Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think "thetruthsetufre" is a sock puppet.
They just became a member in June 2011.
They have only made 5 posts and all 5 have been in this thread *sigh*

Oohh, DayDreamer? TW?

It's a reg, check out the last post they made. They started out acting like they knew very little regarding the Anthony case (or is it the Anderson's) *haha*...and now they are full blown into listing all the facts.
I say it's a sock puppet all the way!
And that makes them even more pathetic, can't post in their own name.

Well I think even Bozo might want to change his name after all this :lol:

For your reading pleasure: a not so flattering article on the Eikelenboom's written by the Denver Post in 2009:

I understand the definition of a "sock puppet" account. I've been watching this case and searched out for a message board, found this one, decided to vent about things I've been thinking about. If this is how you treat newcomers to this message board, I'd hate to see how you treat frequent users of this board that you disagree with. Why so defensive? Am I attacking your opinions? Nope. I'm responding to your responses towards my opinions and observations when it pertains to the lack of evidence.
Let me educate you chatters some more.

First degree murder: a murder that is committed with premeditation or during the course of a serious felony (as kidnapping) or that otherwise (as because of extreme cruelty) requires the most serious punishment under the law.

OK, has a kidnapping been proven here? No. Has the course of a serious felony been proven here? No. The THEORY that child endangerment hasn't been proven, but yet it has been theorized. Has premeditation been proven? No. Just searches for chloroform and self defense on her computer has been shown, but not linked to the actual death of Caylee. Has extreme cruelty been proven? Nope.

Nothing has been proven, just theories as to "reasons why" actions were what they were and I guarantee you there are logical members of this jury who will not convict Casey. Unfortunately, but it's true. The State's Attorney's have a weak circumstantial evidence case and they know it. The weak circumstantial evidence case is exactly why Ashton keeps trying to limit testimony, limited access to evidence, and is using the type of "hide the weasel" tactics you see in court. His actions PROVE he knows this is a weak case.

:lol::lol: Hey rocket scientist, she's dead.
Let me educate you chatters some more.

First degree murder: a murder that is committed with premeditation or during the course of a serious felony (as kidnapping) or that otherwise (as because of extreme cruelty) requires the most serious punishment under the law.

OK, has a kidnapping been proven here? No. Has the course of a serious felony been proven here? No. The THEORY that child endangerment hasn't been proven, but yet it has been theorized. Has premeditation been proven? No. Just searches for chloroform and self defense on her computer has been shown, but not linked to the actual death of Caylee. Has extreme cruelty been proven? Nope.

Nothing has been proven, just theories as to "reasons why" actions were what they were and I guarantee you there are logical members of this jury who will not convict Casey. Unfortunately, but it's true. The State's Attorney's have a weak circumstantial evidence case and they know it. The weak circumstantial evidence case is exactly why Ashton keeps trying to limit testimony, limited access to evidence, and is using the type of "hide the weasel" tactics you see in court. His actions PROVE he knows this is a weak case.

:lol::lol: Hey rocket scientist, she's dead.

You do understand that one of the charges for Casey is "aggravated child abuse". :cuckoo::clap2:
Another problem with this case is the extreme lack of objectivity by the media. The presentations and breakdown of each day are given to us by former prosecutors, law enforcement specialists, and people who automatically side with the State's theories no matter what. You throw the human element of a dead child into the issue and you get the type of universal response to Casey's weirdo type behavior to this circumstantial evidence case. Taking my dislike for Baez and Casey herself out of the picture, I can objectively say the State has FAILED to prove without reasonable doubt the murder of Caylee Anthony at the hands of her mother. I'm sorry but if I'm on that jury I convict her for being deceptive to the police and nothing else has been proven beyond reasonable doubt for me. Keep watching Nancy Grace and letting this bald headed TruTV guy tell you how to think.
Another problem with this case is the extreme lack of objectivity by the media. The presentations and breakdown of each day are given to us by former prosecutors, law enforcement specialists, and people who automatically side with the State's theories no matter what. You throw the human element of a dead child into the issue and you get the type of universal response to Casey's weirdo type behavior to this circumstantial evidence case. Taking my dislike for Baez and Casey herself out of the picture, I can objectively say the State has FAILED to prove without reasonable doubt the murder of Caylee Anthony at the hands of her mother. I'm sorry but if I'm on that jury I convict her for being deceptive to the police and nothing else has been proven beyond reasonable doubt for me. Keep watching Nancy Grace and letting this bald headed TruTV guy tell you how to think.

If I can add to this statement, the lack of objectivity in the absence of emotional reaction to this case is the main reason why I can't take many opinions seriously anymore.
Another thing that I'm gonna rant about. The clear badgering of "experts" presented by the defense team, and the clear attempt to "cheapen" the "value" of an expert's testimony by the State (Ashton) and the media is truly annoying and lacks objectivity. The testimony of the well respected Dr. Werner Spitz was skimmed over and was really eye popping to me. Dr. Werner Spitz raised more reasonable doubt in my mind than can be overcome by the tactics of the slimy Ashton.
Another thing that I'm gonna rant about. The clear badgering of "experts" presented by the defense team, and the clear attempt to "cheapen" the "value" of an expert's testimony by the State (Ashton) and the media is truly annoying and lacks objectivity. The testimony of the well respected Dr. Werner Spitz was skimmed over and was really eye popping to me. Dr. Werner Spitz raised more reasonable doubt in my mind than can be overcome by the tactics of the slimy Ashton.

