Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


From what I've seen on the trial....if I were on the jury, I would declare her guilty, life sentence.

Wendy Murphy doesn't think residue from the heart sticker proves anything. She called the witness a "12 yo" and said she is inexperienced :eek:

I would find her guilty too, and recommend death still. Then again, JB is claiming a bomb shell
If she is found guilty, Then she should be sentenced to death. Eye for and eye my friends. That would mean that She stole that little girl's life from her, so she must pay with her's. Plus, Why waste even one penny on housing such a disgusting creature? She isn't worth the electricity or water that she uses for one day in Prison. Hell, Not even worth one of those crappy meals that make school lunches look Gourmet, that they feed them in there.

Personally, I would have them tie her up back to back with Scott Peterson, connect it to a block of concrete and then throw both of the worthless bottomfeeders overboard. Now that's my idea of Justice! BH World, What a dream. :razz: ~BH
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I think the jury is going to believe she IS guilty and probably find her guilty, of something. But I do also believe there has been enough reasonable doubt brought forth, and if the jurors do their job correctly, they won't give her the death penalty.
We all just have to wait and see.
Prison time tho.....Casey deserves time in prison!
I think the jury is going to believe she IS guilty and probably find her guilty, of something. But I do also believe there has been enough reasonable doubt brought forth, and if the jurors do their job correctly, they won't give her the death penalty.
We all just have to wait and see.
Prison time tho.....Casey deserves time in prison!
I think the jury is going to believe she IS guilty and probably find her guilty, of something. But I do also believe there has been enough reasonable doubt brought forth, and if the jurors do their job correctly, they won't give her the death penalty.
We all just have to wait and see.
Prison time tho.....Casey deserves time in prison!

Bolded: Wouldn't them doing their job in that case mean acquit?

Well, shit......let's not mention that word :lol:
I know she is guilty, she killed her baby.....I don't believe it was at all premeditated, but she did kill Caylee. Accidental or no, it was a homicide, and I hope the jury sees that too.
Damn, that would be one helluva blow if they had a hung trial or some shit *ugh*
Don't they have any lesser charges on the table---it's not simply the one option, death penalty if they find her guilty of murder(??)
I thought they had murder one, or a manslaughter charge they could tack on her. Maybe not??
My AOL homepage has this story reading as The Trial Of The Century.
Which is rather odd, cause earlier today I was thinking of asking that very question, does anyone think this one would be the trial of the century??
I think the jury is going to believe she IS guilty and probably find her guilty, of something. But I do also believe there has been enough reasonable doubt brought forth, and if the jurors do their job correctly, they won't give her the death penalty.
We all just have to wait and see.
Prison time tho.....Casey deserves time in prison!

Bolded: Wouldn't them doing their job in that case mean acquit?

Well, shit......let's not mention that word :lol:
I know she is guilty, she killed her baby.....I don't believe it was at all premeditated, but she did kill Caylee. Accidental or no, it was a homicide, and I hope the jury sees that too.
Damn, that would be one helluva blow if they had a hung trial or some shit *ugh*
Don't they have any lesser charges on the table---it's not simply the one option, death penalty if they find her guilty of murder(??)
I thought they had murder one, or a manslaughter charge they could tack on her. Maybe not??

You're quick....I deleted it because it took me a minute to understand your point
I think the jury is going to believe she IS guilty and probably find her guilty, of something. But I do also believe there has been enough reasonable doubt brought forth, and if the jurors do their job correctly, they won't give her the death penalty.
We all just have to wait and see.
Prison time tho.....Casey deserves time in prison!

Bolded: Wouldn't them doing their job in that case mean acquit?

Well, shit......let's not mention that word :lol:
I know she is guilty, she killed her baby.....I don't believe it was at all premeditated, but she did kill Caylee. Accidental or no, it was a homicide, and I hope the jury sees that too.
Damn, that would be one helluva blow if they had a hung trial or some shit *ugh*
Don't they have any lesser charges on the table---it's not simply the one option, death penalty if they find her guilty of murder(??)
I thought they had murder one, or a manslaughter charge they could tack on her. Maybe not??

Of course if it is indeed found that she accidenlty killed her with chloroform while trying to go out and shake her ass and party like a slut, then I would be ok with Life in prison without any possibility of parole. Yeah I know that it sounds harsh to many people (like Maggie, Sunshine & Yoda), but she would have taken the little girls life from her for her own digusting and selfish personal reasons. To me, A message needs to be sent to these horrible excuses for mothers. ~BH
Bolded: Wouldn't them doing their job in that case mean acquit?

Well, shit......let's not mention that word :lol:
I know she is guilty, she killed her baby.....I don't believe it was at all premeditated, but she did kill Caylee. Accidental or no, it was a homicide, and I hope the jury sees that too.
Damn, that would be one helluva blow if they had a hung trial or some shit *ugh*
Don't they have any lesser charges on the table---it's not simply the one option, death penalty if they find her guilty of murder(??)
I thought they had murder one, or a manslaughter charge they could tack on her. Maybe not??

