Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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From the description I read of how the body was wrapped, I would believe that there would probably not be any leakage. That is my opinion.....

Oh ok bud. We agree then. Also, If she was suffocated or drowned (which the second I believe is complete bullshit) there wouldn't be any fluids anyway unless she was drowned or suffocated while inside the trunk? Weak arguement by the defense. They are in trouble. The only thing left to do now is put the guilty bitch on the stand, and let the hammer come crushing down on her weak minded defense for the final circus side show covered by Nancy Grace. :razz: ~BH

There wouldn't be any fluids leaking, even if she drowned, if duct tape had been placed over her mouth after she died. Who would have known that?

How do you know? = You don't. Hey, this just in. When a person dies, they crap and pee. It's a known fact. It all gets released upon death. Apparently not known to a moron like you. She didn't drown you fool. :cuckoo:~BH
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Have you seen the pleadings? Are the lesser includeds in it or not? If not, it is either guilty of captial murder or not guily. I have not seen them and will not act like I have.

Well why not? You act like you know everything else because of your so-called "education"? Grab some wood there sister, and just calm down for a minute. I could really care less about your red diaper doper baby education. Nor do I give a crap about what your leftist professor brainwashed you with, told or taught you.

Fact is, You're playing the same spin artist game that your fellow Attorneys are playing on Fox, Nancy Grace and C.N.N every night and day. Let me guess something, you're a Defense attorney eh? :razz: ~BH

At what time does anyone on HLN or CNN root for the defense? Good grief, even Dr. Drew has lost my confidence. What an idiot. Are we supposed to continue to believe he takes a rational approach to addiction with his hit reality show "Celebrity Rehab"? I mean why not just haul those celebrities in, call 'em all drunks and druggies and throw 'em in 10X10 rooms to detox? It's how he's treated Casey Anthony after all, sans all the background, much of it still unknown.

All that said, I really wonder why some of you feel this compulsion to go off all half-cocked just because someone disagrees with you. This isn't even a POLITICAL thread, yet you've gotta throw in your stupid dig about "leftist" professors. I will say the same thing to you: Grab some wood buster and calm down.

Personally, I'm fucking sick of the attitudes.

I could really give a shit less about what you're sick of sister. ~BH
Oh hell NO! I like money WAY to much to do something like THAT!

I find it most entertaining that people who have never darkened the door of a school of higher learning know ALL about the 'dammed librul collidge perfessers.' LOL. I hear that shit ad nauseum from illiterates day in and day out. It waxes ridiculous! BTW your fig leaf just fell off. :lmao:

Just as I find it equally amusing that some dumb shit like yourself, that supposedly studied under some so-called "school of higher learning" (which seems to me more like a school of higher bullshit) seems to think that we all believe that you even have an education anywhere?

I would guess that a puke like you watches alot of Nancy Grace, old repeats of Night Court, and that you worship Gloria Allred? LMAO! Face it sister, You're a flaming nutcase that has nothing but the typical robot minded defense of scum sucking bottomfeeders like Casey Anthony and Susan Smith. I am sure that you and Maggie get together every week and play bunko while giving hand slaps to eachother about the latest scum sucking maggot that got off thanks to vermin like the two of you. :razz: ~BH

And people like you think Casey Anthony is psycho. Does it make you feel gooooooood posting insulting garbage like that? Either grow up or get help.

Yeah, I need help because "I think that Casey Anthony is psycho"? Are you fucking mentally ill? The entire country besides yourself and a few other nutcases thinks she's a phsyco. In fact, I don't think, I know the bitch is a psycho. Know what? I think you're a phsyco. You should be put in a fucking straight Jacket and locked in a padded room. You're cookoo for coco puffs maggiemaggot. Yep, you bumped your head sister. It's time to remove your head from your ass. I can't stand bottomfeeders like you who defend other bottomfeeders. Hell, She could have suffocated her little girl right in front of your face and you would claim that you must have had a bad dream. Stuck on fucking stupid mAGGIE! Stupid is, Stupid does. How yuh like that box of chocolates? :razz: ~BH
God I can be an asshole. However, Maggie's condescending approach leaves me no choice.

