Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Savages Conservatives, Christians & Tea Party Members

NPR only gets like 2% of it's budget from federal funding I think they will be alright.

As I've said, I think we're going to find out.

Obviously, they don't need that 2% anyway (maybe the dumbest thing he said, and think of how dumb the other stuff was).

If they don't need the funding, and they will be better off without it (according to their former head of funding), then it should be a pretty quick and easy process to take that money and put it somewhere where it is needed and will go to good use.
NPR only gets like 2% of it's budget from federal funding I think they will be alright.

As I've said, I think we're going to find out.

Obviously, they don't need that 2% anyway (maybe the dumbest thing he said, and think of how dumb the other stuff was).

If they don't need the funding, and they will be better off without it (according to their former head of funding), then it should be a pretty quick and easy process to take that money and put it somewhere where it is needed and will go to good use.

Yeah like eight seconds worth of interest on the national debt :lol:
I'm not seeing any spin on NPR's part in regards to this guy.

btw, NPR does not receive government funding. It does apply for and receive a few grants. A little different...I suppose the righties can make government grants illegal.
No idea regarding the authenticity of the video, but I don't doubt for a second that NPR managment regards the Tea Party movement as a GOP funded hatefest.

I mean, after all, isn't it?

“While the meeting I participated in turned out to be a ruse, I made statements during the course of the meeting that are counter to NPR’s values and also not reflective of my own beliefs. I offer my sincere apology to those I offended. I previously resigned from NPR effective May 6th to accept another job. In an effort to put this unfortunate matter behind us, NPR and I have agreed that my resignation is effective today.”Schiller’s response

No matter how you cut it he lies. So you have to assume anyone trying to defend this does too
There may or may not be good arguments for defunding public broadcasting, but this incident isn't one of them.

Once again, the Right's stupidity shines through.
No idea regarding the authenticity of the video, but I don't doubt for a second that NPR managment regards the Tea Party movement as a GOP funded hatefest.

I mean, after all, isn't it?

“While the meeting I participated in turned out to be a ruse, I made statements during the course of the meeting that are counter to NPR’s values and also not reflective of my own beliefs. I offer my sincere apology to those I offended. I previously resigned from NPR effective May 6th to accept another job. In an effort to put this unfortunate matter behind us, NPR and I have agreed that my resignation is effective today.”Schiller’s response

No matter how you cut it he lies. So you have to assume anyone trying to defend this does too

So a week AFTER he resigned, they AGREE his resignation is effective today?

I've never cared if a company *agreed* to my resignation, except when they were giving me some severance for a return on my part.

He was already severed, whether they agreed to it or not.

And the spin continues.....
There may or may not be good arguments for defunding public broadcasting, but this incident isn't one of them.

Once again, the Right's stupidity shines through.

I can't find anyone with money who agrees with you.
There may or may not be good arguments for defunding public broadcasting, but this incident isn't one of them.

Once again, the Right's stupidity shines through.

I can't find anyone with money who agrees with you.

In what cases, other than this one, do you believe it's appropriate to punish an entire organization for the offensive, albeit non-criminal, actions of one individual employee of that organization,

who has already left the organization because of his actions?
There may or may not be good arguments for defunding public broadcasting, but this incident isn't one of them.

Once again, the Right's stupidity shines through.

Yea, fer sure you DON'T CARE what was said against your fellow Americans.
There may or may not be good arguments for defunding public broadcasting, but this incident isn't one of them.

Once again, the Right's stupidity shines through.

I can't find anyone with money who agrees with you.

In what cases, other than this one, do you believe it's appropriate to punish an entire organization for the offensive, albeit non-criminal, actions of one individual employee of that organization,

who has already left the organization because of his actions?
Punish??? You have a twisted reality.

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