Caught on video: Illegals storm across border run right past border patrol 12 GOP senators voted ...

Matters not if that was the issue for which he won.

If there was an emergency, he would have declared one two years ago. He’s only now pretending there’s an emergency in order to circumvent Congress, who said no money to rebuild the barriers.

12 Republican Senators get that even though you can’t.
You are so wrong, but do keep your hackery going.
Then explain why Trump didn’t declare it a national emergency for two years......
He didn't think of it.
Then it wasn’t an emergency.
It's an emergency because we have no other way of stopping them from crossing the border short of shooting them. Or would you prefer we shot them?
Yes. Of course. That would end this crisis immediately.

Your dementia is noted, but there is nothing sneaky about an executive order or declaring a national emergency. They are VERY public.

But thanks for admitting you don’t actually know the difference.
If you don't think funneling gold and cash to Iran under the cover of darkness in an unmarked jet without the knowledge of any congress member is a sneaky unconstitutional crime its you that is demented....
Aww, you poor thing, your dementia worsens. Had Obama committed an unconstitutional crime, he would have been impeached.
Lucky for him the republicans didn't see him as that important of an adversary, but I garantee you that they best not underestimate their opponent again. They really got laid back, and in their comfort zone, and what a disaster that has been.
Something they allowed Obama to do over and over again...that is why Obama's few accomplishments were so easy for Trump to undo.....
Oh? How much money did Obama spend against the will of the Congress?
My, you actually think Congress has a will of it's own?
Of course it does. It’s a separate and equal branch of government from the Executive branch. And its will is expressed by votes. It voted against rebuilding the border barriers. Trump is trying to circumvent the will of the Congress by declaring a national emergency two years after entering office where no such emergency exists. 12 Republican Senators see that as a threat to the power of the Congress. We’ll see if more join them in the vote to override the veto if it’s put to a vote.
The will of the people be dammed eh ?? Who protects us or does our bidding against a rogue congress ????
You have that backwards. The Congress was protecting us from a rogue president who is trying to circumvent the Congress.
Nope........ Due to the downward spiral of what should have remained as our sacred pure hearted patriotic characters within our elected government/congress over time, the people saw the future, and they elected Trump to take this nation back off of the cliff it was tittering on. Of course those already over the cliff wanted to pull the nation on down into the abyss, but Trump had other plans to MAGA.

Your dementia is noted, but there is nothing sneaky about an executive order or declaring a national emergency. They are VERY public.

But thanks for admitting you don’t actually know the difference.
If you don't think funneling gold and cash to Iran under the cover of darkness in an unmarked jet without the knowledge of any congress member is a sneaky unconstitutional crime its you that is demented....
Aww, you poor thing, your dementia worsens. Had Obama committed an unconstitutional crime, he would have been impeached.
He the people...when they voted for Trump over Hillary.....
You’re brain-dead. Obama returning Iran’s frozen assets had absolutely no bearing on the election.


But no worries, I understand. You made an stupid comment and do now you’re desperate to try and save it because you lack the integrity to simply admit you suffered another brain fart.
Oh? How much money did Obama spend against the will of the Congress?
My, you actually think Congress has a will of it's own?
Of course it does. It’s a separate and equal branch of government from the Executive branch. And its will is expressed by votes. It voted against rebuilding the border barriers. Trump is trying to circumvent the will of the Congress by declaring a national emergency two years after entering office where no such emergency exists. 12 Republican Senators see that as a threat to the power of the Congress. We’ll see if more join them in the vote to override the veto if it’s put to a vote.
The will of the people be dammed eh ?? Who protects us or does our bidding against a rogue congress ????
You have that backwards. The Congress was protecting us from a rogue president who is trying to circumvent the Congress.
Nope........ Due to the downward spiral of what should have remained as our sacred pure hearted patriotic characters within our elected government/congress over time, the people saw the future, and they elected Trump to take this nation back off of the cliff it was tittering on. Of course those already over the cliff wanted to pull the nation on down into the abyss, but Trump had other plans to MAGA.
And since that time, the people decided it was necessary to hand control and f the House over to the Democrats to bitch-slap trump for when he gits out of line.

