Catholic Bishop on Obamacare Rule: ‘We Cannot--We Will Not--Comply

Excellent article. And the resistance to the progressive tyranny continues to grow! I used the word progressive because all of them in both parties love this crap.

I think it is starting to grow. government is far overstepping its bounds and with this administration it has become a monster. i do beleive people are being pushed to a breaking point. each of them and each group for their own reasons. but collectively it is a backlash against the government and against government taking too heavy a hand in our lives and compromising our freedoms

Like I said, if a "white hispanic" kicked a pregnant black woman in the stomach and the baby died, you'd be the second race baiting asshole to scream "that white guy killed a black baby!". But it's totally ok with you for Kermit Gosnell or Planned Parenthood to drill a hole in their brain or snip their spinal cord....... :thup:

When did you say this.

For the record, if a White *anything* kicked a black (or any other colored woman) in the stomach and there was a miscarriage, he should be charged with ASSAULT. Nothing more, nothing less.

If a woman goes to Planned Parenthood, and she gets an abortion, that's her choice.

Got it?

Just one problem with your post, you're not telling the truth...... :thup:

Please point out where I'm not telling the truth, or where this statement is really inconsistant with anything I've said here over the last 2 1/2 years.

Let's see if the Catholics finally get the message...the left just used them, then turned on them when they had what they wanted.

Time for them to finally wake up and make a change.

The Jews should take note as soon as they outlive their usefulness, under the bus they will go as well.

The problem is, you are assuming the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church is in tune with its congregation.

Reality time. 96% of Catholic women of child bearing years practice some form of birth control. They nod politely while the priest they'd never leave their children alone with lectures them, but then they go right home and have protected sex with their spouses or boyfriends.

And frankly, the Church made out like bandits with ObamaCare. With everyone covered by SOME kind of insurance, Catholic Hospitals aren't going to take a bath when the uninsured guy shows up on the back of an ambulance.
When did you say this.

For the record, if a White *anything* kicked a black (or any other colored woman) in the stomach and there was a miscarriage, he should be charged with ASSAULT. Nothing more, nothing less.

If a woman goes to Planned Parenthood, and she gets an abortion, that's her choice.

Got it?

Just one problem with your post, you're not telling the truth...... :thup:

Please point out where I'm not telling the truth, or where this statement is really inconsistant with anything I've said here over the last 2 1/2 years.


You're not posting your honest feelings in order to appear impartial, no need to hide that you're a disingenuous race baiter, man up and admit it....... :thup:
Just one problem with your post, you're not telling the truth...... :thup:

Please point out where I'm not telling the truth, or where this statement is really inconsistant with anything I've said here over the last 2 1/2 years.


You're not posting your honest feelings in order to appear impartial, no need to hide that you're a disingenuous race baiter, man up and admit it....... :thup:

So, essentially, you have nothing, then?

Here's the thing. I think Fetal Murder laws are bullshit. This is the Religious nuts trying to sneak the camel's nose under the tent.

So if you punch a woman so bad she miscarries, you should be charged with ASSAULT. Period.

Incidently, the Bible had the exact same opinion. (Exodus 21:22-24).

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