Caught on Video=> German Muslim: “Islam Is Coming and Your Daughters Will Wear the Hijab

The Muslim Brotherhood is a good deal for Egypt; there is no cause for concern.
Let russia handle ISIS, they wont kill OUR GUYS, our rebels that is. there is no cause for concern.
I can only imagine the puddle of piss that has to be soaking bripat's chair.

There's no reason for concern and certainly no reason for fear

said every obtuse moron ever...................................
What are you afraid of?
Islam dictates that Islam must rule the world. That EVERYONE must be Muslim. There are two different approaches to how Islam plans to do that. One is by conquest, which isn't working to well. The second way is by assimilation. Islamist will migrate to non Islamic and take over by out breeding the original inhabitants. We can see how that is working. Meanwhile retards like you bury your head in the sand and chant, "there is no problem".
So you believe that immigrants will change germany but germany won't change the immigrants and their descendants?

Again, what exactly is the problem?

Why the Integration of Muslims has Failed - Europe News
Oct 17, 2010 - New English Review 17 October 2010 By Nicolai Sennels. The integration of Muslims into Western society has failed, and will never occur to

which problem? the muslim problem or your problems with REALITY??
Gee, an opinion piece in an anti-islam source. How convincing.
said every obtuse moron ever...................................
What are you afraid of?
Islam dictates that Islam must rule the world. That EVERYONE must be Muslim. There are two different approaches to how Islam plans to do that. One is by conquest, which isn't working to well. The second way is by assimilation. Islamist will migrate to non Islamic and take over by out breeding the original inhabitants. We can see how that is working. Meanwhile retards like you bury your head in the sand and chant, "there is no problem".
So you believe that immigrants will change germany but germany won't change the immigrants and their descendants?

Again, what exactly is the problem?

Why the Integration of Muslims has Failed - Europe News
Oct 17, 2010 - New English Review 17 October 2010 By Nicolai Sennels. The integration of Muslims into Western society has failed, and will never occur to

which problem? the muslim problem or your problems with REALITY??
Gee, an opinion piece in an anti-islam source. How convincing.

well gee leftard; we have almost every left-winger to be a rabid, politically-corrct shill defending Islam; so its' only fair right dummy??
What are you afraid of?
Islam dictates that Islam must rule the world. That EVERYONE must be Muslim. There are two different approaches to how Islam plans to do that. One is by conquest, which isn't working to well. The second way is by assimilation. Islamist will migrate to non Islamic and take over by out breeding the original inhabitants. We can see how that is working. Meanwhile retards like you bury your head in the sand and chant, "there is no problem".
So you believe that immigrants will change germany but germany won't change the immigrants and their descendants?

Again, what exactly is the problem?

Why the Integration of Muslims has Failed - Europe News
Oct 17, 2010 - New English Review 17 October 2010 By Nicolai Sennels. The integration of Muslims into Western society has failed, and will never occur to

which problem? the muslim problem or your problems with REALITY??
Gee, an opinion piece in an anti-islam source. How convincing.

well gee leftard; we have almost every left-winger to be a rabid, politically-corrct shill defending Islam; so its' only fair right dummy??
Islam is the same BS as the rest of the world's religions, none of them worth a damn but sometimes useful for keeping the peons in line...
Let russia handle ISIS, they wont kill OUR GUYS, our rebels that is. there is no cause for concern.
There's no such thing as our guys, as in, bin Laden was our guy. How'd that work out?

the world is in flames in places it wasnt at the height of his power

answer your own question dullard

geesh and you wonder why you arent taken seriously/??????
The world is in flames because dumbasses like you have been playing with fire, for decades.
Islam dictates that Islam must rule the world. That EVERYONE must be Muslim. There are two different approaches to how Islam plans to do that. One is by conquest, which isn't working to well. The second way is by assimilation. Islamist will migrate to non Islamic and take over by out breeding the original inhabitants. We can see how that is working. Meanwhile retards like you bury your head in the sand and chant, "there is no problem".
So you believe that immigrants will change germany but germany won't change the immigrants and their descendants?

Again, what exactly is the problem?

Why the Integration of Muslims has Failed - Europe News
Oct 17, 2010 - New English Review 17 October 2010 By Nicolai Sennels. The integration of Muslims into Western society has failed, and will never occur to

which problem? the muslim problem or your problems with REALITY??
Gee, an opinion piece in an anti-islam source. How convincing.

well gee leftard; we have almost every left-winger to be a rabid, politically-corrct shill defending Islam; so its' only fair right dummy??
Islam is the same BS as the rest of the world's religions, none of them worth a damn but sometimes useful for keeping the peons in line...

so i was right earlier when i said you pontificate on things you dont give a shit about/
thanks for the affirmation nutjob!! ;)
Let russia handle ISIS, they wont kill OUR GUYS, our rebels that is. there is no cause for concern.
There's no such thing as our guys, as in, bin Laden was our guy. How'd that work out?

the world is in flames in places it wasnt at the height of his power

answer your own question dullard

geesh and you wonder why you arent taken seriously/??????
The world is in flames because dumbasses like you have been playing with fire, for decades.

ur right nutcase; your leader is irrelevant and has been for 7 years???

So you believe that immigrants will change germany but germany won't change the immigrants and their descendants?

Again, what exactly is the problem?

Why the Integration of Muslims has Failed - Europe News
Oct 17, 2010 - New English Review 17 October 2010 By Nicolai Sennels. The integration of Muslims into Western society has failed, and will never occur to

which problem? the muslim problem or your problems with REALITY??
Gee, an opinion piece in an anti-islam source. How convincing.

well gee leftard; we have almost every left-winger to be a rabid, politically-corrct shill defending Islam; so its' only fair right dummy??
Islam is the same BS as the rest of the world's religions, none of them worth a damn but sometimes useful for keeping the peons in line...

so i was right earlier when i said you pontificate on things you dont give a shit about/
thanks for the affirmation nutjob!! ;)
Ah, dumbass, you have to give a shit about religion, people fly planes into buildings over it, when they aren't throwing homos off of the buildings first...
Let russia handle ISIS, they wont kill OUR GUYS, our rebels that is. there is no cause for concern.
There's no such thing as our guys, as in, bin Laden was our guy. How'd that work out?

the world is in flames in places it wasnt at the height of his power

answer your own question dullard

geesh and you wonder why you arent taken seriously/??????
The world is in flames because dumbasses like you have been playing with fire, for decades.

ur right nutcase; your leader is irrelevant and has been for 7 years???

I am sane, which means this place makes me nuts. That's how it works.
Don't you love the way libturds claim we have nothing to fear from the muzzie savages despite all the evidence to the contrary?

“Islam is coming to take over Germany whether you want it or not…not through war but by the fact that Germans don’t reproduce and Muslims have 7-8 children each…but not only that, your daughters will marry bearded Muslims and wear the hijab, their sons will wear a beard! The Muslims will have four wives and 27 children and what does the German man have? One child and maybe a little pet dog! The German has taken advantage of the Muslim for too long, just so he can drive his Mercedes… now Islam is coming and your daughters will wear the hijab! Ha! I can see the look of hate in your eyes!”

Caught on Video=> German Muslim: "Islam Is Coming and Your Daughters Will Wear the Hijab" - The Gateway Pundit

Undeniable Muslims are outbreeding non-Muslims. Why they'll win.

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