CBO: Stimulus saved between 5 to 25 million jobs

It had everything to do with Obama.

He led them right into it.

Sorry to ruin your day.

Presdient Obama couldn't lead his daughters into the kitchen.

But, if this were the case (which it isn't), President Obama would be getting congress to cede some of its powers to him by default. That would be in direct oppostion to the Constituion and the separation of powers.

What do you have Chris ? A strong leader who is a traitor or a milquetoast who does not know any better ?

Either way.....I am sending him a sweatshirt that says "One-Termer" on it.

Obama solved the deficit problem by taking Congress out of the equation.

Good job, Obama.

President Obama is a constitutional scholar :)lol::lol::lol:) which means he is an expert at getting around it.

Good job President Obama.

Still waiting for that chart on unemployment.

And his approval ratings.
It's you're, not your.

No, it was not a waste of money.

When an economy is in a deflationary spiral, the government MUST be the demand of last resort.

The stimulus turned the economy around, and it has been moving slowly in the right direction ever since.

The stimulus was meant to reverse an economic collapse and prime the economic pump with an influx of cash. It was successful at both

What Republicans object to is the stimulus ran it's course and stopped helping the economy.

The Republicans don't want anymore stimulus because they want to destroy the economy, so they can win the next election.
Impressive in the manner you thought that up all by yourself.
You continue to astonish us with your grasp on the facts.
When people start hurling insults, it means they have no ideas left.

Just stating the facts. You obviously don't understand how the system is supposed to work and think our President is brilliant for taking it out of the hands of the officials elected to represent us.

BTW: When people post the same tired useless graphs all time, it is an indicated they never had a clue to begin with.

Obama was elected by more people than anyone in Congress.

I think you don't understand the system.
Umm. The presidential election is a national vote. Of course Obama got more votes.
Amazing grasp at that straw. 2.9 degree of difficulty on that double twist.
Obama was elected by more people than anyone in Congress.

I think you don't understand the system.

Incredible response.

It just shows you don't understand the constitution.

But, we already knew that.

Congress passed the laws that set up the Bush tax cut expiration and the spending cut deadline, and they were signed by President Obama.

I guess you are the one that doesn't understand the Constitution.
That is your problem. In your absence of knowledge regarding the facts, you are forced into a "guess"...
The economy has been growing for three years. The stimulus worked.

Putting a band aid on a shark bite doesn't work, dipshit........

I agree.

The stimulus should have been larger.
yes yes yes. We've all become bored with that song.
It isn't true.
Fact, the stimulus money went to protecting government jobs and silly grants. Such as the one where Japanese quails were given cocaine to see if it heightened their propensity to mate.
Stim money was used to stave the layoffs of police officers in Columbus, OH...The thinking was in time the city could pay the officers. The stim money prevented in part the economy from improving. Along with the housing crunch brought on by government interference in the marketplace. That resulted in falling home values. That caused revenues to cities and towns to nose dive. Hence less money to pay government employees. The stimulus money is gone, we are stuck with the bill and ZERO results to show for our 'investment'...Real slick, these politicians.
Putting a band aid on a shark bite doesn't work, dipshit........

I agree.

The stimulus should have been larger.
yes yes yes. We've all become bored with that song.
It isn't true.
Fact, the stimulus money went to protecting government jobs and silly grants. Such as the one where Japanese quails were given cocaine to see if it heightened their propensity to mate.
Stim money was used to stave the layoffs of police officers in Columbus, OH...The thinking was in time the city could pay the officers. The stim money prevented in part the economy from improving. Along with the housing crunch brought on by government interference in the marketplace. That resulted in falling home values. That caused revenues to cities and towns to nose dive. Hence less money to pay government employees. The stimulus money is gone, we are stuck with the bill and ZERO results to show for our 'investment'...Real slick, these politicians.


If the definition of success is to make a bad situation worse.

The stimulus was extremely successful.
President Barack Obama’s 2009 economic stimulus bill which was passed in Congress during the first month of his Administration and which received opposition from all but three Congressional Republicans has thus far resulted in the employment for 5 million or more Americans according to the Congressional Budget Office’s 2011 third quarter ARRA accounting report released on Tuesday.

“The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” (ARRA) was passed and enacted in February of 2009 and contained approximately $800 billion in stimulus programs, tax cuts and tax incentives to help the economy, which at the time was losing almost one million jobs a month.

In the CBO report, “Estimated Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on Employment and Economic Output from July 2011 Through September 2011,” a breakdown by year shows that the ARRA created or saved from 5 million to 25.4 million jobs from March 2009 through September 2011, as follows:

2009:a low estimate of .9 million jobs to a high estimate of 3.6 million jobs
2010:a low estimate of 2.6 million jobs to a high estimate of 13.2 million jobs
2011:a low estimate of 1.5 million jobs to a high estimate of 8.6 million jobs

In addition, according to the CBO, the stimulus is expected to help create or save another .3million to 2 million jobs in the fourth quarter of 2011, another .8 million to 4.6 million jobs in 2012.

