Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
yeah, i can see this charge sticking. trying to find what the range of incarceration might be in florida. but it seems that cause of death is a deciding factor...which we don't have...

i don't know kids, i'll wait for the jury as they are the ones tasked. i'm just not ready to say the state proved its case for capitol one murder.

Duct tape is usually not a good sign.....

no it isn't. but damned if i can live a day without it in my home! :lol:

Agreed! We called it 90 mph tape. But you and I aren't associated with it by murder 1.
Well bless your heart! Now I won't have to go to that parking lot for validation! You are nothing, if not entertaining. :lol:

Sunshine, I was trying to discuss the issue with you positively, but this time you decided to be negative anyway. My point is, Just because you have a so-called education, and maybe you very likely do, that's no reason to act like you're above other people engaged in a simple debate of guilt or innocence, know what I mean? I would probably do the same thing from everyday experience in that field, I dunno, but I hope you get my point? :razz:~BH

Guilt or innocence is not a simple debate. I think the trouble that our system goes to to make sure that innocent people do not get punished/killed for something they did not do is an indication of that.

So far I 've been told how little I learned getting my education because I am unwilling to make or encourage a decision on something as critical as a death penalty case while knowing only one side of the evidence. I must have missed the class in which they taught that a verdict is to be rendered with only one side putting on evidence. Kudos to you if you caught that one, because I did not!~ If you look back, that is what most of this thread is. People who have rendered their own verdict based on only one set of evidence, that of the prosecution. Even those who see the holes resort to concepts of law that do not apply after an arrest has been made, like totality of the circumstances. They/you seem not to comprehend what 'beyond a reasonable doubt is'

Reasonable doubt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually, You just made yourself out to be a hypocrite, because you have given your opinions on this case just as I have. Someone's "opinion" on the case or her guilt is not the final chapter now is it? It's called a forum where people discuss the case and give their opinions on that specific case.

This isn't Maggie's fucking classroom, and it certainly is not yours. I'll form whatever opinions that I like. Hell, I already assumed she was guilty long before this circus side show of a trial if you want to know the truth. And hey, at the end of the day it don't matter what I think. :razz: Even though you and Maggie prefer to act as if my opinion will influence any outcome. So quit with that weak minded arguement. ~BH
And people like you think Casey Anthony is psycho. Does it make you feel gooooooood posting insulting garbage like that? Either grow up or get help.

Yeah, I need help because "I think that Casey Anthony is psycho"? Are you fucking mentally ill? The entire country besides yourself and a few other nutcases thinks she's a phsyco. In fact, I don't think, I know the bitch is a psycho. Know what? I think you're a phsyco. You should be put in a fucking straight Jacket and locked in a padded room. You're cookoo for coco puffs maggiemaggot. Yep, you bumped your head sister. It's time to remove your head from your ass. I can't stand bottomfeeders like you who defend other bottomfeeders. Hell, She could have suffocated her little girl right in front of your face and you would claim that you must have had a bad dream. Stuck on fucking stupid mAGGIE! Stupid is, Stupid does. How yuh like that box of chocolates? :razz: ~BH

I was referencing how you approached ME, not Casey Anthony. Say what you want about her, but your rant needlessly insulted me, personally. The fact that you still fail to see the difference says volumes about you.

Now you're back tracking out of your epic fail. It's pathetic Maggie. :razz: ~BH
We will now dissect one single sentence by Maggie that when we are all done and finished, It will expose her as clearly being mentally ill. :razz:

And people like you think Casey Anthony is psycho.

Ummmm yeah, Yuh think dummy? :razz: I mean, This is like coming from another planet. Hell, A different Universe. Am I missing something here? This alone proves Maggie's a nutcase, or has bumped her head really hard. I dunno folks. :cuckoo: ~BH

My lord, you're also quite dense and can't figure out innuendo. When some psycho (you) makes unwarranted insulting comments that have ZERO to do with the topic, but are intended solely to use your keyboard to lace your post with frat boy language and third-grade nicknames like "Maggot", then you are as deranged as Casey Anthony. These are toughies...

Lady you are a nutcase. Do you not see how you continue to contradict yourself? Think for a minute, just a minute.

Let's all take a look at the mind of MaggieMagPie shall we?

And people like you think Casey Anthony is psycho. Does it make you feel gooooooood posting insulting garbage like that? Either grow up or get help.