You're quick....I deleted it because it took me a minute to understand your point

I know, It sucks when that happens bro. Alot like when one responds to a sarcastic response but before they can edit it the other poster responds to them. Misunderstandings happen on the internet all the time. Alot of that going on when e-mailing someone about a certain disagreement or issue. Always better to settle differences in person or atleast on the phone. ~BH
Bolded: Wouldn't them doing their job in that case mean acquit?

Well, shit......let's not mention that word :lol:
I know she is guilty, she killed her baby.....I don't believe it was at all premeditated, but she did kill Caylee. Accidental or no, it was a homicide, and I hope the jury sees that too.
Damn, that would be one helluva blow if they had a hung trial or some shit *ugh*
Don't they have any lesser charges on the table---it's not simply the one option, death penalty if they find her guilty of murder(??)
I thought they had murder one, or a manslaughter charge they could tack on her. Maybe not??

You're quick....I deleted it because it took me a minute to understand your point

All is well of my posts got doubled up I seen, the same post, the same time, etc......I dunno wtf is happening :lol:
My AOL homepage has this story reading as The Trial Of The Century.
Which is rather odd, cause earlier today I was thinking of asking that very question, does anyone think this one would be the trial of the century??

Perhaps. We're not done, way too early to tell......
Bolded: Wouldn't them doing their job in that case mean acquit?

Well, shit......let's not mention that word :lol:
I know she is guilty, she killed her baby.....I don't believe it was at all premeditated, but she did kill Caylee. Accidental or no, it was a homicide, and I hope the jury sees that too.
Damn, that would be one helluva blow if they had a hung trial or some shit *ugh*
Don't they have any lesser charges on the table---it's not simply the one option, death penalty if they find her guilty of murder(??)
I thought they had murder one, or a manslaughter charge they could tack on her. Maybe not??

Of course if it is indeed found that she accidenlty killed her with chloroform while trying to go out and shake her ass and party like a slut, then I would be ok with Life in prison without any possibility of parole. Yeah I know that it sounds harsh to many people (like Maggie, Sunshine & Yoda), but she would have taken the little girls life from her for her own digusting and selfish personal reasons. To me, A message needs to be sent to these horrible excuses for mothers. ~BH

I'd still want death. Honestly, unless ICA gets on the stand and provides some answers ( which, how can we believe anyway) it's all going to come down to the jury's reasoning anyhoots. I think the DT would be in better shape had not JB shot off his mouth in the opening statement. Open after the PT presented. Now he has to back that stuff up....and let's face it, he can't.
I think everyone can agree, that there is no one who can possibly believe a word Casey Anthony says, she has been proven to be a liar time and time again.
One will never know when she is being truthful...or hell,...if she ever has been!
I think everyone can agree, that there is no one who can possibly believe a word Casey Anthony says, she has been proven to be a liar time and time again.
One will never know when she is being truthful...or hell,...if she ever has been!
My AOL homepage has this story reading as The Trial Of The Century.
Which is rather odd, cause earlier today I was thinking of asking that very question, does anyone think this one would be the trial of the century??

Perhaps. We're not done, way too early to tell......

OJ has to be the "trial of the century". I don't believe that one single person of a reasonable age, doesn't know where they were when that verdict was read. I was framing a track home as a young man with my best friend here in Northern California. We heard it over the radio blasting in his f-150 4x4 pumped up truck as we were working.

The only other time I remember where I was when a certain incident occured was when I and another good freind were putting my car stereo into my rebuilt 1967 Ford Ranchero with a 289 mustang engine (best engine ever made by the way) back in 1989. The battle of the bay Earthquake hit Northern California. We both thought that my younger brother was shaking the back of the car, but then we jumped out and we actually watched as my driveway slowly cracked in half. There is still atleast an inch rise on one side of the dirve way of that property till this very day. Life is weird when you look back at it. ~BH
My AOL homepage has this story reading as The Trial Of The Century.
Which is rather odd, cause earlier today I was thinking of asking that very question, does anyone think this one would be the trial of the century??

Perhaps. We're not done, way too early to tell......

OJ has to be the "trial of the century". I don't believe that one single person of a reasonable age, doesn't know where they were when that verdict was read. I was framing a track home as a young man with my best friend here in Northern California. We heard it over the radio blasting in his f-150 4x4 pumped up truck as we were working.

The only other time I remember where I was when a certain incident occured was when I and another good freind were putting my car stereo into my rebuilt 1967 Ford Ranchero with a 289 mustang engine (best engine ever made by the way) back in 1989. The battle of the bay Earthquake hit Northern California. We both thought that my younger brother was shaking the back of the car, but then we jumped out and we actually watched as my driveway slowly cracked in half. There is still atleast an inch rise on one side of the dirve way of that property till this very day. Life is weird when you look back at it. ~BH

Depending on the calendar, new century, Bruddah!

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