Catholics Overwhelmingly Favor Trump Over Biden 55 to 43.


Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2022
President Trump is leading Biden by a wide 55 to 43 margin among Catholics, according to a new poll by leftwing PEW., This differs greatly from 2020 when Trump won the Catholic vote by only one point. Incredibly, Trump leads Biden by two points among Hispanics after losing by 67 to 26 in 2020.

Biden has leaned into his Catholic identity in his presidential campaigns, asserting himself as a devout believer despite blatant disregard for non-negotiable church teachings.

I think voters realize Biden is a fake Catholic, and I suspect most of the 43% who support Biden are Catholics in name only like Biden is. They likely don't attend Mass and oppose core teachings of the Church on abortion and birth control. It is refreshing to see the Catholic vote switch like this. When I was a young lad, Democrats had a huge advantage in the Catholic vote. But now Democrats push abortion as their #1 campaign issue. That's been a huge turn-off to Catholics.

Trump has an even bigger lead among Protestants, 60-38. Among the atheists and unaffiliated, Biden unsurprisingly leads 69 to 28.
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President Trump is leading Biden by a wide 55 to 43 margin among Catholics, according to a new poll by leftwing PEW., This differs greatly from 2020 when Trump won the Catholic vote by only one point. Incredibly, Trump leads Biden by two points among Hispanics after losing by 67 to 26 in 2020.

Biden has leaned into his Catholic identity in his presidential campaigns, asserting himself as a devout believer despite blatant disregard for non-negotiable church teachings.

I think voters realize Biden is a fake Catholic, and I suspect most of the 43% who support Biden are Catholics in name only like Biden is. They likely don't attend Mass and oppose core teachings of the Church on abortion and birth control. It is refreshing to see the Catholic vote switch like this. When I was a young lad, Democrats had a huge advantage in the Catholic vote. But now Democrats push abortion as their #1 campaign issue.

Trump has an even bigger lead among Protestants, 60-38. Among the atheists and unaffiliated, Biden unsurprisingly leads 69 to 28.

How pathetic.
You can't trust Catholics.

---Fifty-four percent of Catholic said they'd vote for Sen. Bernie Sanders---

You can't trust Catholics.

---Fifty-four percent of Catholic said they'd vote for Sen. Bernie Sanders---

This was five years ago. Things have changed a lot.
Everybody wants Trump! :clap2:

I think voters realize Biden is a fake Catholic,

Gee, that was hard to figure out!!!!

What does one's IQ have to be to figure that one out!

(Answer: it just needs to register somewhere on the IQ test.. somewhere, anywhere.. )

never could understand Catholics, so called, voting D! But then again, I do understand such things as:

infiltration of the Church by anti-Christs. Yep, that's another no- brainer thing
President Trump is leading Biden by a wide 55 to 43 margin among Catholics, according to a new poll by leftwing PEW., This differs greatly from 2020 when Trump won the Catholic vote by only one point. Incredibly, Trump leads Biden by two points among Hispanics after losing by 67 to 26 in 2020.

Biden has leaned into his Catholic identity in his presidential campaigns, asserting himself as a devout believer despite blatant disregard for non-negotiable church teachings.

I think voters realize Biden is a fake Catholic, and I suspect most of the 43% who support Biden are Catholics in name only like Biden is. They likely don't attend Mass and oppose core teachings of the Church on abortion and birth control. It is refreshing to see the Catholic vote switch like this. When I was a young lad, Democrats had a huge advantage in the Catholic vote. But now Democrats push abortion as their #1 campaign issue. That's been a huge turn-off to Catholics.

Trump has an even bigger lead among Protestants, 60-38. Among the atheists and unaffiliated, Biden unsurprisingly leads 69 to 28.
Support for Iran-style theocracy among conservatives is pretty worrisome
A large contingent of Catholics in the U.S. are Social Justice Warriors (as is our Pope). In fact, if you talk to the volunteers - mainly women - who actually "run" the individual parishes, MOST of them are SJW's, and would vote for any Democrat regardless of specific policy positions.

The fact that many of them are willing to overlook Biden's poking his figurative finger in the eye of Catholicism itself with his positions on abortion and gay marriage is appalling. But they would respond with a recitation of Trump's well-publicized list of immoral acts.
Trump has a chance to get more than 50% of ( The Asian Vote ) ( The Moslem Vote ) ( The Hispanic Vote ) ( The Undecided Vote ) ( The Military Vote ) ( The Law Enforcement Vote ) (...
Many Catholics think Catholic teachings aren't something they have to pay attention to.
He's not a good man. He's a vulgar, stupid, ostentatious tabloid joke.

73% of New Yorker voted for Biden in every district.
See,, honey? You've fallen for your own lies. Think about it. Is it plausible that a 'stupid" man could amass billions of dollars in business and defeat a talented primary field and then a heavy favorite to become President of the United States, and be the heavy favorite to win again? For the third time, actually.

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