Causes of Death in the USA...

Our Democrat Representatives are currently holding a SIT-IN in the House of Representatives...demanding that they get to vote on a bill that the Senate has already defeated.

The stupidity of our Congressmen is being exposed.

Rep Tony Cardenas (D-CA) has repeated a phrase..." people die at the hand of a gun" several times. What a fucking stupid man. Are ALL Californians crazy?

There's a dupe standing behind him holding a sign that says "DISARM HATE"

Is our House FULL of idiots or is it just my imagination?

It's not your imagination, in fact the entire Federal Government is FULL of idiots that are almost as idiotic as the people that keep electing them.

That being said, I fully support this "sit-in" since while they're busy "sitting-in" they can't do any further harm to the citizenry, so let 'em sit there from now until the end of the world. ;)
I agree they are wasting their time and can do no real harm. However, they did cause Ryan to adjourn the House several days early, thereby wasting more days of all the Representatives keeping them all from getting any work done.
Note the absolute lack of citation.

Note also- how the OP lists 'abortion' but not 'miscarriage'. How can 'abortion' be a cause of death- but not miscarriage?

Not also- how the OP lists murder by gun- but doesn't list suicide at all.

Because of course the OP doesn't want to bring attention to the number suicides per year : 42,773

Here is a real list from the CDC
  • Heart disease: 614,348
  • Cancer: 591,699
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
  • Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
  • Diabetes: 76,488
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,227
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,146
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773
And of those suicides- about half are by guns
Firearm suicides
I wonder why the OP chose to post such misleading information........
That's cute, he blames guns for suicides as though there aren't other methods. Do you think that if a person truly wanted to die, banning guns would stop them?

I'm not inviting a lengthy discussion with you....because that is like drinking warm piss for me....but I suggest you look into this question a bit. You will find info that makes you think again.
There are much more effective ways than a gun. Guns are likely to leave you alive and in pain, rather than end your life painlessly. People have survived gunshots to the head. If you take away their guns, you'll just allow them to find one of said more effective ways. I've looked into it already.

You are talking out of your ass and trying to sound like someone who knows something. That's why I have no interest in working through it with you. You have not looked into it. If you had, you'd have found this and it would have made you shut your pie hole.

The gun toll we’re ignoring: suicide - The Boston Globe

See ya. Damn..the taste of warm piss is awful.
Japan suicide rate: 19.4 per 100,000

US suicide rate: 12.6 per 100,000

Guess which country has the strictest gun control.
Note the absolute lack of citation.

Note also- how the OP lists 'abortion' but not 'miscarriage'. How can 'abortion' be a cause of death- but not miscarriage?

Not also- how the OP lists murder by gun- but doesn't list suicide at all.

Because of course the OP doesn't want to bring attention to the number suicides per year : 42,773

Here is a real list from the CDC
  • Heart disease: 614,348
  • Cancer: 591,699
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
  • Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
  • Diabetes: 76,488
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,227
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,146
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773
And of those suicides- about half are by guns
Firearm suicides
I wonder why the OP chose to post such misleading information........
That's cute, he blames guns for suicides as though there aren't other methods. Do you think that if a person truly wanted to die, banning guns would stop them?

I point out the suicides by gun because the OP mentions the numbers of murders by gun.

The OP was deliberately dishonest- I understand that it upsets you that I provided accurate statistics.
Using a gun to commit suicide is still killing yourself, hardly the gun's fault. You blaming inanimate objects for deaths doesn't upset me, there are plenty of ignorant people in the world. If I got upset for every ignorant person, it wouldn't accomplish anything. The best I can do is correct you. You're welcome.

Using a gun to murder someone is still killing someone. It is hardly the gun's fault.

Yet- the OP specified 'murders by gun'- that is what i was addressing.

I notice that you have yet bothered to reply once to the actual OP- nor did you have a similar problem with the OP's claim about 'murders by gun".
It's a reference to the statistic, which is way too loose to start with. Not really the OP's fault for the statistic, since he was using a screenshot. I agree, referring to it that way is dumb, but that's how it's written in the screenshot.
Note the absolute lack of citation.

Note also- how the OP lists 'abortion' but not 'miscarriage'. How can 'abortion' be a cause of death- but not miscarriage?

Not also- how the OP lists murder by gun- but doesn't list suicide at all.

Because of course the OP doesn't want to bring attention to the number suicides per year : 42,773

Here is a real list from the CDC
  • Heart disease: 614,348
  • Cancer: 591,699
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
  • Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
  • Diabetes: 76,488
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,227
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,146
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773
And of those suicides- about half are by guns
Firearm suicides
I wonder why the OP chose to post such misleading information........
That's cute, he blames guns for suicides as though there aren't other methods. Do you think that if a person truly wanted to die, banning guns would stop them?

