Catholic Bishop finds an ally in Atheist Bill Maher re "Wokeism"


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Robert Barron, Catholic Bishop of Winona/Rochester NY, finds a curious ally in Atheist Bill Maher. He doesn't share Maher's religious views, but they are pretty solidly allied in their opposition to something called 'wokeism' that is dominating the national cultural scene.

Quoting from Bishop Barron's essay with emphasis mine:

". . .Bill Maher first came to my attention in the 1980s as a clever, wry and politically alert stand-up comic. But I began to follow him more closely about 20 years ago when, in the wake of the new atheist movement, he dedicated a good deal of his comedy to mocking religion and religious people. . .

. . .Although he annoyed me, I suppose I continued to watch Maher to see what the “other side” was saying and thinking. . .

. . .Over the past five years, Maher appears to have largely dropped his obsession with religion and has spent considerable time articulating his opposition to the “woke” ways of thinking that have managed to capture the allegiance of most of the major institutions of our country: universities, corporations, the military, government and so on.

As he has done so, I have found myself, time and again, nodding my head in agreement. To my surprise, the nemesis had become an ally.

Like me, Maher finds that what he and others have called “wokeism” represents not a development of classical liberalism, but a deviation from it. Whereas classical liberalism holds to freedom of speech, a colorblind society, equality of opportunity and the peaceful adjudication of dispute through argumentation, I see proponents of wokeism argue for strict limitation on speech, a racialized consciousness, forced equity of outcome and the stirring up of antagonism between those considered oppressors and those considered the oppressed.

Moreover, the classical liberalism espoused by everyone from former presidents Thomas Jefferson and John F. Kennedy to Martin Luther King Jr. called for the fixing of our social problems through reason and political action, whereas many on today’s left embrace the rhetoric of victimization and complaint. Finally, the classical liberal tradition holds to the objectivity of science and the reliability of mathematics, whereas what I see as the philosophy of wokeism treats the fields of both science and math as expressive of patriarchy and western cultural imperialism . . ."

My Commentary
: For me, it warms the heart to see an intelligent affirmation of what I have been arguing for years now. The Left uses 'wokeism' as a weapon to divide and conquer society and bend it to their will. And they have infiltrated and are using government, media, social media, internet search engines, entertainment, education, big business, religious organizations--everything they can use to control the message--to implement that goal.

Donald Trump, white supremacy, MAGA's/Republicans, JudeoChristianity, Patriots are not a 'threat to democracy' as the leftists are fond of saying, but rather it is they and 'wokeism' along with militarization of government that is.
Robert Barron, Catholic Bishop of Winona/Rochester NY, finds a curious ally in Atheist Bill Maher. He doesn't share Maher's religious views, but they are pretty solidly allied in their opposition to something called 'wokeism' that is dominating the national cultural scene.

Quoting from Bishop Barron's essay with emphasis mine:

". . .Bill Maher first came to my attention in the 1980s as a clever, wry and politically alert stand-up comic. But I began to follow him more closely about 20 years ago when, in the wake of the new atheist movement, he dedicated a good deal of his comedy to mocking religion and religious people. . .

. . .Although he annoyed me, I suppose I continued to watch Maher to see what the “other side” was saying and thinking. . .

. . .Over the past five years, Maher appears to have largely dropped his obsession with religion and has spent considerable time articulating his opposition to the “woke” ways of thinking that have managed to capture the allegiance of most of the major institutions of our country: universities, corporations, the military, government and so on.

As he has done so, I have found myself, time and again, nodding my head in agreement. To my surprise, the nemesis had become an ally.

Like me, Maher finds that what he and others have called “wokeism” represents not a development of classical liberalism, but a deviation from it. Whereas classical liberalism holds to freedom of speech, a colorblind society, equality of opportunity and the peaceful adjudication of dispute through argumentation, I see proponents of wokeism argue for strict limitation on speech, a racialized consciousness, forced equity of outcome and the stirring up of antagonism between those considered oppressors and those considered the oppressed.

Moreover, the classical liberalism espoused by everyone from former presidents Thomas Jefferson and John F. Kennedy to Martin Luther King Jr. called for the fixing of our social problems through reason and political action, whereas many on today’s left embrace the rhetoric of victimization and complaint. Finally, the classical liberal tradition holds to the objectivity of science and the reliability of mathematics, whereas what I see as the philosophy of wokeism treats the fields of both science and math as expressive of patriarchy and western cultural imperialism . . ."

My Commentary
: For me, it warms the heart to see an intelligent affirmation of what I have been arguing for years now. The Left uses 'wokeism' as a weapon to divide and conquer society and bend it to their will. And they have infiltrated and are using government, media, social media, internet search engines, entertainment, education, big business, religious organizations--everything they can use to control the message--to implement that goal.

