They Hate America! MSNBC Will Not Air Coverage Of Trump's 4Th of July Celebration.

No, they simply hate Trump...if anybody hates this country you sorry pile of shit, its white mf's like you that support a man that does nothing but trash this country every chance he gets when he's around his commie white bitches have really lost your fuckin minds over this bastard.
Always remember, boy! White Power will always prevail. We are your Masters!
Trump wants to be seen as a true commander-in-chief, much like his much adored dear leader in N. Korea:

The only real display on the 4th will be trump's narcissism and megalomania.
yOu MuSt BlOw mY pOLtICaL SaViOrS oR YoU h8 AmERiCa! :mad:

Air Trump’s speech or you hate America. You people slay me.

Obama demanded that everyone stay in lock step for him... Now its not ok if your not bashing Trump.. FUCK OFF liberal trash..

When is donny grifter going to say something which isn't a lie or self-indulgence.

Give an example dummy....

Donny grifter in past week.

"The Obama administration was begging for a meeting" with Kim Jong Un.

Donald Trump on Sunday, June 30th, 2019 in a press conference in South Korea

False statement.


California "admitted" there were "a million" illegal votes in the 2016 presidential election.

Donald Trump on Sunday, June 23rd, 2019 in an interview on "Meet the Press"

Pants on Fire lie.
I always found the previous president’s sycophants to be retarded as well. You lickspittles are too blind to see that you’re two of a kind.
You still don't get it....Trump is payback for the left voting for Obama twice....
Air Trump’s speech or you hate America. You people slay me.

Obama demanded that everyone stay in lock step for him... Now its not ok if your not bashing Trump.. FUCK OFF liberal trash..

When is donny grifter going to say something which isn't a lie or self-indulgence.

Give an example dummy....

Donny grifter in past week.

"The Obama administration was begging for a meeting" with Kim Jong Un.

Donald Trump on Sunday, June 30th, 2019 in a press conference in South Korea

False statement.


California "admitted" there were "a million" illegal votes in the 2016 presidential election.

Donald Trump on Sunday, June 23rd, 2019 in an interview on "Meet the Press"

Pants on Fire lie.

Who said the statement was false? Obama staffer?.....the Obama butt love media?......just who are you listening to?.....idiot.....
More donny grifter...

Says the Central Park Five "admitted their guilt."

Donald Trump on Tuesday, June 18th, 2019 in remarks to reporters on the White House South Lawn.


"When I became president, President Obama had a separation policy. I didn’t have it. He had it."

Donald Trump on Thursday, June 20th, 2019 in a Telemundo interview

Repeat Lie.
Air Trump’s speech or you hate America. You people slay me.

Obama demanded that everyone stay in lock step for him... Now its not ok if your not bashing Trump.. FUCK OFF liberal trash..

I know how you sycophants just hate it when others dare not shower President Trump in a constant barrage of praise. The fact that you get so emotional about it is hysterical to me. :lol:
If you were being completely honest you would agree the President Trump has been attacked by the LIB media since he announced his run for President. Every fucking word he says is taken out of context, 'edited' fabricated.
You never gave him a chance b/c he beat HRC from her 'coronation' by the Lib media.
If such a horrible stupid idiot can could beat HRC what the fuck does that say about her and her party's ability to field even a half decent candidate?
The FACT is you and your party are deeply embarrassed and so you react with anger instead of admitting to your failure.
Now you are about to run some fucking Socialist dunce against President Trump. See how that works out.
More donny grifter...

Says the Central Park Five "admitted their guilt."

Donald Trump on Tuesday, June 18th, 2019 in remarks to reporters on the White House South Lawn.


"When I became president, President Obama had a separation policy. I didn’t have it. He had it."

Donald Trump on Thursday, June 20th, 2019 in a Telemundo interview

Repeat Lie.

Lies?....really?.... look up the definition of a lie....retard...
I always found the previous president’s sycophants to be retarded as well. You lickspittles are too blind to see that you’re two of a kind.
You still don't get it....Trump is payback for the left voting for Obama twice....

Trump is President b/c the Democrats nominated the worst candidate in living memory.
Trump is President b/c the Democrats nominated the worst candidate in living memory.
WRONG!!!!! Trump is president because people were terrified and disgusted by Obama's presidency....
Air Trump’s speech or you hate America. You people slay me.

Obama demanded that everyone stay in lock step for him... Now its not ok if your not bashing Trump.. FUCK OFF liberal trash..

I know how you sycophants just hate it when others dare not shower President Trump in a constant barrage of praise. The fact that you get so emotional about it is hysterical to me. :lol:
If you were being completely honest you would agree the President Trump has been attacked by the LIB media since he announced his run for President. Every fucking word he says is taken out of context, 'edited' fabricated.
You never gave him a chance b/c he beat HRC from her 'coronation' by the Lib media.
If such a horrible stupid idiot can could beat HRC what the fuck does that say about her?

The liberal media is treating President Trump the exact same way the conservative media treated President Obama. It’s wonserful watching some of the same ODS folks here rail about TDS. Two peas, one pod.
Yes, I am sure Hillary was a non-factor in the whole affair.
The factor was the damage Obama policies brought on the dem middle class...they jumped to Trump in an attempt to change the course of the nation...and they are still with him....they will stay with him until the dems stop sounding like anti American jackals....

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