Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's too bad, I started up my recording today and he's still mad about what happened Saturday. The defense seems to be the delay at this point and their case is a mess as a result.

I can't even sort out what has happened since the state rested. Is the defense looking for a mistrial?
It's too bad, I started up my recording today and he's still mad about what happened Saturday. The defense seems to be the delay at this point and their case is a mess as a result.

I can't even sort out what has happened since the state rested. Is the defense looking for a mistrial?

Guilt or innocence is not a simple debate. I think the trouble that our system goes to to make sure that innocent people do not get punished/killed for something they did not do is an indication of that.

So far I 've been told how little I learned getting my education because I am unwilling to make or encourage a decision on something as critical as a death penalty case while knowing only one side of the evidence. I must have missed the class in which they taught that a verdict is to be rendered with only one side putting on evidence. Kudos to you if you caught that one, because I did not!~ If you look back, that is what most of this thread is. People who have rendered their own verdict based on only one set of evidence, that of the prosecution. Even those who see the holes resort to concepts of law that do not apply after an arrest has been made, like totality of the circumstances. They/you seem not to comprehend what 'beyond a reasonable doubt is'

Reasonable doubt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually, You just made yourself out to be a hypocrite, because you have given your opinions on this case just as I have. Someone's "opinion" on the case or her guilt is not the final chapter now is it? It's called a forum where people discuss the case and give their opinions on that specific case.

This isn't Maggie's fucking classroom, and it certainly is not yours. I'll form whatever opinions that I like. Hell, I already assumed she was guilty long before this circus side show of a trial if you want to know the truth. And hey, at the end of the day it don't matter what I think. :razz: Even though you and Maggie prefer to act as if my opinion will influence any outcome. So quit with that weak minded arguement. ~BH

No one cares what you think.

Oh yeah Sister, I am sure.
Actually, You just made yourself out to be a hypocrite, because you have given your opinions on this case just as I have. Someone's "opinion" on the case or her guilt is not the final chapter now is it? It's called a forum where people discuss the case and give their opinions on that specific case.

This isn't Maggie's fucking classroom, and it certainly is not yours. I'll form whatever opinions that I like. Hell, I already assumed she was guilty long before this circus side show of a trial if you want to know the truth. And hey, at the end of the day it don't matter what I think. :razz: Even though you and Maggie prefer to act as if my opinion will influence any outcome. So quit with that weak minded arguement. ~BH

No one cares what you think.

Au contraire. I even care what YOU think. I ponder it whilst I take a dump.:eusa_whistle:

Maybe she's just having another bad day. She might have came up short trying to get her pills re-filled too early at the pharmacy. Hey, rules are rules. :lol: ~BH
unfortunatly , just like nancy grace , most of you have blinders on . also you have a crooked prosecuter who has made a complete mockery of the legal system . this entire case is based on guesswork and very sloppy police work . for one thing ask yourself this , why would george leave a note and drive an hour and a half to daytona to commit suicide if he wasnt guilty ? get real people . the defense case makes way more sense than the states bs fabricated evidence . the state did not prove its case to me in any way shape or form . yes she looks guilty , george looks guilty , lee looks guilty , cindy looks guilty , procecuter jeff dipshit is definatly guilty . why is he afraid of the defense witnesses telling their opinions or truth ? objection ! objection ! freaking moron ! his attitude im sure has already pushed some jurors toward NOT GUILTY due to his attitude and trying to manipulate witnesses by refusing to depose them just because hes scared of a truthfull opinion . heres the facts folks , all it is going to take is ONE JUROR LIKE ME TO VOTE NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS , SHE WALKS DUE TO PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT IN THE EYES OF THE JURY. THE STATE DID NOT PROVE ITS CASE , DID NOT CONNECT CASEY TO THE CRIME . REASONABLE DOUBT WILL SET HER FREE . CHOKE ON THAT NANCY !
unfortunatly , just like nancy grace , most of you have blinders on . also you have a crooked prosecuter who has made a complete mockery of the legal system . this entire case is based on guesswork and very sloppy police work . for one thing ask yourself this , why would george leave a note and drive an hour and a half to daytona to commit suicide if he wasnt guilty ? get real people . the defense case makes way more sense than the states bs fabricated evidence . the state did not prove its case to me in any way shape or form . yes she looks guilty , george looks guilty , lee looks guilty , cindy looks guilty , procecuter jeff dipshit is definatly guilty . why is he afraid of the defense witnesses telling their opinions or truth ? objection ! objection ! freaking moron ! his attitude im sure has already pushed some jurors toward NOT GUILTY due to his attitude and trying to manipulate witnesses by refusing to depose them just because hes scared of a truthfull opinion . heres the facts folks , all it is going to take is ONE JUROR LIKE ME TO VOTE NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS , SHE WALKS DUE TO PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT IN THE EYES OF THE JURY. THE STATE DID NOT PROVE ITS CASE , DID NOT CONNECT CASEY TO THE CRIME . REASONABLE DOUBT WILL SET HER FREE . CHOKE ON THAT NANCY !

