Catholic Group Leader: Liberal Academics should be 'Taken Out And Shot'


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
File under: Whackadoodles

Huffington Post and RWW are reporting:

Catholic Group Leader Calls For Liberal Academics To Be 'Taken Out And Shot'

Austin Ruse, president of the nonprofit research group Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, said on American Family Radio Wednesday that liberal leaders of “modern universities” should “all be taken out and shot.”

Austin Ruse Says Left-Wing University Professors 'Should All Be Taken Out And Shot' | Right Wing Watch

"That is the nonsense that they teach in women’s studies at Duke University, this is where she learned this. The toxic stew of the modern university is gender studies, it’s “Sex Week,” they all have “Sex Week” and teaching people how to be sex-positive and overcome the patriarchy. My daughters go to a little private religious school and we pay an arm and a leg for it precisely to keep them away from all of this kind of nonsense. I do hope that they go to a Christian college or university and to keep them so far away from the hard left, human-hating people that run modern universities, who should all be taken out and shot."

There is audio of this quote at the website.

The AFR (American Family Radio) website, which is a part of AFA, which normally publishes everything, he deleted this, but not before RWW could copy it and bring it over to Soundcloud.

Ruse also writes as a columnist for Breitbart.



Is it cool for people to be talking about murdering fellow citizens, just because their views are different?

What disturbs me is that imo this stuff is happening more and more often, and so, we as a people are kind of getting numb to it and by doing nothing, are accepting it.

And before Righties come on with "Bill Ayers, Bill Ayers", they should adress this point first, like adults do.

Dissenting opinions in all directions are welcome, but you might also want to remember USMB rules in this case. Just sayin...
A representative of the catholic church being anti-education? What a shock. Next thing you know, we'll hear of the catholic church hiding pedophiles.

He's just saying what a lot of backward, frightened little people believe.

You're right that we're hearing this so often that it is meaning less and less. Its now okay to shoot unarmed people and claiming its self defense and there are those who have defended the murder of people who threw popcorn or played loud music.

There's a segment of our society who is so terrified of that world out there that they don't leave their home without a gun. What a sad and pathetic way to live.
Sounds consistent with Catholicism to me. Whether it's wiping out the first Christians (Gnostics et al.,) or burning people at the stake, torturing Jews and forcing conversions, or going to war with Muslims in the Crusades, Catholicism's history is soaked with blood.
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A representative of the catholic church being anti-education? What a shock. Next thing you know, we'll hear of the catholic church hiding pedophiles.

He's just saying what a lot of backward, frightened little people believe.

You're right that we're hearing this so often that it is meaning less and less. Its now okay to shoot unarmed people and claiming its self defense and there are those who have defended the murder of people who threw popcorn or played loud music.

There's a segment of our society who is so terrified of that world out there that they don't leave their home without a gun. What a sad and pathetic way to live.

Oh, Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ, not another Catholic-bashing thread... !!!

Next, we're gonna take a crack at those dry, boring Methodist subversives, I bet...
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Thank you for posting this mini-forum for the anti-Catholic bigots here to vent.

Apparently we cannot distinguish between hyperbole and death threats.

Or between an angry individual venting and an actual spokesperson for the American Roman Catholic Church.

Goodness, can you imagine how these people would have been up in arms if anyone had suggested physical harm to Dick Cheyney or Bush43? Good thing nobody ever did that!
Thank you for posting this mini-forum for the anti-Catholic bigots here to vent.

Apparently we cannot distinguish between hyperbole and death threats.

Or between an angry individual venting and an actual spokesperson for the American Roman Catholic Church.

Goodness, can you imagine how these people would have been up in arms if anyone had suggested physical harm to Dick Cheyney or Bush43? Good thing nobody ever did that!

they committed war crimes.

dropping WP as a weapon is a CLEAR WAR CRIME
I think Murders should face the death penalty don't you?

I would be happy with prison for life
Did he make an orgasmic movie about taking them out and shooting them like liberals did to GWB?
Selective outrage, very becoming

There's a segment of our society who is so terrified of that world out there that they don't leave their home without a gun. What a sad and pathetic way to live.

