, I do have a life outside this computer. BTW, how was that hot date? you weren't out long, did your right hand get tired? Look, were going nowhere here any one can look back and what a lying worthless piece you are. Deny what you want. Claim victory that you are a worthless sack of shit. The only thing you have broken is your own heart, because I'm still here and I'll be here tomorrow, telling you to bring it!

So now you're a Marine? LMAO! Though I admire your message board stamina, you are pathetic bro. Go to bed Jr. Tomorrow is another day.


Here's the problem, you don't read? What part of 12 years in the MARINE CORP. was to hard for you to understand? Look, I've already told you through PM, that I was done. This isn't a truce as much as it is a cease fire. So grab a blanket and lights out. I hear it gets cold down in that basement. Now good nite.:eusa_shhh:
This is the ONLY person I've seen interviewed who asks some relevant and critical questions that are not framed to demonize Casey Anthony and which have not yet been explored in court:

:lol: at framed to demonize Casey

As easy as it is to hate Casey, there’s no real evidence she killed her child and our emphasis on her being a bad mother is distracting us from paying attention to the facts that matter.

Phony premise....the defense constends she was a good mother. If you side with JB you should tow the line
For example, last week’s testimony included statements from several witnesses that the car Casey was driving at the time Caylee went missing, a car that belonged to Casey’s mother, smelled strongly of a dead/decomposing body.

The news coverage that followed had “experts” debating whether rotting food, can produce a similar odor. But the real question is – who had custody of the car at the time Caylee went missing? Casey was last seen in the car with Caylee on June 16, 2008.
Around June 17-19, Casey was driving a borrowed Jeep and telling people that Caylee was with a nanny and her car was in the shop.

No rotting food in the car. Casey had custody and to claim GA did is to demonisze him, as the defense has done.

All JB has to do then is produce an bill.
Casey got her mother’s car back a few days later, but Caylee was nowhere in sight. On June 25 she told one of her friends that it “smelled like something died in my car
She was dead. So what she told a friend? Stating the obviouse is not the sign of innocence. Jeffery Dahmer laughed it up with a cop who unwittingly helped his dispose of a dead body in a suitcase.

On June 27 the car was abandoned, and on the 30th it was brought to a tow yard.

The critical question raised by these facts is – who had the car and who was with Caylee when her dead body landed in the trunk sometime between June 17 and June 22.

It’s possible Casey killed her child, but if she put her own child’s dead body in the trunk, why would she tell her friends that she smelled rotting flesh in her car? Casey knows more than she is saying – and she clearly helped cover up the truth – but the absence of evidence will never prove murder.
Does this brain doner follow the case? The defense is the dead child was never in the trunk

Wrong,...she's going down :eusa_pray:
I don't think she is. I still feel she'll crack prior to the end of this.

Glad to have a civil discussion now. No hard feelings. Yeah, I agree that she might crack if put on the stand. She's been through alot in regards to emotional stress (not that I care, but it's a fact). ~BH

None taken. The trio of GA, Cindy and CA all harbor more than they project. Someone is gonna let fly, my question is really this........ When the truth flows, will it be believed by the jury?

I think the truth lies solely with Casey. She killed her and I don't buy any accident sob story at this point either, the tape was evil-period. Since she will never confess and will die lying about it we will never fully know.

I have my theory about why, but will wait till the end of the trial
btw..I apologize for losing my own temper. I can only imagine what's going to happen in the jury room after the prosecution and defense rests and leaves it to them.

Man, I missed all the fun :lol:

I doubt there will much trouble deciding this one. The penalty phase might be more difficult imo. -

I sincerely think JB is doing her more harm than good. If I were on the jury his credibility is zero. He defended her from the very start when it was a missing child case. Then when it became murder, he confesses to all her lies but didn't step down. So I wonder.....if she conned him then how can we believe him now? Just my thoughts.
The lastest news was the bug expert, a Neil Haskell fellow. He confirmed that the paper towel they found inside the trunk of Casey's white car, had specific flies on it, that were indeed related to human decomp-it contained decomp fluid. So what he's saying is---there was a dead body in the trunk-it was laying there-it was in decomp-dead-deceased-no longer breathing. If it wasn't little Caylee's dead body, wonder whose it could have been??
As far as stages of grief, I know what grief feels like...I know how bad a fucking heart can hurt when someone you love has died.
If they die in front of your eyes or you get that dreaded phone call...either way, grief is so painful, and most everyone does react differently. But not one damn person I know, myself included, would be out on a dance floor, shaking my ass all around for the guys to see, it I couldn't find my 2 year old baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This is the ONLY person I've seen interviewed who asks some relevant and critical questions that are not framed to demonize Casey Anthony and which have not yet been explored in court:

:lol: at framed to demonize Casey

As easy as it is to hate Casey, there’s no real evidence she killed her child and our emphasis on her being a bad mother is distracting us from paying attention to the facts that matter.

Phony premise....the defense constends she was a good mother. If you side with JB you should tow the line

No rotting food in the car. Casey had custody and to claim GA did is to demonisze him, as the defense has done.

All JB has to do then is produce an bill.
Casey got her mother’s car back a few days later, but Caylee was nowhere in sight. On June 25 she told one of her friends that it “smelled like something died in my car
She was dead. So what she told a friend? Stating the obviouse is not the sign of innocence. Jeffery Dahmer laughed it up with a cop who unwittingly helped his dispose of a dead body in a suitcase.

On June 27 the car was abandoned, and on the 30th it was brought to a tow yard.

The critical question raised by these facts is – who had the car and who was with Caylee when her dead body landed in the trunk sometime between June 17 and June 22.

It’s possible Casey killed her child, but if she put her own child’s dead body in the trunk, why would she tell her friends that she smelled rotting flesh in her car? Casey knows more than she is saying – and she clearly helped cover up the truth – but the absence of evidence will never prove murder.
Does this brain doner follow the case? The defense is the dead child was never in the trunk

Wrong,...she's going down :eusa_pray:

Slow day, since no court......As an aside...If you're going to try and insult someone, you might wanna spell DONOR right....:eusa_whistle:

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