Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Savages Conservatives, Christians & Tea Party Members

Schiller's a partisan hack. So are you.

NPR should not get one dime of taxpayers money. Not. One. Dime. Got it? Good.

You just punked yourself.

Are my questions too tough for you?

Man up, CG!

That would depend on IF you can prove the prank phone call was unedited...which you can't.


You also can't prove O'Keefe's videos are edited. As a matter of fact, he ALWAYS provides the FULL UNEDITED versions (as he did here) of his videos for all to see the time stamps and counters proving that they aren't edited.

As far as Schiller's statements certainly don't expect anyone to believe he was lauding and praising conservatives do you? If so, you need medication.

No one has accused of doctoring that prank call. Noty even Walker, so that's not an issue.

O'Keefe has a history of lies and deception.

CG can't tell me what is so objectionable about what Schiller said.
I really believe NPR is a dead man walking. I see no way for them to survive the exposure these tapes have brought upon them with their funding intact.

It was a good run, but they aren't even a shell of what they used to be.

Time to find out if they can make it on their own or not.

We shall see.

“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said.

Oh really?

Notice how Williams took a 'he' and made it a 'they'?

So it IS okay to take one person's words or actions and apply to an entire group? So one anti-abortion murderer is a good look inside what all pro-lifers think?


yet you have NO problem branding an ENTIRE GROUP for a few when it comes to Republicans, Conservaties, THE TEA PARTY.

Was Juan Williams right or wrong for branding all NPR executives based on what ONE of them said?
Yes, what the anti-NPR crowd is doing to NPR here IS bullshit.

I have no issue with NPR at all. I only have an issue with paying for it. We have no reason to have a taxpayer funded propaganda network in this country. If liberals want it, fine. Just pay for it. I'd say the same even if they weren't so heavily biased. Whoever wants it should fund it. I'd be as heavily against taxpayers funding Rush, Boortz or anyone else.
It sure is entertaining listening to these lib's sputter and spit as yet ANOTHER one of their bastions of liberal lunacy is about to go down the friggin' tubes!

Can't wait to see what else O'keefe has in store for NPR. According to Andrew Breitbart, it's only just begun!

O'Keefe, was that guy who spliced together video to smear Acorn?

Breitbart confirms he was duped by O'Keefe and the ACORN pimp hoax

In his report, Harshbarger, who was himself denied full viewing of the tapes, concluded:
The videos that have been released appear to have been edited, in some cases substantially, including the insertion of a substitute voiceover for significant portions of Mr. O’Keefe’s and Ms. Giles’s comments, which makes it difficult to determine the questions to which ACORN employees are responding. A comparison of the publicly available transcripts to the released videos confirms that large portions of the original video have been omitted from the released versions.

Falling for the ACORN Hoax

Are ALL right wing heroes dirty?

The reason the left can't do the same things to the right is because the right is already out there with racism and provocation. It wouldn't be news.

Thank you for agreeing with me that this individual Schiller is not the 'corporation'.

See, even this nitwit is smart enough to agree with me for once.

Actually, it's the other way around. You're finally grasping a concept that I've held since I joined.... individuals are individuals. Now you need to apply that logic to your rants about Fox News, the TEA Parties, and every other organization you dislike.

Oh really? And all those articles at Huffpo that you automatically dismissed simply because you dislike the source?

What would you call that?

What? I will read the original piece.... but not through the HuffPuff.... and that's because I will not add to their revenue. It's a principle of mine... not to help an organization that is fundamentally left wing.
Again, the House doesn't fund NPR. There is no budget with NPR funding.

NPR does apply for and receive some grants from the government.

The only thing the Republicans can do is make grants illegal.



It's called a "teleworking bill" and it was voted into effect by House Democrats just last November of 2110.

By a 239 to 171 vote, the House approved advancing a teleworking bill without the language that would bar local public radio stations from using taxpayer dollars to purchase NPR programming.

