CBS, ABC, NBC, andn CNN join msnbc will not air President Trump's July 4th celebration

Wow. The Salute to America really caused a complete democrat meltdown. I'm glad tosee it.

Yaaaayyyy Trump!
On the 4th, let’s give thanks to freedom for all the libbie liars here at USMB. Because of our freedoms and patriotism, they are not executed for their falsehoods.

Yeah, but America does come more close to perfection than any other nation. It's something we can work on.
Wow. The Salute to America really caused a complete democrat meltdown. I'm glad tosee it.

Yaaaayyyy Trump!
Except it wasn't a salute to America. It was a salute to pure evil. Thanks for the heads up Republicans. The Dems won't forget it.
On the 4th, let’s give thanks to freedom for all the libbie liars here at USMB. Because of our freedoms and patriotism, they are not executed for their falsehoods.
Or Republicans who are exposed for real falsehoods that have already been proven.
On the 4th, let’s give thanks to freedom for all the libbie liars here at USMB. Because of our freedoms and patriotism, they are not executed for their falsehoods.

Yeah, but America does come more close to perfection than any other nation. It's something we can work on.

The radicals don't want to work on it, they want to destroy it. They can't see any good in our Republic. Slavery in our past means the country has to be destroyed.
I just watched Trump's speech. To summarize, America is already great.

To a certain extent, yes. And that is what we remember on the 4th of July. And Trump did a fantastic job today.

The greatness Trump wants to bring back is manufacturing jobs and industries, military might, bringing jobs back home from abroad... ....he has already given us the greatest unemployment numbers in 50 years, and now for the first time in decades we produce more energy that we use. We are now an exporter, not an importer.. He has done much and there is more to do.
More jobs were created in Obama’s last two years (5.1 million) than in Trump’s first two years (4.9 million). The economic growth today is just a continuation of economic expansion started under Obama.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump swipes progress from Obama era
I just watched Trump's speech. To summarize, America is already great.

To a certain extent, yes. And that is what we remember on the 4th of July. And Trump did a fantastic job today.

The greatness Trump wants to bring back is manufacturing jobs and industries, military might, bringing jobs back home from abroad... ....he has already given us the greatest unemployment numbers in 50 years, and now for the first time in decades we produce more energy that we use. We are now an exporter, not an importer.. He has done much and there is more to do.
More jobs were created in Obama’s last two years (5.1 million) than in Trump’s first two years (4.9 million). The economic growth today is just a continuation of economic expansion started under Obama.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump swipes progress from Obama era
Pure, unadulterated, bald faced, red assed BULL SHIT.

You SHOULD be EMBARRASSED for posting such GARBAGE.
I'm ashamed that people in this country would have a military parade for a want a be dictator who cages children and illegally steals an election.

Well your post confirms that you didn't watch it since you are continuing to parrot the "military parade" talking point that dominated CNN/MSNBC for two entire days prior to the event, which painted the haunting picture of a N. Korean/Chinese-style military parade with a flotilla of tanks and ballistic missiles rolling down the street and troops marching in formation. And if you watched the event, you'd know that it was nothing at all like that. Here's what actually went down since you missed it.

The speech emphasized the fortitude of the founders, who had a vision to create a nation that would stand the test of time; who risked everything to declare our independence from the oppressive monarchy that stifled individual freedom, and the brave American patriots who fought against insurmountable odds to make the dream of freedom and independence a reality.

The speech discussed the history of the military institutions that were critical to our victory in that battle for independence, which evolved into our modern Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard, and how those branches of our armed forces have continued to fight for freedom and liberty, and against oppression around the world. After tracing the origins of each branch to the battle for independence, there was brief flyover by a grouping of 3-4 aircraft currently used by the respective branch (much like you'd see at a pro football game).

He also noted some often overlooked stories of how those branches, who's historic origins were instrumental in our independence, have upheld the ideals of freedom and liberation from oppression, such as the Coast Guard's critical role in D-Day and the liberation of Western Europe, by shuttling troops and equipment during the naval assault at Normandy as part of operation Neptune.

There were a couple of tanks on display for people to see up close and take pictures next to, but they were not moving, nonetheless rolling through the streets of DC as parade flotilla accompanied by ballistic missiles and troops marching in formation, à la N. Korea. It was tastefully done, informative, and historically relevant to the battle for independence that marks the holiday we celebrate on July 4th.

In sum, this was not anything resembling a "military parade" that the non-stop media hysteria predicted it would be. But since you didn't watch it, you don't know that, and so you're here continuing to parrot the false talking point that was force fed to you on repeat for 48 straight hours. You can let that false narrative go now.
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Trump did not get his military parade. After being informed it would cost over 92 million bucks and he would have difficulty getting permission and permits from Washington, DC officials, he fell back on a small scale event with displays of a handful of military vehicles and a speech. Bush's Welcome Home Troops celebration after Desert Storm was much bigger and better.
Trump did not get his military parade. After being informed it would cost over 92 million bucks and he would have difficulty getting permission and permits from Washington, DC officials, he fell back on a small scale event with displays of a handful of military vehicles and a speech. Bush's Welcome Home Troops celebration after Desert Storm was much bigger and better.

Ahhh but evidently you never got the memo that reality is 95% perception s0n. Most folks think Trump paraded out the entire military arsenal yesterday!

And they were celebrating their asses off!:2up:

Top story on DRUDGE this morning >>>

It's not your imagination: Americans are shooting off more fireworks than ever

......Why go to a campaign rally for a whore in a rainstorm. he can hump his vagina afterwards. These right-wingers are after cheap sex, so let them have their sport.
......Who is a "real" American?......

