Texas Border Patrol Chief Begs For Help as Over 12,000 Illegals Caught in Last Three Weeks

Help?...Shit. kick them back across the border tell them of you do it again. You'll be shackled live in a tent city in the desert, and perform HARD LABOR 12 hours a day repairing roads for 6 months!

Thousands of illegal aliens are swarming the Texas border this month in advance of the migrant caravan marching through Mexico, prompting Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla, Jr., the Customs and Border Patrol Sector Chief of the Rio Grande Valley, to beg for help dealing with the onslaught of illegal aliens, gang members and drug cartel smugglers. Just on Saturday over 700 illegal aliens were caught, with over 12,000 caught in the past three weeks. In addition, safe houses have been busted and drug smugglers intercepted by the overstretched CBP in the Rio Grande Valley.

16,000 “family units” were reported caught in the last month in the RGV sector by CBP. All these illegals take manpower and resources to detain, process, house, clothe, feed, and give medical treatment.

Padilla sent out several tweets this weekend with the message, “We need #personnel #technology #infrastructure“, in conjunction with video reports by on scene Fox News Channel reporter Griff Jenkins. “Another busy day with @GriffJenkins in #RGV South Texas. Over 12,700 illegal alien arrests in past 3 weeks. nearly 800 pounds of marijuana & almost 70 pounds of peyote just yesterday We need #personnel #technology #infrastructure #HonorFirst“…”Our #BorderPatrol Agents face challenges daily while focusing on our #BorderSecurity mission and our #HumanitarianEfforts #RGV South Texas is in need of #personnel #technology & #infrastructure for both mission sets #HonorFirst @GriffJenkins @FoxNews #DayInTheLife“

Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...
Sounds like the trump GOP border control plan is failing. It's not the congressional minority's fault. If you want the votes you gotta compromise, no where is it expected that the minority bends over for the majority. Congress is supposed to be a check on the president and so far only the minority has done that.
It seems from rumors that the Militias are quietly forming to backup the authorities. They are willing to operate under whatever rules are set down. I don't know if they can be trusted.
You want to go down that road? You can pay for the Pentagons missing 6t dollars - aka the GOP's welfare gravy train. You can cover the tax scams 500b+ shortfall - aka rich people subsidy..you fkin fool lol.


And here's a little something for your potty mouth. Start scrubbing.
All the trumpanzees should go to the border and guard it 24/7 the left over of the gat fucks can be shipped to Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen.
The Democrats are organizing this fake wave of 'refugees'; start fining them for their organized criminal activities. Follow the money. Oh right, we have still have Sessions running interference for the Democrats and Bushes and wanting to be Eric Holder II, so never mind ...

Sure, the Democrats really want Republicans to win in November and organized their own defeat. :rolleyes:

Prolly gonna happen anyways since what the Dems want is to "catch and release" about 1500 border smashers a day or even a caravan of 1400 questionable "refugees".. No real plan. Encourages bringing children to the border to gain access..

It's a classic SNAFU. And it's because no one truly believes the Dems want to solve this issue..
The Democrats are organizing this fake wave of 'refugees'; start fining them for their organized criminal activities. Follow the money. Oh right, we have still have Sessions running interference for the Democrats and Bushes and wanting to be Eric Holder II, so never mind ...

Sure, the Democrats really want Republicans to win in November and organized their own defeat. :rolleyes:

Prolly gonna happen anyways since what the Dems want is to "catch and release" about 1500 border smashers a day or even a caravan of 1400 questionable "refugees".. No real plan. Encourages bringing children to the border to gain access..

It's a classic SNAFU. And it's because no one truly believes the Dems want to solve this issue..
The children have been kidnapped along the way.

Every crime, robbery, murder, child molestation committed by these Democrat guests should be hung around the necks of every cursed democrat.
The Democrats are organizing this fake wave of 'refugees'; start fining them for their organized criminal activities. Follow the money. Oh right, we have still have Sessions running interference for the Democrats and Bushes and wanting to be Eric Holder II, so never mind ...

Sure, the Democrats really want Republicans to win in November and organized their own defeat. :rolleyes:

Prolly gonna happen anyways since what the Dems want is to "catch and release" about 1500 border smashers a day or even a caravan of 1400 questionable "refugees".. No real plan. Encourages bringing children to the border to gain access..

