Catholic Group Leader: Liberal Academics should be 'Taken Out And Shot'

Not real sure where you got from the OP to that one film, but just to be clear: that film was produced in Great Britain and has nothing to do with the Left in the USA at all. You are aware of this, right?

I already warned in the OP that Righties should have enough courage to address the op topic first.

Do you think that it is right for this guy to be callling for the murder of Liberal University types (meaning: professors, Univ. Presidents, etc)? Do you support this type of rhetoric?

Do you? I questioned your stand on the issue as well. Your chiding little quip in your op was cute, just enough to make certain righties won't take you seriously, again.

My position in the OP is crystal clear. Only a moron would not be able to interpret it. Are you a moron?

But but but the movie was made in Britain

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