Causes of Death in the USA...

Is not Abortion the Murder of the Un-born?

It is in my book - The BOOK

It can be murder in your mind- but abortion is not murder in the United States- no more than a miscarriage is manslaughter.

Back to the OP- listing the supposed main causes of the death in the United States- the essential dishonest of the OP is listing abortion as death- but leaving out miscarriages.

Roughly 20% of all pregnancies end up in miscarriages- or about 1,000,000 miscarriages a year in the United States.

Why did the OP list abortion but not miscarriages?

Perhaps the gist of the thread has gone over your head.

Perhaps you missed the references to the top of the list (occupied by "abortion") and the bottom of the list (occupied by "murder by gun")

Perhaps you missed the obvious intent to compare our efforts toward ending deaths by abortion and our efforts toward ending murder by gun.

Perhaps you missed that the list is titled ...causes of death... not...all causes of death...There could be others missing.

Perhaps you do not understand that miscarriages are generally not intended (else they would be abortions) and therefore have no bearing on the argument comparing the left's warped efforts to give abortion a free pass while crying about murder by gun.

Perhaps you are not worth the effort of serious debate.

Perhaps I should remove Perhaps from the previous there really is no doubt in my mind.
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Is not Abortion the Murder of the Un-born?

It is in my book - The BOOK

It can be murder in your mind- but abortion is not murder in the United States- no more than a miscarriage is manslaughter.

Back to the OP- listing the supposed main causes of the death in the United States- the essential dishonest of the OP is listing abortion as death- but leaving out miscarriages.

Roughly 20% of all pregnancies end up in miscarriages- or about 1,000,000 miscarriages a year in the United States.

Why did the OP list abortion but not miscarriages?

Perhaps the gist of the thread has gone over your head.

Perhaps you missed the references to the top of the list (occupied by "abortion") and the bottom of the list (occupied by "murder by gun")

Perhaps you missed the obvious intent to compare our efforts toward ending deaths by abortion and our efforts toward ending murder by gun..

I didn't miss the intent to deceive.
Is not Abortion the Murder of the Un-born?

It is in my book - The BOOK

It can be murder in your mind- but abortion is not murder in the United States- no more than a miscarriage is manslaughter.

Back to the OP- listing the supposed main causes of the death in the United States- the essential dishonest of the OP is listing abortion as death- but leaving out miscarriages.

Roughly 20% of all pregnancies end up in miscarriages- or about 1,000,000 miscarriages a year in the United States.

Why did the OP list abortion but not miscarriages?

Perhaps the gist of the thread has gone over your head.

Perhaps you missed the references to the top of the list (occupied by "abortion") and the bottom of the list (occupied by "murder by gun")

Perhaps you missed the obvious intent to compare our efforts toward ending deaths by abortion and our efforts toward ending murder by gun..

I didn't miss the intent to deceive.
You manufactured it. Based on the intent of the argument, there is no need to mention miscarriages. You give fools a bad name.

..and you quoted only part of what I said. Here's the whole thing:

Perhaps the gist of the thread has gone over your head.

Perhaps you missed the references to the top of the list (occupied by "abortion") and the bottom of the list (occupied by "murder by gun")

Perhaps you missed the obvious intent to compare our efforts toward ending deaths by abortion and our efforts toward ending murder by gun.

Perhaps you missed that the list is titled ...causes of death... not...all causes of death...There could be others missing.

Perhaps you do not understand that miscarriages are generally not intended (else they would be abortions) and therefore have no bearing on the argument comparing the left's warped efforts to give abortion a free pass while crying about murder by gun.

Perhaps you are not worth the effort of serious debate.

Perhaps I should remove Perhaps from the previous there really is no doubt in my mind.
Is not Abortion the Murder of the Un-born?

It is in my book - The BOOK

It can be murder in your mind- but abortion is not murder in the United States- no more than a miscarriage is manslaughter.

Back to the OP- listing the supposed main causes of the death in the United States- the essential dishonest of the OP is listing abortion as death- but leaving out miscarriages.

Roughly 20% of all pregnancies end up in miscarriages- or about 1,000,000 miscarriages a year in the United States.

Why did the OP list abortion but not miscarriages?

Perhaps the gist of the thread has gone over your head.

Perhaps you missed the references to the top of the list (occupied by "abortion") and the bottom of the list (occupied by "murder by gun")

Perhaps you missed the obvious intent to compare our efforts toward ending deaths by abortion and our efforts toward ending murder by gun..