Donald Trump, white supremacy, MAGA's/Republicans, JudeoChristianity, Patriots are not a 'threat to democracy' as the leftists are fond of saying, but rather it is they and 'wokeism' along with militarization of government that is.
And that insurrection attempt on 1/6 where MAGA republicans wanted to kill the VP...that wasn’t a threat to democracy?

Don’t bother answering...we both know you have no answer.
Robert Barron, Catholic Bishop of Winona/Rochester NY, finds a curious ally in Atheist Bill Maher. He doesn't share Maher's religious views, but they are pretty solidly allied in their opposition to something called 'wokeism' that is dominating the national cultural scene.

Quoting from Bishop Barron's essay with emphasis mine:

". . .Bill Maher first came to my attention in the 1980s as a clever, wry and politically alert stand-up comic. But I began to follow him more closely about 20 years ago when, in the wake of the new atheist movement, he dedicated a good deal of his comedy to mocking religion and religious people. . .

. . .Although he annoyed me, I suppose I continued to watch Maher to see what the “other side” was saying and thinking. . .

. . .Over the past five years, Maher appears to have largely dropped his obsession with religion and has spent considerable time articulating his opposition to the “woke” ways of thinking that have managed to capture the allegiance of most of the major institutions of our country: universities, corporations, the military, government and so on.

As he has done so, I have found myself, time and again, nodding my head in agreement. To my surprise, the nemesis had become an ally.

Like me, Maher finds that what he and others have called “wokeism” represents not a development of classical liberalism, but a deviation from it. Whereas classical liberalism holds to freedom of speech, a colorblind society, equality of opportunity and the peaceful adjudication of dispute through argumentation, I see proponents of wokeism argue for strict limitation on speech, a racialized consciousness, forced equity of outcome and the stirring up of antagonism between those considered oppressors and those considered the oppressed.

Moreover, the classical liberalism espoused by everyone from former presidents Thomas Jefferson and John F. Kennedy to Martin Luther King Jr. called for the fixing of our social problems through reason and political action, whereas many on today’s left embrace the rhetoric of victimization and complaint. Finally, the classical liberal tradition holds to the objectivity of science and the reliability of mathematics, whereas what I see as the philosophy of wokeism treats the fields of both science and math as expressive of patriarchy and western cultural imperialism . . ."

My Commentary
: For me, it warms the heart to see an intelligent affirmation of what I have been arguing for years now. The Left uses 'wokeism' as a weapon to divide and conquer society and bend it to their will. And they have infiltrated and are using government, media, social media, internet search engines, entertainment, education, big business, religious organizations--everything they can use to control the message--to implement that goal.

Donald Trump, white supremacy, MAGA's/Republicans, JudeoChristianity, Patriots are not a 'threat to democracy' as the leftists are fond of saying, but rather it is they and 'wokeism' along with militarization of government that is.

Bishop Barron is okay. He seems to be getting more vocal all the time about wokeism.

Another favorite who is going in the same direction is Father Leo Patalinghug.

And that insurrection attempt on 1/6 where MAGA republicans wanted to kill the VP...that wasn’t a threat to democracy?

Don’t bother answering...we both know you have no answer.

Yes, indeed, they wanted to kill the VP on a gallows that was big enough to hang a small dog.

You leftists are so funny.

Scared of red hats and all.

More please.


Bishop Barron is okay. He seems to be getting more vocal all the time about wokeism.

Another favorite who is going in the same direction is Father Leo Patalinghug.

I will say that the Catholic Church is one that is holding a lot more of the line re our culture, values, traditions, heritage more than some other religious groups are doing. And being the world's largest Christian denomination, that is important.
Robert Barron, Catholic Bishop of Winona/Rochester NY, finds a curious ally in Atheist Bill Maher. He doesn't share Maher's religious views, but they are pretty solidly allied in their opposition to something called 'wokeism' that is dominating the national cultural scene.

Quoting from Bishop Barron's essay with emphasis mine:

". . .Bill Maher first came to my attention in the 1980s as a clever, wry and politically alert stand-up comic. But I began to follow him more closely about 20 years ago when, in the wake of the new atheist movement, he dedicated a good deal of his comedy to mocking religion and religious people. . .

. . .Although he annoyed me, I suppose I continued to watch Maher to see what the “other side” was saying and thinking. . .

. . .Over the past five years, Maher appears to have largely dropped his obsession with religion and has spent considerable time articulating his opposition to the “woke” ways of thinking that have managed to capture the allegiance of most of the major institutions of our country: universities, corporations, the military, government and so on.

