Casey Anthony's attorney "casey thought father george was Caylee's father"

Kiki Cannoli

Have you met my shadow?
May 27, 2011
I joined USMB at the height of the trial after googling in search of online conversations.

Baez's new book is coming out and is apparently filled with all sorts of 'truth' which the jury did not hear. Not sure if I am interested in reading, as I am uncertain if any word any of these circus acts utters can be believed.

Casey Anthony Thought Her Father George Was Caylee's Father, Says Lawyer Jose Baez


In his book, Baez again alleged Casey Anthony was regularly abused until she was 12. Baez speculates the abuse tapered off because George Anthony was afraid of getting his daughter pregnant.

The book also alleges that Casey Anthony was molested by her brother. Casey Anthony allegedly suggested her brother had learned the behavior from their father.

Baez said the defense team had initially wondered if George or Lee Anthony could have been Caylee's father. Casey Anthony had suspected that too and, according to the book, told a psychiatrist she was worried about the possibility because her father had sex with her around the time she became pregnant with Caylee.

ETA: both the father and brother were DNA tested
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Granny says she got away with murder...
Casey Anthony: Did she do a Google search for 'fool-proof suffocation'?
November 26, 2012 - Casey Anthony case: Florida detectives did not discover that someone at Casey Anthony's house did a Google search on her computer for "fool-proof suffocation" on the day her 2-year old daughter died.
The Florida sheriff's office that investigated the disappearance of Casey Anthony's 2-year-old daughter overlooked evidence that someone in their home did a Google search for "fool-proof" suffocation methods on the day the girl was last seen alive. Orange County sheriff's Capt. Angelo Nieves said Sunday that the office's computer investigator missed the June 16, 2008, search. The agency's admission was first reported by Orlando television station WKMG. It's not known who performed the search. The station reported it was done on a browser primarily used by the 2-year-old's mother, Casey Anthony, who was acquitted of the girl's murder in 2011. Anthony's attorneys argued during trial that Casey Anthony helped her father, George Anthony, cover up the girl's drowning in the family pool.

WKMG reports that sheriff's investigators pulled 17 vague entries only from the computer's Internet Explorer browser, not the Mozilla Firefox browser commonly used by Casey Anthony. More than 1,200 Firefox entries, including the suffocation search, were overlooked. Whoever conducted the Google search looked for the term "fool-proof suffication," misspelling "suffocation," and then clicked on an article about suicide that discussed taking poison and putting a bag over one's head. The browser then recorded activity on the social networking site MySpace, which was used by Casey Anthony but not her father. A computer expert for Anthony's defense team found the search before the trial. Her lead attorney, Jose Baez, first mentioned the search in his book about the case but suggested it was George Anthony who conducted the search after Caylee drowned because he wanted to kill himself.

Not knowing about the computer search, prosecutors had argued Caylee was poisoned with chloroform and then suffocated by duct tape placed over her mouth and nose. The girl's body was found six months after she disappeared in a field near the family home and was too decomposed for an exact cause of death to be determined. Prosecutors presented evidence that someone in the Anthony home searched online for how to make chloroform, but Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy, claimed on the witness stand that she had done the searches by mistake while looking up information about chlorophyll. Many jurors apparently went into hiding amid public outrage over the verdict and refused to comment, but two have said prosecutors couldn't conclusively prove how Caylee died. Prosecutors Linda Drane Burdick and Jeff Ashton didn't respond to emails from The Associated Press on Sunday. But Ashton told WKMG that "it's just a shame we didn't have it. This certainly would have put the accidental death claim in serious question."

Baez didn't respond to phone or email messages Sunday from The Associated Press but told WKMG that he expected prosecutors to bring up the search at trial. "When they didn't, we were kind of shocked," Baez, who no longer represents Anthony, told the station. Her attorney, Cheney Mason, who was also on the trial team, didn't return an email message from AP Sunday, and his office answering service refused to take a phone message. The sheriff's office didn't consult the FBI or Florida Department of Law Enforcement for help searching the computer in the Anthony case, a mistake investigators have learned from, Nieves said.

Crazy Waltky isn't it? How did the prosecution miss this search?
i agree.

for the record: i was not at all surprised by the verdict.
Crazy Waltky isn't it? How did the prosecution miss this search?

How did the jury miss that the cause of death of a two-year-old with duct tape wrapped around her skull is "murder". Sure could not be accidental nor suicide!

The jury also ignored lesser included charges such as felony child abuse.

Baez won by selecting the most morons for the jury as he could get in. They should be in hiding - they let a murderous mother who only wanted to party get away with it.

Regards from Rosie
It sure seems that way RosieS. I watched/listened to this trial, as did many on here...we had quite the spirited dialogue...the story is horrible and yes somebody should pay; but they didn't prove she did it and so here we are today.
Didn't watch the trial or pay any attention, but didn't her father admit the child drowned?
It sure seems that way RosieS. I watched/listened to this trial, as did many on here...we had quite the spirited dialogue...the story is horrible and yes somebody should pay; but they didn't prove she did it and so here we are today.

The prosecution really did prove it but the jury was too dense to convict. No one else had means, motive and opportunity and all elements of the crime were covered in evidence given.

One juror stated on local radio that the prosecution didn't prove guilt beyond any doubt. It's beyond reasonable doubt....not ALL doubt.

It's statements like this that has jury members still villified to this day around here.

Regards from Rosie
ah Rosie, you live close by? must be exciting conversations. you are correct...reasonable vs. all
Sad story. The verdict did not really surprise me. Bitch should have been hung. Sometimes I want say, goddamn you judiciary system!
no ma'am. pacific coast of mexico.

Ooo...kewlness! And snowlessness too. Nice, Kiki!

TN Harley has it right. Around C. FL the majority think she should have hung...and a handful of jurors beside her, too. Very very few dissenting voices....mostly the ignorati..

Regards from Rosie
Sad story. The verdict did not really surprise me. Bitch should have been hung. Sometimes I want say, goddamn you judiciary system!

For the most part I agree...and then I think what if I were mistakenly arrested...then I'd want this jury system...

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