Causes of Death in the USA...

One of my best friend's father died a couple of weeks ago. I saw him the day before. He looked fine. Chalk another one up to heart attack. The dude used to walk several miles a day as late as two years ago. Then out of nowhere a heart attack. Go figure. Who says exercise is good for you?

Well, if he hadn't have done the exercise, he might have died 10 years ago. You can't compare yourself to other people, but to who you are and what could happen if you don't do stuff.

My father was told he was going to get diabetes, his father had it, but my father went on a regime and then next time he went back they told him he didn't have it and wouldn't get it.

So, my choice. Live healthily or get diabetes.

I don't drink or smoke, I'm cutting down on crap in my diet, just because I don't want diabetes.
Just think what we could accomplished if we worked from the top down instead of from the bottom up.


The population is already high, the world population is too high. Why do you want to increase the world population?

There's a big difference between an abortion and a murder.

An abortion happens to a developing fetus which can't talk, can't think, hasn't had an impact on the world. When an abortion happens sometimes there's a psychological effect on the mother, even less so on the father if he even knew about it.

When a murder happens it takes away a person who has developed complex relationships, it effects people's lives. It puts fear into communities and has a massive impact on many, many people.

Feel pain. If the unborn baby or fetus can feel pain it should be illegal. Right?
Just think what we could accomplished if we worked from the top down instead of from the bottom up.


The population is already high, the world population is too high. Why do you want to increase the world population?

There's a big difference between an abortion and a murder.

An abortion happens to a developing fetus which can't talk, can't think, hasn't had an impact on the world. When an abortion happens sometimes there's a psychological effect on the mother, even less so on the father if he even knew about it.

When a murder happens it takes away a person who has developed complex relationships, it effects people's lives. It puts fear into communities and has a massive impact on many, many people.

Feel pain. If the unborn baby or fetus can feel pain it should be illegal. Right?

No. I do believe there should be a cut off point for having an abortion. However as I put it, an abortion doesn't affect relationships.
Well frigidweirdo, that places you firmly in the lunatic camp. Let's make the cut off 18 years. That way if having a child is inconvenient at any point you can toss him/her into a wood chipper and your taxpayer funded Obamacare policy can pay for it.
Well frigidweirdo, that places you firmly in the lunatic camp. Let's make the cut off 18 years. That way if having a child is inconvenient at any point you can toss him/her into a wood chipper and your taxpayer funded Obamacare policy can pay for it.

Like I said, a CHILD has a place in society. They have an impact on those around them, regardless of whether people know them or not. Fetuses don't have that place. If you want to pretend this logic is in the lunatic camp, then I guess the Lunatics run the asylum, hey?
A developed fetus that can feel the acid you dump on her or the blades you use to slice her to pieces is no different than a two year old or 18 year old. Pain is pain. The fact that you think its great to inflict that sort of pain on humans is disgusting and firmly places you in the POS camp. You are trash. Worst type of scum on the planet.
Just think what we could accomplished if we worked from the top down instead of from the bottom up.


Islamic Terrorism is missing from this list...probably because it would need to be about 100 pages longer to get to it.
Just think what we could accomplished if we worked from the top down instead of from the bottom up.


Islamic Terrorism is missing from this list...probably because it would need to be about 100 pages longer to get to it.
Likely because it's only the last six months, and all of these on the list are looser in definition than "Islamic Terrorism". Islamic terrorism would be under "Murder using gun" and "Murder using bomb".
Likely because it's only the last six months, and all of these on the list are looser in definition than "Islamic Terrorism". Islamic terrorism would be under "Murder using gun" and "Murder using bomb".

Bullshit. That IS NOT a graph of American deaths from Islamist terrorism. Real numbers are in tens, which would place it a bit under deaths from toenail fungus.
Likely because it's only the last six months, and all of these on the list are looser in definition than "Islamic Terrorism". Islamic terrorism would be under "Murder using gun" and "Murder using bomb".

Bullshit. That IS NOT a graph of American deaths from Islamist terrorism. Real numbers are in tens, which would place it a bit under deaths from toenail fungus.
In the last 6 months, sure. Supposedly 89, but that's only the ones they choose to report.
In the last 6 months, sure. Supposedly 89, but that's only the ones they choose to report.