Mentally deranged moron, I personally have no love for Nancy Grace either, but I don't hate her. So get over your jealousy of her success. If you're a loser, don't blame her for it. Just saying. ;)

Anyway idiot, Did you ever think about the fact that maybe George realized that his daughter very well did murder his grandChild? Did that ever enter into your warped red diaper doper baby mind? Can even a bottomfeeding robot like yourself even comprehend what that would do to a father, and then a grandfather? I suppose you don't have a family and are not married?

How would you face or understand that your own daughter killed her own daughter (and who he deeply loved more than anything)? Try hard. Try really, really hard and think about other peoples feelings instead of your hero Casey the child killer.

So yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah rant away you mentally ill pop in, last quarter fraud. What? Do you play bunkO with maggie, or do you just paint sunshine's toe nails when she call's for an appointment?

I dunno. I do know this though, If there truly is just one single juror on this case who thinks like you (and that very well could be the case in fucked up amerika today), Then you might very well be correct for the first time in your pathetic existence on this panet.

1st post here eh? :eusa_shhh: Hey, I could be wrong, but it really sounds to me like Maggie and Sunshine payed off some dumbshit who cleans their septic tank out to register here in order to fight their battle for them. :razz:

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unfortunatly , just like nancy grace , most of you have blinders on . also you have a crooked prosecuter who has made a complete mockery of the legal system . this entire case is based on guesswork and very sloppy police work . for one thing ask yourself this , why would george leave a note and drive an hour and a half to daytona to commit suicide if he wasnt guilty ? get real people . the defense case makes way more sense than the states bs fabricated evidence . the state did not prove its case to me in any way shape or form . yes she looks guilty , george looks guilty , lee looks guilty , cindy looks guilty , procecuter jeff dipshit is definatly guilty . why is he afraid of the defense witnesses telling their opinions or truth ? objection ! objection ! freaking moron ! his attitude im sure has already pushed some jurors toward NOT GUILTY due to his attitude and trying to manipulate witnesses by refusing to depose them just because hes scared of a truthfull opinion . heres the facts folks , all it is going to take is ONE JUROR LIKE ME TO VOTE NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS , SHE WALKS DUE TO PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT IN THE EYES OF THE JURY. THE STATE DID NOT PROVE ITS CASE , DID NOT CONNECT CASEY TO THE CRIME . REASONABLE DOUBT WILL SET HER FREE . CHOKE ON THAT NANCY !
Your caps key seems to be broken. That must be as annoying to you as it is for others to read

If you're right I'll buy you a new keyboard :lol:
unfortunatly , just like nancy grace , most of you have blinders on . also you have a crooked prosecuter who has made a complete mockery of the legal system . this entire case is based on guesswork and very sloppy police work . for one thing ask yourself this , why would george leave a note and drive an hour and a half to daytona to commit suicide if he wasnt guilty ? get real people . the defense case makes way more sense than the states bs fabricated evidence . the state did not prove its case to me in any way shape or form . yes she looks guilty , george looks guilty , lee looks guilty , cindy looks guilty , procecuter jeff dipshit is definatly guilty . why is he afraid of the defense witnesses telling their opinions or truth ? objection ! objection ! freaking moron ! his attitude im sure has already pushed some jurors toward NOT GUILTY due to his attitude and trying to manipulate witnesses by refusing to depose them just because hes scared of a truthfull opinion . heres the facts folks , all it is going to take is ONE JUROR LIKE ME TO VOTE NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS , SHE WALKS DUE TO PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT IN THE EYES OF THE JURY. THE STATE DID NOT PROVE ITS CASE , DID NOT CONNECT CASEY TO THE CRIME . REASONABLE DOUBT WILL SET HER FREE . CHOKE ON THAT NANCY !

Sorry I can't seem to make heads nor tails of your post, your grammar is terrible! And you definitely need some extra help in the spelling class.
Please graduate, then come back and maybe we all can respond accordingly.
unfortunatly , just like nancy grace , most of you have blinders on . also you have a crooked prosecuter who has made a complete mockery of the legal system . this entire case is based on guesswork and very sloppy police work . for one thing ask yourself this , why would george leave a note and drive an hour and a half to daytona to commit suicide if he wasnt guilty ? get real people . the defense case makes way more sense than the states bs fabricated evidence . the state did not prove its case to me in any way shape or form . yes she looks guilty , george looks guilty , lee looks guilty , cindy looks guilty , procecuter jeff dipshit is definatly guilty . why is he afraid of the defense witnesses telling their opinions or truth ? objection ! objection ! freaking moron ! his attitude im sure has already pushed some jurors toward NOT GUILTY due to his attitude and trying to manipulate witnesses by refusing to depose them just because hes scared of a truthfull opinion . heres the facts folks , all it is going to take is ONE JUROR LIKE ME TO VOTE NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS , SHE WALKS DUE TO PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT IN THE EYES OF THE JURY. THE STATE DID NOT PROVE ITS CASE , DID NOT CONNECT CASEY TO THE CRIME . REASONABLE DOUBT WILL SET HER FREE . CHOKE ON THAT NANCY !