Your dementia is noted, but there is nothing sneaky about an executive order or declaring a national emergency. They are VERY public.

But thanks for admitting you don’t actually know the difference.
If you don't think funneling gold and cash to Iran under the cover of darkness in an unmarked jet without the knowledge of any congress member is a sneaky unconstitutional crime its you that is demented....
Aww, you poor thing, your dementia worsens. Had Obama committed an unconstitutional crime, he would have been impeached.
He the people...when they voted for Trump over Hillary.....
You’re brain-dead. Obama returning Iran’s frozen assets had absolutely no bearing on the election.


But no worries, I understand. You made an stupid comment and do now you’re desperate to try and save it because you lack the integrity to simply admit you suffered another brain fart.
The deal was bad, and the assets should have remained frozen until hell froze over. Obama's arrogance has created a situation for everyone in the area to have to deal with after that mess, and it isn't good. Deals like that increase nuclear tensions over time, instead of working to deminish the threat.
You’re brain-dead. Obama returning Iran’s frozen assets had absolutely no bearing on the election.
That is about the dumbest thing you have ever stated don't have any idea whether it had a bearing on the could it not have?...people don't like it when our president sends money to our enemies without explaining it....and without support from congress or the senate...did you know that Feinstein still doesn't know why he did it when he did or where he got the money? you don't because you are a keyboard CNN Obama butt boy moron....
You’re brain-dead. Obama returning Iran’s frozen assets had absolutely no bearing on the election.
That is about the dumbest thing you have ever stated don't have any idea whether it had a bearing on the could it not have?...people don't like it when our president sends money to our enemies without explaining it....and without support from congress or the senate...did you know that Feinstein still doesn't know why he did it when he did or where he got the money? you don't because you are a keyboard CNN Obama butt boy moron....
Of course I know. Most people were in favor of the deal with Iran. And with all the reasons bouncing around whether to vote for or against Hillary for president, Obama releasing those assets weren’t among them.
Trump is trying to circumvent the will of the Congress by declaring a national emergency
That's right circumvent the congress because they refuse to carry out the wishes of the people....remember he won on this issue more than any...and don't bother with a fake poll....we have seen them all...

How about the poll that was taken in Nov 2018. The one that gave Democrats the House. That was not a fake poll.
Democrats won local elections, the majority of the US land mass is red.

Hillbilly country that is dying a slow death thank goodness. A majority of the people voted for Democrats.
Twelve Republican Senators voted today with every Democrat to block President Donald Trump’s National Emergency Declaration.

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Illegals STORM ACROSS US BORDER -- RUN Right Past Border Patrol -- 12 GOP Senators Voted Today to Support Open Borders

Why the leftist losers don't believe in reality is beyond me. You idiots better wake up.
So I go to the site and the article says hundreds. No estimates of how many hundreds.
But the video shows one or two dozen and many of them are women and children.
This is from the video.

Little kids fleeing a burning house and Republicans want to either force them back into the burning building or just go ahead and cage them.

And Republicans call those asylum seekers the monsters.

