CBO: extending unemployment benefits creates 19,000 jobs per billion dollar stimulus

The participation rate in the labor force is at 62.8% which is the lowest it's been since 1978 and Americans not in the labor force has climbed to a all time high of 91.8 million this has happened while unemployment benefits have been continually extended.

We should double the unemployment benefits... that would really get things moving according to the CBO. So why doesn't the CBSO (our affirmative action failure) tout this more ?

Careful some here will think your serious.
Republicans think moving jobs to China and then cutting benefits for those who lost their jobs, makes this a better country and teaches those unemployed a lesson. Personally, I don't get it.
Republicans think moving jobs to China and then cutting benefits for those who lost their jobs, makes this a better country and teaches those unemployed a lesson. Personally, I don't get it.
There are a lot of things you don't get.
Democrats think less unemployment will hurt the economy, that's why they think FDR (7 years average 20% unemployment) is "great"
You do realiZe that tax cutting and over spending amount to the same thing right? More national debt.

Yes, and you realize Obama did the same thing Bush did right? Both were progressive like that. They understand that when taxes go up the economy contracts and people fucking hate you... But they also understand giving out "free chit" built on debts and deficits buys you massive votes.

That's why they both have the exact same policies of under taxing and over spending.... Because it wins elections. No one can win on raising taxes on everyone, only on 1%... pit the majority (99%) against the 1%... then when in office you dump trillions on the rich and make the poor and middle class far more poor, you know, as Obama did.

This time facts love the chit out of you billy, because facts love making liars look fucking silly stupid.

I don't understand this logic from the right that people who lose their jobs through no fault of their own don't deserve support. We lost millions of jobs from the 2008 crisis. Government intervention was needed.

First of all I'm not on the right if that's what your pea brain was suggesting. Secondly, the idea of the "right" is that welfare has proven (you know, factually) to hold people in poverty, not for longer but indefinitely, hence the historic and disproportionate amount of people now on welfare and also poor.

The amount of poor people didn't just suddenly appear one day, i grew, slowly. That is because once on welfare people tend to stay on it, and remain poor enough to receive it.

Also your claim that people on the "right" don;t feel there should be help for those that by no fault of their own find themselves out of work is beyond anti factual. The right, that is far more involved in churches have helped tens of millions. Now I'm not religious, and in fact dislike churches not as a whole but simply for the most part.

You lack basic skills to debate because you are the anti logic, you have been manipulated by the weapon built up off human fear and then fired based on human greed to destroy truth.

To you Harding was a bad President because he ended a depression and had a great economy.... To you FDR was a great President because he made the GD far worse, starved millions (children too, like OMFGz!) and gave us the lost generation, that is people whose lives were wasted being impoverished....

You are backwards, you are idiotic. You don't understand things because you're a walking talking point and lack critical thinking skills. You are a dangerous human as you and your kind have helped bring to power some of the most destructive dictators this world has ever seen based off your willful ignorance.

You believe you can control the uncontrollable despite failing repeatedly. And you don't care how many people lives you destroy pushing for your religious like belief in failed leaders and the deadly policies they enact.
Yes, and you realize Obama did the same thing Bush did right? Both were progressive like that. They understand that when taxes go up the economy contracts and people fucking hate you... But they also understand giving out "free chit" built on debts and deficits buys you massive votes.

That's why they both have the exact same policies of under taxing and over spending.... Because it wins elections. No one can win on raising taxes on everyone, only on 1%... pit the majority (99%) against the 1%... then when in office you dump trillions on the rich and make the poor and middle class far more poor, you know, as Obama did.

This time facts love the chit out of you billy, because facts love making liars look fucking silly stupid.

I don't understand this logic from the right that people who lose their jobs through no fault of their own don't deserve support. We lost millions of jobs from the 2008 crisis. Government intervention was needed.

First of all I'm not on the right if that's what your pea brain was suggesting. Secondly, the idea of the "right" is that welfare has proven (you know, factually) to hold people in poverty, not for longer but indefinitely, hence the historic and disproportionate amount of people now on welfare and also poor.

The amount of poor people didn't just suddenly appear one day, i grew, slowly. That is because once on welfare people tend to stay on it, and remain poor enough to receive it.

Also your claim that people on the "right" don;t feel there should be help for those that by no fault of their own find themselves out of work is beyond anti factual. The right, that is far more involved in churches have helped tens of millions. Now I'm not religious, and in fact dislike churches not as a whole but simply for the most part.

