Catholic Racist Lunch Menu!

"...Thanks to genealogy websites, I can trace my roots back to the clan chief, going back to the 1200s."
One of my cousins, doing Irish genealogy work, says much the same thing.

I'm a little more skeptical, but I managed to make good progress on the German half of my Irish-German ancestry, when I was 'into genealogy' in the 2000-2003 timeframe.

Had a 'Roots / Kunte Kinte' moment (on paper) in finding the family villages in Hesse, and managed to latch onto parish and civil documents that take us back to the early 1600s, over there, before the trail goes cold.

Fun stuff, genealogy, if you've got the patience and persistence and drive for it.

Kills me sometimes to realize that I was stationed only 50-60 miles from there, as a kid in the Army, and didn't even realize it at the time.

My family and another family in Western KY have formed a non profit 'association.' The DAR sponsored a workshop on doing genealogy at one of the reunions. I went and learned a lot. One thing you don't think about is things that aren't there but should be. The example the speaker gave was when he researched his mother's side. He got her hospital records for some reason. Her chart said she had given birth 3 times and she did not list any children as having been stillborn or dying. The researcher's question: Who was number 3, and where did he/she go. There are things like this that even people in the know simply will not divulge to you no matter how hard you try to get them to.

My sister's adoption was one of those taboo subjects when I was growing up. She didn't want people to know she was adopted so my brother and I were forbidden to speak about it. I don't think she is even listed as 'adopted' in our family history books.
Yeah... I managed to drag a skeleton out of a Grand Uncle's (dead for 40 years) closet when his illegitimate son found my online genealogy file and spotted his father's name on it... next thing you know, I'm getting bombarded with email inquiries from a 3rd cousin, etc., and ruffling some feathers amongst surviving in-the-know family who never mentioned the Long-Lost Tribe of Israel before.

And, of course, the further back in time you go, the less reliable, the Census data and paper records and medical records and diagnoses, and stories.

My own favorite resources were a paid subscription to Genealogy, Family Trees & Family History Records at and Home Page, as well as the Mormon (LDS) microfilm library (which houses millions of non-LDS church registries and records from around the country, on microfilm, going back a couple of centuries). Those, and a good database (I used Family Tree Maker, myself).

And, of course, once you publish online, it's amazing how often you're contacted by others - including long-lost, never-known 3rd and 4th cousins and the like - for yourself and your spouse - heck, I'm still getting an average of 6-10 email inquiries per year, and it's been two years since I published my last online update.

Fun stuff (genealogy), when the fever is upon you, and when some of the family who are actually somewhat interested, begin to enrich their own understanding about family history, but you can burn-off cash pretty quickly with remote or overseas research proxies, and you've gotta watch yourself re: credentials and reviews, etc.

Hope you're having fun with your own experience with such things.
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One of my cousins, doing Irish genealogy work, says much the same thing.

I'm a little more skeptical, but I managed to make good progress on the German half of my Irish-German ancestry, when I was 'into genealogy' in the 2000-2003 timeframe.

Had a 'Roots / Kunte Kinte' moment (on paper) in finding the family villages in Hesse, and managed to latch onto parish and civil documents that take us back to the early 1600s, over there, before the trail goes cold.

Fun stuff, genealogy, if you've got the patience and persistence and drive for it.

Kills me sometimes to realize that I was stationed only 50-60 miles from there, as a kid in the Army, and didn't even realize it at the time.

My family and another family in Western KY have formed a non profit 'association.' The DAR sponsored a workshop on doing genealogy at one of the reunions. I went and learned a lot. One thing you don't think about is things that aren't there but should be. The example the speaker gave was when he researched his mother's side. He got her hospital records for some reason. Her chart said she had given birth 3 times and she did not list any children as having been stillborn or dying. The researcher's question: Who was number 3, and where did he/she go. There are things like this that even people in the know simply will not divulge to you no matter how hard you try to get them to.