To the brain-dead, that ^^^ constitutes proof that Hillary lost votes because Obama released Iran’s frozen assets
Yeah you're right...returning money to our enemies had nothing to do with the dislike and distrust the people held for the Magic Kenyan....
Freaking idiot....
Roy Blunt a never Trumper was dis invited to a GOP rally in his own town after his vote against securing the border through a national emergency.....get ready swampers you all are going down....
To the brain-dead, that ^^^ constitutes proof that Hillary lost votes because Obama released Iran’s frozen assets
Yeah you're right...returning money to our enemies had nothing to do with the dislike and distrust the people held for the Magic Kenyan....
Freaking idiot....
Poor deranged poster ^^^ thinks Obama was running for president in 2016.
To the brain-dead, that ^^^ constitutes proof that Hillary lost votes because Obama released Iran’s frozen assets
Yeah you're right...returning money to our enemies had nothing to do with the dislike and distrust the people held for the Magic Kenyan....
Freaking idiot....
Poor deranged poster ^^^ thinks Obama was running for president in 2016.
In 2016 Hillary was Obama's know that moron....and she lost...remember?....or maybe it was so tragic you have blocked it from your memory inside your tiny little brain....Hey Faun! did you see today....the CNN poll that shows Trump's approval number is rising? Man who would have believed that after all the shit the dems the never Trumper GOP swampers Mueller and the media have thrown at Trump he is rising in popularity....Trump has better job approval numbers than both Bill Clinton and!!!!!!!!!!!!:113::113::113:
Gee maybe the Magic Kenyan isn't so magic afterall.....:abgg2q.jpg:
To the brain-dead, that ^^^ constitutes proof that Hillary lost votes because Obama released Iran’s frozen assets
Yeah you're right...returning money to our enemies had nothing to do with the dislike and distrust the people held for the Magic Kenyan....
Freaking idiot....
Poor deranged poster ^^^ thinks Obama was running for president in 2016.
In 2016 Hillary was Obama's know that moron....and she lost...remember?....or maybe it was so tragic you have blocked it from your memory inside your tiny little brain....Hey Faun! did you see today....the CNN poll that shows Trump's approval number is rising? Man who would have believed that after all the shit the dems the never Trumper GOP swampers Mueller and the media have thrown at Trump he is rising in popularity....Trump has better job approval numbers than both Bill Clinton and!!!!!!!!!!!!:113::113::113:
Gee maybe the Magic Kenyan isn't so magic afterall.....:abgg2q.jpg:
Dumbfuck, more people wanted her for president than wanted trump.

Dayum, you're one rightarded moron. :cuckoo:
To the brain-dead, that ^^^ constitutes proof that Hillary lost votes because Obama released Iran’s frozen assets
Yeah you're right...returning money to our enemies had nothing to do with the dislike and distrust the people held for the Magic Kenyan....
Freaking idiot....
Poor deranged poster ^^^ thinks Obama was running for president in 2016.
In 2016 Hillary was Obama's know that moron....and she lost...remember?....or maybe it was so tragic you have blocked it from your memory inside your tiny little brain....Hey Faun! did you see today....the CNN poll that shows Trump's approval number is rising? Man who would have believed that after all the shit the dems the never Trumper GOP swampers Mueller and the media have thrown at Trump he is rising in popularity....Trump has better job approval numbers than both Bill Clinton and!!!!!!!!!!!!:113::113::113:
Gee maybe the Magic Kenyan isn't so magic afterall.....:abgg2q.jpg:
Dumbfuck, more people wanted her for president than wanted trump.

Dayum, you're one rightarded moron. :cuckoo:
Not when you remove the illegal vote....that was huge in California...the voting system in California should get the people in charge of it imprisoned...keep dreaming tool....why haven't you commented on the rise of Trump's popularity?....hmmmmmmmm? hurts too much?....
To the brain-dead, that ^^^ constitutes proof that Hillary lost votes because Obama released Iran’s frozen assets
Yeah you're right...returning money to our enemies had nothing to do with the dislike and distrust the people held for the Magic Kenyan....
Freaking idiot....
Poor deranged poster ^^^ thinks Obama was running for president in 2016.
In 2016 Hillary was Obama's know that moron....and she lost...remember?....or maybe it was so tragic you have blocked it from your memory inside your tiny little brain....Hey Faun! did you see today....the CNN poll that shows Trump's approval number is rising? Man who would have believed that after all the shit the dems the never Trumper GOP swampers Mueller and the media have thrown at Trump he is rising in popularity....Trump has better job approval numbers than both Bill Clinton and!!!!!!!!!!!!:113::113::113:
Gee maybe the Magic Kenyan isn't so magic afterall.....:abgg2q.jpg:
Dumbfuck, more people wanted her for president than wanted trump.

Dayum, you're one rightarded moron. :cuckoo:
What fantasy land are you living in ?? Trump won as a referendum on the Democrats going way to far to the left in the years gone by. And guess what, he will win 2020 for that very same reason again.

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