President Obama- “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun "

Death Threats Force FreedomWorks to Move

Oldie but goodie..."If we were in another country ... we would stone [sitting congressman] Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families, for what they're doing to this country."

[ame=] Death of a President (Widescreen Edition): About assassinating Pres Bush [/ame]

Charles Schumer- “will put a bullet between the president’s eyes if he could get away with it.”

Craig Kilborn ran a “joke” of George W. Bush’s 2000 Republican primary nomination speech with the graphic, “SNIPERS WANTED "

Betty Williams (Nobel laureate) -"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush. I don't know how I ever got a Nobel Peace Prize, because when I see children die, the anger in me is just beyond belief. It's our duty as human beings, whatever age we are, to become the protectors of human life."
A representative of the catholic church being anti-education? What a shock...
Coming from a long-lapsed, non-church -going fellow who was brought up as a Roman Catholic, and knows the rank-and-file of The Church and its vast mainstream of adherents to be good and decent and loving people...

Re: the Catholic Church being 'anti-education'...


Most of the knowledge of Antiquity (Rome, Greece, early successor states) - medicine, law, philosophy, religion and morality comes to you courtesy of the Roman Catholic Church in Western Europe...

Most of the law of The West (secularized Christendom) has its roots in the Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church - a hybrid of Roman Law and Salic Law and then evolved beyond those earliest roots to incorporate Church teachings and ethics and morality... even if it's two or three 'hops' from Canon Law to English Common Law to American Law, etc...

All of the religious philosophy and belief-structure and ceremonial utilized by the large number of branches of Protestantism have their basis in (1) Scripture and philosophy preserved by the Roman Catholic Church during the Dark Ages and Middle Ages, or (2) are cloned and tweaked versions of Roman Catholic doctrine and dogma and ceremonial; usually simplified, and sometimes altered almost beyond recognition, unless one knows where to look for such analogies...

The Roman Catholic Church has a far, FAR higher and greater and more ancient commitment to Education than do most other branches of Christianity or other sects or belief-systems.

We see this stretching far back into the mists of time with Monastic Schools which preserved the basics of Learning during Dark Times for European civilization, and which "held the line" or prevented a complete collapse into Illiteracy and a loss of what could be preserved of Antiquity in Western Europe.

We see this blossoming as Monastic Schools began opening their doors to Lay (Secular) Pupils and as the Church helped to found most of the oldest Universities in Western Europe (and a great many right here in the United States and elsewhere outside of Europe).

Hell, the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, is one of the most famous schools in the world, reknowned for its scientists and engineers and architects and lawyers and business graduates. Perhaps you can explain your Education Brickbats to the folks in South Bend.

We see this exploding here in the US and elsewhere over the past couple of centuries with the advent of Catholic elementary schools and Catholic high schools in vast numbers from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific, and from the Canadian border to the Mexican, and well beyond, to the North and the South.

According to a variety of sources, listed in the obligatory Wiki article...

List of Christian denominations by number of members - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...and related, there are 2.18 billion Christians on the face of the planet, and 1.16 billion of those (53%) are Catholic; most of that Roman, with a few outrider-branches here and there, in close communion, and...

Catholic Church in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia out of four people you see on the streets in the US are Roman Catholic; 78.2 million in the US alone; or 1/4 (25%) of the total population.

That is one helluva lot of good, hardworking, tax-paying, honest and patriotic Americans.

There is no escaping the fact that the Roman Catholic Church became a bully and pretty much lost its way as the Dark Ages and Middle Ages unfolded, and, in trying to preserve the knowledge of Antiquity, and trying to hold Europe together for centuries until it could govern itself again, the Roman Catholic Church became more political than religious, and some of its practices and governance, based upon hypocritical and convoluted logic and hunger for power and loss of a sense of original mission...