You lack basic skills to debate because you are the anti logic, you have been manipulated by the weapon built up off human fear and then fired based on human greed to destroy truth.

To you Harding was a bad President because he ended a depression and had a great economy.... To you FDR was a great President because he made the GD far worse, starved millions (children too, like OMFGz!) and gave us the lost generation, that is people whose lives were wasted being impoverished....

You are backwards, you are idiotic. You don't understand things because you're a walking talking point and lack critical thinking skills. You are a dangerous human as you and your kind have helped bring to power some of the most destructive dictators this world has ever seen based off your willful ignorance.

You believe you can control the uncontrollable despite failing repeatedly. And you don't care how many people lives you destroy pushing for your religious like belief in failed leaders and the deadly policies they enact.

More fluff.

This forum is so predictable.
I don't understand this logic from the right that people who lose their jobs through no fault of their own don't deserve support. We lost millions of jobs from the 2008 crisis. Government intervention was needed.

First of all I'm not on the right if that's what your pea brain was suggesting. Secondly, the idea of the "right" is that welfare has proven (you know, factually) to hold people in poverty, not for longer but indefinitely, hence the historic and disproportionate amount of people now on welfare and also poor.

The amount of poor people didn't just suddenly appear one day, i grew, slowly. That is because once on welfare people tend to stay on it, and remain poor enough to receive it.

Also your claim that people on the "right" don;t feel there should be help for those that by no fault of their own find themselves out of work is beyond anti factual. The right, that is far more involved in churches have helped tens of millions. Now I'm not religious, and in fact dislike churches not as a whole but simply for the most part.

You lack basic skills to debate because you are the anti logic, you have been manipulated by the weapon built up off human fear and then fired based on human greed to destroy truth.

To you Harding was a bad President because he ended a depression and had a great economy.... To you FDR was a great President because he made the GD far worse, starved millions (children too, like OMFGz!) and gave us the lost generation, that is people whose lives were wasted being impoverished....

You are backwards, you are idiotic. You don't understand things because you're a walking talking point and lack critical thinking skills. You are a dangerous human as you and your kind have helped bring to power some of the most destructive dictators this world has ever seen based off your willful ignorance.

You believe you can control the uncontrollable despite failing repeatedly. And you don't care how many people lives you destroy pushing for your religious like belief in failed leaders and the deadly policies they enact.

More fluff.

This forum is so predictable.

Hey, you're the one that admitted your "facts" were in fact... not facts.

Again, no one doubts that spending money adds to the economy when the Government does it... But again, that money (based on pure fact) comes from the privet sector. That privet sector spends 100% of that money in the economy where as the Government might spend 200 billion in other countries rebuilding whore houses.

That is why the privet sector is better when it comes to stimulating the economy. But hey, I'm just making it all up... You;re really the one that is right, everyone would be better off on welfare and the economy would be roaring... sure, no one would be working, but somehow that economy would just be 100% awesome.

Fucking so stupid it's sad knowing you live in my country.
First of all I'm not on the right if that's what your pea brain was suggesting. Secondly, the idea of the "right" is that welfare has proven (you know, factually) to hold people in poverty, not for longer but indefinitely, hence the historic and disproportionate amount of people now on welfare and also poor.

The amount of poor people didn't just suddenly appear one day, i grew, slowly. That is because once on welfare people tend to stay on it, and remain poor enough to receive it.

Also your claim that people on the "right" don;t feel there should be help for those that by no fault of their own find themselves out of work is beyond anti factual. The right, that is far more involved in churches have helped tens of millions. Now I'm not religious, and in fact dislike churches not as a whole but simply for the most part.

You lack basic skills to debate because you are the anti logic, you have been manipulated by the weapon built up off human fear and then fired based on human greed to destroy truth.

To you Harding was a bad President because he ended a depression and had a great economy.... To you FDR was a great President because he made the GD far worse, starved millions (children too, like OMFGz!) and gave us the lost generation, that is people whose lives were wasted being impoverished....

You are backwards, you are idiotic. You don't understand things because you're a walking talking point and lack critical thinking skills. You are a dangerous human as you and your kind have helped bring to power some of the most destructive dictators this world has ever seen based off your willful ignorance.

You believe you can control the uncontrollable despite failing repeatedly. And you don't care how many people lives you destroy pushing for your religious like belief in failed leaders and the deadly policies they enact.

More fluff.

This forum is so predictable.

Hey, you're the one that admitted your "facts" were in fact... not facts.