Then Maggie goes on to post........

but are intended solely to use your keyboard to lace your post with frat boy language and third-grade nicknames like "Maggot", then you are as deranged as Casey Anthony. These are toughies.


If that isn't enough, then think about this. Maggie believes in the Caylee drowning theory right? Well again, Once Maggie said this....

And people like you think Casey Anthony is psycho.

I knew she was mentally disturbed. Think about it for a minute?

Even if Caylee drowned (which she didn't), and Casey covered it up for over a month. Would a normal person be able to shut that out and go out to a club and shake her ass like a whore? = Nope. Maggie's a psyco just like her hero Casey.

Now, I am not one of your students who you try to mind fuck into submission. I suggest you learn to pick your battles Maggie. ;) ~BH
Yeah, I need help because "I think that Casey Anthony is psycho"? Are you fucking mentally ill? The entire country besides yourself and a few other nutcases thinks she's a phsyco. In fact, I don't think, I know the bitch is a psycho. Know what? I think you're a phsyco. You should be put in a fucking straight Jacket and locked in a padded room. You're cookoo for coco puffs maggiemaggot. Yep, you bumped your head sister. It's time to remove your head from your ass. I can't stand bottomfeeders like you who defend other bottomfeeders. Hell, She could have suffocated her little girl right in front of your face and you would claim that you must have had a bad dream. Stuck on fucking stupid mAGGIE! Stupid is, Stupid does. How yuh like that box of chocolates? :razz: ~BH

I was referencing how you approached ME, not Casey Anthony. Say what you want about her, but your rant needlessly insulted me, personally. The fact that you still fail to see the difference says volumes about you.

Now you're back tracking out of your epic fail. It's pathetic Maggie. :razz: ~BH

magpie has been busted.
Actually Sunshine, I did not say I thought she was guilty after only hearing one side of this case, I have always felt from the get-go....from day one.....before the trial even started- that Casey Anthony was most definitely involved in the disappearance of her little girl, and I still feel that way, and that she is indeed guilty, of something sinister.
The trial didn't have to begin to make me think now, I'll just wait and see how the trial plays out and once it gets to the jury, it's theirs. We can only sit back and wait and wonder, what thoughts must be going thru their minds. And the verdict, whatever it may be, will be the one everyone has to accept.

That has been where my thoughts have been headed as well. I think the parents were also involved. An accidental death seems likely. The story about the mom questioning Casey about the whereabouts of the child is as likely to be made up as anything else.;

Think about THIS: What kind of parents would sit back and let their daughter take the rap for capital murder when they were also involved? How would you feel sitting there watching them do that to you? Maybe it's a strategy, but I can't believe that anyone has a handle on human behavior well enough to play that game.
Sunshine, I was trying to discuss the issue with you positively, but this time you decided to be negative anyway. My point is, Just because you have a so-called education, and maybe you very likely do, that's no reason to act like you're above other people engaged in a simple debate of guilt or innocence, know what I mean? I would probably do the same thing from everyday experience in that field, I dunno, but I hope you get my point? :razz:~BH

Guilt or innocence is not a simple debate. I think the trouble that our system goes to to make sure that innocent people do not get punished/killed for something they did not do is an indication of that.

So far I 've been told how little I learned getting my education because I am unwilling to make or encourage a decision on something as critical as a death penalty case while knowing only one side of the evidence. I must have missed the class in which they taught that a verdict is to be rendered with only one side putting on evidence. Kudos to you if you caught that one, because I did not!~ If you look back, that is what most of this thread is. People who have rendered their own verdict based on only one set of evidence, that of the prosecution. Even those who see the holes resort to concepts of law that do not apply after an arrest has been made, like totality of the circumstances. They/you seem not to comprehend what 'beyond a reasonable doubt is'

Reasonable doubt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually, You just made yourself out to be a hypocrite, because you have given your opinions on this case just as I have. Someone's "opinion" on the case or her guilt is not the final chapter now is it? It's called a forum where people discuss the case and give their opinions on that specific case.

