CBO: Poor Americans would lose billions under GOP tax plan

Expensive? There are Obamacare plans with $0 monthly premiums now.
Yes. Expensive. Just because someone else picks up the tab doesn't make it free ya fucktard.

Perfect example of a Conservative so divorced from reality, you're reduced to completely making shit up off the top of your head.

Insurance companies fleeing Obamacare exchanges is a hint that even with government subsidies, the expensive, taxpayer subsidized bad idea is expensive.

They're not fleeing the exchanges. In fact, every single county in the country has at least one Obamacare plan available. Some of those plans have premiums that are $0 a month.

So just like your other post, you're not well-versed on this topic enough to talk intelligently about it.

They're not fleeing the exchanges.

Silly Derp!.
Silly Derp!.

It's too bad that you're such a bad liar because I think in another world and reality, you could be reasonable.

But you've cast your lot in with Russia and you can't come back from that because it would mean having to admit your judgment isn't as good as you like to think it is. And that is something your ego just cannot take.
Silly Derp!.

It's too bad that you're such a bad liar because I think in another world and reality, you could be reasonable.

But you've cast your lot in with Russia and you can't come back from that because it would mean having to admit your judgment isn't as good as you like to think it is. And that is something your ego just cannot take.

But you've cast your lot in with Russia

Liberals have been sucking Russian cock for 100 years, Hillary loses and they suddenly discover Russia is bad.

If they pass this tax reform clunker it'll be the death of the Republican Party,

Obviously. Because look at the success tax hikers have had in recent history.

GHWB, hiked taxes in 1990, lost in 1992.
Clinton hiked taxes in 1993, lost control of the House and Senate with huge losses of seats.
I mean, 54 seats in the House and 9 in the Senate. Crazy how tax hikes are so popular!!!

The other time in recent history something like that happened was after Obamacare helped
the Dems lose 63 seats in the House in 2010.

Tax cutters do much better.
There you go. It's death to be respsonsible. Growth returned in the early 90s and even in 2012, deficits began declining and growth returned (although the Obamacare taxes didn't really have anything to do with reducing deficits or affecting stimulus)

There you go. It's death to be respsonsible.

When was Clinton ever responsible?
I'd vote for him in a NY minute to replace that loudmouthed ah there now

Yes we know you voted for the enabler of Bill Clinton and did so as you were commanded to do so!
Kosh I voted for GWB in 2000 and quickly changed parties when I realized I had been voting for repub AH's all my life Clinton was a president as was Obama Trump is worse than a pig
Slick Willie isn’t a pig?
If they pass this tax reform clunker it'll be the death of the Republican Party,

Obviously. Because look at the success tax hikers have had in recent history.

GHWB, hiked taxes in 1990, lost in 1992.
Clinton hiked taxes in 1993, lost control of the House and Senate with huge losses of seats.
I mean, 54 seats in the House and 9 in the Senate. Crazy how tax hikes are so popular!!!

The other time in recent history something like that happened was after Obamacare helped
the Dems lose 63 seats in the House in 2010.

Tax cutters do much better.
There you go. It's death to be respsonsible. Growth returned in the early 90s and even in 2012, deficits began declining and growth returned (although the Obamacare taxes didn't really have anything to do with reducing deficits or affecting stimulus)

There you go. It's death to be respsonsible.

When was Clinton ever responsible?
I'd vote for him in a NY minute to replace that loudmouthed ah there now

Yes, because he could magically cause another Internet Bubble, eh?
That was Wall Street ,,,,Clinton was the best president in your lifetime .......unless bj's bother you
Obviously you support his sexual misconduct .
I have an 85 year old widower cousin who is bedridden in a nursing home, and able to remain there because of Medicaid. He will never be ambulatory again, and Medicare does not pay for this. But, the GOP, and Trump, have decided that he is a moocher, and should not be soaking up tax dollars that really should be going to corporations and the rich. I have no idea what will become of him under the new tax bill. As he told me on the phone last month, "With luck, I'll be dead by then".
My mother’s 84 in a nursing home and we pay for her room, Medicare pays the doctors I’m not worried
There you go. It's death to be respsonsible. Growth returned in the early 90s and even in 2012, deficits began declining and growth returned (although the Obamacare taxes didn't really have anything to do with reducing deficits or affecting stimulus)

There you go. It's death to be respsonsible.

When was Clinton ever responsible?
I'd vote for him in a NY minute to replace that loudmouthed ah there now

Yes, because he could magically cause another Internet Bubble, eh?
That was Wall Street ,,,,Clinton was the best president in your lifetime .......unless bj's bother you
Obviously you support his sexual misconduct .
No No I don't.... not from Clinton the alabama ah or the pervert in our WH Trump
Kick all the illegals out of the country. The savings in tax dollars will mean everyone in the country legally will get GOLD STAR medical treatment.
There you go. It's death to be respsonsible.

When was Clinton ever responsible?
I'd vote for him in a NY minute to replace that loudmouthed ah there now

Yes, because he could magically cause another Internet Bubble, eh?
That was Wall Street ,,,,Clinton was the best president in your lifetime .......unless bj's bother you
Obviously you support his sexual misconduct .
No No I don't.... not from Clinton the alabama ah or the pervert in our WH Trump
Well you said you’d vote for sexual harassment Willie! You have no morals then
I'd vote for him in a NY minute to replace that loudmouthed ah there now

Yes, because he could magically cause another Internet Bubble, eh?
That was Wall Street ,,,,Clinton was the best president in your lifetime .......unless bj's bother you
Obviously you support his sexual misconduct .
No No I don't.... not from Clinton the alabama ah or the pervert in our WH Trump
Well you said you’d vote for sexual harassment Willie! You have no morals then
When you live in a glass house you shouldn't throw stones
Yes, because he could magically cause another Internet Bubble, eh?
That was Wall Street ,,,,Clinton was the best president in your lifetime .......unless bj's bother you
Obviously you support his sexual misconduct .
No No I don't.... not from Clinton the alabama ah or the pervert in our WH Trump
Well you said you’d vote for sexual harassment Willie! You have no morals then
When you live in a glass house you shouldn't throw stones
Good thing I don’t
Well, trickle-down failed - so Republicans will now try "trickle-UP"

This is largely because the legislation would eliminate the individual mandate, which requires nearly all Americans to get health insurance or pay a penalty. This would result in 13 million fewer people having coverage in 2027, the CBO found.

Many of the folks who would forgo coverage would have lower or moderate incomes and would have qualified for Medicaid or federal help paying their premiums or out-of-pocket health expenses, CBO found.

Those earning less than $40,000 a year would be worse off in 2025, when the bill's provisions would mostly be in effect, according to the report released Sunday. On the flip side, those with higher incomes would enjoy tax breaks.​

Poor Americans would lose billions under Senate GOP tax bill

So the CBO said nothing of the tax plan and are rehashing Obamacare demagoguery.

As usual, you are blatantly lying.

It's what you Maoists do...

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