Not you you filthy piece of shit. You call the president a whore and our brave military prostitutes? You are a filthy vermin, scum. YOU are not an American.


Salute your dictator in chief. He'll be the last piece of shit when he's arrested.

Read my signature.
Trump did not get his military parade. After being informed it would cost over 92 million bucks and he would have difficulty getting permission and permits from Washington, DC officials, he fell back on a small scale event with displays of a handful of military vehicles and a speech. Bush's Welcome Home Troops celebration after Desert Storm was much bigger and better.

Ahhh but evidently you never got the memo that reality is 95% perception s0n. Most folks think Trump paraded out the entire military arsenal yesterday!

And they were celebrating their asses off!:2up:

Top story on DRUDGE this morning >>>

It's not your imagination: Americans are shooting off more fireworks than ever

Nobody thinks Trump paraded out our entire military or even had a parade. All the media covered the event with continuous views of the few tanks and vehicles in the fenced-off area reserved for campaign contributors and likely Trump voters. Americans do not need Donald Dork for showing them how to celebrate America's birthday.
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UPDATE: CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN Join MSNBC... Will Not Air President Trump's July 4th Celebration
President Trump is planning a massive military parade this year in Washington DC for the 4th of July.

Just the fact of disrespect from you pigs is so fknn sickening you really are rabid dogs from another plannet you scum bag pigs!!

When your a nation of pathetic pigs who hate America and controlled media that IDIOT SHEEP don't get what PAID MSM gawd dam means and here it is taring in your fkd up faces!!!

If they would have done this to that bitch Obama omg.........
Obama would not have done this. He didn't celebrate WAR.
But because it was a baldfaced maneuver by Trump to have a two and a half hour free campaign ad, I'm glad the major networks refused to play along. And the tanks on the Mall looked retarded.
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......Why go to a campaign rally for a whore in a rainstorm. he can hump his vagina afterwards. These right-wingers are after cheap sex, so let them have their sport.
......Who is a "real" American?......

Not you you filthy piece of shit. You call the president a whore and our brave military prostitutes? You are a filthy vermin, scum. YOU are not an American.


Salute your dictator in chief. He'll be the last piece of shit when he's arrested.

Read my signature.
But he does, or else he would not have held a military parade to hide his crimes to this country and himself. He can only feed off self aggrandizement because his actual record of deferment and impeachable crimes are so abundantly clear, he needs this distraction in order to rile up his cult base, and make them forget the evil that is Trump.

Your signature represents the grotesque hypocrisy and dishonesty by revealing who you are. You are a bad person with no soul, who supports the same. You represent everything evil this country as learned to know. Hopefully we will rid ourselves of this evil.
Wow. The Salute to America really caused a complete democrat meltdown. I'm glad tosee it.

Yaaaayyyy Trump!
Except it wasn't a salute to America. It was a salute to pure evil. Thanks for the heads up Republicans. The Dems won't forget it.
You appear to be under the delusion that Ds are different from Rs. Wake up please.
I'm ashamed that people in this country would have a military parade for a want a be dictator who cages children and illegally steals an election.

Well your post confirms that you didn't watch it since you are continuing to parrot the "military parade" talking point that dominated CNN/MSNBC for two entire days prior to the event, which painted the haunting picture of a N. Korean/Chinese-style military parade with a flotilla of tanks and ballistic missiles rolling down the street and troops marching in formation. And if you watched the event, you'd know that it was nothing at all like that. Here's what actually went down since you missed it.

The speech emphasized the fortitude of the founders, who had a vision to create a nation that would stand the test of time; who risked everything to declare our independence from the oppressive monarchy that stifled individual freedom, and the brave American patriots who fought against insurmountable odds to make the dream of freedom and independence a reality.

The speech discussed the history of the military institutions that were critical to our victory in that battle for independence, which evolved into our modern Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard, and how those branches of our armed forces have continued to fight for freedom and liberty, and against oppression around the world. After tracing the origins of each branch to the battle for independence, there was brief flyover by a grouping of 3-4 aircraft currently used by the respective branch (much like you'd see at a pro football game).

He also noted some often overlooked stories of how those branches, who's historic origins were instrumental in our independence, have upheld the ideals of freedom and liberation from oppression, such as the Coast Guard's critical role in D-Day and the liberation of Western Europe, by shuttling troops and equipment during the naval assault at Normandy as part of operation Neptune.

There were a couple of tanks on display for people to see up close and take pictures next to, but they were not moving, nonetheless rolling through the streets of DC as parade flotilla accompanied by ballistic missiles and troops marching in formation, à la N. Korea. It was tastefully done, informative, and historically relevant to the battle for independence that marks the holiday we celebrate on July 4th.

In sum, this was not anything resembling a "military parade" that the non-stop media hysteria predicted it would be. But since you didn't watch it, you don't know that, and so you're here continuing to parrot the false talking point that was force fed to you on repeat for 48 straight hours. You can let that false narrative go now.
You don't maintain Independence with a want a be dictator, a criminal, and a coward with a deferment. It was an insult to this country, plain and simple. We as a country should be ashamed and embarrassed by this disgusting display, and the timing couldn't have been worse. All this in a time when we keep children in cages. The parade was fake, because Trump is fake. And his followers are incredibly stupid people. This is the sickness of Trump and those who follow.
Wow. The Salute to America really caused a complete democrat meltdown. I'm glad tosee it.

Yaaaayyyy Trump!
Except it wasn't a salute to America. It was a salute to pure evil. Thanks for the heads up Republicans. The Dems won't forget it.
You appear to be under the delusion that Ds are different from Rs. Wake up please.
Did the D's have a military parade for a dictator who committed crimes, ran from serving, and paid for an illegal election? I don't think so. But I'll wait for your answer.

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