All those served to cause many of our ancestors to rebel against it - and to break away - even as the Church stupidly dug-in its heels and refused to concede Reality for many generations after those 'revolts'... and even after they insisted upon clinging to outdated and contrived ceremonial and dogma that had little to do with true Fundamental Christianity (and by that, I mean back-to-its-roots, not the political context that the term has taken-on in recent times).

There is also no escaping the fact that there have been a significant number of problems with that organization in recent times - turning a blind eye to the Holocaust in Europe - the Pedo-Problem and cover-ups of recent decades, etc. all of which have damaged the image and trustworthiness and leadership and influence and popularity and membership and confidence in the Catholic Church.

For every dishonest or untrustworthy priest, there are a hundred good ones, and the Church will sort things out once again, I expect, given a few more years.

Not to mention the untold millions of good Christians who subscribe to the Catholic Church as the apostolically-annointed conduit for relaying the message and teachings of The Founders from one generation to the next, across the millennia.

I'm not 'technically' one of them any longer - too much rote ceremonial and not enough true depth-of-soul sometimes, to suit me, but I started out that way, and I 'hail' from those parts (metaphorically speaking), and so do you, quite probably, if you go back a few generations... the difference being that they still hold, for me, far more value and positives than they do negatives - rightly or wrongly.

Meanwhile, next time you start bashing Catholics for holding a position against Education, do a little background reading first...

To avoid getting laughed at...

Oh, Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ, not another Catholic-bashing thread... !!!

Next, we're gonna take a crack at those dry, boring Methodist subversives, I bet...

[MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION] - just to be clear, I am in no way bashing catholics. I am, however, pointing to the behaviour of one very specific person, who apparently does have ties to catholics or is one himself.
Selective outrage, very becoming

There's a segment of our society who is so terrified of that world out there that they don't leave their home without a gun. What a sad and pathetic way to live.

President Obama- “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun "

Death Threats Force FreedomWorks to Move

Oldie but goodie..."If we were in another country ... we would stone [sitting congressman] Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families, for what they're doing to this country."

[ame=] Death of a President (Widescreen Edition): About assassinating Pres Bush [/ame]

Charles Schumer- “will put a bullet between the president’s eyes if he could get away with it.”

Craig Kilborn ran a “joke” of George W. Bush’s 2000 Republican primary nomination speech with the graphic, “SNIPERS WANTED "

Betty Williams (Nobel laureate) -"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush. I don't know how I ever got a Nobel Peace Prize, because when I see children die, the anger in me is just beyond belief. It's our duty as human beings, whatever age we are, to become the protectors of human life."

Not real sure where you got from the OP to that one film, but just to be clear: that film was produced in Great Britain and has nothing to do with the Left in the USA at all. You are aware of this, right?

I already warned in the OP that Righties should have enough courage to address the op topic first.

Do you think that it is right for this guy to be callling for the murder of Liberal University types (meaning: professors, Univ. Presidents, etc)? Do you support this type of rhetoric?
Oh, Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ, not another Catholic-bashing thread... !!!

Next, we're gonna take a crack at those dry, boring Methodist subversives, I bet...

[MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION] - just to be clear, I am in no way bashing catholics. I am, however, pointing to the behaviour of one very specific person, who apparently does have ties to catholics or is one himself.
Yeah, I hear ya, Stat... but the Bashing starts almost immediately after an attention-grabbing Title like that one, and I, for one, felt like jumping-in, during the early going, to make a different kind of point. Having done so, it's all good. No harm, no foul.
Selective outrage, very becoming

There's a segment of our society who is so terrified of that world out there that they don't leave their home without a gun. What a sad and pathetic way to live.

President Obama- “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun "

Death Threats Force FreedomWorks to Move

Oldie but goodie..."If we were in another country ... we would stone [sitting congressman] Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families, for what they're doing to this country."

[ame=] Death of a President (Widescreen Edition): About assassinating Pres Bush [/ame]

Charles Schumer- “will put a bullet between the president’s eyes if he could get away with it.”

