cat died

No. Animals do not think like we do. Show her the body. Let her sniff. Then bury her mother. She will not be tempted to go back to where the mother died if she can smell and see her on their turf...which is home.
My most heart felt sympathy goes out to you.... I just brought 3 more into the house because they were out in the road, even though there is little room left for more rescues!... I have been there and know how devastated you are, especially when they are the special ones!
hi guys, could really use some prayers. One of my favorite cats got hit and killed by a car earlier tonight- i found her lying on side of road after work when i went to feed her and her daughter who are always together. Didnt see the daughter- shes prob scared and upset somewhere nearby. i have her in my trunk, too cold to bury her atm. im devastated. Kevin.
Sorry to hear. Love all my animals and grieve when they die.
I can't bury dead animals 'cause the dogs will dig them up..So when of my friends pass, I always do a funeral pyre....
I can't bury dead animals 'cause the dogs will dig them up..So when of my friends pass, I always do a funeral pyre....
We put things on top of the graves, like terra cotta pots or logs or something.
Gracie is still in her heart shaped box they put her in. She is within reaching distance of me right now. When the other two pass, they will join her, then I will spread all their ashes together.
ok, so im gonna do this later today- let her sniff her and say her goodbyes.. boy gonna be a tough day- then go into work tonight ughh. please pray for me and her. thank you. Kevin.
She will probably sniff, then move away. Cats are...well...cats. You need to bury mama cat soon though unless you have her in a freezer.
You all have my prayers.
She will probably sniff, then move away. Cats are...well...cats. You need to bury mama cat soon though unless you have her in a freezer.
You all have my prayers.

its below zero here no more than 20 degrees.
ok guys, what a HARD HARD day. I had to work too, it sucked. After work about 11pm I went to the spot to see her/feed her. She was there in her shelter - it was so cold here about zero f. I brought her a cat teddy bear tat looked actually alot like her mom and put it in there earlier in the day.

A friend said it will help her to have something there to snuggle by? :( Anyway before feeding her dry and wet food and giving her warm water in her stainless steel bowl, i got in the trunk, in the bag and pulled out mama :( I laid her on the ground by the feeding station, still in the bag a bit but uncovered so she could see and smell her. She was pretty frozen, so cold here. Hoping to bury her asap in a couple days- grounds way too hard atm.

She was just slowly walking up- shes very skittish so she ran into the shallow ditch/bushes and came out right away, slowly smelling/looking at her. She stayed away a couple feet for a bit then i moved away in the car about ten feet away. She came closer for a minute or two- i pulled close up again and she just sat there kinda sad and confused looking at me for a good two min. I tried not to cry but i cried a lot and kept saying mamas gone, she loves you she got hit by a car etc. I TOLD HER I LOVED HER AND WILL BE THERE EVERY DAY TO FEED HER SEE HER TALK TO HER, LOVE HER. I doubt she understood but she was paying attention i think. Soon after i took mom back into my trunk and fed her. She actually ate a tad right away wet canned food then slowly walked back into her shelter with straw and her new cat teddy bear.

I'm so so sad and upset. I hope i did the right thing. I miss mama cat so much. I was in shock seeing her lie on the side of the road sat night after work. I named her daughter Pretty and asap im getting her fixed and my tnr group here will try to get her a foster home. I do not want to see her get hit too crossing the busy road into the field to catch mice or whatever. I saw both several times w/ mice come over to me at the parking lot near the bush/ditch where i fed them. Its busy there. I have too many cats now and feed almost 40-50 daily at several colony locations in my city.
So this is a wild stray group you feed? I thought it was your house cats. Doesn't matter. She knows mom is dead. She also knows your emotions. Animals know more than mos think they do. She knows. And she knows you are upset about it.

Maybe you can trap her and get her into a home? It being so dangerously cold outside..many will die this winter I think. If Pretty means that much to you...maybe try to tame her and take her home although you have so many? Or she finds a forever home? In the meantime, I hope she can cuddle up with another cat maybe.

You have my condolences. And it's kinda weird, but that was my cats name too. Pretties was her name.
Oh for pete's sakes, the cat already saw the dead cat. The idea of keeping a cat corpse to show another cat for the sake of CLOSURE has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

Sorry about your cat, but they aren't human and you make them, and yourself, crazy when you treat them like they are.

If you can't bury her, then put her in a box wrap it up and put it in the garbage.
very sorry for your loss

Pets are family, we have our pets cremated and put them in an urn
Oh for pete's sakes, the cat already saw the dead cat. The idea of keeping a cat corpse to show another cat for the sake of CLOSURE has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

Sorry about your cat, but they aren't human and you make them, and yourself, crazy when you treat them like they are.

If you can't bury her, then put her in a box wrap it up and put it in the garbage.
put her in a box wrap it up and put it in the garbage.

what one would expect from you
Oh for pete's sakes, the cat already saw the dead cat. The idea of keeping a cat corpse to show another cat for the sake of CLOSURE has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

Sorry about your cat, but they aren't human and you make them, and yourself, crazy when you treat them like they are.

If you can't bury her, then put her in a box wrap it up and put it in the garbage.

REALLY? That is one of the coldest things to say to anyone. If you didn't agree with the OP you could very well have kept your mouth shut & move to another thread more to your liking. May I suggest the FZ?

If your avatar is your own dog, I feel sorry for it. Why have a pet if you don't care for and about it? Just seems selfish to me
Everyone grieves in their own way, says I. Obviously the OP is upset about the cats death. If it makes him feel better in doing this, great. It damn sure doesn't hurt anyone else, or the cat itself.

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