This isn't Maggie's fucking classroom, and it certainly is not yours. I'll form whatever opinions that I like. Hell, I already assumed she was guilty long before this circus side show of a trial if you want to know the truth. And hey, at the end of the day it don't matter what I think. :razz: Even though you and Maggie prefer to act as if my opinion will influence any outcome. So quit with that weak minded arguement. ~BH

No one cares what you think.
Actually Sunshine, I did not say I thought she was guilty after only hearing one side of this case, I have always felt from the get-go....from day one.....before the trial even started- that Casey Anthony was most definitely involved in the disappearance of her little girl, and I still feel that way, and that she is indeed guilty, of something sinister.
The trial didn't have to begin to make me think now, I'll just wait and see how the trial plays out and once it gets to the jury, it's theirs. We can only sit back and wait and wonder, what thoughts must be going thru their minds. And the verdict, whatever it may be, will be the one everyone has to accept.

That has been where my thoughts have been headed as well. I think the parents were also involved. An accidental death seems likely. The story about the mom questioning Casey about the whereabouts of the child is as likely to be made up as anything else.;

Think about THIS: What kind of parents would sit back and let their daughter take the rap for capital murder when they were also involved? How would you feel sitting there watching them do that to you? Maybe it's a strategy, but I can't believe that anyone has a handle on human behavior well enough to play that game.

Think about THIS, who throws everyone but themselves under the bus for the disappearance and death of their own child? Remember, as ICA said, "I'm the Victim here"...............................
Guilt or innocence is not a simple debate. I think the trouble that our system goes to to make sure that innocent people do not get punished/killed for something they did not do is an indication of that.

So far I 've been told how little I learned getting my education because I am unwilling to make or encourage a decision on something as critical as a death penalty case while knowing only one side of the evidence. I must have missed the class in which they taught that a verdict is to be rendered with only one side putting on evidence. Kudos to you if you caught that one, because I did not!~ If you look back, that is what most of this thread is. People who have rendered their own verdict based on only one set of evidence, that of the prosecution. Even those who see the holes resort to concepts of law that do not apply after an arrest has been made, like totality of the circumstances. They/you seem not to comprehend what 'beyond a reasonable doubt is'

Reasonable doubt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually, You just made yourself out to be a hypocrite, because you have given your opinions on this case just as I have. Someone's "opinion" on the case or her guilt is not the final chapter now is it? It's called a forum where people discuss the case and give their opinions on that specific case.

This isn't Maggie's fucking classroom, and it certainly is not yours. I'll form whatever opinions that I like. Hell, I already assumed she was guilty long before this circus side show of a trial if you want to know the truth. And hey, at the end of the day it don't matter what I think. :razz: Even though you and Maggie prefer to act as if my opinion will influence any outcome. So quit with that weak minded arguement. ~BH

No one cares what you think.

Au contraire. I even care what YOU think. I ponder it whilst I take a dump.:eusa_whistle:
BozoBeaz shot smacked down again this morning, it was just sad watching him whine in front pf the Judge this morning.

Recess until 10:30 because tsk tsk tsk
Not even 11:00 and court in recess for the day. No witnesses at all today.

Still feeling lucky ICA ???
Actually Sunshine, I did not say I thought she was guilty after only hearing one side of this case, I have always felt from the get-go....from day one.....before the trial even started- that Casey Anthony was most definitely involved in the disappearance of her little girl, and I still feel that way, and that she is indeed guilty, of something sinister.
The trial didn't have to begin to make me think now, I'll just wait and see how the trial plays out and once it gets to the jury, it's theirs. We can only sit back and wait and wonder, what thoughts must be going thru their minds. And the verdict, whatever it may be, will be the one everyone has to accept.

That has been where my thoughts have been headed as well. I think the parents were also involved. An accidental death seems likely. The story about the mom questioning Casey about the whereabouts of the child is as likely to be made up as anything else.;

Think about THIS: What kind of parents would sit back and let their daughter take the rap for capital murder when they were also involved? How would you feel sitting there watching them do that to you? Maybe it's a strategy, but I can't believe that anyone has a handle on human behavior well enough to play that game.

How are any of us to know her parents were even involved??
She's the one on trial, not her parents. Evidently the legal system feels confident they have the right person on trial.
That has been where my thoughts have been headed as well. I think the parents were also involved. An accidental death seems likely. The story about the mom questioning Casey about the whereabouts of the child is as likely to be made up as anything else.;

Think about THIS: What kind of parents would sit back and let their daughter take the rap for capital murder when they were also involved? How would you feel sitting there watching them do that to you? Maybe it's a strategy, but I can't believe that anyone has a handle on human behavior well enough to play that game.

You should clerk forJB, your imagination is on par with his.

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