I didn't miss the intent to deceive.
You manufactured it. Based on the intent of the argument, there is no need to mention miscarriages. You give fools a bad name.

..and you quoted only part of what I said. Here's the whole thing:

Perhaps the gist of the thread has gone over your head.

Perhaps you missed the references to the top of the list (occupied by "abortion") and the bottom of the list (occupied by "murder by gun")

Perhaps you missed the obvious intent to compare our efforts toward ending deaths by abortion and our efforts toward ending murder by gun.

Perhaps you missed that the list is titled ...causes of death... not...all causes of death...There could be others missing.

Perhaps you do not understand that miscarriages are generally not intended (else they would be abortions) and therefore have no bearing on the argument comparing the left's warped efforts to give abortion a free pass while crying about murder by gun..

Perhaps you should do a better job when you try to deceive.

You list abortions- which of course is not considered a cause of death in the United States any more than miscarriages are- and murders by guns- which are considered a cause of death.

And then you list an array of other causes of death- none of them intentional- such as stroke.
So yes- your claim that you were trying to just compare abortion to gun murders is dishonest- you compared abortion to deaths by strokes- and left out miscarriages- and left out suicides by gun.

You also failed to cite your sources- because once again- this thread was about deceit- not about 'causes of death'

Is not Abortion the Murder of the Un-born?

It is in my book - The BOOK

No it is not. Bible has no comment on abortion. Why would it? It was written by people who didn't have access to such procedures or understanding of how fetal development works.

Actually abortion was well known in Biblical times- but it was dangerous to the woman- chemically induced and could kill the woman.
More common in the era was infanticide- a common practice in Rome.

The Bible doesn't actually address either. Though it clearly differentiates between murdering a person- and actions resulting in a woman losing her pregnancy.

Exodus 21
22 “If some men are fighting and hurt a pregnant woman so that she loses her child, but she is not injured in any other way, the one who hurt her is to be fined whatever amount the woman's husband demands, subject to the approval of the judges. 23 But if the woman herself is injured, the punishment shall be life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

Your bible quote actually supports the position that the unborn child does not have the value of a born person and it's death is but a hardship to parents

Bingo- you are correct.
Is not Abortion the Murder of the Un-born?

It is in my book - The BOOK

It can be murder in your mind- but abortion is not murder in the United States- no more than a miscarriage is manslaughter.

Back to the OP- listing the supposed main causes of the death in the United States- the essential dishonest of the OP is listing abortion as death- but leaving out miscarriages.

Roughly 20% of all pregnancies end up in miscarriages- or about 1,000,000 miscarriages a year in the United States.

Why did the OP list abortion but not miscarriages?

Perhaps the gist of the thread has gone over your head.

Perhaps you missed the references to the top of the list (occupied by "abortion") and the bottom of the list (occupied by "murder by gun")

Perhaps you missed the obvious intent to compare our efforts toward ending deaths by abortion and our efforts toward ending murder by gun..

I didn't miss the intent to deceive.
You manufactured it. Based on the intent of the argument, there is no need to mention miscarriages. You give fools a bad name.

..and you quoted only part of what I said. Here's the whole thing:

Perhaps the gist of the thread has gone over your head.

Perhaps you missed the references to the top of the list (occupied by "abortion") and the bottom of the list (occupied by "murder by gun")

Perhaps you missed the obvious intent to compare our efforts toward ending deaths by abortion and our efforts toward ending murder by gun.

Perhaps you missed that the list is titled ...causes of death... not...all causes of death...There could be others missing.

Perhaps you do not understand that miscarriages are generally not intended (else they would be abortions) and therefore have no bearing on the argument comparing the left's warped efforts to give abortion a free pass while crying about murder by gun..

Perhaps you should do a better job when you try to deceive.

You list abortions- which of course is not considered a cause of death in the United States any more than miscarriages are- and murders by guns- which are considered a cause of death.

And then you list an array of other causes of death- none of them intentional- such as stroke.
So yes- your claim that you were trying to just compare abortion to gun murders is dishonest- you compared abortion to deaths by strokes- and left out miscarriages- and left out suicides by gun.

You also failed to cite your sources- because once again- this thread was about deceit- not about 'causes of death'

The point (again, a point that you missed) is that ABORTION is at the top of the list MURDER BY GUN is at the bottom.

