CBC Attendees Say The Tea Party Is Racist (Video)


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
I couldn't bring the video over so you will have to see it at site..

MRC visited the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Dinner in Washington to ask attendees if the tea party is racist. The attendees are also asked about Allen West and Herman Cain and what they think of black members of the tea party. One man says they can go to hell, another lady calls them 'oreos.' Here's the video

video here.
HotAirPundit: CBC Attendees Say The Tea Party Is Racist (Video)
I couldn't bring the video over so you will have to see it at site..

MRC visited the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Dinner in Washington to ask attendees if the tea party is racist. The attendees are also asked about Allen West and Herman Cain and what they think of black members of the tea party. One man says they can go to hell, another lady calls them 'oreos.' Here's the video

video here.
HotAirPundit: CBC Attendees Say The Tea Party Is Racist (Video)

Some days it is hard too believe this is 2011...

They all NEED A MIRROR....
And the CBC is not?
What's in your bank account? I want half of it. I dont care whether you think you earned it, its mine because I'm special.

After Obama finished giving a speech, Harry Reid complimented Barry for giving an excellent speech. Barack Obama replied simply "I have a gift"
Not even a gracious, modest thank you from the man. "I am who you have been waiting for."
Their labeling of conservative blacks is not raciest?
How about the horrible put down of, you are white on the inside if you are conservative?
I think we have a double standard here.
"Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government 'stop raising our taxes.' That is outrageous! How will we coloreds ever get a wide-screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? Totally racist! The tea party expects coloreds to be productive members of society? Mr. Lincoln, you were the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. Three squares, room and board, all our decisions made by the massa in the house. Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we belong."
Truth is, the "tea party" movement is whites who are pissed off about the direction of the country. They have every right to be. But since they won't be honest about their real motivations, they're always going to be "on the run" , so to speak.

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