Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Savages Conservatives, Christians & Tea Party Members

It's pretty clear.... hardly an op-ed piece.

He's not reliable as a source, as already having been exposed as a liar and a fraud.

Only in your mind.

Problem is video this extensive doesn't lie. They're biased and always have been.

It's coming to light that NPR is going to backdoor their funding. They're working with the FCC to push alternative programing on Talk Radio. 25% of their programing will have to be local talk radio programs or face fines from the FCC. Fines will be issued and the revenue received from these fine will be given to NPR.

NPR features your basic American college educated liberal mindset. This is the kind of garbage they're teaching our kids. If you're wondering why they voted for Obama, just listen to this exec. To be honest, some of what he said borders on treason (can't argue that it's outright bigotry), but in their minds it's just being fair to Muslims and other martyred groups, but it falls apart when he starts going into anti-Semitics. The comments about gun-toting racist Tea Party members was just icing on the cake. CAMERA: Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
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So once again, the felon gets what he wants. The dude would be a felon if not for one of the guy's dad wasn't US attorney. This scum of the earth needs to taken out like the rest of the trash in this country

LOL, I bet you said that about Ted Kennedy and Bill Clintion.
Hey NPR...................


Yet another kick in the balls for the left............
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So once again, the felon gets what he wants. The dude would be a felon if not for one of the guy's dad wasn't US attorney. This scum of the earth needs to taken out like the rest of the trash in this country

'This scum'? You mean those people who disagree with your Messiah? Fuck you, Just Fucking Koolaider. You don't get to judge who is 'trash'.
So once again, the felon gets what he wants. The dude would be a felon if not for one of the guy's dad wasn't US attorney. This scum of the earth needs to taken out like the rest of the trash in this country

'This scum'? You mean those people who disagree with your Messiah? Fuck you, Just Fucking Koolaider. You don't get to judge who is 'trash'.

Naw ... he's referring to someone who doctor's a tape in order to attack their political enemies. But you knew that and are just emoting so whatev.
So once again, the felon gets what he wants. The dude would be a felon if not for one of the guy's dad wasn't US attorney. This scum of the earth needs to taken out like the rest of the trash in this country

'This scum'? You mean those people who disagree with your Messiah? Fuck you, Just Fucking Koolaider. You don't get to judge who is 'trash'.

Naw ... he's referring to someone who doctor's a tape in order to attack their political enemies. But you knew that and are just emoting so whatev.

*squeeek* *squeeeeeeek*
Schiller got canned.... for a 'doctored' tape. How fucking stupid are some people that they think that NPR wouldn't have stood their ground.... if they'd had some ground to stand on. Even fucking NPR know Shriller shot himself.... and still they defend him. Pathetic.
So once again, the felon gets what he wants. The dude would be a felon if not for one of the guy's dad wasn't US attorney. This scum of the earth needs to taken out like the rest of the trash in this country

'This scum'? You mean those people who disagree with your Messiah? Fuck you, Just Fucking Koolaider. You don't get to judge who is 'trash'.

Naw ... he's referring to someone who doctor's a tape in order to attack their political enemies. But you knew that and are just emoting so whatev.

You must be referring to the talking heads of PMSnpc. Hell they even edit pictures of a black man carrying a gun so they could accuse the Tea Party of being gun toting RACIST.:lol:
'This scum'? You mean those people who disagree with your Messiah? Fuck you, Just Fucking Koolaider. You don't get to judge who is 'trash'.

Naw ... he's referring to someone who doctor's a tape in order to attack their political enemies. But you knew that and are just emoting so whatev.

You must be referring to the talking heads of PMSnpc. Hell they even edit pictures of a black man carrying a gun so they could accuse the Tea Party of being gun toting RACIST.:lol:

Yeah, I remember that. I also remember condemning MSNBC for doing it.

Funny that when FOX does the same you defend them tooth and nail.
'This scum'? You mean those people who disagree with your Messiah? Fuck you, Just Fucking Koolaider. You don't get to judge who is 'trash'.

Naw ... he's referring to someone who doctor's a tape in order to attack their political enemies. But you knew that and are just emoting so whatev.

You must be referring to the talking heads of PMSnpc. Hell they even edit pictures of a black man carrying a gun so they could accuse the Tea Party of being gun toting RACIST.:lol:

No! No! No! Only the right wing extremists fake shit to make the left look bad. The left don't ever do it. Not ever. Capiche?
Naw ... he's referring to someone who doctor's a tape in order to attack their political enemies. But you knew that and are just emoting so whatev.

You must be referring to the talking heads of PMSnpc. Hell they even edit pictures of a black man carrying a gun so they could accuse the Tea Party of being gun toting RACIST.:lol:

Yeah, I remember that. I also remember condemning MSNBC for doing it.

Funny that when FOX does the same you defend them tooth and nail.

Yeah I bet you did.
I don't watch Fox very often or any other new channel. I get my news off the Internet so I don't have to defend them. I just find it hilarious the HARDON you lefties have for Fox. Funny you all NEVER bring up the other NEWS CHANNELS that are accused of editing and taking comments out of context to MAKE a news story. You all just go around and ACCUSE everyone else of doing it.
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You must be referring to the talking heads of PMSnpc. Hell they even edit pictures of a black man carrying a gun so they could accuse the Tea Party of being gun toting RACIST.:lol:

Yeah, I remember that. I also remember condemning MSNBC for doing it.