It's a classic SNAFU. And it's because no one truly believes the Dems want to solve this issue..
The children have been kidnapped along the way.

Every crime, robbery, murder, child molestation committed by these Democrat guests should be hung around the necks of every cursed democrat.

I'll play along. What PERCENTAGE of the children are "kidnapped along the way"??

Here's a clue.. Last week in CPB RGValley, there were 700 arrests for illegal entry in one day. When it all shook out there were 4 cases of children with unauthorized escorts. Can ya do that math?

It IS A PROBLEM. The policy ENCOURAGES abuse of children. Needs to fixed. Not arguing that. But it's NOT rampant daily along the border.
The Democrats are organizing this fake wave of 'refugees'; start fining them for their organized criminal activities. Follow the money. Oh right, we have still have Sessions running interference for the Democrats and Bushes and wanting to be Eric Holder II, so never mind ...

Sure, the Democrats really want Republicans to win in November and organized their own defeat. :rolleyes:

Prolly gonna happen anyways since what the Dems want is to "catch and release" about 1500 border smashers a day or even a caravan of 1400 questionable "refugees".. No real plan. Encourages bringing children to the border to gain access..

It's a classic SNAFU. And it's because no one truly believes the Dems want to solve this issue..
The children have been kidnapped along the way.

Every crime, robbery, murder, child molestation committed by these Democrat guests should be hung around the necks of every cursed democrat.

I'll play along. What PERCENTAGE of the children are "kidnapped along the way"??

Here's a clue.. Last week in CPB RGValley, there were 700 arrests for illegal entry in one day. When it all shook out there were 4 cases of children with unauthorized escorts. Can ya do that math?

It IS A PROBLEM. The policy ENCOURAGES abuse of children. Needs to fixed. Not arguing that. But it's NOT rampant daily along the border.
Certainly MOST of the criminals positioned to invade this country are fighting age men. That's a given. But, there is this

Eye-popping surge of illegal immigrants abducting children
The Democrats are organizing this fake wave of 'refugees'; start fining them for their organized criminal activities. Follow the money. Oh right, we have still have Sessions running interference for the Democrats and Bushes and wanting to be Eric Holder II, so never mind ...

Sure, the Democrats really want Republicans to win in November and organized their own defeat. :rolleyes:

Prolly gonna happen anyways since what the Dems want is to "catch and release" about 1500 border smashers a day or even a caravan of 1400 questionable "refugees".. No real plan. Encourages bringing children to the border to gain access..

It's a classic SNAFU. And it's because no one truly believes the Dems want to solve this issue..
The children have been kidnapped along the way.

Every crime, robbery, murder, child molestation committed by these Democrat guests should be hung around the necks of every cursed democrat.

I'll play along. What PERCENTAGE of the children are "kidnapped along the way"??

Here's a clue.. Last week in CPB RGValley, there were 700 arrests for illegal entry in one day. When it all shook out there were 4 cases of children with unauthorized escorts. Can ya do that math?

It IS A PROBLEM. The policy ENCOURAGES abuse of children. Needs to fixed. Not arguing that. But it's NOT rampant daily along the border.
Certainly MOST of the criminals positioned to invade this country are fighting age men. That's a given. But, there is this

Eye-popping surge of illegal immigrants abducting children

Most of the immigrants that countries prefer are "fighting age men and women". What does that even mean..

Yeah a "surge of 100%" could be numbers like 8 out of 700.. Same math. It's NOT an epidemic. But it is a serious issue..
The Democrats are organizing this fake wave of 'refugees'; start fining them for their organized criminal activities. Follow the money. Oh right, we have still have Sessions running interference for the Democrats and Bushes and wanting to be Eric Holder II, so never mind ...

Sure, the Democrats really want Republicans to win in November and organized their own defeat. :rolleyes:

Prolly gonna happen anyways since what the Dems want is to "catch and release" about 1500 border smashers a day or even a caravan of 1400 questionable "refugees".. No real plan. Encourages bringing children to the border to gain access..