The public money at issue was funding to the stations from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
You're a moron. The funding is in a bill, correct? Bills have to pass both houses of Congress and get signed by the president. If Dems decide to, they can fight to get the funding restored. It, among other things, could keep Dems, who control the Senate, from voting to pass the funding bill. I'm not saying that this will definitely happen, I'm just pointing out the possibility. The two of you think it's a slam dunk. There are negotiations involved. The defunding provision could very well be removed in the negotiations process. Apparently, you don't understand how the process works.

You really should just stop arguing this until you cover it in class. You obviously have no idea of how this stuff works, and no willingness to understand it. Whether you like it or not, if the funding isn't approved by the House, the Senate doesn't even enter the equation, nor the President.

The House already voted to defund. It's in the fucking bill. Now it can be negotiated out of the bill. It's called an amendment. How is this hard for you morons to understand?

Because they think they know how government works.

Plus, they're morons.
Again, the House doesn't fund NPR. There is no budget with NPR funding.

NPR does apply for and receive some grants from the government.

The only thing the Republicans can do is make grants illegal.



It's called a "teleworking bill" and it was voted into effect by House Democrats just last November of 2110.

By a 239 to 171 vote, the House approved advancing a teleworking bill without the language that would bar local public radio stations from using taxpayer dollars to purchase NPR programming.

The public money at issue was funding to the stations from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
Grant money, not part of a spending bill...jeesh, are you people this stupid in real life?
No one has accused of doctoring that prank call. Noty even Walker, so that's not an issue.

That still falls short of PROVING they weren't edited.

Oh, and NPR isn't claiming O'Keefe's videos are edited using your own "logic" it's not an issue.

O'Keefe has a history of lies and deception.

Claims by Media Matters doesn't really amount to or prove anything.....I'd expect them to attack the guy since they are far-left extremists.

CG can't tell me what is so objectionable about what Schiller said.

And that proves what exactly?

If someone has to EXPLAIN it to you, then you're too hopelessly in the tank for NPR to bother trying.
Again, the House doesn't fund NPR. There is no budget with NPR funding.

NPR does apply for and receive some grants from the government.

The only thing the Republicans can do is make grants illegal.



It's called a "teleworking bill" and it was voted into effect by House Democrats just last November of 2110.

By a 239 to 171 vote, the House approved advancing a teleworking bill without the language that would bar local public radio stations from using taxpayer dollars to purchase NPR programming.

The public money at issue was funding to the stations from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
Grant money, not part of a spending bill...jeesh, are you people this stupid in real life?

Typical liberal deception.

NPR gets $90 mil/yr in federal funding. Who gives a darn where it comes from specifically.
Again, the House doesn't fund NPR. There is no budget with NPR funding.

NPR does apply for and receive some grants from the government.

The only thing the Republicans can do is make grants illegal.



It's called a "teleworking bill" and it was voted into effect by House Democrats just last November of 2110.

By a 239 to 171 vote, the House approved advancing a teleworking bill without the language that would bar local public radio stations from using taxpayer dollars to purchase NPR programming.

The public money at issue was funding to the stations from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
Grant money, not part of a spending bill...jeesh, are you people this stupid in real life?

They call the money they give them "grants", but the above shows that they VOTE on BILLS with language that can allow or deny them getting those grants.

Saying Republicans would have to outlaw grants was false.
No one has accused of doctoring that prank call. Noty even Walker, so that's not an issue.

That still falls short of PROVING they weren't edited.

Oh, and NPR isn't claiming O'Keefe's videos are edited using your own "logic" it's not an issue.

O'Keefe has a history of lies and deception.

Claims by Media Matters doesn't really amount to or prove anything.....I'd expect them to attack the guy since they are far-left extremists.

CG can't tell me what is so objectionable about what Schiller said.

And that proves what exactly?

If someone has to EXPLAIN it to you, then you're too hopelessly in the tank for NPR to bother trying.

My first logical question is why this guy was having dinner with people posing as known terrorist supporters? It looks like he got caught discussing radical Islamic programming and talking about Americans like they're shit.

