Cass Sunstein's wife tapped to replace U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Yeah have to love those commies, they try to keep it all in the family...

Susan Rice To Be National Security Advisor, Samantha Power To Become UN Ambassador

By: DSWright
June 5, 2013


National Security Advisor does not require Senate confirmation. Samantha Power is President Obama’s choice to be Rice’s replacement as UN Ambassador.


Power, an Irish-born author on human rights and genocide, served as an aide at the National Security Council as the senior director for multilateral affairs. Also, she was named chair of the Atrocities Prevention Board that Obama created last year.

The announcements come as Obama prepares for his first face-to-face meeting with the new leader of China, Xi Jinping, to discuss a variety of sensitive national security issues, including the growing problem of cyber hacking — a sit-down that Donilon helped arrange.

Power came to political prominence in the 2008 Obama campaign when she called Hillary Clinton “a monster” and stepped down from her role in the campaign. It is unlikely that will make her controversial among Republicans.

Susan Rice To Be National Security Advisor, Samantha Power To Become UN Ambassador | FDL News Desk
An Israel-Hater Heads to the U.N.

June 6, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


On Wednesday, President Obama nominated Samantha Power to be US Ambassador to the United Nations. Power has “been a relentless advocate for American interests and values, building partnerships on behalf of democracy and human rights, fighting the scourge of anti-Semitism and combating human trafficking,” the president contended. Power’s record, however, tells a much different tale. Power is, unsurprisingly, not only a radical leftist who believes America is evil and owes the world an apology, but someone with an egregious history of antipathy directed towards Israel.

In a March 2003 article for the New Republic, Power engaged in the typically leftist denigration of the United States, characterizing American foreign policy as “an explicitly amoral enterprise.” She bemoaned the fact that America’s “exceptionalist impulses,” had been “with us for a long time,” and that they animated George W. Bush’s “militant moralism.” She was further lamented that such “militant moralism” was left unchecked by Congress, due in large part to the fact that America no longer sustained enough war casualties to animate their concern “thanks to U.S. technological supremacy.”

In the same New Republic piece, Power reveals her true disdain for the US “criminal” foreign policy: “U.S. foreign policy,” she said,

needs not tweaking but overhauling. We need: a historical reckoning with crimes committed, sponsored, or permitted by the United States…A country has to look back before it can move forward. Instituting a doctrine of the mea culpa would enhance our credibility by showing that American decision-makers do not endorse the sins of their predecessors.


The last thing America needs is another representative willing to see the entire world, including Israel and the United States, in morally relative terms. Power’s clear disdain for American exceptionalism is more than enough to disqualify her for the job of UN Ambassador. Our enemies have no such misgivings about who they are and what they want — and what they are willing to do to get it.

An Israel-Hater Heads to the U.N. | FrontPage Magazine
Commies and Israel haters my butt, superdupe. Try a real news source someday...

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