My sister's adoption was one of those taboo subjects when I was growing up. She didn't want people to know she was adopted so my brother and I were forbidden to speak about it. I don't think she is even listed as 'adopted' in our family history books.
Yeah... I managed to drag a skeleton out of a Grand Uncle's (dead for 40 years) closet when his illegitimate son found my online genealogy file and spotted his father's name on it... next thing you know, I'm getting bombarded with email inquiries from a 3rd cousin, etc., and ruffling some feathers amongst surviving in-the-know family who never mentioned the Long-Lost Tribe of Israel before.

And, of course, the further back in time you go, the less reliable, the Census data and paper records and medical records and diagnoses, and stories.

My own favorite resources were a paid subscription to Genealogy, Family Trees & Family History Records at and Home Page, as well as the Mormon (LDS) microfilm library (which houses millions of non-LDS church registries and records from around the country, on microfilm, going back a couple of centuries). Those, and a good database (I used Family Tree Maker, myself).

And, of course, once you publish online, it's amazing how often you're contacted by others - including long-lost, never-known 3rd and 4th cousins and the like - for yourself and your spouse - heck, I'm still getting an average of 6-10 email inquiries per year, and it's been two years since I published my last online update.

Fun stuff (genealogy), when the fever is upon you, and when some of the family who are actually somewhat interested, begin to enrich their own understanding about family history, but you can burn-off cash pretty quickly with remote or overseas research proxies, and you've gotta watch yourself re: credentials and reviews, etc.

Hope you're having fun with your own experience with such things.

[ame=]White supremacist finds out he's part African - YouTube[/ame]

Pure gold.
Oy...Why in the world would a Catholic private school be so glaringly racist?

Officials at a Northern California private school are apologizing after a controversial lunch menu option to celebrate Black History Month.

Students at Carondelet High School for Girls in Concord wanted to come up with ways to observe the occasion during a lunchtime celebration Friday. But when the school announced a menu of fried chicken, cornbread and watermelon, other students and parents became offended.
KNTV-TV reports that school officials held an assembly on campus Wednesday to discuss the issue and also sent a letter apologizing to parents. Principal Nancy Libby wrote that the items were taken off of the menu and that the school doesn't perpetrate racial stereotypes.

Are black folks the only race that likes fried chicken, cornbread and watermelon?

Folks are just looking to hard into food.
"...Pure gold."
Snicker... a regular Schicklgruber moment...
Prove it.

What Republicans were members of the KKK like the Democrats?

What Republicans supported and defended slavery like Democrats?

What Republicans defended Jim Crow, like the Democrats?

Which party had the most votes against he 1964 Civil Rights Act? Oh, that's right the DEMOCRATS.

Dealing with people by their race has long been a central tenet of the Democratic Party and IT STILL IS.

When are you dimwits going to quit pulling that tired talking point out of your asses? The only people that don't know why that is are the teabaggers. Because they, like you, are brainless morons.

I'll remind you one last time, I hope.


[ame=]Exclusive: Lee Atwater's Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy - YouTube[/ame]
Oy...Why in the world would a Catholic private school be so glaringly racist?

Officials at a Northern California private school are apologizing after a controversial lunch menu option to celebrate Black History Month.

Students at Carondelet High School for Girls in Concord wanted to come up with ways to observe the occasion during a lunchtime celebration Friday. But when the school announced a menu of fried chicken, cornbread and watermelon, other students and parents became offended.
KNTV-TV reports that school officials held an assembly on campus Wednesday to discuss the issue and also sent a letter apologizing to parents. Principal Nancy Libby wrote that the items were taken off of the menu and that the school doesn't perpetrate racial stereotypes.

Are black folks the only race that likes fried chicken, cornbread and watermelon?

Folks are just looking to hard into food.

Maybe you should read the entire thread before commenting, mkay?
Oy...Why in the world would a Catholic private school be so glaringly racist?

Officials at a Northern California private school are apologizing after a controversial lunch menu option to celebrate Black History Month.

Students at Carondelet High School for Girls in Concord wanted to come up with ways to observe the occasion during a lunchtime celebration Friday. But when the school announced a menu of fried chicken, cornbread and watermelon, other students and parents became offended.
KNTV-TV reports that school officials held an assembly on campus Wednesday to discuss the issue and also sent a letter apologizing to parents. Principal Nancy Libby wrote that the items were taken off of the menu and that the school doesn't perpetrate racial stereotypes.