Craig Kilborn ran a “joke” of George W. Bush’s 2000 Republican primary nomination speech with the graphic, “SNIPERS WANTED "

Betty Williams (Nobel laureate) -"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush. I don't know how I ever got a Nobel Peace Prize, because when I see children die, the anger in me is just beyond belief. It's our duty as human beings, whatever age we are, to become the protectors of human life."

Why in the world would they bring a knife to a fight in the first place?
Selective outrage, very becoming

There's a segment of our society who is so terrified of that world out there that they don't leave their home without a gun. What a sad and pathetic way to live.

President Obama- “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun "

Death Threats Force FreedomWorks to Move

Oldie but goodie..."If we were in another country ... we would stone [sitting congressman] Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families, for what they're doing to this country."

[ame=] Death of a President (Widescreen Edition): About assassinating Pres Bush [/ame]

Charles Schumer- “will put a bullet between the president’s eyes if he could get away with it.”

Craig Kilborn ran a “joke” of George W. Bush’s 2000 Republican primary nomination speech with the graphic, “SNIPERS WANTED "

Betty Williams (Nobel laureate) -"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush. I don't know how I ever got a Nobel Peace Prize, because when I see children die, the anger in me is just beyond belief. It's our duty as human beings, whatever age we are, to become the protectors of human life."

Not real sure where you got from the OP to that one film, but just to be clear: that film was produced in Great Britain and has nothing to do with the Left in the USA at all. You are aware of this, right?

I already warned in the OP that Righties should have enough courage to address the op topic first.

Do you think that it is right for this guy to be callling for the murder of Liberal University types (meaning: professors, Univ. Presidents, etc)? Do you support this type of rhetoric?

Do you? I questioned your stand on the issue as well. Your chiding little quip in your op was cute, just enough to make certain righties won't take you seriously, again.
Oh, Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ, not another Catholic-bashing thread... !!!

Next, we're gonna take a crack at those dry, boring Methodist subversives, I bet...

[MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION] - just to be clear, I am in no way bashing catholics. I am, however, pointing to the behaviour of one very specific person, who apparently does have ties to catholics or is one himself.
Yeah, I hear ya, Stat... but the Bashing starts almost immediately after an attention-grabbing Title like that one, and I, for one, felt like jumping-in, during the early going, to make a different kind of point. Having done so, it's all good. No harm, no foul.


Austin Ruse, who said these murderous things, introduced himself on the Sandy Rios program as the President of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute. End of story. Had he decided to let himself be introduced as a columnist for Breitbart, then the headline would have reflected that.

It's really that simple.

If you don't like the attachment, and I can understand why you would not like it, then you should write him and tell him that you don't want Catholicism brought into contact with statements for incitement to commit murder. And I would fully support you doing that.
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Selective outrage, very becoming

President Obama- “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun "

Death Threats Force FreedomWorks to Move

Oldie but goodie..."If we were in another country ... we would stone [sitting congressman] Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families, for what they're doing to this country." Death of a President (Widescreen Edition): About assassinating Pres Bush

Charles Schumer- “will put a bullet between the president’s eyes if he could get away with it.”

Craig Kilborn ran a “joke” of George W. Bush’s 2000 Republican primary nomination speech with the graphic, “SNIPERS WANTED "

Betty Williams (Nobel laureate) -"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush. I don't know how I ever got a Nobel Peace Prize, because when I see children die, the anger in me is just beyond belief. It's our duty as human beings, whatever age we are, to become the protectors of human life."

Not real sure where you got from the OP to that one film, but just to be clear: that film was produced in Great Britain and has nothing to do with the Left in the USA at all. You are aware of this, right?

I already warned in the OP that Righties should have enough courage to address the op topic first.

Do you think that it is right for this guy to be callling for the murder of Liberal University types (meaning: professors, Univ. Presidents, etc)? Do you support this type of rhetoric?

Do you? I questioned your stand on the issue as well. Your chiding little quip in your op was cute, just enough to make certain righties won't take you seriously, again.

My position in the OP is crystal clear. Only a moron would not be able to interpret it. Are you a moron?

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