Causes of Death in the USA...

Note the absolute lack of citation.

Note also- how the OP lists 'abortion' but not 'miscarriage'. How can 'abortion' be a cause of death- but not miscarriage?

Not also- how the OP lists murder by gun- but doesn't list suicide at all.

Because of course the OP doesn't want to bring attention to the number suicides per year : 42,773

Here is a real list from the CDC
  • Heart disease: 614,348
  • Cancer: 591,699
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
  • Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
  • Diabetes: 76,488
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,227
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,146
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773
And of those suicides- about half are by guns
Firearm suicides
I wonder why the OP chose to post such misleading information........

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people

7. Lie

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny it constantly

13. Reword and repeat
Surely banning Muslims will not stop murders..since they will take place anyway..
Temporarily banning Muslim refuges may preclude a bunch of terrorists (posing as refuges) from getting a free pass into the country.

Which of course would be about the slowest and least effective way for any terrorist to enter the United States.

Why not just come in on tourist visa's? Or business' visa's? Even less background checking than refugees- and no need to wait around for a year or more in a refugee camp for the hope that you would be the random person chosen to come to the United States.

Or sneak across the Canadian border?

Not one of the terrorist attacks in the United States has been by a terrorist who came in as a refugee. Because that would be least efficient, and least likely way to get into the United States.
Note the absolute lack of citation.

Note also- how the OP lists 'abortion' but not 'miscarriage'. How can 'abortion' be a cause of death- but not miscarriage?

Not also- how the OP lists murder by gun- but doesn't list suicide at all.

Because of course the OP doesn't want to bring attention to the number suicides per year : 42,773

Here is a real list from the CDC
  • Heart disease: 614,348
  • Cancer: 591,699
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
  • Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
  • Diabetes: 76,488
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,227
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,146
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773
And of those suicides- about half are by guns
Firearm suicides
I wonder why the OP chose to post such misleading information........

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people

7. Lie

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny it constantly

13. Reword and repeat

MIke's ROE

1. Post a list of crap

2. Complain about facts refuting Conservative lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Post the same crap over and over

7. Post the same crap over and over

8. Post the same crap over and over

9. Post the same crap over and over

10.Post the same crap over and over

11. Post the same crap over and over

12. Deny it constantly

13. Reword and repeat
Note the absolute lack of citation.

Note also- how the OP lists 'abortion' but not 'miscarriage'. How can 'abortion' be a cause of death- but not miscarriage?

Not also- how the OP lists murder by gun- but doesn't list suicide at all.

Because of course the OP doesn't want to bring attention to the number suicides per year : 42,773

Here is a real list from the CDC
  • Heart disease: 614,348
  • Cancer: 591,699
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
  • Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
  • Diabetes: 76,488
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,227
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,146
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773
And of those suicides- about half are by guns
Firearm suicides
I wonder why the OP chose to post such misleading information........
Remind us how we should allow assisted suicides but you are complaining about suicides.

I am not complaining about suicides- I am pointing out that the OP showed murder by guns but not suicides by guns.

That's because the person that dies in a suicide is the one doing the killing and the person that dies in a murder isn't.

The list is supposed 'causes of death in the USA.

Lists cancer- and murders by gun- but not suicides by gun. Who is doing the killing in the death by cancer?
You still miss the main point. We are trying to find a cure for reduce the death rate due to cancer. We are trying to find a cure for heart reduce the death rate due to heart disease. We are trying to find a cure for kidney reduce the death rate due to kidney failure. We should try harder on these things (more so than on murder by gun) because the rates are so much higher.!

And why do you think we should not try to reduce the death rate due to guns?
Remind us how we should allow assisted suicides but you are complaining about suicides.

I am not complaining about suicides- I am pointing out that the OP showed murder by guns but not suicides by guns.

That's because the person that dies in a suicide is the one doing the killing and the person that dies in a murder isn't.

The list is supposed 'causes of death in the USA.

Lists cancer- and murders by gun- but not suicides by gun. Who is doing the killing in the death by cancer?
You still miss the main point. We are trying to find a cure for reduce the death rate due to cancer. We are trying to find a cure for heart reduce the death rate due to heart disease. We are trying to find a cure for kidney reduce the death rate due to kidney failure. We should try harder on these things (more so than on murder by gun) because the rates are so much higher.!