Are black folks the only race that likes fried chicken, cornbread and watermelon?

Folks are just looking to hard into food.

And then there's the irony that the girls picked these foods to eat. If the foods are inferior, then why would they choose them for lunch?
Greens, mac & cheese, hush puppies, black eyed peas...

PC has moved far beyond pathetic.

Someone please explain the appeal of boiled greens to me. A couple friends of mine love them...I tried them and damn near retched. Why the hell do I want to eat WEEDS, again?!
Often, greens are boiled to much.

But if you only put them in the hot water long enough to bring them to temperature, they retain a nice flavor and decent texture.

Same goes for spinach and cabbage.

Add a sprinkle of vinegar on the greens and a side of cornbread ... yumm
When I was a kid, our grade school cafeteria served spaghetti to celebrate Columbus Day.

Clearly racist.

And they also had the nerve to serve corned beef and cabbage to honor of St. Patrick's Day.

More outrageous racism.

Fo Shizzle.
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Are black folks the only race that likes fried chicken, cornbread and watermelon?

Folks are just looking to hard into food.

And then there's the irony that the girls picked these foods to eat. If the foods are inferior, then why would they choose them for lunch?

Did the girls pick the food?

The news reports create an impression that at least some of the girls were involved in planning the menu.

Students at Carondelet High School for Girls in Concord wanted to come up with ways to commemorate the occasion during a lunchtime celebration Friday. But when the school announced a menu of fried chicken, cornbread and watermelon on Monday, other students and parents became offended.

School Apologizes for Black History Lunch Menu - ABC News
And then there's the irony that the girls picked these foods to eat. If the foods are inferior, then why would they choose them for lunch?

Did the girls pick the food?

The news reports create an impression that at least some of the girls were involved in planning the menu.

Students at Carondelet High School for Girls in Concord wanted to come up with ways to commemorate the occasion during a lunchtime celebration Friday. But when the school announced a menu of fried chicken, cornbread and watermelon on Monday, other students and parents became offended.

School Apologizes for Black History Lunch Menu - ABC News

I the racist children of racist parents came up with the idea the innocent school just went along with it? Not too smart, huh?

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racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist
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racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist
racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist
racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist
racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist
racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist
racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist
racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist
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Oy...Why in the world would a Catholic private school be so glaringly racist?

Officials at a Northern California private school are apologizing after a controversial lunch menu option to celebrate Black History Month.

Students at Carondelet High School for Girls in Concord wanted to come up with ways to observe the occasion during a lunchtime celebration Friday. But when the school announced a menu of fried chicken, cornbread and watermelon, other students and parents became offended.
KNTV-TV reports that school officials held an assembly on campus Wednesday to discuss the issue and also sent a letter apologizing to parents. Principal Nancy Libby wrote that the items were taken off of the menu and that the school doesn't perpetrate racial stereotypes.

I suppose sweet tea, chiltlins, grits, and greens would have been too much? Actually, I grew up in the South and whites as well as blacks enjoyed such menu items. The error made by the school is that they are not celebrating "Southern Month". Hey, why do we have such a racist and divisive designation for an entire month, anyway? When do we get to celebrate "Northern European Month", or "Southeast Asian Month", or maybe "South Pacific Island Month"?
As for those offended by an honest attempt, screw all those thin-skinned, racist assholes. Get a life, people.
Did the girls pick the food?

The news reports create an impression that at least some of the girls were involved in planning the menu.

Students at Carondelet High School for Girls in Concord wanted to come up with ways to commemorate the occasion during a lunchtime celebration Friday. But when the school announced a menu of fried chicken, cornbread and watermelon on Monday, other students and parents became offended.

School Apologizes for Black History Lunch Menu - ABC News

I the racist children of racist parents came up with the idea the innocent school just went along with it? Not too smart, huh?

Only an idiot thinks fried chicken is racist.

But I do recall when a former Black Mayor of Oakland gave out free fried chicken coupons to Black residents as a reward for voting.

Clearly, he's a racist, too.

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