Zone1 Catholics do NOT believe that their good works are what saves them! Another myth Protestants believe

The truth is God more or less keeps things running like the Admins on this site does and just lets you do what you think is right within your life within the natural environment that he created. The icy cold truth is he more or less doesn't really care about any of your good deeds or worship as you're so far beneath and so small that this God doesn't notice you. There's billions of other species of same or higher intelligence and goodness that he'd have to care about if he did in his universe.

This is reality. ;) So please stop judging people Catholics. lol
If you question teachings that are not explicitly in the Bible

then you logically must question how the various Books were chosen to be in the Bible in the 1st place

which means you question the Church that chose those books (we knew that)

which means you have to throw out not only the Church Christ founded but all Protestant "churches" as well--as all the former derived from the latter
Well, if Mary was not subject to original sin then does that mean she never died? The effect of original sin upon Adam and Eve was that they and all their posterity would die. Do Catholics believe that Mary never died?
Well, if Mary was not subject to original sin then does that mean she never died? The effect of original sin upon Adam and Eve was that they and all their posterity would die. Do Catholics believe that Mary never died?

there's not such a condition as original sin - made up by the desert religions of servitude - and mary miraculously never sinned early in their life and becomes easier as a way of life the older she became as for everyone ... physiology expires over time.
Well, if Mary was not subject to original sin then does that mean she never died? The effect of original sin upon Adam and Eve was that they and all their posterity would die. Do Catholics believe that Mary never died?
Catholic teaching is that Mary died and then was assumed into heaven.
What does the word, "assumed" mean it the phrase "assumed into heaven"?

is there a difference between never sinning and - triumphing over evil to qualify for judgement ... might need a round trip to make sure for one of them.
no, mary never sinned, is why she was notable for the heavenly aspiration for those of the 1st century ...

were jesus a messiah which they never claimed, provide their had written testimonial otherwise - they never reflected the crucifiers religion of servitude, christianity - and died for the same beliefs, liberation theology, self determination of those others who knew the true heavenly mission the religion of antiquity provided for their remission to paradise.
Of course Mary sinned. She needed a Savior.
The truth is God more or less keeps things running like the Admins on this site does and just lets you do what you think is right within your life within the natural environment that he created. The icy cold truth is he more or less doesn't really care about any of your good deeds or worship as you're so far beneath and so small that this God doesn't notice you. There's billions of other species of same or higher intelligence and goodness that he'd have to care about if he did in his universe.

This is reality. ;) So please stop judging people Catholics. lol
you don't know everything about God and neither does any other human.

It is presumptuous to say God doesn't care about what you do or whether you worship Him

I have found through experience alone that the Words of the Bible are God's Words because my experiences and theWord of God align with reality, the reality of "the system"... nature... etc..

True, it often seems that God does not care. But that does not mean that He does not care. Maybe he cares FIRST about... I dunno... maybe He cares first about what is MOST important, like salvation. Jesus said the Way to Heaven is NARROW and there are few who find it...

Most people going to Hell (as is thereby implied) would be a concern of God, presumably
Well, if Mary was not subject to original sin then does that mean she never died? The effect of original sin upon Adam and Eve was that they and all their posterity would die. Do Catholics believe that Mary never died?
When a saint dies, his or her bones and other things, even things the saint merely touched (clothing) are often collected because just touching them would bring cures and other miracles.

No bones of Mary have ever been found.
Of course Mary sinned. She needed a Savior.

mary was sinless, they knew perfectly well how they felt and had no shame for what they did and were blessed by the heavens.

sorry, one can only save themself ... after sinning. there is not or ever will be a messiah, only a religion of servitude someone or another makes up primarily to benefit themselves and with those that knowingly believe the fallacy for their own purposes.
mary was sinless, they knew perfectly well how they felt and had no shame for what they did and were blessed by the heavens.

sorry, one can only save themself ... after sinning. there is not or ever will be a messiah, only a religion of servitude someone or another makes up primarily to benefit themselves and with those that knowingly believe the fallacy for their own purposes.
mary was not sinless.Show me in the BIBLE.
mary was sinless, they knew perfectly well how they felt and had no shame for what they did and were blessed by the heavens.

sorry, one can only save themself ... after sinning. there is not or ever will be a messiah, only a religion of servitude someone or another makes up primarily to benefit themselves and with those that knowingly believe the fallacy for their own purposes.
Romans 3:23 teaches that all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory, and there is nothing in the Bible to suggest that Mary was an exception to this rule.
there's not such a condition as original sin - made up by the desert religions of servitude - and mary miraculously never sinned early in their life and becomes easier as a way of life the older she became as for everyone ... physiology expires over time.

you're clueless.

Have you ever watched children play? Most of the time they are cute but then once one ofr them gets the notion that another child is.. fill in the blanks: stealing his toys or whatever, dude has a caniption and may start hitting the kid, not caring whether he hurts him or not. In other words, you can tell there is evil "built in" from the time of birth. Of course children under the age of about 7 cannot be held accountable.. just kids. But all hell breaks out whne they get older.

Don't tell me there is no original sin
Romans 3:23 teaches that all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory, and there is nothing in the Bible to suggest that Mary was an exception to this rule.
because everything about Jesus can be shoved into a small book


No, actually the Bible says that if everything Jesus did and said were to be written down, it is doubtful the whole world could contain all the books.

The Church came before the Bible (New T) as we know it (and decided which Books would be therein). No one had a personal Bible until after the printing press was invented, 1440. So I guess there were no Christians before then, no Church (!!) according to you know it all protesters
Grace is unmerited favor. We don't deserve it. Our works are garbage. We get it through faith in Christ, not the denomination we belong to...
Grace is unmerited favor. We don't deserve it. Our works are garbage. We get it through faith in Christ, not the denomination we belong to...
I don't see any favor involved between Jesus and me, not all the time anyhow. In fact, it seems He wants me to know a lot about how it was to be hated by all and persecuted and other Calvary-like things. But hey, Jesus did say the way is Narrow. Most humans don't like narrow, hence the reason most end up in Hell. That's why Christians need to get off the couch and evangelize more.

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