It's a classic SNAFU. And it's because no one truly believes the Dems want to solve this issue..
we don't want open borders, no democrats has said we want open borders,

the 'open borders' term was and is propaganda created by right wing politicos to spread lies about democrats.... and keep their voters in line, voting for them,

even though they ALSO DO NOTHING to solve the problem and do not want to solve the problem.
It's a dilemma alright!

We need the UN to step in, and give mandatory quotas to all the Nations to take in these refuges escaping their dire straights... like they did with the Syrian refuges....

I'd say we need to help these Central Americans to fix their own countries but that money seems to always go in to the pockets of their dictators and the crooked.... :(

the populated border crossing areas the Caravan ends up, do have walls already.... what they don't have is enough border patrol to handle a colossal crowd like the one coming!!!

our LAWS on the books for refuges says we have to give them the opportunity to plead their case as refuges.... and that law has to be amended somehow, so not to encourage big plights like this one coming...
we don't want open borders, no democrats has said we want open borders,

the 'open borders' term was and is propaganda created by right wing politicos to spread lies about democrats.... and keep their voters in line, voting for them,

There is in reality, very little diff between open borders and "catch and release"... If you catch only 1/3 of the illegal crossers and only 2/3 of THEM show for hearings --- why that's 2/9ths of the people who have crashed the border. It's the OTHER 78% that make it essentially an open border situation... And the percentage is likely to be higher not lower..

even though they ALSO DO NOTHING to solve the problem and do not want to solve the problem.
It's a dilemma alright!

Refusal to compromise on catch and release is a political calculation. Not an intent to fix anything. Same deal with the offers made on DACA that the Dems obfuscated and demogogued on. The INTENT is to keep immigration THEIR issue. Because THEY are the moral, altruistic, fair minded ones.

Meanwhile, my buds on the right are INCREASINGLY correct. We're being played and actually invaded. And it's hard for me tell them they should "listen to what the Dems are offering. Because there's just gamemanship, not real intent to fix a LOT of bad laws. Encouraging folks to "bring a kid-- get in free" is one of those fixes that is SERIOUSLY required. Along with DACA and clarifying the diff between asylum and refugee status.

I just ain't hearing anything but stalling.
I'd say we need to help these Central Americans to fix their own countries but that money seems to always go in to the pockets of their dictators and the crooked.... :(

That's actually the CORE of the current pressure. It's reaching critical mass BECAUSE we encouraged the "child migrations" of 150,000 unescorted minors under Obama. Instead of dealing with the corruptocracies that made life HELL for kids in Central America. Not our job to have Uncle Sam be a foster parent. Also not our job to dictate domestic policy to corrupt leaders. But we sure as hell should have DEMANDED ACTIONS in return for all the aid DECADES ago...
There is in reality, very little diff between open borders and "catch and release"... If you catch only 1/3 of the illegal crossers and only 2/3 of THEM show for hearings --- why that's 2/9ths of the people who have crashed the border. It's the OTHER 78% that make it essentially an open border situation... And the percentage is likely to be higher not lower..
During Obama's reign, border patrol tried a test program using monitoring ankle bracelets and the return rate for them showing up on their court dates was 100%.... they didn't lose a single one!

Saves us a bundle of money too by not incarcerating them, and stealing their kids and putting them in separate facilities....

What we need is more immigration judges assigned to the border so we can process the ones we have on a quicker basis... I believe less than 10% are being accepted as refuges at their hearings, the rest are sent back to their country of origins.

Right now, we have an 8 month wait for them to see a judge in court and incarcerating them and their kids is expensive. Immigration judges in several states offered to come to the border to help process the refuges, but the Admin turned them down....the lord only knows why?
I'd say we need to help these Central Americans to fix their own countries but that money seems to always go in to the pockets of their dictators and the crooked.... :(

That's actually the CORE of the current pressure. It's reaching critical mass BECAUSE we encouraged the "child migrations" of 150,000 unescorted minors under Obama. Instead of dealing with the corruptocracies that made life HELL for kids in Central America. Not our job to have Uncle Sam be a foster parent. Also not our job to dictate domestic policy to corrupt leaders. But we sure as hell should have DEMANDED ACTIONS in return for all the aid DECADES ago...
i agree except where you said Obama encouraged it... he didn't encourage it, the O admin was gobsmacked by it and tried to handle it the best they could, with what they had...