Again, no one doubts that spending money adds to the economy when the Government does it... But again, that money (based on pure fact) comes from the privet sector. That privet sector spends 100% of that money in the economy where as the Government might spend 200 billion in other countries rebuilding whore houses.

That is why the privet sector is better when it comes to stimulating the economy. But hey, I'm just making it all up... You;re really the one that is right, everyone would be better off on welfare and the economy would be roaring... sure, no one would be working, but somehow that economy would just be 100% awesome.

Fucking so stupid it's sad knowing you live in my country.

All this coming from a guy who can't spell "private"?
More fluff.

This forum is so predictable.

Hey, you're the one that admitted your "facts" were in fact... not facts.

Again, no one doubts that spending money adds to the economy when the Government does it... But again, that money (based on pure fact) comes from the privet sector. That privet sector spends 100% of that money in the economy where as the Government might spend 200 billion in other countries rebuilding whore houses.

That is why the privet sector is better when it comes to stimulating the economy. But hey, I'm just making it all up... You;re really the one that is right, everyone would be better off on welfare and the economy would be roaring... sure, no one would be working, but somehow that economy would just be 100% awesome.

Fucking so stupid it's sad knowing you live in my country.

All this coming from a guy who can't spell "private"?

More fluff...

Have anything to add to me owning the fuck out of you?
Hey, you're the one that admitted your "facts" were in fact... not facts.

Again, no one doubts that spending money adds to the economy when the Government does it... But again, that money (based on pure fact) comes from the privet sector. That privet sector spends 100% of that money in the economy where as the Government might spend 200 billion in other countries rebuilding whore houses.

That is why the privet sector is better when it comes to stimulating the economy. But hey, I'm just making it all up... You;re really the one that is right, everyone would be better off on welfare and the economy would be roaring... sure, no one would be working, but somehow that economy would just be 100% awesome.

Fucking so stupid it's sad knowing you live in my country.

All this coming from a guy who can't spell "private"?

More fluff...

Have anything to add to me owning the fuck out of you?

Owning the fuck out of me? Lol what are you 14?

Run along. This forum is for adults.
CBO: extending unemployment benefits creates 19,000 jobs per billion dollar stimulus

Another far left lie posted by a far left Obama drone.

It is not the CBO saying this it is a far left Obama drone fiction writer trying to sell books.
It really is too bad that the left doesn't care as much about job creation as they do about extending unemployment benefits. ...sad.
1) The benefits that the unemployed spend creates economic demand where there wouldn't be otherwise. For every tax dollar spent on these benefits, it creates $1.64 in economic stimulus (or 10 billion spent creates 16.7 billion in demand). Why? Because it creates a ripple effect in the market. Capitalism 101.

2) When the unemployed receive this insurance, they quickly spend ALL of it on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That is why it is so effective in creating jobs. Without this extra demand, more businesses are forced to lay their workers off.

3) Only 10,000 jobs are created every billion dollar TAX CUT. This is because the employed only spend HALF of their tax cuts. They have the luxury of saving some. All in all it does more harm than good: every dollar lost in revenue only creates .59 cents in growth.

4) This fiscal policy was a great success during the Great Depression.

This isn't Leftwing bull. We are talking basic economics. Demand side economic policies is the answer. Trickle down economics is a republican lie.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

"I'm going to spout nonsense I don't understand, and then claim it's 'basic economics' because I want it to be true." Yeah, that would be the definition of leftwing bullshit.

Let me break it down for you and see if you can wrap both of your functioning brain cells around this.

1) You do not improve the economy by simply taking money from one person and handing it to another person and saying, "See, he has money he can spend now, so I've helped!" Whether you like it or not, this is essentially all the government does: takes money from one person and transfers it to another. Beyond the absolute basics of function, government produces nothing of value in exchange for the money it takes in, and adds nothing of value to the world, which is probably why its money must be forcibly taken from people, rather than being freely given it by them in trade for something else.

2) The idea that one creates jobs by taking money from people already working and giving it to people who are not working so that the unemployed can pay other people to work is ludicrous on the face of it. Only a leftist would even pretend to have come up with an answer for the age-old question of "Have you ever been given a job by a poor person?" that supports their plan of paying people to sit around on their asses in front of Oprah.

3) The idea that the economy ONLY benefits by spending money and that saving money is economically harmful is ALSO ludicrous on the face of it, and would only look logical to someone with all the economic acumen of a bowl of vanilla pudding . . . or someone who had a vested interest in keeping people poor and dependent on liberals in government.

