CBS, ABC, NBC, andn CNN join msnbc will not air President Trump's July 4th celebration

UPDATE: CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN Join MSNBC... Will Not Air President Trump's July 4th Celebration
President Trump is planning a massive military parade this year in Washington DC for the 4th of July.

Just the fact of disrespect from you pigs is so fknn sickening you really are rabid dogs from another plannet you scum bag pigs!!

When your a nation of pathetic pigs who hate America and controlled media that IDIOT SHEEP don't get what PAID MSM gawd dam means and here it is taring in your fkd up faces!!!

If they would have done this to that bitch Obama omg.........

It's simple. The left-wing leaning news media have been trying to build the narrative that the USA is a bad country, not worthy of even having borders or having any say in who enters here. Their goal is so break down down feelings of national pride, until we are all walking around like flagellants, spitting on our selves, chanting "we aren't worthy."

So when the president hosts a celebration of our nation, it might instill some patriotism and pride and the people might actually push back against illegal immigration, and the left cannot have any of that.
So, do you propose ALL media has to cover the 'parade' via a mandatory order?

Trump could sign an EO demanding ALL media covers his parade.

I guess that would kinda take out the whole 'freedom' & 'independence' thing tho' .............

They are free to cover, or not to cover patriotic celebrations of America,. It helps to identify to the people which news networks present anti-American views and ideology.
UPDATE: CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN Join MSNBC... Will Not Air President Trump's July 4th Celebration
President Trump is planning a massive military parade this year in Washington DC for the 4th of July.

Just the fact of disrespect from you pigs is so fknn sickening you really are rabid dogs from another plannet you scum bag pigs!!

When your a nation of pathetic pigs who hate America and controlled media that IDIOT SHEEP don't get what PAID MSM gawd dam means and here it is taring in your fkd up faces!!!

If they would have done this to that bitch Obama omg.........

Not that it makes much difference anyway as they have so few viewers left.
They are free to cover, or not to cover patriotic celebrations of America,. It helps to identify to the people which news networks present anti-American views and ideology.

Kind of like living in some communist country...such as China, North Korea and Russia. They control all media and narratives.
You appear to be under the delusion that Ds are different from Rs. Wake up please.
Did the D's have a military parade for a dictator who committed crimes, ran from serving, and paid for an illegal election? I don't think so. But I'll wait for your answer.
You can’t really be this uninformed, right?

Do you know how many Ds voted for Donnie’s bloated war budget, all the while complaining that he is mentally unstable and might start WWIII?
So, you excuse Trump by putting all the blame on the Democrats? Got it. But ha, you're still a coward just like Trump because you couldn't answer my questions. How many D's had a parade for a known criminal? How many D's had a parade and a deferment all in one career, while putting kids in cages? How many D's paid for an illegal election?
Where are you getting this shit? Obama put them in cages, but you don’t know that.
Get a clue DA. What Obama did was worlds apart from Trump. Not once did we get reports of long term separation from the parents or being deprived showers or were sleeping on concrete floors. You're a liar.

Next thing you know, Trump will include these kids in his next parade with chains around their necks and his supporters will be holding up photos of the drowned refugees in celebration. You people are sick and disgusting.

You didn't get the reports because they purposely ignored any negative news about Obama. Not because it didn't happen.
It a very good thing all of these media outlets did NOT carry Trump's speech.

Otherwise millions upon millions more would know that Washington's army "took over the airports" in June of 1775


It a very good thing all of these media outlets did NOT carry Trump's speech.

Otherwise millions upon millions more would know that Washington's army "took over the airports" in June of 1775


In our 57th state....
Did the D's have a military parade for a dictator who committed crimes, ran from serving, and paid for an illegal election? I don't think so. But I'll wait for your answer.
You can’t really be this uninformed, right?

Do you know how many Ds voted for Donnie’s bloated war budget, all the while complaining that he is mentally unstable and might start WWIII?
So, you excuse Trump by putting all the blame on the Democrats? Got it. But ha, you're still a coward just like Trump because you couldn't answer my questions. How many D's had a parade for a known criminal? How many D's had a parade and a deferment all in one career, while putting kids in cages? How many D's paid for an illegal election?
Where are you getting this shit? Obama put them in cages, but you don’t know that.
Get a clue DA. What Obama did was worlds apart from Trump. Not once did we get reports of long term separation from the parents or being deprived showers or were sleeping on concrete floors. You're a liar.

Next thing you know, Trump will include these kids in his next parade with chains around their necks and his supporters will be holding up photos of the drowned refugees in celebration. You people are sick and disgusting.

You didn't get the reports because they purposely ignored any negative news about Obama. Not because it didn't happen.

Really? Did you? Where are the reports?
It a very good thing all of these media outlets did NOT carry Trump's speech.

Otherwise millions upon millions more would know that Washington's army "took over the airports" in June of 1775


Trump is a proven liar and a criminal with a military parade abusing children. What a piece of shit;
It a very good thing all of these media outlets did NOT carry Trump's speech.

Otherwise millions upon millions more would know that Washington's army "took over the airports" in June of 1775


In our 57th state....

Lol! That is so stupid.

Your magic negro said it
"Magic negro"? What does that mean? Is that some sort of racist slogan? Well of course it is. What else could one expect from a racist.
Wow. The Salute to America really caused a complete democrat meltdown. I'm glad tosee it.

Yaaaayyyy Trump!
Because it was a salute to Russia.
No. Liberals just hate America and anything celebrating it’s greatness.
There is nothing great when people like you share it with a misogynist, a thief, a cheater, an obstructionist, and a traitor, while caging children at the border. Anyone delusional enough to believe this country is great after that, should have their head examined. That is so fucked up.
They are free to cover, or not to cover patriotic celebrations of America,. It helps to identify to the people which news networks present anti-American views and ideology.

Kind of like living in some communist country...such as China, North Korea and Russia. They control all media and narratives.
That's what Trump wants to do. Why do you think he had this parade?
More for Fox. These media outlets make it too easy for the ratings leader.
Fox, the leader for lies.
You must watch it to know that, right?
You don't have to. You just have to watch posted video links to understand their massive disinformation campaign. Do you folks ever debate anything of substance? Seriously? Attack the messenger and not the message, seems to be their only debating strategy. Pretty pitiful.
I think for myself no matter which station is on.
That would be the vegetable station right?
More for Fox. These media outlets make it too easy for the ratings leader.
Fox, the leader for lies.
You must watch it to know that, right?
You don't have to. You just have to watch posted video links to understand their massive disinformation campaign. Do you folks ever debate anything of substance? Seriously? Attack the messenger and not the message, seems to be their only debating strategy. Pretty pitiful.
I think for myself no matter which station is on.
That would be the vegetable station right?
No, the train station.

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