Cat Lovers Thread

I have been adopted.

We already have a beautiful boy, Jack, that has bonded strongly to Husband. We already have a non-yappy polite Chihuahua who belongs to my MIL. We already have a 19 year old black cat that is my mom's. This is on a compound, so 3 different homes with pet doors that all of the animals use as they please.

Well, Jack apparently taught our tenant's cat to use the pet door, so we've had that quiet, polite boy in and out for a few months. He digs me. If he misses the bedtime callin at his house, he comes to mine and hops on my side of the bed for the night. His name is Jack, too. My tenant's ran into financial difficulties and are moving in with her parents in Florida. They have an infant, 2 lapdogss and 2 inside/outside cats. She asked if I wanted Jack and I said yes. He's already claimed me and is already accepted by our pets and adored by 2 of them. Luna is a bit of a bitch but she tolerates Blackjack. She's old so that's all we can ask of her. Anyway, here's the new Jack, or Blackjack, who does not come out well in pictures.


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