4) This fiscal policy was a disaster during the Great Depression, and the only people who haven't caught on to this fact are leftists with a vested interest in pretending that FDR ended the Depression, rather than prolonging it and having it end with the end of his fiscal policies.
All this coming from a guy who can't spell "private"?

More fluff...

Have anything to add to me owning the fuck out of you?

Owning the fuck out of me? Lol what are you 14?

Run along. This forum is for adults.

Yes, and at 14 I understand that mass welfare, due to mass UE, due to shitty policies that pay people to not work and make it more costly to pay people to work is a bad thing.

You go right along claiming that spending trillions creates jobs in some meaningful way... despite there being a debate that we are still in a recession.... 5 years later....
There are certain core beliefs leftists have about economics. They are woefully wrong and have been disproven so many times it is hard to imagine they still believe them. But they do. Among them:
-Government spending is a stimulus. It is not a stimulus. Gov't must take the money from someplace else either through taxation or borrowing. Those are funds that could have been used for a project that would actually make money.
-There is a stimulus effect to gov't spending. Every dollar spent by the gov produces 1.67 in benefits, or somesuch. It is total nonsense. The actual "multiplier" is less than 1. Meaning every dollar spent results in a deficit. This might explain Obama's economic performance.
-Consumer spending drives the economy. Another way of saying money in the hands of consumers increases growth. It doesnt. Business investment drives the economy because it is only through investment that growth occurs.
-Free trade results in overall loss. Even conservatives have a hard time with this one. It results in some losers but also some winners. Recent study I saw: overseas companies pay more to their American employees than American ones do.
There are certain core beliefs leftists have about economics. They are woefully wrong and have been disproven so many times it is hard to imagine they still believe them. But they do. Among them:
-Government spending is a stimulus. It is not a stimulus. Gov't must take the money from someplace else either through taxation or borrowing. Those are funds that could have been used for a project that would actually make money.
-There is a stimulus effect to gov't spending. Every dollar spent by the gov produces 1.67 in benefits, or somesuch. It is total nonsense. The actual "multiplier" is less than 1. Meaning every dollar spent results in a deficit. This might explain Obama's economic performance.
-Consumer spending drives the economy. Another way of saying money in the hands of consumers increases growth. It doesnt. Business investment drives the economy because it is only through investment that growth occurs.
-Free trade results in overall loss. Even conservatives have a hard time with this one. It results in some losers but also some winners. Recent study I saw: overseas companies pay more to their American employees than American ones do.

Apparently you are too stupid to know tax cutting and over spending amount to the same thing.
You know, I was going to mention that to billy but something tells me he won't understand how and why it does not work.

While there is no doubt that people spending money they obtained through UE, it produces far less "economic stimulus" than that if they worked for it in the privet sector.

With a near non nonexistent Government with a massive privet sector the economy, the innovation, and upward mobility is endless and has been proven to be so.

When Governments have had massive spending and take over the privet sector we have seen millions die, art lost forever, people starving, corruption everywhere....

So Billy, why not make everyone an employee of the Government through welfare? Just tell people what they can do for a living and if they choose to sit around just pay em anyways.... Why would that not work billy? I mean, all you have to do is a bit of research to find out why it has never worked in world history, but guess you just "don't like facts."

And for the record, when FDR and Obama did mass stimulus they have an economy described as "The great depression" and "The great recession." WHen Harding and Coolidge did the opposite we had what was described as "The roaring twenties." ODD HOW THAT WORKED OUT!

All fluff, no sources. I backed up what I said with facts. Why can't you?

The CBO is in fact not a fact... The CBO is an estimate of information given to them. You can give the CBO any numbers to toy around with but their answer can have no barring on reality

And I gave you facts you dumb chit. FDR, great depression. Obama Great recession. Harding Roaring 20's, Coolidge Roaring 20's.

This is where like a dumbass you claim FDR had a depression to fix, and forget that Harding fixed the Depression he took over in 18 months....

Facts hate the shit out of you billy~

They sure do. Billyboy is a left leaning Obamabot moron. He wouldn't know truth if it hit him right between the eyes.

The CBO can only shoot out what it does with the numbers its given. If the numbers are bogus, as in the ACA, then the numbers the CBO shoots our are bogus.

Yup. Billyidiot is just that. An idiot. I wonder who he thinks will support all this "free" money when everyone is on unemployment?? Guess he didn't think of that because he's an idiot.

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