Trump didn't encourage these thousands coming, did he? Yet, they are still coming!
we don't want open borders, no democrats has said we want open borders,


Yes, we all already know you're just a bunch of liars, traitors, and racists. Thanks for blatantly lying yet again. you dearly want to bankrupt Medicare, Social Secuity, and every other social program just as badly as 'Globalist' Republican sociopaths do, and the criminal illegal aliens are a big part of that plan.
All of these people Democrats are hiring to break immigration laws who get injured or killed will be the fault of the democrats, not those who re stopping the invasions. Quit trying to spin it otherwise. Most of us know better who is to blame for these criminal invaders.
we don't want open borders, no democrats has said we want open borders,


Yes, we all already know you're just a bunch of liars, traitors, and racists. Thanks for blatantly lying yet again. you dearly want to bankrupt Medicare, Social Secuity, and every other social program just as badly as 'Globalist' Republican sociopaths do, and the criminal illegal aliens are a big part of that plan.
Boy you are warped in your thinking.... Repubs in Congress Assured the cutting and or collapsing of social security and Medicare by giving a trillion dollar tax cut to the wealthiest before trying to amend our Medicare and social security.

Stop being so blinded by your hatred....

McConnell and Ryan's plan to cut the programs was touted by both of them.
The Democrats are organizing this fake wave of 'refugees'; start fining them for their organized criminal activities. Follow the money. Oh right, we have still have Sessions running interference for the Democrats and Bushes and wanting to be Eric Holder II, so never mind ...

Sure, the Democrats really want Republicans to win in November and organized their own defeat. :rolleyes:

Prolly gonna happen anyways since what the Dems want is to "catch and release" about 1500 border smashers a day or even a caravan of 1400 questionable "refugees".. No real plan. Encourages bringing children to the border to gain access..

It's a classic SNAFU. And it's because no one truly believes the Dems want to solve this issue..
we don't want open borders, no democrats has said we want open borders,

the 'open borders' term was and is propaganda created by right wing politicos to spread lies about democrats.... and keep their voters in line, voting for them,

even though they ALSO DO NOTHING to solve the problem and do not want to solve the problem.
It's a dilemma alright!

We need the UN to step in, and give mandatory quotas to all the Nations to take in these refuges escaping their dire straights... like they did with the Syrian refuges....

I'd say we need to help these Central Americans to fix their own countries but that money seems to always go in to the pockets of their dictators and the crooked.... :(

the populated border crossing areas the Caravan ends up, do have walls already.... what they don't have is enough border patrol to handle a colossal crowd like the one coming!!!

our LAWS on the books for refuges says we have to give them the opportunity to plead their case as refuges.... and that law has to be amended somehow, so not to encourage big plights like this one coming...
Care4all, I know this is a terrible problem for all concerned, and if we start depending on the UN to settle all our neighborly issues, IMHO America's detractors will cheerfully force by such spinelessness, such a heinous tax against our already-overburdened taxpayer that it will dwarf a thousand fold the tax that begat the Boston tea party.
we don't want open borders, no democrats has said we want open borders,


Yes, we all already know you're just a bunch of liars, traitors, and racists. Thanks for blatantly lying yet again. you dearly want to bankrupt Medicare, Social Secuity, and every other social program just as badly as 'Globalist' Republican sociopaths do, and the criminal illegal aliens are a big part of that plan.
Boy you are warped in your thinking.... Repubs in Congress Assured the cutting and or collapsing of social security and Medicare by giving a trillion dollar tax cut to the wealthiest before trying to amend our Medicare and social security.

Stop being so blinded by your hatred....

McConnell and Ryan's plan to cut the programs was touted by both of them.

Doesn't do any good to play ' I Touched You Last!!!' by spouting even more lies and stupid pop psychology; if your idiotic spin worked then you would be praising Hillary for the 1,500,000,000, 000 new 'Americans she brought in 3 months after election, and you demented tards would be blaming white NRA gun owners for there not being enough free houses and electricity n stuff for them and the cops won't make them stop camping out in your yard and eating your housepets.

If you think there's a difference between McConnell and the GOP crashing it and your ilk crashing it just as thoroughly via your racist displacement policies you're really are a miserably stupid sociopath.

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