As he has done so, I have found myself, time and again, nodding my head in agreement. To my surprise, the nemesis had become an ally.

Like me, Maher finds that what he and others have called “wokeism” represents not a development of classical liberalism, but a deviation from it. Whereas classical liberalism holds to freedom of speech, a colorblind society, equality of opportunity and the peaceful adjudication of dispute through argumentation, I see proponents of wokeism argue for strict limitation on speech, a racialized consciousness, forced equity of outcome and the stirring up of antagonism between those considered oppressors and those considered the oppressed.

Moreover, the classical liberalism espoused by everyone from former presidents Thomas Jefferson and John F. Kennedy to Martin Luther King Jr. called for the fixing of our social problems through reason and political action, whereas many on today’s left embrace the rhetoric of victimization and complaint. Finally, the classical liberal tradition holds to the objectivity of science and the reliability of mathematics, whereas what I see as the philosophy of wokeism treats the fields of both science and math as expressive of patriarchy and western cultural imperialism . . ."

My Commentary
: For me, it warms the heart to see an intelligent affirmation of what I have been arguing for years now. The Left uses 'wokeism' as a weapon to divide and conquer society and bend it to their will. And they have infiltrated and are using government, media, social media, internet search engines, entertainment, education, big business, religious organizations--everything they can use to control the message--to implement that goal.

Donald Trump, white supremacy, MAGA's/Republicans, JudeoChristianity, Patriots are not a 'threat to democracy' as the leftists are fond of saying, but rather it is they and 'wokeism' along with militarization of government that is.
Marh is still after attacking religion. It's just he finally sees that wokeism is a religion and the most dangerous of our era.
There are elements of "woke-ism" that are subject to reasonable debate, but the tenets about gender are simply a matter of correct vs incorrect.

One has a moral obligation to oppose it.
There are elements of "woke-ism" that are subject to reasonable debate, but the tenets about gender are simply a matter of correct vs incorrect.

One has a moral obligation to oppose it.
You are far more generous than I am. I can't find much in "wokeism" that can be defended with facts, logic or reason.
There are elements of "woke-ism" that are subject to reasonable debate, but the tenets about gender are simply a matter of correct vs incorrect.

One has a moral obligation to oppose it.
Gender confusion is a mental disorder, period.

The Left has taken upon itself to normalize disorder so that society accepts them, rather than people being allowed to treat them poorly for being crazy. The goal is also to make the crazy feel normal so they don't hate themselves. So, the answer is to normalize it which creates more gender confusion and mental problems.

The problem is, in schools in the US alone, gender confusion is up 4000% but as this is being embraced more and more, I hear that suicide rates among the trans is going up and not down. Therefore, the gender cult is simply making things worse by trying to normalize insanity.

This is why Europe is starting to back away from the gender cult, but in the US, they are doubling down on failure as per usual because it has become a religion.
I will say that the Catholic Church is one that is holding a lot more of the line re our culture, values, traditions, heritage more than some other religious groups are doing. And being the world's largest Christian denomination, that is important.
You forgot about the molesting of kids and the archaic rules involving matrimony.
Gender confusion is a mental disorder, period.

The Left has taken upon itself to normalize disorder so that society accepts them, rather than people being allowed to treat them poorly for being crazy. The goal is also to make the crazy feel normal so they don't hate themselves. So, the answer is to normalize it which creates more gender confusion and mental problems.

The problem is, in schools in the US alone, gender confusion is up 4000% but as this is being embraced more and more, I hear that suicide rates among the trans is going up and not down. Therefore, the gender cult is simply making things worse by trying to normalize insanity.

This is why Europe is starting to back away from the gender cult, but in the US, they are doubling down on failure as per usual because it has become a religion.
Kids have always pushed the limits to be different even as they struggle to conform and fit in. It's one of the dichotomies of the very young and immature. And I think the 'woke' are using that to manipulate youth into thinking transgendering is cool, different, annoys their parents, etc. But if you look at the statistics, the vast majority of those questioning their gender as kids grow out of it by the time they are adults.

That is why I think this should not be in any way encouraged, condoned, accommodated when they are kids. Certainly allowing pre-puberty and adolescent kids have dangerous life changing surgery/drugs should be illegal in all 50 states. And the federal government should stay out of it.

But 'wokeism' includes many more issues than transgendering. It is also the emphasis behind climate change policy, political correctness, the war against religious/Patriotic expression, traditional values, customs, traditions; the push to rewrite or bury history, the demand for equality of outcome, for reparations, etc. etc. It is all those things that are tearing us apart as a uniquely American culture and one people.

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