...and if you don't think abortion (especially late term abortion) is murder, you are indeed a foolish liberal with little regard for human life. The only silver lining to the abortion cloud is that is likely reduces the number of liberals born.
It can be murder in your mind- but abortion is not murder in the United States- no more than a miscarriage is manslaughter.

Back to the OP- listing the supposed main causes of the death in the United States- the essential dishonest of the OP is listing abortion as death- but leaving out miscarriages.

Roughly 20% of all pregnancies end up in miscarriages- or about 1,000,000 miscarriages a year in the United States.

Why did the OP list abortion but not miscarriages?

Perhaps the gist of the thread has gone over your head.

Perhaps you missed the references to the top of the list (occupied by "abortion") and the bottom of the list (occupied by "murder by gun")

Perhaps you missed the obvious intent to compare our efforts toward ending deaths by abortion and our efforts toward ending murder by gun..

I didn't miss the intent to deceive.
You manufactured it. Based on the intent of the argument, there is no need to mention miscarriages. You give fools a bad name.

..and you quoted only part of what I said. Here's the whole thing:

Perhaps the gist of the thread has gone over your head.

Perhaps you missed the references to the top of the list (occupied by "abortion") and the bottom of the list (occupied by "murder by gun")

Perhaps you missed the obvious intent to compare our efforts toward ending deaths by abortion and our efforts toward ending murder by gun.

Perhaps you missed that the list is titled ...causes of death... not...all causes of death...There could be others missing.

Perhaps you do not understand that miscarriages are generally not intended (else they would be abortions) and therefore have no bearing on the argument comparing the left's warped efforts to give abortion a free pass while crying about murder by gun..

Perhaps you should do a better job when you try to deceive.

You list abortions- which of course is not considered a cause of death in the United States any more than miscarriages are- and murders by guns- which are considered a cause of death.

And then you list an array of other causes of death- none of them intentional- such as stroke.
So yes- your claim that you were trying to just compare abortion to gun murders is dishonest- you compared abortion to deaths by strokes- and left out miscarriages- and left out suicides by gun.

You also failed to cite your sources- because once again- this thread was about deceit- not about 'causes of death'

The point (again, a point that you missed) is that ABORTION is at the top of the list MURDER BY GUN is at the bottom..

Right- and kidney failure- and Alzheimer's are right in the middle.

See if you had been honest- you could have compared abortions to 'murder by gun'- but you loaded up the middle with deaths that had nothing to do with your agenda- to make your agenda appear more legitimate.

Of course what is the real difference between abortion and murder?

Murder is the crime of intentionally and illegally killing a human being
Abortion is not a crime and is not the illegal killing of a human being.
Perhaps the gist of the thread has gone over your head.

Perhaps you missed the references to the top of the list (occupied by "abortion") and the bottom of the list (occupied by "murder by gun")

Perhaps you missed the obvious intent to compare our efforts toward ending deaths by abortion and our efforts toward ending murder by gun..

I didn't miss the intent to deceive.
You manufactured it. Based on the intent of the argument, there is no need to mention miscarriages. You give fools a bad name.

..and you quoted only part of what I said. Here's the whole thing:

Perhaps the gist of the thread has gone over your head.

Perhaps you missed the references to the top of the list (occupied by "abortion") and the bottom of the list (occupied by "murder by gun")

Perhaps you missed the obvious intent to compare our efforts toward ending deaths by abortion and our efforts toward ending murder by gun.

Perhaps you missed that the list is titled ...causes of death... not...all causes of death...There could be others missing.

Perhaps you do not understand that miscarriages are generally not intended (else they would be abortions) and therefore have no bearing on the argument comparing the left's warped efforts to give abortion a free pass while crying about murder by gun..

Perhaps you should do a better job when you try to deceive.

You list abortions- which of course is not considered a cause of death in the United States any more than miscarriages are- and murders by guns- which are considered a cause of death.

And then you list an array of other causes of death- none of them intentional- such as stroke.
So yes- your claim that you were trying to just compare abortion to gun murders is dishonest- you compared abortion to deaths by strokes- and left out miscarriages- and left out suicides by gun.

You also failed to cite your sources- because once again- this thread was about deceit- not about 'causes of death'

The point (again, a point that you missed) is that ABORTION is at the top of the list MURDER BY GUN is at the bottom..