Funny that when FOX does the same you defend them tooth and nail.

Yeah I bet you did.
I don't watch Fox very often or any other new channel. I get my news off the Internet so I don't have to defend them. I just find it hilarious the HARDON you lefties have for Fox. Funny you all NEVER bring up the other NEWS CHANNELS that are accused of editing and taking comments out of context to MAKE a news story.

You could have just said, "Yes, A15, I am not brave enough to condemn FOX when it's warranted," and moved on.
Naw ... he's referring to someone who doctor's a tape in order to attack their political enemies. But you knew that and are just emoting so whatev.

You must be referring to the talking heads of PMSnpc. Hell they even edit pictures of a black man carrying a gun so they could accuse the Tea Party of being gun toting RACIST.:lol:

No! No! No! Only the right wing extremists fake shit to make the left look bad. The left don't ever do it. Not ever. Capiche?

Dont you have a log on ID and password to hand off to an Admin or something better to do?
He's allowed to have his opinion but I think NPR is doing the right thing canning the guy.
Yep. Too bad Walker, who said much, much worse and is actually in a position of power, seems to have achieved hero status with the far rightwingloons.

Quite a difference in reaction.

You mean owning a baseball bat and pooh-poohing off a silly suggestion equates to what this exec. said?

You sure like to cherry-pick what you feel is wrong and what isn't.
March 9, 2011 Fired NPR analyst Juan Williams responds to NPR video: They are the ‘anti-intellectual’

The fallout from the video conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe released Tuesday morning has been devastating for NPR. However, Juan Williams, a former NPR analyst who was fired unjustly even according to NPR President Vivian Schiller, finally had his turn to sound off about the video, which apparently showed an NPR senior executive, Ron Schiller, making some disparaging remarks about the Tea Party, the Jewish people and Williams himself.
In an appearance on “America’s Nightly Scoreboard” on the Fox Business Network, Williams described the video as an inside look at how the power structure inside of NPR really thinks.

“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said. “And what’s incredible to me is here they are doing business with people who identify themselves as members of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Read more: Juan Williams | NPR | Ron Schiller | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
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March 9, 2011 Fired NPR analyst Juan Williams responds to NPR video: They are the ‘anti-intellectual’

The fallout from the video conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe released Tuesday morning has been devastating for NPR. However, Juan Williams, a former NPR analyst who was fired unjustly even according to NPR President Vivian Schiller, finally had his turn to sound off about the video, which apparently showed an NPR senior executive, Ron Schiller, making some disparaging remarks about the Tea Party, the Jewish people and Williams himself.
In an appearance on “America’s Nightly Scoreboard” on the Fox Business Network, Williams described the video as an inside look at how the power structure inside of NPR really thinks.

“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said. “And what’s incredible to me is here they are doing business with people who identify themselves as members of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Read more: Juan Williams | NPR | Ron Schiller | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

I really believe NPR is a dead man walking. I see no way for them to survive the exposure these tapes have brought upon them with their funding intact.

It was a good run, but they aren't even a shell of what they used to be.

Time to find out if they can make it on their own or not.

We shall see.
March 9, 2011 Fired NPR analyst Juan Williams responds to NPR video: They are the ‘anti-intellectual’

The fallout from the video conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe released Tuesday morning has been devastating for NPR. However, Juan Williams, a former NPR analyst who was fired unjustly even according to NPR President Vivian Schiller, finally had his turn to sound off about the video, which apparently showed an NPR senior executive, Ron Schiller, making some disparaging remarks about the Tea Party, the Jewish people and Williams himself.
In an appearance on “America’s Nightly Scoreboard” on the Fox Business Network, Williams described the video as an inside look at how the power structure inside of NPR really thinks.

“I think it is a look inside what NPR executives really think, and for me this is a revelation in the sense that here they are saying exactly how they view the world,” Williams said. “And what’s incredible to me is here they are doing business with people who identify themselves as members of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Read more: Juan Williams | NPR | Ron Schiller | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

I really believe NPR is a dead man walking. I see no way for them to survive the exposure these tapes have brought upon them with their funding intact.

It was a good run, but they aren't even a shell of what they used to be.

Time to find out if they can make it on their own or not.

We shall see.

I hope you're right.
NPR only gets like 2% of it's budget from federal funding I think they will be alright.
We shall see.

I hope you're right.[/QUOTE]

As much as the left wants us to believe this is a non-issue, it is a very big deal.

NPR's own desperation as they try to spin the incident is a pretty good indication that even they know they can't brush this one under the rug.
I really believe NPR is a dead man walking. I see no way for them to survive the exposure these tapes have brought upon them with their funding intact.

It was a good run, but they aren't even a shell of what they used to be.

Time to find out if they can make it on their own or not.

We shall see.

From he horses mouth:

"Well, frankly it is very clear that we would be better off in the long run without Federal funding.

[later, when asked whether NPR could survive without funding.]

NPR would definitely survive and most of the stations would survive.

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