Cat Lovers Thread

Ack. Losing my oldest boy. He's just skin and bones, and getting wobbly, and not eating solid food any more. So I'm off to get more human baby food, meat flavors. He'll also accept catmilk and tuna water (the water drained from a can of tuna, with bits of tuna in it). I know how this ends, but I'll keep him going as long as I can, as he appears to still be enjoying life, napping under a bush most of the time.

As for the vet ... not really. I don't do heroic life-extending vet care for old cats. I understand some people feel differently, and that's cool, but it's not my way.
Ack. Losing my oldest boy. He's just skin and bones, and getting wobbly, and not eating solid food any more. So I'm off to get more human baby food, meat flavors. He'll also accept catmilk and tuna water (the water drained from a can of tuna, with bits of tuna in it). I know how this ends, but I'll keep him going as long as I can, as he appears to still be enjoying life, napping under a bush most of the time.

As for the vet ... not really. I don't do heroic life-extending vet care for old cats. I understand some people feel differently, and that's cool, but it's not my way.
Ditto. I don't give them human caliber health care either. But I do love them.
So, my old boy, a black cat, only lasted a day after I posted about him before. The next morning, I woke up to find him cold and dead. Ah well. At least he didn't have to suffer more of a slow decline. I buried him under the bushes where he liked to hide. Life goes on.

Then, a couple days later, a new cat shows up. Another black cat, sitting in my old cat's spot. Freaked me the hell out. (AHHHH I BURIED HIM AND HE'S BACK!). But, no, a different black cat. One who might need a home. I don't need to go out and get new cats, they eventually find me.

This new boy (pretty sure it's boy, due to his size) is a bit confused. He begs for food by hissing at me. So I say "no, try again", and I won't put the food dish down until he meows at me nicely. And he gets more comfortable with me each day. He'd run at first, but now I can even touch him, barely. And it's starting to get colder, and that tends to make cats want to move in.
So, my old boy, a black cat, only lasted a day after I posted about him before. The next morning, I woke up to find him cold and dead. Ah well. At least he didn't have to suffer more of a slow decline. I buried him under the bushes where he liked to hide. Life goes on.

Then, a couple days later, a new cat shows up. Another black cat, sitting in my old cat's spot. Freaked me the hell out. (AHHHH I BURIED HIM AND HE'S BACK!). But, no, a different black cat. One who might need a home. I don't need to go out and get new cats, they eventually find me.

This new boy (pretty sure it's boy, due to his size) is a bit confused. He begs for food by hissing at me. So I say "no, try again", and I won't put the food dish down until he meows at me nicely. And he gets more comfortable with me each day. He'd run at first, but now I can even touch him, barely. And it's starting to get colder, and that tends to make cats want to move in.

I tried that. It seemed to make him hiss more. I'm not sure about the translation, but I think the hiss roughly means "we both know how this is going to turn out, now, get me some damn food. I'm tired of waiting."
New boy is progressing. I've confirmed he's definitely a he, not neutered. That's good. If it was an adult female cat, I'd have to grab her quick and get her fixed, before she got pregnant. A male cat, I can wait.

I managed to cut the burs out of his fur, losing only a little blood (mine) in the process. Good set of claws on him. He appears somewhat moth-eaten now, but he'll be more comfortable. He's usually living on my back patio now. My old girl cat and him are tolerating each other, so it appears I have a new cat.

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