Right- and kidney failure- and Alzheimer's are right in the middle.

See if you had been honest- you could have compared abortions to 'murder by gun'- but you loaded up the middle with deaths that had nothing to do with your agenda- to make your agenda appear more legitimate.

Of course what is the real difference between abortion and murder?

Murder is the crime of intentionally and illegally killing a human being
Abortion is not a crime and is not the illegal killing of a human being.
The many causes of death that exceed 'murder by gun' are likely included to point out that 'murder by gun' should be the least of our worries. (I didn't make up the list.)

We should also be fighting things like heart disease and cancer more strongly than we go after gun owners. Again, you fail to dislodge the argument.

By the way. Those of us that believe life begins at conception also believe that except in cases of rape, incest or endangerment of the life of the mother, ABORTION IS MURDER!

Slither back under your rock and leave the children alone.
By the way. Those of us that believe life begins at conception also believe that except in cases of rape, incest or endangerment of the life of the mother, ABORTION IS MURDER!.

Why is it not murder(to you) in cases of rape or incest- or the endangerment of the life of the mother?
By the way. Those of us that believe life begins at conception also believe that except in cases of rape, incest or endangerment of the life of the mother, ABORTION IS MURDER!.

Why is it not murder(to you) in cases of rape or incest- or the endangerment of the life of the mother?
Because it then becomes justifiable homicide.
By the way. Those of us that believe life begins at conception also believe that except in cases of rape, incest or endangerment of the life of the mother, ABORTION IS MURDER!.

Why is it not murder(to you) in cases of rape or incest- or the endangerment of the life of the mother?
Because it then becomes justifiable homicide.

I can see how you might be able to make the argument that it is justifiable homicide to save the life of the mother- but you have lost me on how you justify what you consider to be the murder of a person- because the mother was raped.
By the way. Those of us that believe life begins at conception also believe that except in cases of rape, incest or endangerment of the life of the mother, ABORTION IS MURDER!.

Why is it not murder(to you) in cases of rape or incest- or the endangerment of the life of the mother?
Because it then becomes justifiable homicide.

I can see how you might be able to make the argument that it is justifiable homicide to save the life of the mother- but you have lost me on how you justify what you consider to be the murder of a person- because the mother was raped.
The child was totally unwanted from the beginning....and if an abortion is wanted by the raped female (or the parents of a raped adolescent) it should be performed early on, not in the last trimester.
By the way. Those of us that believe life begins at conception also believe that except in cases of rape, incest or endangerment of the life of the mother, ABORTION IS MURDER!.

Why is it not murder(to you) in cases of rape or incest- or the endangerment of the life of the mother?
Because it then becomes justifiable homicide.

I can see how you might be able to make the argument that it is justifiable homicide to save the life of the mother- but you have lost me on how you justify what you consider to be the murder of a person- because the mother was raped.
The child was totally unwanted from the beginning....and if an abortion is wanted by the raped female (or the parents of a raped adolescent) it should be performed early on, not in the last trimester.

So whether the fetus is considered a person or not- by you- is whether or not it is 'wanted'?
By the way. Those of us that believe life begins at conception also believe that except in cases of rape, incest or endangerment of the life of the mother, ABORTION IS MURDER!.

Why is it not murder(to you) in cases of rape or incest- or the endangerment of the life of the mother?
Because it then becomes justifiable homicide.

I can see how you might be able to make the argument that it is justifiable homicide to save the life of the mother- but you have lost me on how you justify what you consider to be the murder of a person- because the mother was raped.
The child was totally unwanted from the beginning....and if an abortion is wanted by the raped female (or the parents of a raped adolescent) it should be performed early on, not in the last trimester.

So whether the fetus is considered a person or not- by you- is whether or not it is 'wanted'?
Just think what we could accomplished if we worked from the top down instead of from the bottom up.


Note the absolute lack of citation.

Note also- how the OP lists 'abortion' but not 'miscarriage'. How can 'abortion' be a cause of death- but not miscarriage?

Not also- how the OP lists murder by gun- but doesn't list suicide at all.

Because of course the OP doesn't want to bring attention to the number suicides per year : 42,773

Here is a real list from the CDC
  • Heart disease: 614,348
  • Cancer: 591,699
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
  • Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
  • Diabetes: 76,488
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,227
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,146
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773
And of those suicides- about half are by guns
Firearm suicides
I wonder why the OP chose to post such misleading information........
Remind us how we should allow assisted suicides but you are complaining about suicides.
Just think what we could accomplished if we worked from the top down instead of from the bottom up.