And why do you think we should not try to reduce the death rate due to guns?

How can a gun cause death unless it can fire itself? You can't reduce something that is non-existent. The death rate you want to attribute to guns isn't due to guns. It's due to SOMEONE misusing a gun.

Are you willing to say that if a person was intent on killing another and they didn't have a gun, the killing wouldn't take place?
I am not complaining about suicides- I am pointing out that the OP showed murder by guns but not suicides by guns.

That's because the person that dies in a suicide is the one doing the killing and the person that dies in a murder isn't.

The list is supposed 'causes of death in the USA.

Lists cancer- and murders by gun- but not suicides by gun. Who is doing the killing in the death by cancer?
You still miss the main point. We are trying to find a cure for reduce the death rate due to cancer. We are trying to find a cure for heart reduce the death rate due to heart disease. We are trying to find a cure for kidney reduce the death rate due to kidney failure. We should try harder on these things (more so than on murder by gun) because the rates are so much higher.!

And why do you think we should not try to reduce the death rate due to guns?

How can a gun cause death unless it can fire itself? You can't reduce something that is non-existent. The death rate you want to attribute to guns isn't due to guns. It's due to SOMEONE misusing a gun.

Are you willing to say that if a person was intent on killing another and they didn't have a gun, the killing wouldn't take place?

We have deaths by auto accident- we have gun deaths.

So once again- why do you think we should not try to reduce the death rate due to guns? We are always trying to reduce the death rate due to cars.
That's because the person that dies in a suicide is the one doing the killing and the person that dies in a murder isn't.

The list is supposed 'causes of death in the USA.

Lists cancer- and murders by gun- but not suicides by gun. Who is doing the killing in the death by cancer?
You still miss the main point. We are trying to find a cure for reduce the death rate due to cancer. We are trying to find a cure for heart reduce the death rate due to heart disease. We are trying to find a cure for kidney reduce the death rate due to kidney failure. We should try harder on these things (more so than on murder by gun) because the rates are so much higher.!

And why do you think we should not try to reduce the death rate due to guns?

How can a gun cause death unless it can fire itself? You can't reduce something that is non-existent. The death rate you want to attribute to guns isn't due to guns. It's due to SOMEONE misusing a gun.

Are you willing to say that if a person was intent on killing another and they didn't have a gun, the killing wouldn't take place?

We have deaths by auto accident- we have gun deaths.

So once again- why do you think we should not try to reduce the death rate due to guns? We are always trying to reduce the death rate due to cars.

Until the car can drive itself and the gun can shoot itself, we have deaths in both from the people using them.

When a person commits suicide, it is the gun's fault or the person using the gun?
The list is supposed 'causes of death in the USA.

Lists cancer- and murders by gun- but not suicides by gun. Who is doing the killing in the death by cancer?
You still miss the main point. We are trying to find a cure for reduce the death rate due to cancer. We are trying to find a cure for heart reduce the death rate due to heart disease. We are trying to find a cure for kidney reduce the death rate due to kidney failure. We should try harder on these things (more so than on murder by gun) because the rates are so much higher.!

And why do you think we should not try to reduce the death rate due to guns?

How can a gun cause death unless it can fire itself? You can't reduce something that is non-existent. The death rate you want to attribute to guns isn't due to guns. It's due to SOMEONE misusing a gun.

Are you willing to say that if a person was intent on killing another and they didn't have a gun, the killing wouldn't take place?

We have deaths by auto accident- we have gun deaths.

So once again- why do you think we should not try to reduce the death rate due to guns? We are always trying to reduce the death rate due to cars.

Until the car can drive itself and the gun can shoot itself, we have deaths in both from the people using them.

When a person commits suicide, it is the gun's fault or the person using the gun?

Actually all of those things can be blamed on global warming.
The list is supposed 'causes of death in the USA.

Lists cancer- and murders by gun- but not suicides by gun. Who is doing the killing in the death by cancer?
You still miss the main point. We are trying to find a cure for reduce the death rate due to cancer. We are trying to find a cure for heart reduce the death rate due to heart disease. We are trying to find a cure for kidney reduce the death rate due to kidney failure. We should try harder on these things (more so than on murder by gun) because the rates are so much higher.!

