Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Savages Conservatives, Christians & Tea Party Members

I think we should ask the Government to give TAXPAYERS monies to Fox news.

How about giving tax exemptions to organizations that are rampant with pedophiles, such as the Catholic Church?

Is that appropriate? How many criminals must an organization produce before the government ought to financially punish the entire organization?

What if you apply the standard you're apply to public broadcasting, which is to totally defund it for one individual non-criminal action,

to the Catholic Church?
I can't find anyone with money who agrees with you.

In what cases, other than this one, do you believe it's appropriate to punish an entire organization for the offensive, albeit non-criminal, actions of one individual employee of that organization,

who has already left the organization because of his actions?
Punish??? You have a twisted reality.

Fuck off. That's retarded. Taking away funding isn't punishment?
In what cases, other than this one, do you believe it's appropriate to punish an entire organization for the offensive, albeit non-criminal, actions of one individual employee of that organization,

who has already left the organization because of his actions?

Rarely, to be sure.

But Schiller doesn't represent the alpha and omega on defunding NPR, he is just the most recent glaring argument for those who see the hypocrisy in what was once a credible news source. That ball was already rolling. Schiller just gave us an insight into NPR's corporate philosophy.
Here is some twisted thinking.

Taking TAXPAYERS monies from a organization that has MILLIONS donated to it, is now called punishment.:lol::eusa_whistle:
In what cases, other than this one, do you believe it's appropriate to punish an entire organization for the offensive, albeit non-criminal, actions of one individual employee of that organization,

who has already left the organization because of his actions?
Punish??? You have a twisted reality.

Fuck off. That's retarded. Taking away funding isn't punishment?

Don't be mental midget.

1% of the budget comes from taxpayer money. The taxpayer is being punished if anyone dumbass

That aside, if taking that small amount of funding away is harmful they don't deserve to exists in the first place.
There may or may not be good arguments for defunding public broadcasting, but this incident isn't one of them.

Once again, the Right's stupidity shines through.

Not quite as bright as your own.

There's a reason the chief denounced him and he's out of there. As a public venue, funded by tax dollars and given the directive to provide cultural programming, the anti-zionist slant has no place at NPR, nor does the attitude that the people of the US are religious zealots who need more retards like Schiller telling them what to do and what to think.
March 9, 2011 Fired NPR analyst Juan Williams responds to NPR video: They are the ‘anti-intellectual’

The fallout from the video conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe released Tuesday morning has been devastating for NPR. However, Juan Williams, a former NPR analyst who was fired unjustly even according to NPR President Vivian Schiller, finally had his turn to sound off about the video, which apparently showed an NPR senior executive, Ron Schiller, making some disparaging remarks about the Tea Party, the Jewish people and Williams himself.
In an appearance on “America’s Nightly Scoreboard” on the Fox Business Network, Williams described the video as an inside look at how the power structure inside of NPR really thinks.

“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said. “And what’s incredible to me is here they are doing business with people who identify themselves as members of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Read more: Juan Williams | NPR | Ron Schiller | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

I really believe NPR is a dead man walking. I see no way for them to survive the exposure these tapes have brought upon them with their funding intact.

It was a good run, but they aren't even a shell of what they used to be.

Time to find out if they can make it on their own or not.

We shall see.

“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said.

Oh really?

Notice how Williams took a 'he' and made it a 'they'?

So it IS okay to take one person's words or actions and apply to an entire group? So one anti-abortion murderer is a good look inside what all pro-lifers think?

“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said.

Oh really?

Notice how Williams took a 'he' and made it a 'they'?

So it IS okay to take one person's words or actions and apply to an entire group? So one anti-abortion murderer is a good look inside what all pro-lifers think?


You're right.

The woman's constant objections to Schiller's personal opinions were an insight into the TRUE culture of NPR.
March 9, 2011 Fired NPR analyst Juan Williams responds to NPR video: They are the ‘anti-intellectual’

The fallout from the video conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe released Tuesday morning has been devastating for NPR. However, Juan Williams, a former NPR analyst who was fired unjustly even according to NPR President Vivian Schiller, finally had his turn to sound off about the video, which apparently showed an NPR senior executive, Ron Schiller, making some disparaging remarks about the Tea Party, the Jewish people and Williams himself.
In an appearance on “America’s Nightly Scoreboard” on the Fox Business Network, Williams described the video as an inside look at how the power structure inside of NPR really thinks.

“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said. “And what’s incredible to me is here they are doing business with people who identify themselves as members of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Read more: Juan Williams | NPR | Ron Schiller | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

I really believe NPR is a dead man walking. I see no way for them to survive the exposure these tapes have brought upon them with their funding intact.

It was a good run, but they aren't even a shell of what they used to be.

Time to find out if they can make it on their own or not.

We shall see.

“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said.

Oh really?

Notice how Williams took a 'he' and made it a 'they'?

So it IS okay to take one person's words or actions and apply to an entire group? So one anti-abortion murderer is a good look inside what all pro-lifers think?


yet you have NO problem branding an ENTIRE GROUP for a few when it comes to Republicans, Conservaties, THE TEA PARTY.
You must be referring to the talking heads of PMSnpc. Hell they even edit pictures of a black man carrying a gun so they could accuse the Tea Party of being gun toting RACIST.:lol:

No! No! No! Only the right wing extremists fake shit to make the left look bad. The left don't ever do it. Not ever. Capiche?

