Castle Doctrine Amendment

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015

The events of 6 January 2021 makes it clear to all law abiding citizens that there needs to be an Amendment to the United States Constitution putting in place Castle Doctrine, incorporating Stand Your Ground & Concealed Carry within its codification, across this great nation. We the citizens of the United States have the right to defend ourselves and our property when we feel threatened. Our Congresspersons made it quite evident that they agree on this issue when they felt threatened that day and carried out their will on an unarmed protestor within the Capitol building.


Now............the problem is GETTING a gun.........and ammo.
Gun shops are still closed up around here.

I have a friend who is ex-police who will help me pick something out, but finding a seller is another issue altogether.

Everyone in this great nation should have the right to protect themselves and their property from harm and intrusion

Codify the Castle Doctrine Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Write your congressperson today!


Maybe the "castle doctrine" is more than actually defending your property. It's about having a choice of not abandoning your property when confronted by an intruder. The old concept was to retreat if you could.

Time to write your congressperson so this happens


Time to write your congressperson so this happens
The castle doctrine is long standing common law. You confuse things like "make my day" laws, with castle doctrine laws.

If it's common law then homeowners and business owners wouldn't have been arrested or had their guns confiscated during the rioting during the rioting that's been going on for years now.

This law needs to be incorporated into the United States Constitution as a right as soon as possible so state and local governments can not deny the people their right to stand up and defend themselves when they feel threatened.


If it's common law then homeowners and business owners wouldn't have been arrested or had their guns confiscated during the rioting during the rioting that's been going on for years now.
No one properly acting under the castle doctrine faced any such actions. You probably confuse brandishing, threatening, or use of such weapons outside.

It's the castle doctrine, not the moat doctrine, it doesn't extend beyond the four walls.
This law needs to be incorporated into the United States Constitution as a right as soon as possible so state and local governments can not deny the people their right to stand up and defend themselves when they feel threatened.

This is the danger with the "right to carry" laws. When two people encounter each other on the street. And for whatever reason one of them feels threatened by the other. It becomes a quick draw situation.

When one goes for his weapon, even if it's just his cellphone, it then gives the other the right to defend himself.

This is the danger with the "right to carry" laws. When two people encounter each other on the street. And for whatever reason one of them feels threatened by the other. It becomes a quick draw situation.

When one goes for his weapon, even if it's just his cellphone, it then gives the other the right to defend himself.

That's the chance you're going to have to take.


Time to write your congressperson so this happens
The castle doctrine is long standing common law. You confuse things like "make my day" laws, with castle doctrine laws.
View attachment 510740

If it's common law then homeowners and business owners wouldn't have been arrested or had their guns confiscated during the rioting during the rioting that's been going on for years now.

This law needs to be incorporated into the United States Constitution as a right as soon as possible so state and local governments can not deny the people their right to stand up and defend themselves when they feel threatened.



Oh? Who got arrested for using a gun to defend themselves from rioters breaking into their business or home?
Happens every day in Chicago

Well the castle doctrine happened on January 6th.

When an intruder broke into the house, they used the castle doctrine justification against the intruder


Which means it should be a nationwide god given right by writing it into the United States Constitution as an Amendment which is covered in my opening post if you had bothered to read it.

If it's good enough for our congresspersons then it's good enough for everyone to have that same write spelled out for them in the United States Constitution.


Oh? Who got arrested for using a gun to defend themselves from rioters breaking into their business or home?

Goggle is our friend learn to use it.


No need to. If you can't say, it's because you're full of shit.

Thanks for confirming what I already suspected.


The only one full of that is you.



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