And why do you think we should not try to reduce the death rate due to guns?

How can a gun cause death unless it can fire itself? You can't reduce something that is non-existent. The death rate you want to attribute to guns isn't due to guns. It's due to SOMEONE misusing a gun.

Are you willing to say that if a person was intent on killing another and they didn't have a gun, the killing wouldn't take place?

We have deaths by auto accident- we have gun deaths.

So once again- why do you think we should not try to reduce the death rate due to guns? We are always trying to reduce the death rate due to cars.

Until the car can drive itself and the gun can shoot itself, we have deaths in both from the people using them.

So you don't think we should try to improve car or gun safety to save lives?
Surely banning Muslims will not stop murders..since they will take place anyway..
Temporarily banning Muslim refuges may preclude a bunch of terrorists (posing as refuges) from getting a free pass into the country.

Which of course would be about the slowest and least effective way for any terrorist to enter the United States.

Why not just come in on tourist visa's? Or business' visa's? Even less background checking than refugees- and no need to wait around for a year or more in a refugee camp for the hope that you would be the random person chosen to come to the United States.

Or sneak across the Canadian border?

Not one of the terrorist attacks in the United States has been by a terrorist who came in as a refugee. Because that would be least efficient, and least likely way to get into the United States.
You forget that children in the refuge crowd can become terrorists years after they are given domicile here. Islam is a patient religion. It plants seeds in the minds of children. The fruit will come later.
Remind us how we should allow assisted suicides but you are complaining about suicides.

I am not complaining about suicides- I am pointing out that the OP showed murder by guns but not suicides by guns.

That's because the person that dies in a suicide is the one doing the killing and the person that dies in a murder isn't.

The list is supposed 'causes of death in the USA.

Lists cancer- and murders by gun- but not suicides by gun. Who is doing the killing in the death by cancer?
You still miss the main point. We are trying to find a cure for reduce the death rate due to cancer. We are trying to find a cure for heart reduce the death rate due to heart disease. We are trying to find a cure for kidney reduce the death rate due to kidney failure. We should try harder on these things (more so than on murder by gun) because the rates are so much higher.!

And why do you think we should not try to reduce the death rate due to guns?
You shouldn't speak for me. I think we should try to reduce the death rate for all causes. I am not, however, in favor of reaching a point where people live forever.

Then why did you bring them up?

Why did you mention murders by gun- and deaths by cancer in the same post?

I mean other than to deliberately deceive?
After all this discussion, you still do not get the point of the OP. You are dense...or stupid...or obstinate...or all of the above.

Every time a shooting occurs, the liberals want more gun control laws and to promote the confiscation of privately owned guns. Guns are not the problem. It is the motivation of the shooters that cause them to use guns to kill innocent people.

Before guns, it was daggers and stones. A person with murder on his mind will find a weapon...or make one out of any of a number of things.
Surely banning Muslims will not stop murders..since they will take place anyway..
Temporarily banning Muslim refuges may preclude a bunch of terrorists (posing as refuges) from getting a free pass into the country.

Which of course would be about the slowest and least effective way for any terrorist to enter the United States.

Why not just come in on tourist visa's? Or business' visa's? Even less background checking than refugees- and no need to wait around for a year or more in a refugee camp for the hope that you would be the random person chosen to come to the United States.

Or sneak across the Canadian border?

Not one of the terrorist attacks in the United States has been by a terrorist who came in as a refugee. Because that would be least efficient, and least likely way to get into the United States.
You forget that children in the refuge crowd can become terrorists years after they are given domicile here. Islam is a patient religion. It plants seeds in the minds of children. The fruit will come later.

You forget that anyone can become a terrorist.
Children of Americans

Children of immigrants.


Meanwhile- no attacks by refugees- or their children

Because of course for terrorist coming as refugees would be about the slowest and least effective way for any terrorist to enter the United States.

Why not just come in on tourist visa's? Or business' visa's? Even less background checking than refugees- and no need to wait around for a year or more in a refugee camp for the hope that you would be the random person chosen to come to the United States.

Or sneak across the Canadian border?

Not one of the terrorist attacks in the United States has been by a terrorist who came in as a refugee. Because that would be least efficient, and least likely way to get into the United States

Then why did you bring them up?

Why did you mention murders by gun- and deaths by cancer in the same post?