Dont you have a log on ID and password to hand off to an Admin or something better to do?
I don't think its going to matter. Schiller has left NPR and NPR is going to be defunded soon anyway.

I guess we will find out if Schiller's thoughts on NPR standing on its own are correct or not.
Who is going to defund them? The House, on their own?

Pretty much if it comes down to that. All spending bills originate in the House. If the House of Representatives refuses to include funding for NPR in it's spending bill, neither the Senate or President can do shit about it.
I don't think its going to matter. Schiller has left NPR and NPR is going to be defunded soon anyway.

I guess we will find out if Schiller's thoughts on NPR standing on its own are correct or not.
Who is going to defund them? The House, on their own?

Pretty much if it comes down to that. All spending bills originate in the House. If the House of Representatives refuses to include funding for NPR in it's spending bill, neither the Senate or President can do shit about it.
There is no funding for NPR in the House's spending bill.

NPR does not receive government funding. It does, however, apply for and receive some government grants.

What you need to work on is outlawing all government grants.
March 9, 2011 Fired NPR analyst Juan Williams responds to NPR video: They are the ‘anti-intellectual’

The fallout from the video conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe released Tuesday morning has been devastating for NPR. However, Juan Williams, a former NPR analyst who was fired unjustly even according to NPR President Vivian Schiller, finally had his turn to sound off about the video, which apparently showed an NPR senior executive, Ron Schiller, making some disparaging remarks about the Tea Party, the Jewish people and Williams himself.
In an appearance on “America’s Nightly Scoreboard” on the Fox Business Network, Williams described the video as an inside look at how the power structure inside of NPR really thinks.

“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said. “And what’s incredible to me is here they are doing business with people who identify themselves as members of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Read more: Juan Williams | NPR | Ron Schiller | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

I really believe NPR is a dead man walking. I see no way for them to survive the exposure these tapes have brought upon them with their funding intact.

It was a good run, but they aren't even a shell of what they used to be.

Time to find out if they can make it on their own or not.

We shall see.

“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said.

Oh really?

Notice how Williams took a 'he' and made it a 'they'?

So it IS okay to take one person's words or actions and apply to an entire group? So one anti-abortion murderer is a good look inside what all pro-lifers think?


So, you're finally got that concept, huh? Individuals are not corporations... now, apply that to the bullshit about Fox. :eusa_angel:
I really believe NPR is a dead man walking. I see no way for them to survive the exposure these tapes have brought upon them with their funding intact.

It was a good run, but they aren't even a shell of what they used to be.

Time to find out if they can make it on their own or not.

We shall see.

“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said.

Oh really?

Notice how Williams took a 'he' and made it a 'they'?

So it IS okay to take one person's words or actions and apply to an entire group? So one anti-abortion murderer is a good look inside what all pro-lifers think?


yet you have NO problem branding an ENTIRE GROUP for a few when it comes to Republicans, Conservaties, THE TEA PARTY.

If I did that, would it be right? Appropriate? Valid?
I really believe NPR is a dead man walking. I see no way for them to survive the exposure these tapes have brought upon them with their funding intact.

It was a good run, but they aren't even a shell of what they used to be.

Time to find out if they can make it on their own or not.

We shall see.

“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said.

Oh really?

Notice how Williams took a 'he' and made it a 'they'?

So it IS okay to take one person's words or actions and apply to an entire group? So one anti-abortion murderer is a good look inside what all pro-lifers think?


So, you're finally got that concept, huh? Individuals are not corporations... now, apply that to the bullshit about Fox. :eusa_angel:

Thank you for agreeing with me that this individual Schiller is not the 'corporation'.

See, even this nitwit is smart enough to agree with me for once.
If I did that, would it be right? Appropriate? Valid?

What of the other NPR Executive at the meeting, who sat there like a bump on a log, complicit in all Schiller was saying and doing?

She isn't a reflection on the true culture of NPR either, right?
“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said.

Oh really?

Notice how Williams took a 'he' and made it a 'they'?

So it IS okay to take one person's words or actions and apply to an entire group? So one anti-abortion murderer is a good look inside what all pro-lifers think?


yet you have NO problem branding an ENTIRE GROUP for a few when it comes to Republicans, Conservaties, THE TEA PARTY.

If I did that, would it be right? Appropriate? Valid?

There is NO if you did, YOU DO IT.
It doesn't matter if the House passes it. If the Senate won't pass it, or if Obama vetoes it, then it goes nowhere. Democrats could very well negotiate it out of the bill. I guess you both forgot that part.
wow, another mental midget

if the funding doesnt pass the house, they DONT GET IT
doesnt matter one bit what they do in the senate

You're a moron. The funding is in a bill, correct? Bills have to pass both houses of Congress and get signed by the president. If Dems decide to, they can fight to get the funding restored. It, among other things, could keep Dems, who control the Senate, from voting to pass the funding bill. I'm not saying that this will definitely happen, I'm just pointing out the possibility. The two of you think it's a slam dunk. There are negotiations involved. The defunding provision could very well be removed in the negotiations process. Apparently, you don't understand how the process works.
NO THEY CAN'T No spending can be enacted without being proposed in the House. As long as the GOP holds the House of Representatives, funding for NPR is at their whim.
No bill proposing funding for NPR will ever reach the House floor, period, so the Senate and President can bitch and moan all they want, It ain't happening.

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