Just as I find it equally amusing that some dumb shit like yourself, that supposedly studied under some so-called "school of higher learning" (which seems to me more like a school of higher bullshit) seems to think that we all believe that you even have an education anywhere?

I would guess that a puke like you watches alot of Nancy Grace, old repeats of Night Court, and that you worship Gloria Allred? LMAO! Face it sister, You're a flaming nutcase that has nothing but the typical robot minded defense of scum sucking bottomfeeders like Casey Anthony and Susan Smith. I am sure that you and Maggie get together every week and play bunko while giving hand slaps to eachother about the latest scum sucking maggot that got off thanks to vermin like the two of you. :razz: ~BH

And people like you think Casey Anthony is psycho. Does it make you feel gooooooood posting insulting garbage like that? Either grow up or get help.

Yeah, I need help because "I think that Casey Anthony is psycho"? Are you fucking mentally ill? The entire country besides yourself and a few other nutcases thinks she's a phsyco. In fact, I don't think, I know the bitch is a psycho. Know what? I think you're a phsyco. You should be put in a fucking straight Jacket and locked in a padded room. You're cookoo for coco puffs maggiemaggot. Yep, you bumped your head sister. It's time to remove your head from your ass. I can't stand bottomfeeders like you who defend other bottomfeeders. Hell, She could have suffocated her little girl right in front of your face and you would claim that you must have had a bad dream. Stuck on fucking stupid mAGGIE! Stupid is, Stupid does. How yuh like that box of chocolates? :razz: ~BH

Clearly, ICA is mentally ill. Even the defense acknowledges it, in their opening. Pyscho/Socio/Patho, DSMV-IV material for sure. For someone to suggest that if someone else calls ICA that, they need help, makes me worry for that someone. Magpie, here's to you getting the help you need. We will no longer enable you here on the board. Go get help.
We will now dissect one single sentence by Maggie that when we are all done and finished, It will expose her as clearly being mentally ill. :razz:

And people like you think Casey Anthony is psycho.

Ummmm yeah, Yuh think dummy? :razz: I mean, This is like coming from another planet. Hell, A different Universe. Am I missing something here? This alone proves Maggie's a nutcase, or has bumped her head really hard. I dunno folks. :cuckoo: ~BH
Cue the crickets!!!! Apparently, magpie and her out of work writer friend have secluded themselves to a private stroke room. Lap dance, anyone?
My opinion.....The DT is inadequate. Certainly the PT had holes in it's case. As magpie so adeptly point out, JB is a lame ass Jr lawyer, who is all grandstand and no defense. GA and cindy......made their bed prior to the trial, and now sleep in it. ICA.....she has all the answers we little scamps want, about the Angel that was her Daughter, but she is silent so far. ICA takes the stand in this case, it's the last showboat act of a desperate DT, and she blows it. LWOP.
She'll never take the stand. And she may end up with a hung jury. That jurist number 4 could hold everything up. If they are a regular juror. They never did say which 12 would be the actual jurors did they?
Which "could have been" a small child. Once again, there was ZERO proof that's what it was.

No, the article did not say "could have been'. The expert stated the stain was in the shape of a small child lying in a fetal position. He didn't say maybe, or might be, he said it was. But omg, you're right again, we don't know it was Caylee, it might be another small child-DUH.

Find the testimony, genius. If the expert made the claim that it WAS the outline of a small child, it was rebutted that it's also possible that it was not. No expert witness is going to make such a claim as valid unless he can prove it, i.e., because it also could have been the shape of some other animal. Duh...

Here the link to an article, it was an FBI agent who made the statement, the stain he saw was that of a small child.