In the US, 89 was probably more than we've had COMBINED for all other years for almost a decade and a half since 2001.
Is not Abortion the Murder of the Un-born?

It is in my book - The BOOK

No it is not. Bible has no comment on abortion. Why would it? It was written by people who didn't have access to such procedures or understanding of how fetal development works.
Just think what we could accomplished if we worked from the top down instead of from the bottom up.

Using a gun to murder someone is still killing someone. It is hardly the gun's fault.

Yet- the OP specified 'murders by gun'- that is what i was addressing.

I notice that you have yet bothered to reply once to the actual OP- nor did you have a similar problem with the OP's claim about 'murders by gun".
It's a reference to the statistic, which is way too loose to start with. Not really the OP's fault for the statistic, since he was using a screenshot. I agree, referring to it that way is dumb, but that's how it's written in the screenshot.

Really? You don't think a person is responsible for starting the thread by posting a lie?


Meanwhile- you take the time to argue with me about the actual statistics I posted- but don't bother to do the same with OP- and the rather slanted statistics she posted.
If anything, 'murders by gun' actually creates a wider range, so it's not really slanted. Were it me, I'd have used something more easily defined. On the upside, it's a more reasonable statistic than "Gun-related deaths", especially given how part of that statistic is "Gun-related suicide", which is a useless factor.

LOL- and once again- you let the OP off-

So once again Really? You don't think a person is responsible for starting the thread by posting a lie?


Meanwhile- you take the time to argue with me about the actual statistics I posted- but don't bother to do the same with OP- and the rather slanted statistics she posted.
It really isn't slanted, the factor you pointed out is useless.


LOL- and once again- you let the OP off-

So once again Really? You don't think a person is responsible for starting the thread by posting a lie?


Meanwhile- you take the time to argue with me about the actual statistics I posted- but don't bother to do the same with OP- and the rather slanted statistics she posted
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Is not Abortion the Murder of the Un-born?

It is in my book - The BOOK

It can be murder in your mind- but abortion is not murder in the United States- no more than a miscarriage is manslaughter.

Back to the OP- listing the supposed main causes of the death in the United States- the essential dishonest of the OP is listing abortion as death- but leaving out miscarriages.

Roughly 20% of all pregnancies end up in miscarriages- or about 1,000,000 miscarriages a year in the United States.

Why did the OP list abortion but not miscarriages?

Is not Abortion the Murder of the Un-born?

It is in my book - The BOOK

No it is not. Bible has no comment on abortion. Why would it? It was written by people who didn't have access to such procedures or understanding of how fetal development works.

Actually abortion was well known in Biblical times- but it was dangerous to the woman- chemically induced and could kill the woman.
More common in the era was infanticide- a common practice in Rome.

The Bible doesn't actually address either. Though it clearly differentiates between murdering a person- and actions resulting in a woman losing her pregnancy.

Exodus 21
22 “If some men are fighting and hurt a pregnant woman so that she loses her child, but she is not injured in any other way, the one who hurt her is to be fined whatever amount the woman's husband demands, subject to the approval of the judges. 23 But if the woman herself is injured, the punishment shall be life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.
Is not Abortion the Murder of the Un-born?

It is in my book - The BOOK

No it is not. Bible has no comment on abortion. Why would it? It was written by people who didn't have access to such procedures or understanding of how fetal development works.

Actually abortion was well known in Biblical times- but it was dangerous to the woman- chemically induced and could kill the woman.
More common in the era was infanticide- a common practice in Rome.

The Bible doesn't actually address either. Though it clearly differentiates between murdering a person- and actions resulting in a woman losing her pregnancy.

Exodus 21
22 “If some men are fighting and hurt a pregnant woman so that she loses her child, but she is not injured in any other way, the one who hurt her is to be fined whatever amount the woman's husband demands, subject to the approval of the judges. 23 But if the woman herself is injured, the punishment shall be life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

Your bible quote actually supports the position that the unborn child does not have the value of a born person and it's death is but a hardship to parents

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