CBO states Obama economic stimulus created or saved 5 million or more jobs - National liberal | Examiner.com

even the lowest estimations are 700,000 jobs.

That would have sent us into a full blown depression if those jobs had not been saved.

Yes the stim should have been bigger.

It would have worked even better than it has worked.

Thanks for admitting it worked.


It worked so well, President Obama is having no problems getting his next round of stimulus passed (under the cover of a jobs bill).

Oh wait....today is reality day.

My mistake. His second bill is going down the toilet.

Sorry TruthSplatters, but your world just does not fit reality.
Putting a band aid on a shark bite doesn't work, dipshit........

Oh, liberals don't look at the whole bite. If most of it is concealed, they just put a few bandaids on the exposed parts and tell everyone it is O.K.

Meanwhile he victim bleeds to death.

It's the liberal way.

Look at the supercommittee failure.

Without the super committee, the spending cuts start automatically in January of 2013.

When the Bush tax cuts expire in December of 2012, Obama won't allow them to be renewed.

Spending cuts + a return to the old tax rates = deficit reduction.

Congress has been taken out of the equation. No treasonous Tea Party/Republicans to mess things up.

An absolutely brilliant move by Obama.
It is the dimwits that are treasonous. Pull your head out of obamaturd's ass and you will see the truth.
The stimulus was meant to reverse an economic collapse and prime the economic pump with an influx of cash. It was successful at both

What Republicans object to is the stimulus ran it's course and stopped helping the economy.

And they are right. Obama and Dems bought their way out of a recession, the correction never happened and so every time the market dip and keep dipping people like you (and Obama) blame Republicans.

A house that used to be worth 1 million that is trying to be sold for 600k for 2 years proves that the correction didn’t happen. The problem is the banks can sit on that house at 600k for years because Bush AND Obama bailed them out. If the correction were allowed to happen that 1 million dollar home would be sold for 200k if that is what people will pay and homes would be selling once again.

But you can't buy votes by letting peoples homes sink in value, because short term that looks bad... Of course the long term is a Depression, you know, the Depression we have been in...

The economy has been growing for three years. The stimulus worked.
Keep believing that idiot.
The first time home buyers tax incentive.

It saved the real estate industry.
Saved the WHAT?!!!!
Shit ,you must be in one of the few markets where homes are selling. They are not selling here. Average days on market is well over 365.
My friend in Downstate NY 35 miles north of NYC has had her condo on the market for over a year with ONE offer. And that was a low ball offer just $5k above what she paid for it 17 years ago. This after the identical unit below hers sold for $216K just four years ago.
Don't tell me a taxpayer funded tax credit saved anything. It COST us money. And benefited the few. Same as that idiotic Cash for Clunkers deal. All that did was COST the taxpayers money and gave the few people who NEEDED a car a taxpayer funded gift. The unintended consequences is a used car market here prices are now 30% higher than before that stupid program. Yeah, THIRTY PERCENT......No good government deed goes unpunished.

Yes indeed. A friend of mine just paid 260K for a home that sold 5 years ago for 780K. Obama definately saved the housing industry here:cuckoo:
Chris just proving how stupid he is.
The automatic cuts are going to be disasterous for this economy.

Reducing the national debt isn't going to help.

This policy is the economic equivalent of bleeding a patient to help him recover from a loss of blood.

The good thing about the automatic cuts is that they don't start until 2013. It's likely by then things will have changed. The economy will be in better shape. The Federal budget will have improved. The political scene will likely be different. They aren't really automatic anyway- Congress can always change its mind.

So long as the patient's recovered, he can stand to lose a little blood. The thing is to keep the doctors away until then.
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President Barack Obama’s 2009 economic stimulus bill which was passed in Congress during the first month of his Administration and which received opposition from all but three Congressional Republicans has thus far resulted in the employment for 5 million or more Americans according to the Congressional Budget Office’s 2011 third quarter ARRA accounting report released on Tuesday.

“The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” (ARRA) was passed and enacted in February of 2009 and contained approximately $800 billion in stimulus programs, tax cuts and tax incentives to help the economy, which at the time was losing almost one million jobs a month.

In the CBO report, “Estimated Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on Employment and Economic Output from July 2011 Through September 2011,” a breakdown by year shows that the ARRA created or saved from 5 million to 25.4 million jobs from March 2009 through September 2011, as follows:

2009:a low estimate of .9 million jobs to a high estimate of 3.6 million jobs
2010:a low estimate of 2.6 million jobs to a high estimate of 13.2 million jobs
2011:a low estimate of 1.5 million jobs to a high estimate of 8.6 million jobs

In addition, according to the CBO, the stimulus is expected to help create or save another .3million to 2 million jobs in the fourth quarter of 2011, another .8 million to 4.6 million jobs in 2012.

CBO states Obama economic stimulus created or saved 5 million or more jobs - National liberal | Examiner.com

Can you cite an example where CBO has been right on anything??

CBO has been wrong on just about everything , including RINO passed legislation..
the blind partisan attacks on any good news for the American people.

the right pleads for US failure

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