Isn't that aiding the enemy. The guy needs to spend some time behind bars.
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It's called a "teleworking bill" and it was voted into effect by House Democrats just last November of 2110.
Grant money, not part of a spending bill...jeesh, are you people this stupid in real life?

Typical liberal deception.

NPR gets $90 mil/yr in federal funding. Who gives a darn where it comes from specifically.

I don't think they're being deceptive. They are being stupid.

I tried pointing out that "deception" is not even used by the dems on the hill anymore - it only fooled liberals.
You're really going to believe anything that mouthbreather O'Keefe puts up there? Do you know what gullible means?
Yeah, gulible means that idiots believed every lie out of the mouth of obamaturd and the rest of the dimwits. Problem is you libtards don't believe the truth when it slaps you upside the head.
Oh boy! It's another "Boy who Cried Wolfe" story by O’Keefe "the mad splicer", who's maliciously spliced Pimp and his Whore video defamed Acorn?

Who in their right mind, beside you psuedo-cons and conned out there, is going to give that little prick a second look anyway.
Acorn deserved it. Defending acorn and npr just proves the stupidity of the left.
Can we simply dismiss this based on the bias of the source,

in the same way material sourced from Huffpo and mediamatters, for example, is summarily dismissed?

Would that be a legitimate response?

bump :lol::lol::lol:

Huffpo does not always offer video...and frequently refers to "sources say" as their proof.
But when Huffpo offers concrete proof, I really dont care about the source....I care about the story....although I admit I dont go to their site at all....but you will NEVER see me on here discrediting a story of theirs if there is concrete proof to support it.

My question is what fool allows his personal bias to let him dismiss proof of something becuase he has an issue with the source?
Who cares?

Decent people - you wouldn't know anything about them.

How does one man's opinion mean NPR is biased?

Goddamn but you're fucking stupid.

And I'm sure you don't want to talk about the fact that O'Keefe's goons repeatedly offered a $5 million check with no strings attached, which Schiller refused to accept.

He didn't refuse it.
Conservative undercover filmmaker James O’Keefe strikes again…
The filmmaker released video this morning of NPR senior executive Ron Schiller trashing Conservatives, Tea Partiers, and Christians in a staged meeting with fake Muslim Brotherhood members.

Talk about good timing…and irony:
Just yesterday NPR CEO Vivian Schiller proclaimed that NPR had “no particular bias.”

From the video: Senior Executives at NPR meet with Muslim Brotherhood Front Group to solicit $5 million and discuss their federal funding, Fanatical Christians, Zionists in the media, Tea Partiers, Republicans, Uneducated Americans, and Juan Williams.

The Daily Caller reported on the tapes this morning:

A man who appears to be a National Public Radio senior executive, Ron Schiller, has been captured on camera savaging conservatives and the Tea Party movement.

“The current Republican Party, particularly the Tea Party, is fanatically involved in people’s personal lives and very fundamental Christian – I wouldn’t even call it Christian. It’s this weird evangelical kind of move,” declared Schiller, who runs NPR’s foundation.

In a new video released Tuesday morning by conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe, Schiller and Betsy Liley, NPR’s director of institutional giving, are seen meeting with two men who, unbeknownst to the NPR executives, are posing as members of a Muslim Brotherhood front group. The men, who identified themselves as Ibrahim Kasaam and Amir Malik from the fictitious Muslim Education Action Center (MEAC) Trust, met with Schiller and Liley at Café Milano, a well-known Georgetown restaurant, and explained their desire to give to $5 million to NPR because, “the Zionist coverage is quite substantial elsewhere.”

On the tapes, Schiller wastes little time before attacking conservatives. The Republican Party, Schiller says, has been “hijacked by this group.” The man posing as Malik finishes the sentence by adding, “the radical, racist, Islamaphobic, Tea Party people.” Schiller agrees and intensifies the criticism, saying that the Tea Party people aren’t “just Islamaphobic, but really xenophobic, I mean basically they are, they believe in sort of white, middle-America gun-toting. I mean, it’s scary. They’re seriously racist, racist people.”

All he did was tell the truth.


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