Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Savages Conservatives, Christians & Tea Party Members

No you can't.....Hence, you go off like a fuckin' maniac.......Or, like a child, run to the neg rep button.

And your last claim there is fuckin' laughable, considering a certain blatant LIAR you defend.

Uh .. no. I have plenty of civil disagreements with posters from the right here.

I treat you like you treat others.

And yeah, you are still a liar.
And I have plenty of civil disagreements with posters from the left here.

I treat you like you treat others.

And, I could give less than a damn what you believe, OBVIOUSLY!

Yes, it's obvious. I know.
All you do is spew insults, and participate in "raging name calling". So, I guess that means, you are also a weak man.
Ya see, that's where you wrong. I call names when called a name. I call names to those who called names in the past......It's called return fire.......And yes, when I encounter a stormtrooper type, or jew basher, damn right I unload.

And one more thing Luissa......What makes you any different than anybody else up here?

Case in point, your constant cat fight with Allie. Or, on Madeline's Palin child bashing thread where you engaged in some pretty heated name calling yourself......Particularly against Palin because your beliefs differ from hers.........You're no different than anybody else.

What, are you a fuckin' hypocrite now?


:lol:I am just returning fire, hypocrite.
Good for you!......Someone calls you a name, hammer 'em!
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No idea regarding the authenticity of the video, but I don't doubt for a second that NPR managment regards the Tea Party movement as a GOP funded hatefest.

I mean, after all, isn't it?
No idea regarding the authenticity of the video, but I don't doubt for a second that NPR managment regards the Tea Party movement as a GOP funded hatefest.

I mean, after all, isn't it?
No, it's not. If it were, you wouldn't see any blacks, or hispanics, or asians in it's ranks.

The tape is real; this icon of the educated, liberal elite was already disowned by them and moving on to greener pastures.

I think it's hilarious. The litle flamer goes on this rant about how the liberal elites are this super class, alone at the top, holding all the cards, all the education, all the ideas....and pissing and moaning that there just aren't enough...that the majority of America are these stupid, pathetic ignorami who cling to their guns etc....but of course as he's going on about how smart he is, he's being duped by guys in fake moustaches.

He goes on to say that the MSM is dominated by Jews and Zionists, while NPR is jokingly referred to as "national PALESINIAN radio", as a recomendation to these alleged Muslim backers.

Funny shit right there. What a gomer.
Schiller's leaving NPR. Interesting timing. And NPR are 'appalled' at the comments Schiller made during the lunch. Oops.

That's some funny shit.
The tape is real; this icon of the educated, liberal elite was already disowned by them and moving on to greener pastures.

I think it's hilarious. The litle flamer goes on this rant about how the liberal elites are this super class, alone at the top, holding all the cards, all the education, all the ideas....and pissing and moaning that there just aren't enough...that the majority of America are these stupid, pathetic ignorami who cling to their guns etc....but of course as he's going on about how smart he is, he's being duped by guys in fake moustaches.

He goes on to say that the MSM is dominated by Jews and Zionists, while NPR is jokingly referred to as "national PALESINIAN radio", as a recomendation to these alleged Muslim backers.

Funny shit right there. What a gomer.

I think Schiller's sudden departure from NPR confirms the validity of the tape.
Here is the phony website O'Keefe created for the Muslim Education Action Network. They had to have checked it out first. After all, they are a news organization :eusa_whistle:

Muslim Education Action Center

We are a charitable organization dedicated to promoting a proper understanding of Islam. It is our goal to ensure that every Muslim boy and girl grows up in a world safe from intolerance and fear.

Islam requires that every Muslim observe and live under Divine Law, yet many cultures are not receptive to this life. Many Muslims are prohibited from governing themselves under the principles of their own faith. We must combat intolerance to spread acceptance of Sharia across the world.

The influence of the corporate media cannot be discounted either and is of increasing interest to MEAC, though our main focus has remained on education. Corrupt entities such as Roger Ailes' Fox News have demonstrated the need for an increased focus on responsibility in journalism and reliable sources of news.

It's obviously a goof. Looks like somebody didn't do their homework. :redface:
It's already being discussed... fucking pages of it. Why are we supposed to 'discuss' it again just cuz you say so?

Search function - saves you looking silly and helps keep the forum tidy. Learn how to use it.
He's allowed to have his opinion but I think NPR is doing the right thing canning the guy.
Yep. Too bad Walker, who said much, much worse and is actually in a position of power, seems to have achieved hero status with the far rightwingloons.

Quite a difference in reaction.
It's already being discussed... fucking pages of it. Why are we supposed to 'discuss' it again just cuz you say so?

Search function - saves you looking silly and helps keep the forum tidy. Learn how to use it.

What does my thread have to do with this thread?

NPR's Betsy Lily Admits Obama Citizenship is a legit Question, Caught On Tape. If I was searching for NPR and the muslim brotherhood I don't think according to the title of this thread I would find it here.
Here is the phony website O'Keefe created for the Muslim Education Action Network. They had to have checked it out first. After all, they are a news organization :eusa_whistle:

Muslim Education Action Center

We are a charitable organization dedicated to promoting a proper understanding of Islam. It is our goal to ensure that every Muslim boy and girl grows up in a world safe from intolerance and fear.

Islam requires that every Muslim observe and live under Divine Law, yet many cultures are not receptive to this life. Many Muslims are prohibited from governing themselves under the principles of their own faith. We must combat intolerance to spread acceptance of Sharia across the world.

The influence of the corporate media cannot be discounted either and is of increasing interest to MEAC, though our main focus has remained on education. Corrupt entities such as Roger Ailes' Fox News have demonstrated the need for an increased focus on responsibility in journalism and reliable sources of news.

It's obviously a goof. Looks like somebody didn't do their homework. :redface:
In all honesty, that looks like the sort of website that takes you in on a continual basis.

Let this be a lesson.
He's allowed to have his opinion but I think NPR is doing the right thing canning the guy.
Yep. Too bad Walker, who said much, much worse and is actually in a position of power, seems to have achieved hero status with the far rightwingloons.

Quite a difference in reaction.


And naturally we have the usual suspects proudly touting their hypocrisy by defending Walker but attacking this.

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