Note the absolute lack of citation.

Note also- how the OP lists 'abortion' but not 'miscarriage'. How can 'abortion' be a cause of death- but not miscarriage?

Not also- how the OP lists murder by gun- but doesn't list suicide at all.

Because of course the OP doesn't want to bring attention to the number suicides per year : 42,773

Here is a real list from the CDC
  • Heart disease: 614,348
  • Cancer: 591,699
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
  • Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
  • Diabetes: 76,488
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,227
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,146
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773
And of those suicides- about half are by guns
Firearm suicides
I wonder why the OP chose to post such misleading information........

Abortion and miscarriage aren't the same thing. Abortion is done by a willful act from a leg spreader that doesn't like the results of having done so while a miscarriage doesn't involve that willful act. Whether or not someone has an abortion is by a choice. A miscarriage is not.

Suicide by gun and murder by gun aren't the same thing. A suicide involves the person doing it doing it to themselves and is under their full control. A murder victim being killed is under the control of the killer not the victim.
Just think what we could accomplished if we worked from the top down instead of from the bottom up.


Note the absolute lack of citation.

Note also- how the OP lists 'abortion' but not 'miscarriage'. How can 'abortion' be a cause of death- but not miscarriage?

Not also- how the OP lists murder by gun- but doesn't list suicide at all.

Because of course the OP doesn't want to bring attention to the number suicides per year : 42,773

Here is a real list from the CDC
  • Heart disease: 614,348
  • Cancer: 591,699
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
  • Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
  • Diabetes: 76,488
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,227
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,146
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773
And of those suicides- about half are by guns
Firearm suicides
I wonder why the OP chose to post such misleading information........
Remind us how we should allow assisted suicides but you are complaining about suicides.

I am not complaining about suicides- I am pointing out that the OP showed murder by guns but not suicides by guns.
Just think what we could accomplished if we worked from the top down instead of from the bottom up.


Note the absolute lack of citation.

Note also- how the OP lists 'abortion' but not 'miscarriage'. How can 'abortion' be a cause of death- but not miscarriage?

Not also- how the OP lists murder by gun- but doesn't list suicide at all.

Because of course the OP doesn't want to bring attention to the number suicides per year : 42,773

Here is a real list from the CDC
  • Heart disease: 614,348
  • Cancer: 591,699
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
  • Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
  • Diabetes: 76,488
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,227
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,146
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773
And of those suicides- about half are by guns
Firearm suicides
I wonder why the OP chose to post such misleading information........
Remind us how we should allow assisted suicides but you are complaining about suicides.

People like Syriusly support assisted suicide until the "assistant" is a gun and they can use that to promote gun control.
Why is it not murder(to you) in cases of rape or incest- or the endangerment of the life of the mother?
Because it then becomes justifiable homicide.

I can see how you might be able to make the argument that it is justifiable homicide to save the life of the mother- but you have lost me on how you justify what you consider to be the murder of a person- because the mother was raped.
The child was totally unwanted from the beginning....and if an abortion is wanted by the raped female (or the parents of a raped adolescent) it should be performed early on, not in the last trimester.

So whether the fetus is considered a person or not- by you- is whether or not it is 'wanted'?

So once again- if you think that a fetus in the first week of gestation is a person- how is that person different if person who contributed the sperm was a rapist or just a one night stand?
Just think what we could accomplished if we worked from the top down instead of from the bottom up.


Note the absolute lack of citation.

Note also- how the OP lists 'abortion' but not 'miscarriage'. How can 'abortion' be a cause of death- but not miscarriage?

Not also- how the OP lists murder by gun- but doesn't list suicide at all.

Because of course the OP doesn't want to bring attention to the number suicides per year : 42,773

Here is a real list from the CDC
  • Heart disease: 614,348
  • Cancer: 591,699
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
  • Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
  • Diabetes: 76,488
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,227
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,146
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773
And of those suicides- about half are by guns
Firearm suicides
I wonder why the OP chose to post such misleading information........
Remind us how we should allow assisted suicides but you are complaining about suicides.

I am not complaining about suicides- I am pointing out that the OP showed murder by guns but not suicides by guns.

That's because the person that dies in a suicide is the one doing the killing and the person that dies in a murder isn't.

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