I mean other than to deliberately deceive?
After all this discussion, you still do not get the point of the OP. You are dense...or stupid...or obstinate...or all of the above.

Every time a shooting occurs, the liberals want more gun control laws and to promote the confiscation of privately owned guns. Guns are not the problem. It is the motivation of the shooters that cause them to use guns to kill innocent people.

But I do get the point- you were making a dishonest attempt at equating abortion and murder by guns.

You posted a 'list of deaths in America' that was intentionally incomplete and inconsistent.

You are okay with looking for ways to reduce deaths by cancer, but object to any concerns by guns.

We don't just blame drivers for automobile deaths- we also look to the automobiles themselves- and the roads- and other drivers.

Remind me again- how many guns have been confiscated since Sandy Hook?
Surely banning Muslims will not stop murders..since they will take place anyway..
Temporarily banning Muslim refuges may preclude a bunch of terrorists (posing as refuges) from getting a free pass into the country.

Which of course would be about the slowest and least effective way for any terrorist to enter the United States.

Why not just come in on tourist visa's? Or business' visa's? Even less background checking than refugees- and no need to wait around for a year or more in a refugee camp for the hope that you would be the random person chosen to come to the United States.

Or sneak across the Canadian border?

Not one of the terrorist attacks in the United States has been by a terrorist who came in as a refugee. Because that would be least efficient, and least likely way to get into the United States.
You forget that children in the refuge crowd can become terrorists years after they are given domicile here. Islam is a patient religion. It plants seeds in the minds of children. The fruit will come later.

You forget that anyone can become a terrorist.
Children of Americans

Children of immigrants.


Meanwhile- no attacks by refugees- or their children

Because of course for terrorist coming as refugees would be about the slowest and least effective way for any terrorist to enter the United States.

Why not just come in on tourist visa's? Or business' visa's? Even less background checking than refugees- and no need to wait around for a year or more in a refugee camp for the hope that you would be the random person chosen to come to the United States.

Or sneak across the Canadian border?

Not one of the terrorist attacks in the United States has been by a terrorist who came in as a refugee. Because that would be least efficient, and least likely way to get into the United States
You are obtuse. That fact has little to do with taking steps to prevent it from EVER happening.

Then why did you bring them up?

Why did you mention murders by gun- and deaths by cancer in the same post?

I mean other than to deliberately deceive?
After all this discussion, you still do not get the point of the OP. You are dense...or stupid...or obstinate...or all of the above.

Every time a shooting occurs, the liberals want more gun control laws and to promote the confiscation of privately owned guns. Guns are not the problem. It is the motivation of the shooters that cause them to use guns to kill innocent people.

Before guns, it was daggers and stones. A person with murder on his mind will find a weapon...or make one out of any of a number of things.

That's what I tried to explain to that idiot. He is of the mindset that if a gun isn't available, the murder won't ever occur.

Then why did you bring them up?

Why did you mention murders by gun- and deaths by cancer in the same post?

I mean other than to deliberately deceive?
After all this discussion, you still do not get the point of the OP. You are dense...or stupid...or obstinate...or all of the above.

Every time a shooting occurs, the liberals want more gun control laws and to promote the confiscation of privately owned guns. Guns are not the problem. It is the motivation of the shooters that cause them to use guns to kill innocent people.

Before guns, it was daggers and stones. A person with murder on his mind will find a weapon...or make one out of any of a number of things.

That's what I tried to explain to that idiot. He is of the mindset that if a gun isn't available, the murder won't ever occur.

Yep- you are of the mindset that if automobiles aren't available no one will die in accidents.....
Just think what we could accomplished if we worked from the top down instead of from the bottom up.


Like I have stated repeatedly over and over - and I will KEEP saying until it ends - Liberals are ISIS loving sympathizers that cheer a "woman's right" to murder her baby (to the tune of 50 million - an entire generation) yet wring there little pansy hands when 49 people are killed by a terrorist ( blaming the gun rather than the killer) and demanding that law-abiding citizens have more "controls" put on them. Fucking hypocrites each and every one of them.

Tell you what you liberal ISIS assholes - I'll give up my guns on the day that you guys outlaw the killing of the unborn in this country. Deal?

Bravo Sir....Bravo......:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
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