The judge doesn't seem to think there is any "badgering" taking place, he has the authority to stop such things, amirite??
Another thing that I'm gonna rant about. The clear badgering of "experts" presented by the defense team, and the clear attempt to "cheapen" the "value" of an expert's testimony by the State (Ashton) and the media is truly annoying and lacks objectivity. The testimony of the well respected Dr. Werner Spitz was skimmed over and was really eye popping to me. Dr. Werner Spitz raised more reasonable doubt in my mind than can be overcome by the tactics of the slimy Ashton.

The judge doesn't seem to think there is any "badgering" taking place, he has the authority to stop such things, amirite??

This judge has sided with the State the entire time. The unprecedented request for the defense to disclose every single opinion a busy expert may make is a clear advantage to the State. Over the course of history in United State's courts this type of request is unprecedented and unique. The State won a huge legal battle with that court order. This gives the State ample time to cast shadows on experts in a circumstantial evidence case by using lines like "you don't practice in the State of Florida" (do practices change in other states?), "you have never been an expert in the state of Florida" etc etc etc, the handling of the defense experts has derailed the flow of this case which is being allowed by this slow lipped judge who clearly and I mean clearly sides with the State no matter what.

There are judges in the court system who side with the State automatically. You clearly don't understand the way court systems work in the United States. In most cases side deals and plea bargains are given to criminals through the State's Attorney and the judge merely signs off on it. These judges are programmed to side with the State in most cases. Judge Perry is a horrible judge, slow, and not objective. This case has so many aspects that will be subject to appeal with the way this judge has handled it, it isn't even funny.

:eusa_hand: with that "the judge says it's so" zombie type thinking. Think for yourself.
Another thing that I'm gonna rant about. The clear badgering of "experts" presented by the defense team, and the clear attempt to "cheapen" the "value" of an expert's testimony by the State (Ashton) and the media is truly annoying and lacks objectivity. The testimony of the well respected Dr. Werner Spitz was skimmed over and was really eye popping to me. Dr. Werner Spitz raised more reasonable doubt in my mind than can be overcome by the tactics of the slimy Ashton.

So you won't be taping Dr. Henry Lee :lol:
The coverage of this trial is just baffling. I love how the defense mistakes are pointed out but the huge holes in the State's case aren't. I want Casey Anthony to burn in hell, but I'm the type of person who enjoys objective logical programming and the only programming provided for this case is biased, subjective, and annoying.
Actually the coverage of this case reminds me of this Youtube video:
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony trial update - Hillbilly debate‬‏[/ame]
Has Casey Anthony been proven to be a liar? Yes. Has Casey Anthony been proven to be a skanky individual? Yes. Has Casey Anthony been proven to be a weirdo? Yes. Has Casey Anthony been proven to be a murderer? No. I'm sorry.

The coverage of this trial is just baffling. I love how the defense mistakes are pointed out but the huge holes in the State's case aren't. I want Casey Anthony to burn in hell, but I'm the type of person who enjoys objective logical programming and the only programming provided for this case is biased, subjective, and annoying.



In Session ALWAYS cuts to commercials right during the heart of the defense's case. Here this expert is totally disproving the theory that the duct tape was on Caylee prior to her decomposing, and that Casey's DNA would have "worn off" and they cut to a fu**ing commercial? If that was an expert presented by Ashton there is no way they go to this commercial break.
Has Casey Anthony been proven to be a liar? Yes. Has Casey Anthony been proven to be a skanky individual? Yes. Has Casey Anthony been proven to be a weirdo? Yes. Has Casey Anthony been proven to be a murderer? No. I'm sorry.

The coverage of this trial is just baffling. I love how the defense mistakes are pointed out but the huge holes in the State's case aren't. I want Casey Anthony to burn in hell, but I'm the type of person who enjoys objective logical programming and the only programming provided for this case is biased, subjective, and annoying.




[ame=]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony trial update - Hillbilly debate‬‏[/ame]

Which one are you in that video? So I can't dislike the actions and the individual that is Casey Anthony but at the same time tell the truth that the State's case against her is weak? GTFO of here. Child please.
Let me educate you chatters some more.

First degree murder: a murder that is committed with premeditation or during the course of a serious felony (as kidnapping) or that otherwise (as because of extreme cruelty) requires the most serious punishment under the law.

OK, has a kidnapping been proven here? No. Has the course of a serious felony been proven here? No. The THEORY that child endangerment hasn't been proven, but yet it has been theorized. Has premeditation been proven? No. Just searches for chloroform and self defense on her computer has been shown, but not linked to the actual death of Caylee. Has extreme cruelty been proven? Nope.

Nothing has been proven, just theories as to "reasons why" actions were what they were and I guarantee you there are logical members of this jury who will not convict Casey. Unfortunately, but it's true. The State's Attorney's have a weak circumstantial evidence case and they know it. The weak circumstantial evidence case is exactly why Ashton keeps trying to limit testimony, limited access to evidence, and is using the type of "hide the weasel" tactics you see in court. His actions PROVE he knows this is a weak case.


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