I'm not inviting a lengthy discussion with you....because that is like drinking warm piss for me....but I suggest you look into this question a bit. You will find info that makes you think again.
There are much more effective ways than a gun. Guns are likely to leave you alive and in pain, rather than end your life painlessly. People have survived gunshots to the head. If you take away their guns, you'll just allow them to find one of said more effective ways. I've looked into it already.

You are talking out of your ass and trying to sound like someone who knows something. That's why I have no interest in working through it with you. You have not looked into it. If you had, you'd have found this and it would have made you shut your pie hole.

The gun toll we’re ignoring: suicide - The Boston Globe

See ya. Damn..the taste of warm piss is awful.
Japan suicide rate: 19.4 per 100,000

US suicide rate: 12.6 per 100,000

Guess which country has the strictest gun control.

What a great point! If you could establish that having more guns would reduce the suicide rate in I have established that fewer guns will reduce the suicide rate in the US, I might even think it is a point worth making in this discussion.

Thanks so much.
That's cute, he blames guns for suicides as though there aren't other methods. Do you think that if a person truly wanted to die, banning guns would stop them?

I'm not inviting a lengthy discussion with you....because that is like drinking warm piss for me....but I suggest you look into this question a bit. You will find info that makes you think again.
There are much more effective ways than a gun. Guns are likely to leave you alive and in pain, rather than end your life painlessly. People have survived gunshots to the head. If you take away their guns, you'll just allow them to find one of said more effective ways. I've looked into it already.

You are talking out of your ass and trying to sound like someone who knows something. That's why I have no interest in working through it with you. You have not looked into it. If you had, you'd have found this and it would have made you shut your pie hole.

The gun toll we’re ignoring: suicide - The Boston Globe

See ya. Damn..the taste of warm piss is awful.
Japan suicide rate: 19.4 per 100,000

US suicide rate: 12.6 per 100,000

Guess which country has the strictest gun control.

What a great point! If you could establish that having more guns would reduce the suicide rate in I have established that fewer guns will reduce the suicide rate in the US, I might even think it is a point worth making in this discussion.

Thanks so much.
You have not established fewer guns will reduce the suicide rate. In fact, I have established fewer guns does not cause lower suicide rates.

Try again.
Australia's suicide rate has remain unchanged since their gun ban was enacted.

Try again, Lone Laugher.
"I would like to commit suicide, but I can't get a gun. Gosh, I'm stumped! I guess I just won't be able to kill myself now."

I'm not inviting a lengthy discussion with you....because that is like drinking warm piss for me....but I suggest you look into this question a bit. You will find info that makes you think again.
There are much more effective ways than a gun. Guns are likely to leave you alive and in pain, rather than end your life painlessly. People have survived gunshots to the head. If you take away their guns, you'll just allow them to find one of said more effective ways. I've looked into it already.

You are talking out of your ass and trying to sound like someone who knows something. That's why I have no interest in working through it with you. You have not looked into it. If you had, you'd have found this and it would have made you shut your pie hole.

The gun toll we’re ignoring: suicide - The Boston Globe

See ya. Damn..the taste of warm piss is awful.
Japan suicide rate: 19.4 per 100,000

US suicide rate: 12.6 per 100,000

Guess which country has the strictest gun control.

What a great point! If you could establish that having more guns would reduce the suicide rate in I have established that fewer guns will reduce the suicide rate in the US, I might even think it is a point worth making in this discussion.

Thanks so much.
You have not established fewer guns will reduce the suicide rate. In fact, I have established fewer guns does not cause lower suicide rates.

Try again.

I most certainly did establish that fact. Harvard did it for me, actually. Here it is again.

You haven't done what you claim. Please....this is beneath you. Japan's rate of suicide is immaterial in a discussion of gun suicides in America. You know this.
Japan suicide rate: 19.4 per 100,000

US suicide rate: 12.6 per 100,000

Guess which country has the strictest gun control.
You're citing the suicide rate in Japan... Ummm.. hello? :D

"Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. There is no other reasoning." -- Tsunetomo Yamamoto, The Book of the Samurai
Australia's suicide rate has remain unchanged since their gun ban was enacted.

Try again, Lone Laugher.

We are discussing America. I don't think you are accurate in that statement though. Let me check for a minute.
I see. So using other countries as examples of what policies we should or should not enact is bad, eh?

Do you think Americans are dumber than Japanese or Australians and won't be able to figure out another way to kill themselves without a gun?
Australia's suicide rate has remain unchanged since their gun ban was enacted.

Try again, Lone Laugher.

We are discussing America. I don't think you are accurate in that statement though. Let me check for a minute.
I see. So using other countries as examples of what policies we should or should not enact is bad, eh?

Do you think Americans are dumber than Japanese or Australians and won't be able to figure out another way to kill themselves without a gun?

Nope. We should certainly look to other nations for policy ideas.

But when comparing stats like this, you do yourself a disservice. There are reasons for the numbers you are reporting.....but you are not reporting the reasons. It's kind of less than what I have come to expect from you, to be honest.

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