Cassette Prophet: Democratic Thorn-UN


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism parable inspired by The Time Machine.



A strange alien intelligence landed on Earth on Valentine's Day 2018. The alien was a robot named Soundwave (appropriately enough!) and he was comprised of internal radiant translucent gears and silicon enabling him to multiply instantaneously into a number of miniature robot-warriors that transformed into crystal-clear espionage-geared compact cassettes; you see, Soundwave himself could transform mechanically into a well-functioning large cassette-player/recorder and stereo system equipped with pirate-radio transmission capabilities. It was the age of communications technology, and Soundwave was the ultimate 'Devil's Advocate.'

SOUNDWAVE: Modern civilization on Earth is all about email...
TRUMP: Your espionage-geared 'mini-robot warrior' minions are sly!
SOUNDWAVE: I am the totem of modernism paranoia on your planet.
TRUMP: Hey, we Americans do our part in playing 'Big Brother' (e.g., Microsoft/Napster).
SOUNDWAVE: Americans care about access to free Internet and music (that's all!).
TRUMP: Not true, Soundwave; we Americans care deeply about communication(s).
SOUNDWAVE: You care about the National Security Agency's cyber-division.
TRUMP: Terrorism is a modern reality, and you have no right to judge us.
SOUNDWAVE: My espionage-geared 'minions' (as you put it!) defy your capital(ism).
TRUMP: Capitalism is an opportunity, not a prescription...
SOUNDWAVE: If America can hoist Wikipedia to global honors, I will defer!
TRUMP: I will see what I can do.

President Trump went about in the White House making calls to various tech and intellectual property Internet legal-consultants asking about Wikipedia (ethics, etiquette, epitomes, excellence, electronics, etc.). Trump discovered that Wikipedia could be used as a global media-tech 'info-access' geopolitical 'veil' (or face-mask) to challenge Soundwave's invasive and nihilistic anti-capitalist notion that modern humanity's preoccupation with communications rendered the human species as 'free-speech invalids.'



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