FBI Docs: Stain Shaped Like Child's Body In Casey's Trunk - News Story - WFTV Orlando

And btw Maggie, are you calling little Caylee ANTHONY, an animal?? I stated I read where an expert said the stain in Casey's car was that of a small child. And you replied with...well, it's above for all to read....and you end it with, it could be in the shape of some OTHER animal????? Damn you.
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No, the article did not say "could have been'. The expert stated the stain was in the shape of a small child lying in a fetal position. He didn't say maybe, or might be, he said it was. But omg, you're right again, we don't know it was Caylee, it might be another small child-DUH.

Find the testimony, genius. If the expert made the claim that it WAS the outline of a small child, it was rebutted that it's also possible that it was not. No expert witness is going to make such a claim as valid unless he can prove it, i.e., because it also could have been the shape of some other animal. Duh...

Here the link to an article, it was an FBI agent who made the statement, the stain he saw was that of a small child.

FBI Docs: Stain Shaped Like Child's Body In Casey's Trunk - News Story - WFTV Orlando

And btw Maggie, are you calling little Caylee ANTHONY, an animal?? I stated I read where an expert said the stain in Casey's car was that of a small child. And you replied with...well, it's above for all to read....and you end it with, it could be in the shape of some OTHER animal????? Damn you.

magpie is the epitome of class, huh?
One...two...three...down for the count!


Guess we weren't watching the same trial.:eusa_whistle:

Ohhh, that's right! YOU are watching the Anderson trial, the one with the OTHER small animal in the trunk.........:disbelief:
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Just as I find it equally amusing that some dumb shit like yourself, that supposedly studied under some so-called "school of higher learning" (which seems to me more like a school of higher bullshit) seems to think that we all believe that you even have an education anywhere?

I would guess that a puke like you watches alot of Nancy Grace, old repeats of Night Court, and that you worship Gloria Allred? LMAO! Face it sister, You're a flaming nutcase that has nothing but the typical robot minded defense of scum sucking bottomfeeders like Casey Anthony and Susan Smith. I am sure that you and Maggie get together every week and play bunko while giving hand slaps to eachother about the latest scum sucking maggot that got off thanks to vermin like the two of you. :razz: ~BH

Well bless your heart! Now I won't have to go to that parking lot for validation! You are nothing, if not entertaining. :lol:

Sunshine, I was trying to discuss the issue with you positively, but this time you decided to be negative anyway. My point is, Just because you have a so-called education, and maybe you very likely do, that's no reason to act like you're above other people engaged in a simple debate of guilt or innocence, know what I mean? I would probably do the same thing from everyday experience in that field, I dunno, but I hope you get my point? :razz:~BH

Guilt or innocence is not a simple debate. I think the trouble that our system goes to to make sure that innocent people do not get punished/killed for something they did not do is an indication of that.

So far I 've been told how little I learned getting my education because I am unwilling to make or encourage a decision on something as critical as a death penalty case while knowing only one side of the evidence. I must have missed the class in which they taught that a verdict is to be rendered with only one side putting on evidence. Kudos to you if you caught that one, because I did not!~ If you look back, that is what most of this thread is. People who have rendered their own verdict based on only one set of evidence, that of the prosecution. Even those who see the holes resort to concepts of law that do not apply after an arrest has been made, like totality of the circumstances. They/you seem not to comprehend what 'beyond a reasonable doubt is'

Reasonable doubt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Actually Sunshine, I did not say I thought she was guilty after only hearing one side of this case, I have always felt from the get-go....from day one.....before the trial even started- that Casey Anthony was most definitely involved in the disappearance of her little girl, and I still feel that way, and that she is indeed guilty, of something sinister.
The trial didn't have to begin to make me think now, I'll just wait and see how the trial plays out and once it gets to the jury, it's theirs. We can only sit back and wait and wonder, what thoughts must be going thru their minds. And the verdict, whatever it may be, will be the one everyone has to accept.

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