I sure hope this isn't one of the jurors.

Do they need more than an sixth grade education in FLA. to be on the jury? :confused:
unfortunatly , just like nancy grace , most of you have blinders on . also you have a crooked prosecuter who has made a complete mockery of the legal system . this entire case is based on guesswork and very sloppy police work . for one thing ask yourself this , why would george leave a note and drive an hour and a half to daytona to commit suicide if he wasnt guilty ? get real people . the defense case makes way more sense than the states bs fabricated evidence . the state did not prove its case to me in any way shape or form . yes she looks guilty , george looks guilty , lee looks guilty , cindy looks guilty , procecuter jeff dipshit is definatly guilty . why is he afraid of the defense witnesses telling their opinions or truth ? objection ! objection ! freaking moron ! his attitude im sure has already pushed some jurors toward NOT GUILTY due to his attitude and trying to manipulate witnesses by refusing to depose them just because hes scared of a truthfull opinion . heres the facts folks , all it is going to take is ONE JUROR LIKE ME TO VOTE NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS , SHE WALKS DUE TO PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT IN THE EYES OF THE JURY. THE STATE DID NOT PROVE ITS CASE , DID NOT CONNECT CASEY TO THE CRIME . REASONABLE DOUBT WILL SET HER FREE . CHOKE ON THAT NANCY !

I sure hope this isn't one of the jurors.

Do they need more than an sixth grade education in FLA. to be on the jury? :confused:

I hope so, I still wonder about Juror #4.....
Sorry I can't seem to make heads nor tails of your post, your grammar is terrible! And you definitely need some extra help in the spelling class.
Please graduate, then come back and maybe we all can respond accordingly.


Just by taking the small sampling here the free ICA camp can't type, thinks Stacy Anderson is someone, knows somehow Cindy in involved and or at fault, swears she was a great mother, believes there was no duct tape on the skull but it was placed after decomposition, and can't post without calling everyone else names while espousing their kinder nature and superior deductive skills.

Looking good for conviction :eusa_pray:
And you know, something else that bugs the shit outta me! ICA glides in the courtroom, every damn day, with a smirk on her face, does anyone else notice that??
She doesn't appear upset, or look sad because she's not going to see her baby ever again. She doesn't appear distraught, like she sits in her cell and worries all night long. She doesn't appear to be anything, but a wicked witch, acting like she's all innocent and what's up with her constantly fixing her clothing??
Every time I see her, she is messing with her blouse or shirt, what's she wanting to be all pretty for??
God she makes me sick!
Looking at Pics from Casey's photo bucket, and I have to really wonder how they expect to make the claims of sexual attacks by the brother stick when she posts things like this??????

The thing about this trial is it's circumstantial evidence at best. Do I think Casey was involved with her daughter's death? Yes. I also think Ashton and the prosecution team along with law enforcement has done a crappy job at proving their theories.
The thing about this trial is it's circumstantial evidence at best. Do I think Casey was involved with her daughter's death? Yes. I also think Ashton and the prosecution team along with law enforcement has done a crappy job at proving their theories.

It would be nice if the defense agreed with you.

Another strike against JB, Judge Perry says disovery violation was willful, substantial
(again :eusa_whistle:)
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Another thing, the way the State has refused true access to evidence, has tried to limit testimony, and the way Ashton conducts himself in court really has me shaking my head. I personally thought this was an open and shut case, I really did. I mean the mom acts crazy, lies about everything, searches on her computer for harmful substances, "beautiful life" translated tattoo, couldn't tell the truth about her daughter being dead or killed, and does hot body contests in her child's absence? As much as I hate Casey Anthony, I would be lying if I didn't say the way the state's attorney Ashton has handled this case has given me some real doubt about the theory the state is presenting. Real doubt. Why doesn't Ashton let the defense present their experts, let the experts testify, and let the facts speak for themselves? I mean if the facts present that Casey Anthony killed her daughter, no expert on the defense side can refute the facts. They can shed doubt on the facts, but can't refute the facts. State's attorney Ashton is the #1 reason why I really doubt the official state's accusations in this matter. Just me. Baez is a scumbag too.

(By the way any response of defense towards Ashton and any comments of "well he's just doing his job" or "he's trying to keep mythical expert opinions out of court" or whatever, I don't care what anyone else thinks about my opinion. This is my take.)
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