Cassidy Hutchinson in hiding since her testimony about January 6th

I've been wondering if she really understood what she was getting into here. Does she fully realize that she has greatly pissed off a heavily armed, unstable, rageful, paranoid cult that thinks she's in league with Satan, that she is evil? Literally?

Imagine how many people would like to say something but won't because of that threat. I can't say that I blame them, but I can certainly admire her bravery, that's for damn sure.
Hillary was right. Most are deplorable.
That only exists in your imagination
No....the DOJ is investigating examples of witness tampering by associates of trump. The POS cannot just leave things alone

He is a dirty POS...who is stooping to Mafia techniques to try and shut witmesses up....remember....

It is often not the crime...It is the efforts to cover up. trump is determined to hang himself.
I've been wondering if she really understood what she was getting into here. Does she fully realize that she has greatly pissed off a heavily armed, unstable, rageful, paranoid cult that thinks she's in league with Satan, that she is evil? Literally?

Imagine how many people would like to say something but won't because of that threat. I can't say that I blame them, but I can certainly admire her bravery, that's for damn sure.
You need 30 days observation.
She is hiding from the trump Mafia. She finally had to break away from the lawyer who trump PAC was paying for...when she found out the lawyer was just protecting trump. That is what the Mafia does.
She's probably hiding from your never ending bullshit
Democrats can dish it out, but whine and cry like a spoiled brat being denied a candy bar at the checkout line.
trump cannot help but act like a Mafia Boss....threatening witnesses and calling on his associates to do his dirty work.
Yep. That's what happens in a civil war. When you dish it out, expect it right back.

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